b51fd0fe by liding


0 parents
Showing 276 changed files with 19546 additions and 0 deletions
1 {
2 "presets": ["es2015", "stage-2"],
3 "plugins": ["transform-runtime"],
4 "comments": false,
5 "env": {
6 "test": {
7 "plugins": [ "istanbul" ]
8 }
9 }
10 }
1 {
2 "directory" : "src/assets/",
3 "json" : "",
4 "endpoint" : "",
5 "searchpath" : "",
6 "shorthand_resolver" : ""
7 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 root = true
3 [*]
4 charset = utf-8
5 indent_style = space
6 indent_size = 2
7 end_of_line = lf
8 insert_final_newline = true
9 trim_trailing_whitespace = true
1 /node_modules
1 #TpAPI
1 // https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs
2 require('./check-versions')()
3 require('shelljs/global')
4 env.NODE_ENV = 'production'
6 var path = require('path')
7 var config = require('../config')
8 var ora = require('ora')
9 var webpack = require('webpack')
10 var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.prod.conf')
12 console.log(
13 ' Tip:\n' +
14 ' Built files are meant to be served over an HTTP server.\n' +
15 ' Opening index.html over file:// won\'t work.\n'
16 )
18 var spinner = ora('building for production...')
19 spinner.start()
21 var assetsPath = path.join(config.build.assetsRoot, config.build.assetsSubDirectory)
22 rm('-rf', assetsPath)
23 mkdir('-p', assetsPath)
24 cp('-R', 'static/*', assetsPath)
26 webpack(webpackConfig, function (err, stats) {
27 spinner.stop()
28 if (err) throw err
29 process.stdout.write(stats.toString({
30 colors: true,
31 modules: false,
32 children: false,
33 chunks: false,
34 chunkModules: false
35 }) + '\n')
36 })
1 var semver = require('semver')
2 var chalk = require('chalk')
3 var packageConfig = require('../package.json')
4 var exec = function (cmd) {
5 return require('child_process')
6 .execSync(cmd).toString().trim()
7 }
9 var versionRequirements = [
10 {
11 name: 'node',
12 currentVersion: semver.clean(process.version),
13 versionRequirement: packageConfig.engines.node
14 },
15 {
16 name: 'npm',
17 currentVersion: exec('npm --version'),
18 versionRequirement: packageConfig.engines.npm
19 }
20 ]
22 module.exports = function () {
23 var warnings = []
24 for (var i = 0; i < versionRequirements.length; i++) {
25 var mod = versionRequirements[i]
26 if (!semver.satisfies(mod.currentVersion, mod.versionRequirement)) {
27 warnings.push(mod.name + ': ' +
28 chalk.red(mod.currentVersion) + ' should be ' +
29 chalk.green(mod.versionRequirement)
30 )
31 }
32 }
34 if (warnings.length) {
35 console.log('')
36 console.log(chalk.yellow('To use this template, you must update following to modules:'))
37 console.log()
38 for (var i = 0; i < warnings.length; i++) {
39 var warning = warnings[i]
40 console.log(' ' + warning)
41 }
42 console.log()
43 process.exit(1)
44 }
45 }
1 /* eslint-disable */
2 require('eventsource-polyfill')
3 var hotClient = require('webpack-hot-middleware/client?noInfo=true&reload=true')
5 hotClient.subscribe(function (event) {
6 if (event.action === 'reload') {
7 window.location.reload()
8 }
9 })
1 require('./check-versions')()
2 var config = require('../config')
3 if (!process.env.NODE_ENV) process.env.NODE_ENV = JSON.parse(config.dev.env.NODE_ENV)
4 var path = require('path')
5 var express = require('express')
6 var webpack = require('webpack')
7 var opn = require('opn')
8 var proxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware')
9 var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.dev.conf')
11 // default port where dev server listens for incoming traffic
12 var port = process.env.PORT || config.dev.port
13 // Define HTTP proxies to your custom API backend
14 // https://github.com/chimurai/http-proxy-middleware
15 var proxyTable = config.dev.proxyTable
17 var app = express()
18 var compiler = webpack(webpackConfig)
20 var devMiddleware = require('webpack-dev-middleware')(compiler, {
21 publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath,
22 quiet: true
23 })
25 var hotMiddleware = require('webpack-hot-middleware')(compiler, {
26 log: () => {}
27 })
28 // force page reload when html-webpack-plugin template changes
29 compiler.plugin('compilation', function (compilation) {
30 compilation.plugin('html-webpack-plugin-after-emit', function (data, cb) {
31 hotMiddleware.publish({ action: 'reload' })
32 cb()
33 })
34 })
36 // proxy api requests
37 Object.keys(proxyTable).forEach(function (context) {
38 var options = proxyTable[context]
39 if (typeof options === 'string') {
40 options = { target: options }
41 }
42 app.use(proxyMiddleware(context, options))
43 })
45 // handle fallback for HTML5 history API
46 app.use(require('connect-history-api-fallback')())
48 // serve webpack bundle output
49 app.use(devMiddleware)
51 // enable hot-reload and state-preserving
52 // compilation error display
53 app.use(hotMiddleware)
55 // serve pure static assets
56 var staticPath = path.posix.join(config.dev.assetsPublicPath, config.dev.assetsSubDirectory)
57 app.use(staticPath, express.static('./static'))
59 var uri = 'http://localhost:' + port
61 devMiddleware.waitUntilValid(function () {
62 console.log('> Listening at ' + uri + '\n')
63 })
65 module.exports = app.listen(port, function (err) {
66 if (err) {
67 console.log(err)
68 return
69 }
71 // when env is testing, don't need open it
72 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'testing') {
73 opn(uri)
74 }
75 })
1 var path = require('path')
2 var config = require('../config')
3 var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin')
5 exports.assetsPath = function (_path) {
6 var assetsSubDirectory = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
7 ? config.build.assetsSubDirectory
8 : config.dev.assetsSubDirectory
9 return path.posix.join(assetsSubDirectory, _path)
10 }
12 exports.cssLoaders = function (options) {
13 options = options || {}
14 // generate loader string to be used with extract text plugin
15 function generateLoaders (loaders) {
16 var sourceLoader = loaders.map(function (loader) {
17 var extraParamChar
18 if (/\?/.test(loader)) {
19 loader = loader.replace(/\?/, '-loader?')
20 extraParamChar = '&'
21 } else {
22 loader = loader + '-loader'
23 extraParamChar = '?'
24 }
25 return loader + (options.sourceMap ? extraParamChar + 'sourceMap' : '')
26 }).join('!')
28 // Extract CSS when that option is specified
29 // (which is the case during production build)
30 if (options.extract) {
31 return ExtractTextPlugin.extract('vue-style-loader', sourceLoader)
32 } else {
33 return ['vue-style-loader', sourceLoader].join('!')
34 }
35 }
37 // http://vuejs.github.io/vue-loader/en/configurations/extract-css.html
38 return {
39 css: generateLoaders(['css']),
40 postcss: generateLoaders(['css']),
41 less: generateLoaders(['css', 'less']),
42 sass: generateLoaders(['css', 'sass?indentedSyntax']),
43 scss: generateLoaders(['css', 'sass']),
44 stylus: generateLoaders(['css', 'stylus']),
45 styl: generateLoaders(['css', 'stylus'])
46 }
47 }
49 // Generate loaders for standalone style files (outside of .vue)
50 exports.styleLoaders = function (options) {
51 var output = []
52 var loaders = exports.cssLoaders(options)
53 for (var extension in loaders) {
54 var loader = loaders[extension]
55 output.push({
56 test: new RegExp('\\.' + extension + '$'),
57 loader: loader
58 })
59 }
60 return output
61 }
1 var path = require('path')
2 var config = require('../config')
3 var utils = require('./utils')
4 var projectRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../')
6 var env = process.env.NODE_ENV
7 // check env & config/index.js to decide whether to enable CSS source maps for the
8 // various preprocessor loaders added to vue-loader at the end of this file
9 var cssSourceMapDev = (env === 'development' && config.dev.cssSourceMap)
10 var cssSourceMapProd = (env === 'production' && config.build.productionSourceMap)
11 var useCssSourceMap = cssSourceMapDev || cssSourceMapProd
13 module.exports = {
14 entry: {
15 app: './src/main.js'
16 },
17 output: {
18 path: config.build.assetsRoot,
19 publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? config.build.assetsPublicPath : config.dev.assetsPublicPath,
20 filename: '[name].js'
21 },
22 resolve: {
23 extensions: ['', '.js', '.vue', '.json'],
24 fallback: [path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules')],
25 alias: {
26 'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.common.js',
27 'src': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'),
28 'assets': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/assets'),
30 'components': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components'),
32 'common': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components/Common'),
34 'modules': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components/Modules'),
36 'demo': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components/Modules/Demo'),
37 'function': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components/Modules/Function'),
39 'config': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/config'),
40 'store': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/store'),
41 'libs': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/libs'),
42 'util': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/util'),
43 'register': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/register'),
44 'plugins': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/plugins'),
45 'mixin': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/mixin'),
46 }
47 },
48 resolveLoader: {
49 fallback: [path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules')]
50 },
51 module: {
52 loaders: [{
53 test: /\.vue$/,
54 loader: 'vue'
55 }, {
56 test: /\.js$/,
57 loader: 'babel',
58 include: [
59 path.join(projectRoot, 'src')
60 ],
61 exclude: /node_modules/
62 }, {
63 test: /\.json$/,
64 loader: 'json'
65 }, {
66 test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/,
67 loader: 'url',
68 query: {
69 limit: 10000,
70 name: utils.assetsPath('img/[name].[hash:7].[ext]')
71 }
72 }, {
73 test: /\.(woff2?|eot|ttf|otf)(\?.*)?$/,
74 loader: 'url',
75 query: {
76 limit: 10000,
77 name: utils.assetsPath('fonts/[name].[hash:7].[ext]')
78 }
79 }]
80 },
81 vue: {
82 loaders: utils.cssLoaders({
83 sourceMap: useCssSourceMap
84 }),
85 postcss: [
86 require('autoprefixer')({
87 browsers: ['last 2 versions']
88 })
89 ]
90 }
91 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 var config = require('../config')
2 var webpack = require('webpack')
3 var merge = require('webpack-merge')
4 var utils = require('./utils')
5 var baseWebpackConfig = require('./webpack.base.conf')
6 var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
7 var FriendlyErrors = require('friendly-errors-webpack-plugin')
9 // add hot-reload related code to entry chunks
10 Object.keys(baseWebpackConfig.entry).forEach(function(name) {
11 baseWebpackConfig.entry[name] = ['./build/dev-client'].concat(baseWebpackConfig.entry[name])
12 })
14 module.exports = merge(baseWebpackConfig, {
15 module: {
16 loaders: utils.styleLoaders({
17 sourceMap: config.dev.cssSourceMap
18 })
19 },
20 // eval-source-map is faster for development
21 devtool: '#eval-source-map',
22 plugins: [
23 new webpack.DefinePlugin({
24 'process.env': config.dev.env
25 }),
26 // https://github.com/glenjamin/webpack-hot-middleware#installation--usage
27 new webpack.optimize.OccurrenceOrderPlugin(),
28 new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
29 new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(),
30 // https://github.com/ampedandwired/html-webpack-plugin
31 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
32 filename: 'index.html',
33 template: 'index.html',
34 inject: true
35 }),
36 new FriendlyErrors()
37 ]
38 })
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 var path = require('path')
2 var config = require('../config')
3 var utils = require('./utils')
4 var webpack = require('webpack')
5 var merge = require('webpack-merge')
6 var baseWebpackConfig = require('./webpack.base.conf')
7 var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin')
8 var HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
9 var env = config.build.env
11 var webpackConfig = merge(baseWebpackConfig, {
12 module: {
13 loaders: utils.styleLoaders({
14 sourceMap: config.build.productionSourceMap,
15 extract: true
16 })
17 },
18 devtool: config.build.productionSourceMap ? '#source-map' : false,
19 output: {
20 path: config.build.assetsRoot,
21 filename: utils.assetsPath('js/[name].[chunkhash].js'),
22 chunkFilename: utils.assetsPath('js/[id].[chunkhash].js')
23 },
24 vue: {
25 loaders: utils.cssLoaders({
26 sourceMap: config.build.productionSourceMap,
27 extract: true
28 })
29 },
30 plugins: [
31 // http://vuejs.github.io/vue-loader/en/workflow/production.html
32 new webpack.DefinePlugin({
33 'process.env': env
34 }),
35 new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
36 compress: {
37 warnings: false
38 }
39 }),
40 new webpack.optimize.OccurrenceOrderPlugin(),
41 // extract css into its own file
42 new ExtractTextPlugin(utils.assetsPath('css/[name].[contenthash].css')),
43 // generate dist index.html with correct asset hash for caching.
44 // you can customize output by editing /index.html
45 // see https://github.com/ampedandwired/html-webpack-plugin
46 new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
47 filename: config.build.index,
48 template: 'index.html',
49 inject: true,
50 minify: {
51 removeComments: true,
52 collapseWhitespace: true,
53 removeAttributeQuotes: true
54 // more options:
55 // https://github.com/kangax/html-minifier#options-quick-reference
56 },
57 // necessary to consistently work with multiple chunks via CommonsChunkPlugin
58 chunksSortMode: 'dependency'
59 }),
60 // split vendor js into its own file
61 new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
62 name: 'vendor',
63 minChunks: function(module, count) {
64 // any required modules inside node_modules are extracted to vendor
65 return (
66 module.resource &&
67 /\.js$/.test(module.resource) &&
68 module.resource.indexOf(
69 path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules')
70 ) === 0
71 )
72 }
73 }),
74 // extract webpack runtime and module manifest to its own file in order to
75 // prevent vendor hash from being updated whenever app bundle is updated
76 new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
77 name: 'manifest',
78 chunks: ['vendor']
79 })
80 ]
81 })
83 if (config.build.productionGzip) {
84 var CompressionWebpackPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin')
86 webpackConfig.plugins.push(
87 new CompressionWebpackPlugin({
88 asset: '[path].gz[query]',
89 algorithm: 'gzip',
90 test: new RegExp(
91 '\\.(' +
92 config.build.productionGzipExtensions.join('|') +
93 ')$'
94 ),
95 threshold: 10240,
96 minRatio: 0.8
97 })
98 )
99 }
101 module.exports = webpackConfig
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 var merge = require('webpack-merge')
2 var prodEnv = require('./prod.env')
4 module.exports = merge(prodEnv, {
5 NODE_ENV: '"development"'
6 })
1 // see http://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack for documentation.
2 var path = require('path');
4 module.exports = {
5 build: {
6 env: require('./prod.env'),
7 index: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist/index.html'),
8 assetsRoot: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dist'),
9 assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
10 assetsPublicPath: './',
11 productionSourceMap: true,
12 // Gzip off by default as many popular static hosts such as
13 // Surge or Netlify already gzip all static assets for you.
14 // Before setting to `true`, make sure to:
15 // npm install --save-dev compression-webpack-plugin
16 productionGzip: false,
17 productionGzipExtensions: ['js', 'css']
18 },
19 dev: {
20 env: require('./dev.env'),
21 port: 8090,
22 assetsSubDirectory: 'static',
23 assetsPublicPath: '/',
24 proxyTable: {
25 '/vuedemo': {
26 target: '',
27 changeOrigin: true,
28 pathRewrite: {
29 '^/vuedemo': '/vuedemo'
30 }
31 }
32 },
33 // CSS Sourcemaps off by default because relative paths are "buggy"
34 // with this option, according to the CSS-Loader README
35 // (https://github.com/webpack/css-loader#sourcemaps)
36 // In our experience, they generally work as expected,
37 // just be aware of this issue when enabling this option.
38 cssSourceMap: false
39 }
40 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 NODE_ENV: '"production"'
3 }
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
4 <head>
5 <meta charset="utf-8">
6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
7 <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css">
8 <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/libs/wangeditor/css/wangEditor.min.css">
9 <link rel="stylesheet" href="static/libs/highlight/styles/github.css">
10 <title>API管理</title>
11 <style>
12 * {
13 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
14 -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
15 box-sizing: border-box;
16 margin: 0px;
17 padding: 0px;
18 }
19 </style>
20 </head>
22 <body>
23 <div id="app"></div>
25 <script src='static/libs/jquery/jquery.min.js'></script>
26 <script src='static/libs/wangeditor/js/wangEditor.js'></script>
27 <script src='static/libs/highlight/highlight.pack.min.js'></script>
28 <script src='static/libs/highlight/highlightjs-line-numbers.min.js'></script>
29 <script>
30 $(function() {
32 });
33 </script>
34 </body>
36 </html>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 {
2 "name": "vuepro",
3 "version": "1.0.0",
4 "description": "vuepro",
5 "author": "test",
6 "private": true,
7 "scripts": {
8 "dev": "node build/dev-server.js",
9 "build": "node build/build.js"
10 },
11 "dependencies": {
12 "axios": "^0.15.3",
13 "css-loader": "^0.25.0",
14 "echarts": "^3.3.2",
15 "element-ui": "^1.1.2",
16 "font-awesome": "^4.7.0",
17 "iview": "^2.0.0-rc.10",
18 "less": "^2.7.2",
19 "less-loader": "^2.2.3",
20 "nprogress": "^0.2.0",
21 "vue": "^2.1.0",
22 "vue-axios": "^1.2.2",
23 "vue-bus": "^0.3.0",
24 "vue-router": "^2.1.1",
25 "vuex": "^2.1.1",
26 "wangeditor": "^2.1.22"
27 },
28 "devDependencies": {
29 "autoprefixer": "^6.4.0",
30 "babel-core": "^6.0.0",
31 "babel-loader": "^6.0.0",
32 "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "^6.0.0",
33 "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.0.0",
34 "babel-preset-stage-2": "^6.0.0",
35 "babel-register": "^6.0.0",
36 "chalk": "^1.1.3",
37 "connect-history-api-fallback": "^1.1.0",
38 "css-loader": "^0.25.0",
39 "eventsource-polyfill": "^0.9.6",
40 "express": "^4.13.3",
41 "extract-text-webpack-plugin": "^1.0.1",
42 "file-loader": "^0.9.0",
43 "friendly-errors-webpack-plugin": "^1.1.2",
44 "function-bind": "^1.0.2",
45 "html-webpack-plugin": "^2.8.1",
46 "http-proxy-middleware": "^0.17.2",
47 "json-loader": "^0.5.4",
48 "semver": "^5.3.0",
49 "opn": "^4.0.2",
50 "ora": "^0.3.0",
51 "shelljs": "^0.7.4",
52 "url-loader": "^0.5.7",
53 "vue-loader": "^10.0.0",
54 "vue-style-loader": "^1.0.0",
55 "vue-template-compiler": "^2.1.0",
56 "webpack": "^1.13.2",
57 "webpack-dev-middleware": "^1.8.3",
58 "webpack-hot-middleware": "^2.12.2",
59 "webpack-merge": "^0.14.1"
60 },
61 "engines": {
62 "node": ">= 4.0.0",
63 "npm": ">= 3.0.0"
64 }
65 }
1 <template>
2 <div id="app">
3 <head-nav></head-nav>
4 <transition >
5 <router-view></router-view>
6 </transition>
7 </div>
8 </template>
10 <script>
11 import Layout from './components/Layout/';
12 export default {
13 name: 'app',
14 components: Layout,
15 methods:{
17 },
18 mounted(){
20 },
21 watch:{
22 $route(to,from){
23 // console.log(to);
24 if (!to.matched.length) {
25 this.$router.push('/404');
26 }
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 </script>
31 <style scoped lang='less'>
32 .bounce-enter-active {
33 animation: bounce-in .5s;
34 -webkit-animation:bounce-in .5s;
35 }
37 .bounce-leave-active {
38 animation: bounce-out .2s;
39 -webkit-animation: bounce-out .2s;
40 }
42 @keyframes bounce-in {
43 0% {
44 transform: scale(0);
45 }
46 50% {
47 transform: scale(1.05);
48 }
49 100% {
50 transform: scale(1);
51 }
52 }
54 @keyframes bounce-out {
55 0% {
56 transform: scale(1);
57 }
58 50% {
59 transform: scale(0.95);
60 }
61 100% {
62 transform: scale(0);
63 }
64 }
65 </style>
1 html,
2 body,
3 h1,
4 h2,
5 h3,
6 h4,
7 h5,
8 h6,
9 div,
10 dl,
11 dt,
12 dd,
13 ul,
14 ol,
15 li,
16 p,
17 blockquote,
18 pre,
19 hr,
20 figure,
21 table,
22 caption,
23 th,
24 td,
25 form,
26 fieldset,
27 legend,
28 input,
29 button,
30 textarea,
31 menu {
32 margin: 0;
33 padding: 0;
34 }
36 header,
37 footer,
38 section,
39 article,
40 aside,
41 nav,
42 hgroup,
43 address,
44 figure,
45 figcaption,
46 menu,
47 details {
48 display: block;
49 }
51 table {
52 border-collapse: collapse;
53 border-spacing: 0;
54 }
56 caption,
57 th {
58 text-align: left;
59 font-weight: normal;
60 }
62 html,
63 body,
64 fieldset,
65 img,
66 iframe,
67 abbr {
68 border: 0;
69 }
71 i,
72 cite,
73 em,
74 var,
75 address,
76 dfn {
77 font-style: normal;
78 }
80 [hidefocus],
81 summary {
82 outline: 0;
83 }
85 li {
86 list-style: none;
87 }
89 h1,
90 h2,
91 h3,
92 h4,
93 h5,
94 h6,
95 small {
96 font-size: 100%;
97 }
99 q:before,
100 q:after {
101 content: none;
102 }
104 textarea {
105 overflow: auto;
106 resize: none;
107 }
109 label,
110 summary {
111 cursor: default;
112 }
114 a,
115 button {
116 cursor: pointer;
117 }
119 blockquote {
120 display: block;
121 -webkit-margin-before: 1em;
122 -webkit-margin-after: 1em;
123 -webkit-margin-start: 40px;
124 -webkit-margin-end: 40px;
125 padding: 10px 20px;
126 margin: 0 0 20px;
127 font-size: 17.5px;
128 border-left: 5px solid #eeeeee;
129 font-size: 12px;
130 color: #407aaa;
131 }
133 .clear {
134 clear: both;
135 height: 0;
136 line-height: 0;
137 font-size: 0;
138 }
140 .code {
141 font-size: 12px;
142 color: #595959;
143 border: 1px dashed #cecfcf;
144 background-color: #f5f6f7;
145 padding: 6px 12px;
146 margin-top: 10px;
147 margin-bottom: 10px;
148 }
150 .code pre {
151 border: 0px;
152 color: #595959;
153 font-family: Tahoma, "SimSun"!important;
154 font-weight: 100;
155 line-height: 24px;
156 font-size: 12px;
157 white-space: pre-wrap;
158 word-wrap: break-word;
159 }
161 .layout {
162 /*border: 1px solid #d7dde4;*/
163 background: #f5f7f9;
164 }
166 .layout-breadcrumb {
167 margin-bottom: 5px;
168 border: 1px solid #f5f7f9;
169 background: #fff;
170 }
172 .layout-assistant {
173 width: 100%;
174 margin: 0 auto;
175 height: 50px;
176 line-height: 50px;
177 background: #B0C4DE;
178 /*background: #657180;*/
179 }
181 .layout-assistant .layout-assistant-content {
182 width: 95%;
183 margin: 0 auto;
184 padding-top: 10px;
185 }
187 .ass-input {
188 width: 300px;
189 float: right;
190 }
192 .layout-content {
193 min-height: 500px;
194 margin: 15px auto;
195 width: 95%;
196 overflow: hidden;
197 border-radius: 6px;
198 background: #fff;
199 box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
200 }
202 .layout-content-main {
203 padding: 10px 10px 0 20px;
204 background: #fff;
205 }
207 .layout-content-main:after {
208 content: "";
209 display: block;
210 width: 1px;
211 background: #d7dde4;
212 position: absolute;
213 top: 0;
214 bottom: 0;
215 left: -1px;
216 }
218 .layout-copy {
219 text-align: center;
220 background: #fff;
221 padding: 10px 0 20px;
222 color: #9ea7b4;
223 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class='bread'>
3 <strong>
4 {{strong}}
5 </strong>
6 <Breadcrumb separator="/" class='el-bread'>
7 <Breadcrumb-item href="{ path: '/' }">首页</Breadcrumb-item>
8 <Breadcrumb-item v-for='(item,index) in $route.matched'>{{item.name}}</Breadcrumb-item>
9 </Breadcrumb>
10 </div>
11 </template>
13 <script>
14 export default {
15 name: 'bread',
16 data () {
17 return {
18 strong:''
19 }
20 },
21 methods:{
22 getPageText(name){
23 return name=name.replace('编辑',this.$route.query.id ? '修改' : '添加');
24 }
25 },
26 mounted(){
28 },
29 created(){
30 if (this.$route.matched.length) {
31 var name=this.$route.matched[this.$route.matched.length-1].name;
32 this.strong=this.getPageText(name);
33 }
34 },
35 watch:{
36 $route(to,from){
37 this.strong=this.getPageText(to.name);
38 }
39 }
40 }
41 </script>
43 <style scoped lang='less'>
44 .bread{
45 height: 40px;
46 line-height: 26px;
47 .el-bread{
48 display: inline-block;
49 float: right;
50 text-align: right;
51 line-height: 26px;
52 }
53 }
54 </style>
1 module.exports = {
2 name: 'dialog-info',
3 data() {
4 return {
5 dialog: this.Dialog || {}
6 }
7 },
8 methods: {
9 onClose() {
10 this.dialog.show = false;
11 }
12 },
14 computed: {
15 show() {
16 return this.dialog.show;
17 }
18 },
20 mounted() {
21 // console.log(this.Show);
22 },
24 /**
25 * 接收参数
26 * @type {Object}
27 */
28 props: {
29 Dialog: {
30 type: Object,
31 validator: (v) => {
32 return true;
33 }
34 }
35 },
38 /**
39 * 监控参数
40 * @type {Object}
41 */
42 watch: {
44 }
45 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class="">
3 <el-dialog size="tiny"
4 :title="dialog.title"
5 v-model="show"
6 @close='onClose'>
7 <el-form style="margin:20px;width:60%;min-width:100%"
8 label-width="100px">
9 <el-form-item class='edit-form'
10 v-for='field in dialog.fields'
11 :label='field.label'>
12 {{dialog.data[field.key]}}
13 </el-form-item>
14 </el-form>
15 <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
16 <el-button type="primary" @click="onClose">关 闭</el-button>
17 </span>
18 </el-dialog>
19 </div>
20 </template>
22 <script>
23 import DialogInfoJs from './DialogInfo.js';
24 module.exports=DialogInfoJs;
25 </script>
26 <style scoped lang='less'>
27 .demo-form-inline{
28 display: inline-block;
29 float: right;
30 }
31 .btm-action{
32 margin-top: 20px;
33 text-align: center;
34 }
35 .actions-top{
36 height: 46px;
37 }
38 .pagination{
39 display: inline-block;
40 }
41 </style>
1 import DialogInfo from './DialogInfo.vue';
2 module.exports = DialogInfo;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import echarts from 'echarts';
2 module.exports = {
3 name: 'echarts',
4 data() {
5 return {
6 chartDom: null,
7 data: {
8 id: this.id,
9 title: this.title,
10 subtext: this.subtext,
11 hover_title: this.hoverTitle,
12 text_list: this.textList,
13 value_list: this.valueList
14 },
15 }
16 },
17 methods: {
18 init() {
19 //基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例
20 if (this.data.id) {
21 this.chartDom = echarts.init(document.getElementById(this.data.id));
22 }
23 return this;
24 },
25 update() {
26 if (this.chartDom === null) {
27 this.init();
28 }
30 if (this.chartDom) {
31 this.chartDom.setOption({
32 title: {
33 text: this.data.title,
34 subtext: this.data.subtext
35 },
36 tooltip: {},
37 xAxis: {
38 data: this.data.text_list
39 },
40 yAxis: {},
41 series: [{
42 name: this.data.hover_title,
43 type: 'bar',
44 data: this.data.value_list
45 }]
46 });
47 }
48 }
49 },
50 mounted: function() {
51 this.init()
52 .update(this.data);
53 },
54 props: {
55 id: [String],
56 title: [String, Number],
57 subtext: [String, Number],
58 hoverTitle: [String, Number],
59 textList: {
60 type: Array,
61 required: true
62 },
63 valueList: {
64 type: Array,
65 required: true
66 }
67 },
68 watch: {
69 valueList(v) {
70 this.data.value_list = v;
71 this.update();
72 },
73 textList(v) {
74 this.data.text_list = v;
75 this.update();
76 },
77 title(v) {
78 this.data.title = v;
79 this.update();
80 },
81 subtext(v) {
82 this.data.subtext = v;
83 this.update();
84 },
85 hoverTitle(v) {
86 this.data.hover_title = v;
87 this.update();
88 }
89 }
90 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <section class="chart">
3 <el-row>
4 <el-col :span="24">
5 <div :id="data.id" style="width:100%; height:400px;"></div>
6 </el-col>
7 </el-row>
8 </section>
9 </template>
10 <script>
11 import DefaultJs from './Default.js';
12 module.exports=DefaultJs;
13 </script>
14 <style scoped>
16 </style>
1 import Default from './Default.vue';
2 module.exports = Default;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import echarts from 'echarts';
2 module.exports = {
3 name: 'echarts',
4 data() {
5 return {
6 chartDom: null,
7 data: {},
8 }
9 },
10 methods: {
11 init() {
12 //基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例
13 this.chartDom = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartDom'));
14 return this;
15 },
16 update() {
17 if (this.chartDom === null) {
18 this.init();
19 }
20 this.chartDom.setOption({
21 title: {
22 text: 'Bar Chart',
23 subtext: '数据来自网络'
24 },
25 tooltip: {
26 trigger: 'axis',
27 axisPointer: {
28 type: 'shadow'
29 }
30 },
31 legend: {
32 data: ['2011年', '2012年']
33 },
34 grid: {
35 left: '3%',
36 right: '4%',
37 bottom: '3%',
38 containLabel: true
39 },
40 xAxis: {
41 type: 'value',
42 boundaryGap: [0, 0.01]
43 },
44 yAxis: {
45 type: 'category',
46 data: ['巴西', '印尼', '美国', '印度', '中国', '世界人口(万)']
47 },
48 series: [{
49 name: '2011年',
50 type: 'bar',
51 data: [18203, 23489, 29034, 104970, 131744, 630230]
52 }, {
53 name: '2012年',
54 type: 'bar',
55 data: [19325, 23438, 31000, 121594, 134141, 681807]
56 }]
57 });
58 }
59 },
60 mounted: function() {
61 this.init()
62 .update(this.data);
63 }
64 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <section class="chart">
3 <el-row>
4 <el-col :span="24">
5 <div id="chartDom" style="width:100%; height:400px;"></div>
6 </el-col>
7 </el-row>
8 </section>
9 </template>
10 <script>
11 import HorizontalJs from './Horizontal.js';
12 module.exports=HorizontalJs;
13 </script>
14 <style scoped>
16 </style>
1 import Horizontal from './Horizontal.vue';
2 module.exports = Horizontal;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 Default: require('./Default/'),
3 Horizontal: require('./Horizontal/')
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import echarts from 'echarts';
2 module.exports = {
3 name: 'echarts',
4 data() {
5 return {
6 chartDom: null,
7 data: {
8 title: '垂直方向柱状标题',
9 subtext: '子标题描述信息',
10 },
11 }
12 },
13 methods: {
14 init() {
15 //基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例
16 this.chartDom = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chartDom'));
17 return this;
18 },
19 update() {
20 if (this.chartDom === null) {
21 this.init();
22 }
23 this.chartDom.setOption({
24 title: {
25 text: 'Line Chart'
26 },
27 tooltip: {
28 trigger: 'axis'
29 },
30 legend: {
31 data: ['邮件营销', '联盟广告', '搜索引擎']
32 },
33 grid: {
34 left: '3%',
35 right: '4%',
36 bottom: '3%',
37 containLabel: true
38 },
39 xAxis: {
40 type: 'category',
41 boundaryGap: false,
42 data: ['周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五', '周六', '周日']
43 },
44 yAxis: {
45 type: 'value'
46 },
47 series: [{
48 name: '邮件营销',
49 type: 'line',
50 stack: '总量',
51 data: [120, 132, 101, 134, 90, 230, 210]
52 }, {
53 name: '联盟广告',
54 type: 'line',
55 stack: '总量',
56 data: [220, 182, 191, 234, 290, 330, 310]
57 }, {
58 name: '搜索引擎',
59 type: 'line',
60 stack: '总量',
61 data: [820, 932, 901, 934, 1290, 1330, 1320]
62 }]
63 });
64 }
65 },
66 mounted: function() {
67 this.init()
68 .update();
69 }
70 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <section class="chart">
3 <el-row>
4 <el-col :span="24">
5 <div id="chartDom" style="width:100%; height:400px;"></div>
6 </el-col>
7 </el-row>
8 </section>
9 </template>
10 <script>
11 import DefaultJs from './Default.js';
12 module.exports=DefaultJs;
13 </script>
14 <style scoped>
16 </style>
1 import Default from './Default.vue';
2 module.exports = Default;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 Default: require('./Default/')
3 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import echarts from 'echarts';
2 module.exports = {
3 name: 'echarts',
4 data() {
5 return {
6 chartDom: null,
7 data: {
8 id: this.id,
9 title: this.title,
10 subtext: this.subtext,
11 hover_title: this.hoverTitle,
12 data_list: this.dataList,
13 text_list: []
14 },
15 }
16 },
17 methods: {
18 init() {
19 //基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例
20 if (this.data.id) {
21 this.chartDom = echarts.init(document.getElementById(this.data.id));
22 }
23 return this;
24 },
25 update() {
26 if (this.chartDom === null) {
27 this.init();
28 }
29 this.chartDom.setOption({
30 title: {
31 text: this.data.title,
32 subtext: this.data.subtext,
33 x: 'center'
34 },
35 tooltip: {
36 trigger: 'item',
37 formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)"
38 },
39 legend: {
40 orient: 'vertical',
41 left: 'left',
42 data: this.data.text_list
43 },
44 series: [{
45 name: this.data.hover_title,
46 type: 'pie',
47 radius: '55%',
48 // center: ['50%', '60%'],
49 data: this.data.data_list,
50 itemStyle: {
51 emphasis: {
52 shadowBlur: 10,
53 shadowOffsetX: 0,
54 shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
55 }
56 }
57 }]
58 });
59 },
61 updateTextList() {
62 var data = this.data.data_list;
63 this.data.text_list = [];
64 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
65 this.data.text_list.push(data[i].name);
66 }
67 return this;
68 }
69 },
70 mounted: function() {
71 this.updateTextList()
72 .init()
73 .update();
74 },
75 props: {
76 id: {
77 type: String,
78 required: true
79 },
80 title: [String, Number],
81 subtext: [String, Number],
82 hoverTitle: [String, Number],
83 dataList: {
84 type: Array,
85 required: true
86 }
87 },
88 watch: {
89 dataList(v) {
90 this.data.value_list = v;
91 this.updateTextList().update();
92 },
93 title(v) {
94 this.data.title = v;
95 this.update();
96 },
97 subtext(v) {
98 this.data.subtext = v;
99 this.update();
100 },
101 hoverTitle(v) {
102 this.data.hover_title = v;
103 this.update();
104 }
105 }
106 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <section class="chart">
3 <el-row>
4 <el-col :span="24">
5 <div :id="data.id" style="width:100%; height:400px;"></div>
6 </el-col>
7 </el-row>
8 </section>
9 </template>
10 <script>
11 import DefaultJs from './Default.js';
12 module.exports=DefaultJs;
13 </script>
14 <style scoped>
16 </style>
1 import Default from './Default.vue';
2 module.exports = Default;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 Default: require('./Default/')
3 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 Bar: require('./Bar/'),
3 Pie: require('./Pie/'),
4 Line: require('./Line/')
5 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 name: 'list',
3 data() {
4 return {
5 checkall_temp: '_checkall_temp',
7 fields: this.FieldList || [],
8 editor: this.Editor || {},
9 submit_data: this.DefaultValue || {},
10 rules: this.Rules || {},
12 /**
13 * 富文本编辑器信息
14 * @type {Object}
15 */
16 wangEditor: {
17 //存富文本实例的对象,支持多个
18 //key为富文本对象ID,value为实例
19 editor: {},
20 //默认为单个编辑器,如果为多个,此值为true,因为多个编辑器时,地图菜单不可用
21 many: false,
22 has: false,
23 //默认显示菜单,支持自定义
24 bar: [
25 'source', '|',
26 'bold',
27 'underline',
28 'italic',
29 'strikethrough',
30 'eraser',
31 'forecolor',
32 'bgcolor', '|',
33 'quote',
34 'fontfamily',
35 'fontsize',
36 'head',
37 'unorderlist',
38 'orderlist',
39 'alignleft',
40 'aligncenter',
41 'alignright', '|',
42 'link',
43 'unlink',
44 'table',
45 'emotion', '|',
46 'img',
47 'video',
48 // 'location',
49 'insertcode', '|',
50 'undo',
51 'redo',
52 'fullscreen'
53 ],
54 temp: {
56 },
57 },
58 }
59 },
60 methods: {
61 /**
62 * 初始化编辑器
63 * @param {string} id 编辑器ID属性
64 * @param {object} config 初始化配置
65 * @return {object} 所有编辑器所在对象,属性已ID为key
66 */
67 initEditor(id, config) {
68 if (id) {
69 this.wangEditor.editor[id] = new wangEditor(id);
70 this.wangEditor.temp[id] = {
71 html: '',
72 text: ''
73 };
74 }
75 this.configEditor(id, config).eventEditor(id).createEditor(id);
76 },
79 /**
80 * 配置编辑器参数
81 * @param {string} id 编辑器ID
82 * @param {object} config 编辑器配置信息
83 */
84 configEditor(id, config) {
85 if (id && config) {
86 this.wangEditor.editor[id].config.uploadImgFileName = config.name || this.editor.name || 'sls-admin';
87 this.wangEditor.editor[id].config.uploadImgUrl = config.url || this.editor.url || '';
88 this.wangEditor.editor[id].config.uploadParams = config.params || this.editor.params || {};
90 /**
91 * 显示的菜单,分四种情况
92 * 1-只传显示的菜单,直接赋值
93 * 2-只传隐藏的菜单,过滤不需要显示的
94 * 3-显示隐藏都传了,显示优先级高于隐藏优先级
95 * 4-啥都不传,取默认全部显示
96 * @type {object}
97 */
98 if (Array.isArray(config.show_bar) && config.show_bar.length) {
99 var bar = config.show_bar;
100 } else if (Array.isArray(config.hide_bar) && config.hide_bar.length) {
101 var bar = this.wangEditor.bar.filter((item) => {
102 return config.hide_bar.indexOf(item) === -1;
103 });
104 } else if (Array.isArray(this.editor.show_bar) && this.editor.show_bar.length) {
105 var bar = this.editor.show_bar;
106 } else if (Array.isArray(this.editor.hide_bar) && this.editor.hide_bar.length) {
107 var bar = this.wangEditor.bar.filter((item) => {
108 return this.editor.hide_bar.indexOf(item) === -1;
109 });
110 } else {
111 var bar = this.wangEditor.bar;
112 }
114 if (this.wangEditor.many === true && bar.indexOf('location') !== -1) {
115 var bar = bar.splice(bar.indexOf('location'), 1);
116 }
118 this.wangEditor.editor[id].config.menus = bar;
119 }
121 return this;
122 },
125 /**
126 * 编辑器常用事件
127 * @param {string} id 编辑器ID
128 */
129 eventEditor(id) {
130 var self = this;
131 this.wangEditor.editor[id].config.uploadImgFns.onload = function(data) {
132 if (data.status === 200) {
133 var originalName = this.uploadImgOriginalName || '';
135 this.command(null, 'insertHtml', '<img src="' + data.data.fileinfo.getSaveName + '" alt="' + originalName + '" style="max-width:100%;"/>');
136 } else {
137 if (data.status === 404) {
138 self.$message.error('上传错误信息:token无效!');
139 } else {
140 self.$message.error('上传错误信息:' + data.msg);
141 }
142 }
144 };
146 this.wangEditor.editor[id].config.uploadImgFns.onerror = (xhr) => {
147 this.$message.error('上传错误信息:网络错误!');
148 };
150 this.wangEditor.editor[id].onchange = function() {
151 var text = this.$txt.text().replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""),
152 html = this.$txt.html();
154 self.wangEditor.temp[id].html = html;
155 self.wangEditor.temp[id].text = text;
157 self.$emit('onEditorChange', {
158 id,
159 data: {
160 html,
161 text
162 }
163 });
164 };
166 return this;
167 },
170 /**
171 * 创建编辑器
172 * @param {string} id 编辑器ID
173 */
174 createEditor(id) {
175 this.wangEditor.editor[id].create();
176 },
179 /**
180 * 从字段列表中提取出来表单字段
181 * @return {object} [表单需要的字段]
182 */
183 deepObj() {
184 if (this.fields) {
185 var fields = this.fields,
186 k = 0,
187 update = this.submit_data.id ? true : false;
188 for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
189 var field = fields[i];
191 if (field.value && field.value.constructor === Object) {
192 if (field.checkall && typeof field.checkall === 'object') {
193 var temp = {};
194 temp.text = field.checkall.text;
195 temp.value = field.checkall.value;
196 temp.indeterminate = field.checkall.indeterminate;
197 temp.checkbox_list = field.value.list;
198 temp.checkbox_value = field.value.default;
199 this.$set(this.submit_data, field.key + this.checkall_temp, temp);
200 } else {
201 this.$set(this.submit_data, field.key, field.value.default);
202 }
203 } else {
204 this.$set(this.submit_data, field.key, field.value);
205 }
208 if (field.type && field.type === 'editor') {
209 k++;
210 this.initEditor(field.id, field.config || {});
211 if (k == 2) {
212 this.wangEditor.many = true;
213 }
214 if (k == 1) {
215 this.wangEditor.has = true;
216 }
217 }
218 }
220 console.log(this.submit_data);
221 }
222 },
225 /**
226 * 表单提交事件
227 */
228 onSubmit(ref) {
229 var data = {
230 data: this.submit_data,
231 };
232 if (this.wangEditor.has === true) {
233 data.editor_temp_data = this.wangEditor.temp;
234 }
236 if (this.rules) {
237 this.$refs[ref].validate((valid) => {
238 if (valid) {
239 this.$emit('onSubmit', data);
240 }
241 });
242 } else {
243 this.$emit('onSubmit', data);
244 }
245 },
248 onCheckboxChange(key) {
249 var checkall_temp = this.submit_data[key + this.checkall_temp];
251 if (checkall_temp.checkbox_value.length > 0 && checkall_temp.checkbox_value.length < checkall_temp.checkbox_list.length) {
252 checkall_temp.indeterminate = true;
253 } else {
254 checkall_temp.indeterminate = false;
255 }
257 checkall_temp.value = checkall_temp.checkbox_value.length === checkall_temp.checkbox_list.length;
258 },
261 onCheckallChange(key) {
262 var checkall_temp = this.submit_data[key + this.checkall_temp];
263 checkall_temp.indeterminate = false;
265 var value = [];
266 if (checkall_temp.value == true) {
267 for (var i = 0; i < checkall_temp.checkbox_list.length; i++) {
268 value.push(checkall_temp.checkbox_list[i].value);
269 }
270 }
272 checkall_temp.checkbox_value = value;
273 }
274 },
277 /**
278 * ready
279 */
280 mounted() {
281 this.deepObj();
282 },
285 /**
286 * 接收参数
287 * @type {Object}
288 */
289 props: {
290 FieldList: {
291 type: Array,
292 required: true
293 },
294 Editor: {
295 type: Object
296 },
297 Rules: {
298 type: Object
299 },
300 DefaultValue: {
301 type: Object
302 }
303 },
306 /**
307 * 监控参数
308 * @type {Object}
309 */
310 watch: {
311 FieldList(v) {
312 if (v) {
313 this.fields = v;
314 }
315 },
316 DefaultValue(v) {
317 if (v) {
318 this.submit_data = v;
319 }
320 }
321 }
322 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class="form">
3 <el-form style=""
4 label-width="100px"
5 ref='form-data'
6 :rules='rules'
7 :model='submit_data'>
8 <el-form-item
9 class='edit-form'
10 v-for='field in fields'
11 :label="field.label"
12 :prop='field.key'
13 :style="field.item_style">
15 <!-- 单选CheckBox -->
16 <el-checkbox
17 v-if='field.type==="checkbox" && field.multiple!==true'
18 v-model="submit_data[field.key]">{{field.label}}</el-checkbox>
21 <!-- 复选CheckBox -->
22 <!-- 是否全选全不选 -->
23 <el-checkbox
24 v-if='field.checkall && typeof field.checkall==="object" && submit_data[field.key+checkall_temp]'
25 :indeterminate="submit_data[field.key+checkall_temp].indeterminate"
26 v-model="submit_data[field.key+checkall_temp].value"
27 @change='onCheckallChange(field.key)'>{{submit_data[field.key+checkall_temp].text}}</el-checkbox>
28 <!-- CheckBox选项列表 -->
29 <el-checkbox-group
30 v-if='(field.type==="checkbox" && field.multiple===true && !field.checkall) || (field.type==="checkbox" && field.multiple===true && field.checkall && submit_data[field.key+checkall_temp])'
31 v-model="submit_data[field.key+checkall_temp].checkbox_value"
32 @change='onCheckboxChange(field.key)'>
33 <el-checkbox
34 v-for='item in submit_data[field.key+checkall_temp].checkbox_list'
35 :label="item.value">{{item.text}}</el-checkbox>
36 </el-checkbox-group>
38 <!-- wangeditor -->
39 <div
40 v-if='field.type==="editor"'
41 :id="field.id"
42 :style="field.style"
43 v-html='submit_data[field.key]'></div>
45 <!--
46 input,textarea
47 -->
48 <el-input
49 v-if='!field.type || field.type==="input" || field.type==="textarea"'
50 :type='!field.type ? "input" : field.type'
51 v-model="submit_data[field.key]"
52 :placeholder='field.desc'></el-input>
54 <!--
55 radia,单选
56 -->
57 <el-radio-group
58 v-if='field.type==="radio"'
59 v-model="submit_data[field.key]">
60 <el-radio
61 v-for='item in field.value.list'
62 :label="item.value">{{item.text || item.value}}</el-radio>
63 </el-radio-group>
65 <!-- select,下拉框 -->
66 <el-select
67 v-if='field.type==="select" && submit_data[field.key]'
68 v-model="submit_data[field.key]"
69 :multiple='field.multiple ? true : false'
70 :placeholder="field.desc">
71 <el-option
72 v-for='item in field.value.list'
73 :value="item.value"
74 :label="item.text || item.value"></el-option>
75 </el-select>
77 <!--
78 switch,开关
79 -->
80 <el-switch
81 v-if='field.type==="switch"'
82 :on-text="field.value.on"
83 :off-text="field.value.off"
84 :disabled='field.disabled'
85 v-model="submit_data[field.key]"></el-switch>
86 </el-form-item>
88 <el-form-item>
89 <el-button type="primary" @click='onSubmit("form-data")'>提交</el-button>
90 </el-form-item>
91 </el-form>
92 </div>
93 </template>
95 <script>
96 import FormDataJs from './FormData.js';
97 module.exports=FormDataJs;
98 </script>
99 <style scoped lang='less'>
100 .demo-form-inline{
101 display: inline-block;
102 float: right;
103 }
104 .btm-action{
105 margin-top: 20px;
106 text-align: center;
107 }
108 .actions-top{
109 height: 46px;
110 }
111 .pagination{
112 display: inline-block;
113 }
114 </style>
1 import FormData from './FormData.vue';
2 module.exports = FormData;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 user as UserApi,
3 system as SystemApi
4 } from '../../../config/request.js';
6 module.exports = {
7 name: 'head-nav',
8 data() {
9 return {
10 dialog: {
11 show_set: false,
12 show_pass: false,
13 title: '修改密码',
14 user_info: this.$store.state.user.userinfo,
16 set_info: {
17 login_style: '',
18 disabled_update_pass: [],
19 select_users: []
20 },
22 user_info_rules: {
23 old_password: [{
24 required: true,
25 message: '旧密码不能为空!',
26 trigger: 'blur'
27 }],
28 password: [{
29 required: true,
30 message: '新密码不能为空!',
31 trigger: 'blur'
32 }, {
33 trigger: 'blur',
34 validator: (rule, value, callback) => {
35 if (value === '') {
36 callback(new Error('请再次输入密码'));
37 } else {
38 if ('' !== this.dialog.user_info.password) {
39 this.$refs.user_info.validateField('password_confirm');
40 }
41 callback();
42 }
43 }
44 }],
45 password_confirm: [{
46 required: true,
47 message: '确认密码不能为空!',
48 trigger: 'blur'
49 }, {
50 trigger: 'blur',
51 validator: (rule, value, callback) => {
52 if (value === '') {
53 callback(new Error('请再次输入密码'));
54 } else if (value !== this.dialog.user_info.password) {
55 callback(new Error('两次输入密码不一致!'));
56 } else {
57 callback();
58 }
59 }
60 }],
61 }
62 }
63 }
64 },
65 mounted() {
66 // this.onGetSetting();
67 },
68 methods: {
69 /**
70 * 退出登录
71 */
72 logout() {
73 this.$confirm('你确定退出登录么?', '确认退出', {
74 confirmButtonText: '确定',
75 cancelButtonText: '取消',
76 type: 'warning'
77 }).then(() => {
78 this.$store.dispatch('remove_userinfo').then(() => {
79 this.$router.push('/login');
80 });
81 });
82 },
84 /**
85 * 弹出框-修改密码或者系统设置
86 * @param {string} cmditem 弹框类型
87 */
88 setDialogInfo(cmditem) {
89 if (!cmditem) {
90 this.$message.error('菜单选项缺少command属性');
91 return;
92 }
93 switch (cmditem) {
94 case 'info':
95 this.$router.push({
96 path: '/demo/user/edit',
97 query: {
98 id: this.$store.state.user.userinfo.id
99 }
100 });
101 break;
102 case 'pass':
103 this.dialog.show_pass = true;
104 this.dialog.title = '修改密码';
105 break;
106 case 'set':
107 this.onGetSetting();
108 this.dialog.show_set = true;
109 this.dialog.title = '系统设置';
110 break;
111 }
112 },
114 /**
115 * 修改密码
116 * @param {object} userinfo 当前修改密码的表单信息
117 */
118 updUserPass(userinfo) {
119 this.$refs[userinfo].validate((valid) => {
120 if (valid) {
121 UserApi.updPass.call(this, {
122 old_password: this.dialog[userinfo].old_password,
123 password: this.dialog[userinfo].password,
124 password_confirm: this.dialog[userinfo].password_confirm
125 }, (data) => {
126 this.dialog.show_pass = false;
127 // this.$nextTick(() => {
128 this.$message.success('修改成功!');
129 // });
130 });
131 }
132 });
133 },
135 /**
136 * 获取系统设置信息
137 */
138 onGetSetting() {
139 //获取系统设置信息
140 if (this.$store.state.user.userinfo.pid == 0) {
141 SystemApi.getSetting.call(this, (data) => {
142 // console.log(data);
143 if (data.setting_info.disabled_update_pass) {
144 data.setting_info.disabled_update_pass = data.setting_info.disabled_update_pass.split(',');
145 } else {
146 data.setting_info.disabled_update_pass = [];
147 }
148 data.setting_info.login_style = data.setting_info.login_style + '';
150 this.dialog.set_info = data.setting_info;
151 });
152 } else {
153 this.$message.error('只有管理员才能操作!');
154 }
155 },
157 /**
158 * 修改系统设置信息
159 */
160 onUpdateSetting() {
161 // console.log(this.dialog.set_info.login_style);
162 // console.log(this.dialog.set_info.disabled_update_pass);
163 // console.log(this.dialog.set_info.id);
165 SystemApi.updateSetting.call(this, {
166 id: this.dialog.set_info.id,
167 login_style: this.dialog.set_info.login_style,
168 disabled_update_pass: this.dialog.set_info.disabled_update_pass && this.dialog.set_info.disabled_update_pass.length ? this.dialog.set_info.disabled_update_pass.join(',') : ''
169 }, (data) => {
170 // console.log(data);
171 this.dialog.show_set = false;
172 });
173 }
174 }
175 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <header class="head-nav">
3 <el-row>
4 <el-col :span="4" class='logo-container'>
5 <img src="../../../assets/logo-sm.png" class='logo' alt="">
6 </el-col>
7 <el-col :span="16">
8 <el-menu theme="dark" :default-active="$store.state.router.headerCurRouter" class="el-menu-demo" mode="horizontal" unique-opened router>
9 <!-- <el-submenu index="1">
10 <template slot="title">向导中心</template>
11 <el-menu-item index="1-1">快捷方式1</el-menu-item>
12 <el-menu-item index="1-2">快捷方式2</el-menu-item>
13 <el-menu-item index="1-3">快捷方式3</el-menu-item>
14 </el-submenu>
15 <el-submenu index="2">
16 <template slot="title">商城中心</template>
17 <el-menu-item index="2-1">订单统计</el-menu-item>
18 <el-menu-item index="2-2">其他</el-menu-item>
19 </el-submenu> -->
20 <!-- <el-menu-item index="2">商城中心</el-menu-item>
21 <el-menu-item index="3">系统设置</el-menu-item> -->
23 <!-- v-if='!item.hidden && $store.state.user.userinfo.access.indexOf(item.path)===-1' -->
24 <el-menu-item
25 :index="item.path"
26 v-for='(item,index) in $router.options.routes'
27 v-if='!item.hidden'>
28 {{item.name}}<!-- {{item.path}} -->
29 </el-menu-item>
30 </el-menu>
31 </el-col>
32 <el-col :span="4" class="userinfo">
33 <!-- <span class='username'><i class='fa fa-user'></i>{{this.$store.state.user.userinfo.username}}</span> -->
34 <span class='username'>
35 <el-dropdown
36 trigger="click"
37 @command='setDialogInfo'>
38 <span class="el-dropdown-link">
39 {{this.$store.state.user.userinfo.username}}<i class="el-icon-caret-bottom el-icon--right"></i>
40 </span>
41 <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
42 <el-dropdown-item command='info'>修改信息</el-dropdown-item>
43 <el-dropdown-item
44 command='pass'
45 v-if='$store.state.user.userinfo.is_update_pass'>修改密码</el-dropdown-item>
46 <el-dropdown-item
47 command='set'
48 v-if='$store.state.user.userinfo.pid==0'>系统设置</el-dropdown-item>
49 </el-dropdown-menu>
50 </el-dropdown>
51 </span>
52 <i class="fa fa-sign-out logout" @click='logout'></i>
53 </el-col>
54 </el-row>
56 <el-dialog size="tiny" :title="dialog.title"
57 v-model="dialog.show_pass">
58 <el-form style="margin:20px;width:80%;"
59 label-width="100px"
60 :model="dialog.user_info"
61 :rules="dialog.user_info_rules"
62 ref='user_info'>
63 <el-form-item class='edit-form'
64 label="邮箱"
65 prop='email'>
66 <el-input v-model="dialog.user_info.email" disabled placeholder='常用邮箱'></el-input>
67 </el-form-item>
68 <el-form-item class='edit-form'
69 label="用户名称"
70 prop='username'>
71 <el-input v-model="dialog.user_info.username" disabled placeholder='用户名'></el-input>
72 </el-form-item>
73 <el-form-item class='edit-form'
74 label="当前密码"
75 prop='old_password'>
76 <el-input
77 type='password'
78 placeholder='当前密码'
79 auto-complete='off'
80 v-model="dialog.user_info.old_password"></el-input>
81 </el-form-item>
82 <el-form-item class='edit-form'
83 label="新密码"
84 prop='password'>
85 <el-input
86 type='password'
87 placeholder='新密码'
88 auto-complete='off'
89 v-model="dialog.user_info.password"></el-input>
90 </el-form-item>
91 <el-form-item class='edit-form'
92 label="确认密码"
93 prop='password_confirm'>
94 <el-input
95 type='password'
96 placeholder='确认密码'
97 auto-complete='off'
98 v-model="dialog.user_info.password_confirm"></el-input>
99 </el-form-item>
100 </el-form>
101 <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
102 <el-button @click="dialog.show_pass = false">取 消</el-button>
103 <el-button type="primary" @click="updUserPass('user_info')">确 定</el-button>
104 </span>
105 </el-dialog>
108 <el-dialog size="small" :title="dialog.title"
109 v-model="dialog.show_set">
110 <el-form style="margin:20px;width:80%;"
111 label-width="100px"
112 v-model='dialog.set_info'
113 ref='set_info'>
114 <el-form-item label="登录方式">
115 <el-select placeholder="请选择登录方式"
116 v-model='dialog.set_info.login_style'>
117 <el-option label="单一登录" value="1"></el-option>
118 <el-option label="多点登录" value="2"></el-option>
119 </el-select>
120 </el-form-item>
121 <el-form-item label="禁止修改密码">
122 <el-select placeholder="请选择用户"
123 multiple
124 v-model='dialog.set_info.disabled_update_pass'>
125 <!-- value的值的ID是number,disabled_update_pass的元素中的是字符串,
126 所以在value上,需要拼装一个空串,来转化
127 因为elementUI内部用了===
128 -->
129 <el-option
130 v-for='user in dialog.set_info.select_users'
131 :label='user.username'
132 :value='user.id+""'></el-option>
133 </el-select>
134 </el-form-item>
135 </el-form>
136 <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
137 <el-button @click="dialog.show_set = false">取 消</el-button>
138 <el-button type="primary" @click="onUpdateSetting">确 定</el-button>
139 </span>
140 </el-dialog>
141 </header>
142 </template>
144 <script>
145 import HeadNavJs from './HeadNav.js';
146 export default HeadNavJs;
147 </script>
149 <style scoped lang='less'>
150 .logo-container{
151 height: 60px;
152 }
153 .logo{
154 height: 50px;
155 width: auto;
156 margin-left: 10px;
157 margin-top: 5px;
158 }
159 .fa-user{
160 position: relative;
161 top:-2px;
162 margin-right: 4px;
163 }
164 .head-nav{
165 width:100%;
166 height: 60px;
167 background: #324057;
168 position: fixed;
169 top:0px;
170 left:0px;
171 z-index: 999;
172 color:#FFF;
173 border-bottom: 1px solid #1F2D3D;
175 .logout{
176 width:60px;
177 height: 60px;
178 line-height: 60px;
179 text-align: center;
180 float: right;
181 cursor: pointer;
182 }
183 }
184 .userinfo{
185 text-align: right;
186 }
187 .username{
188 height: 60px;
189 line-height: 60px;
190 cursor: pointer;
192 .el-dropdown{
193 color:#FFF;
194 }
195 }
196 </style>
1 <template>
2 <div class="left" :style="{'height':win_size.height,'width':$store.state.leftmenu.width}" id='admin-left'>
3 <div id='left-menu'>
4 <Row class='tac'
5 v-for="(route,index) in $router.options.routes"
6 v-if='!route.hidden && $route.matched.length && $route.matched[0].path===route.path'>
7 <Col :span="24">
8 <el-menu
9 class="el-menu-vertical-demo"
10 theme="dark"
11 :default-active="$route.path"
12 unique-opened
13 router>
14 <!-- v-if="!item.hidden && $store.state.user.userinfo.access.indexOf(route.path+'/'+item.path)===-1" -->
15 <template
16 v-for="(item,index) in route.children"
17 v-if="!item.hidden">
18 <el-submenu
19 :index="item.path">
20 <template
21 slot="title">
22 <el-tooltip
23 class="item"
24 effect="dark"
25 placement="right"
26 :disabled="$store.state.leftmenu.menu_flag"
27 :content="item.name">
28 <i :class="'fa fa-'+item.icon"></i>
29 </el-tooltip>
30 <span
31 class='menu-name'
32 v-if="$store.state.leftmenu.menu_flag">{{item.name}}<!-- {{route.path+'/'+item.path}} --></span>
33 </template>
35 <!-- v-if="!child.hidden && $store.state.user.userinfo.access.indexOf(route.path+'/'+item.path+'/'+child.path)===-1" -->
36 <el-menu-item
37 v-for='(child,cindex) in item.children'
38 v-if="!child.hidden"
39 :style="{'padding-left':$store.state.leftmenu.menu_flag? '40px' : '23px'}"
40 :index='$store.state.router.headerCurRouter+"/"+item.path+"/"+child.path'>
41 <el-tooltip
42 class="item"
43 effect="dark"
44 placement="right"
45 :disabled="$store.state.leftmenu.menu_flag"
46 :content="child.name">
47 <i :class="'fa fa-'+child.icon"></i>
48 </el-tooltip>
49 <span
50 class='menu-name'
51 v-if="$store.state.leftmenu.menu_flag">{{child.name}}<!-- {{route.path+'/'+item.path+'/'+child.path}} --></span>
52 </el-menu-item>
53 </el-submenu>
54 </template>
55 </el-menu>
56 </Col>
57 </Row>
58 <div class="toggle-menu" @click='toggleMenu'>
59 <i class='el-icon-arrow-left'></i>
60 </div>
61 </div>
62 </div>
63 </template>
65 <script>
66 export default {
67 name: 'left-menu',
68 data () {
69 return {
70 menu_list:[],
72 win_size:{
73 height:'',
74 }
75 }
76 },
77 methods:{
78 setSize(){
79 this.win_size.height=$(window).height()+"px";
80 },
82 toggleMenu(){
83 this.$store.dispatch(this.$store.state.leftmenu.menu_flag?'set_menu_close':'set_menu_open');
84 },
86 updateCurMenu(route){
87 var route=route || this.$route;
88 if (route.matched.length) {
89 var rootPath=route.matched[0].path,
90 fullPath=route.path;
91 this.$store.dispatch('set_cur_route',{
92 rootPath,
93 fullPath
94 });
95 var routes=this.$router.options.routes;
96 for (var i = 0; i < routes.length; i++) {
97 if (routes[i].path===rootPath && !routes[i].hidden) {
98 this.menu_list=routes[i].children;
99 break;
100 }
101 }
102 }else{
103 this.$router.push('/404');
104 }
105 }
107 },
108 created(){
109 this.setSize();
110 $(window).resize(()=>{
111 this.setSize();
112 });
114 this.updateCurMenu();
115 },
116 mounted(){
117 // console.log(this.$store.state.user.userinfo.access);
118 },
119 watch:{
120 $route(to,from){
121 this.updateCurMenu(to);
122 }
123 }
124 }
125 </script>
127 <style scoped lang='less'>
128 .fa{
129 margin-right: 8px;
130 }
131 .left-fixed-right-auto{
132 padding-top: 60px;
133 }
134 .left{
135 position:fixed;
136 float:left;
137 /*width:190px;
138 margin-right:-190px;*/
139 top:60px;
140 }
141 .right-content{
142 float:right;
143 width:100%;
144 }
145 #left-menu{
146 height: 100%;
147 background: #324057;
148 position: relative;
149 overflow-x: hidden;
152 .toggle-menu{
153 width: 100%;
154 height: 50px;
155 background: #1f2f3d;
156 position: absolute;
157 bottom: 50px;
158 left: 0px;
159 z-index: 1000;
160 cursor: pointer;
161 line-height: 40px;
162 text-align: center;
163 color: #fff;
164 font-size: 14px;
165 }
166 }
167 </style>
1 module.exports = {
2 name: 'list-data',
3 data() {
4 return {
5 batch_flag: true, //符合批量删除为true,否则为false
6 batch_datas: [],
7 batch_ids: [],
9 list: this.List, //列表数组
10 fields: this.FieldList, //字段数组
11 selection: this.Selection, //是否需要批量选择
12 btn_info: this.BtnInfo,
14 pagination: this.Pagination,
15 }
16 },
17 methods: {
18 /**
19 * 表格列表触发CheckBox的事件
20 * @param {array} val 当前选中的用户信息数组,每个元素是用户信息对象
21 */
22 onSelectionChange(val) {
23 this.batch_datas = val;
25 this.batch_ids = [];
26 if (val.length) {
27 this.batch_flag = false;
28 for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
29 this.batch_ids.push(val[i].id);
30 }
31 } else {
32 this.batch_flag = true;
33 }
35 /**
36 * 改变CheckBox事件,第一个参数是ID数组,第二个参数二维数组,每个数组是选中的对象
37 */
38 this.$emit('onSelectionChange', this.batch_ids, this.batch_datas);
39 this.$emit('onSelectionChangeObj', {
40 ids: this.batch_ids,
41 datas: this.batch_datas
42 });
43 },
47 /**
48 * 删除事件
49 * @param {object || boolean} user 当前信息对象或者为布尔值,为布尔值时,代表是批量删除
50 * @param {number} index 当前列表索引
51 */
52 onDelete(data, index) {
53 var opts = {};
54 if (data === true) {
55 opts.batch_ids = this.batch_ids;
56 opts.batch_datas = this.batch_datas;
57 } else {
58 opts.data = data;
59 opts.index = index;
60 }
62 /**
63 * 删除事件,参数为对象
64 * 分两种情况,一种是单个删除,一种是批量删除,属性分别如下
65 * 1:单个删除
66 * opts.data 当前要删除的数据对象
67 * opts.index 当前要删除的索引
68 * opts.list 当前列表数组
69 * 2:批量删除
70 * opts.batch_ids 一维数组,需要删除的ID数组
71 * opts.batch_datas 二维数组,每个元素为对象(需要删除的数据对象)
72 */
73 this.$emit('onDelete', opts);
74 },
76 /**
77 * 获取行信息事件
78 * @param {object} row 当前行对象
79 * @param {number} index 当前行索引
80 * @param {array} list 当前列表数组
81 */
82 onGetInfo(row, index, list, type) {
83 this.$emit('onGetInfo', {
84 row,
85 index,
86 list,
87 type
88 });
89 },
92 onUpdateBtn(data, index, list) {
93 if (this.btn_info.update && this.btn_info.update.path) {
94 var path = this.btn_info.update.path,
95 param_keys = this.btn_info.update.param_keys || [],
96 query_keys = this.btn_info.update.query_keys || [],
97 query = {};
99 for (var i = 0; i < param_keys.length; i++) {
100 path += '/' + data[param_keys[i]];
101 }
102 for (var i = 0; i < query_keys.length; i++) {
103 query[query_keys[i]] = data[query_keys[i]];
104 }
106 // console.log(path);
107 // console.log(query);
109 this.$router.push({
110 path: path,
111 query: query
112 });
113 } else {
114 this.onGetInfo(data, index, list, 'update');
115 }
117 },
120 /**
121 * 内置删除事件执行成功后,更新列表方法
122 * 分两种情况,一种是批量删除,一种是单个删除
123 * 1:单个删除
124 * row 当前需要删除行的索引
125 * 2:批量删除
126 * row 一维数组,需要删除的ID数组
127 */
128 onUpdateList(row) {
129 if (!Array.isArray(row)) {
130 this.list.splice(row, 1);
131 } else {
132 this.list = this.list.filter(function(item, idx) {
133 return row.indexOf(item.id) === -1;
134 });
135 }
136 },
138 onChangeCurrentPage(page) {
139 this.$emit('onChangeCurrentPage', page);
140 },
141 onChangePageSize(page_size) {
142 this.$emit('onChangePageSize', page_size);
143 }
144 },
146 mounted() {
147 // console.log(this.list);
148 },
150 /**
151 * 接收参数
152 * @type {Object}
153 */
154 props: {
155 List: {
156 type: Array,
157 required: true
158 },
159 FieldList: {
160 type: Array,
161 required: true
162 },
163 BtnInfo: {
164 type: Object,
165 default: {}
166 },
167 Selection: {
168 type: Boolean,
169 default: false
170 },
171 Pagination: {
172 type: Object,
173 default: {}
174 }
175 },
178 /**
179 * 监控参数
180 * @type {Object}
181 */
182 watch: {
183 List(v) {
184 if (v) {
185 this.list = v;
186 }
187 },
188 FieldList(v) {
189 if (v) {
190 this.fields = v;
191 }
192 },
193 Selection(v) {
194 this.selection = v;
195 },
196 BtnInfo(v) {
197 this.btn_info = v;
198 },
199 Pagination(v) {
200 this.pagination = v;
201 }
202 }
203 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class="list">
3 <el-col :span="24" class='actions-top'>
4 <el-button type='danger' icon='delete'
5 :disabled='batch_flag'
6 @click='onDelete(true)'>删除选中</el-button>
7 </el-col>
9 <el-table border style="width: 100%" align='center'
10 :data="list"
11 @selection-change='onSelectionChange'>
12 <el-table-column v-if='selection'
13 type="selection"
14 width="55">
15 </el-table-column>
18 <el-table-column v-for='field in fields'
19 :prop="field.key"
20 :label="field.label"
21 :align="field.align || 'center'"
22 :sortable="field.sort || false"
23 :formatter='field.formatter'
24 :filters='field.filter_list'
25 :filter-method="field.filter_method"
26 :filter-multiple="field.filter_multiple">
27 </el-table-column>
31 <el-table-column
32 v-if='btn_info.show!==false'
33 :label="btn_info.label || '操作'"
34 :width="btn_info.width || 160"
35 :context="_self">
36 <template scope='scope'>
37 <el-button
38 v-if='btn_info.select!==false'
39 type="info"
40 icon='view'
41 size="mini"
42 @click='onGetInfo(scope.row,scope.$index,list,"select")'></el-button>
43 <el-button
44 v-if='btn_info.update!==false'
45 type="info"
46 icon='edit'
47 size="mini"
48 @click='onUpdateBtn(scope.row,scope.$index,list)'></el-button>
49 <el-button
50 v-if='btn_info.delete!==false'
51 type="danger"
52 icon='delete'
53 size="mini"
54 @click='onDelete(scope.row,scope.$index)'></el-button>
57 <el-button
58 v-if='btn_info.list'
59 v-for='btn in btn_info.list'
60 :type="btn.type || 'info'"
61 size="mini"
62 @click='onGetInfo(scope.row,scope.$index,list,btn.fn_type || btn.text)'>{{btn.text}}</el-button>
63 </template>
64 </el-table-column>
65 </el-table>
66 <el-col :span="24" class='btm-action'>
67 <!--
69 -->
70 <el-pagination
71 v-if='pagination.total>0'
72 class='pagination'
73 :page-sizes="pagination.page_sizes"
74 :page-size="pagination.page_size"
75 :layout="pagination.layout"
76 :total="pagination.total"
77 :current-page='pagination.current_page'
78 @current-change='onChangeCurrentPage'
79 @size-change='onChangePageSize'>
80 </el-pagination>
81 </el-col>
82 </div>
83 </template>
85 <script>
86 import ListDataJs from './ListData.js';
87 module.exports=ListDataJs;
88 </script>
89 <style scoped lang='less'>
90 .demo-form-inline{
91 display: inline-block;
92 float: right;
93 }
94 .btm-action{
95 margin-top: 20px;
96 text-align: center;
97 }
98 .actions-top{
99 height: 46px;
100 }
101 .pagination{
102 display: inline-block;
103 }
104 </style>
1 import ListData from './ListData.vue';
2 module.exports = ListData;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 Bread: require('./Bread/Bread.vue'),
3 HeadNav: require('./HeadNav/HeadNav.vue'),
4 LeftMenu: require('./LeftMenu/LeftMenu.vue'),
5 Echarts: require('./Echarts/'),
6 ListData: require('./ListData/'),
7 FormData: require('./FormData/'),
8 DialogInfo: require('./DialogInfo/'),
9 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class="layout-assistant">
3 <div class="layout-assistant-content">
4 <div class='bread'>
6 <Breadcrumb separator="/" class='el-bread'>
7 <!--<Breadcrumb-item href="{ path: '/' }">首页</Breadcrumb-item>-->
8 <Breadcrumb-item v-for='(item,index) in $route.matched' v-if="item.name">{{item.name}}</Breadcrumb-item>
9 </Breadcrumb>
10 </div>
11 <Input class="ass-input" placeholder="API搜索">
12 <Button slot="append" icon="ios-search"></Button>
13 </Input>
14 </div>
16 </div>
17 </template>
19 <script>
20 export default {
21 name: 'bread',
22 data() {
23 return {
24 strong: ''
25 }
26 },
27 methods: {
28 showStr(pa) {
29 console.log(pa);
30 },
31 // getPageText(name) {
32 // return name = name.replace('编辑', this.$route.query.id ? '修改' : '添加');
33 // }
34 },
35 mounted() {
37 },
38 created() {
39 // if (this.$route.matched.length) {
40 // var name = this.$route.matched[this.$route.matched.length - 1].name;
41 // this.strong = this.getPageText(name);
42 // }
43 },
44 watch: {
45 // $route(to, from) {
46 // this.strong = this.getPageText(to.name);
47 // }
48 }
49 }
50 </script>
52 <style scoped lang='less'>
53 .bread {
54 height: 30px;
55 line-height: 30px;
56 padding-left: 15px; // background: #f5f7f9;
57 float: left;
58 width: 500px;
59 .el-bread {
60 display: inline-block; // float: right;
61 text-align: right;
62 line-height: 30px;
63 color: #fff;
64 font-size: 12px;
65 }
66 }
67 .layout-assistant {
68 width: 100%;
69 margin: 0 auto;
70 height: 50px;
71 line-height: 50px;
72 background: #B0C4DE;
73 /*background: #657180;*/
75 }
76 .layout-assistant .layout-assistant-content {
77 width: 95%;
78 margin: 0 auto;
79 padding-top: 10px;
80 }
82 .ass-input{
83 width: 300px;
84 float: right;
86 }
88 //设置导航最后一个菜单的样式
89 .ivu-breadcrumb span:last-child {
90 // font-weight: 100;
91 // color: #fff
92 }
93 </style>
1 <style>
2 .layout-logo {
3 width: 100px;
4 height: 30px;
5 background: #5b6270;
6 border-radius: 3px;
7 float: left;
8 position: relative;
9 top: 15px;
10 left: 20px;
12 }
14 .layout-nav {
15 /*width: 620px;*/
16 float: left;
17 margin-left: 100px;
18 /*margin: 0 auto;*/
20 }
22 .layout-assistant {
23 width: 300px;
24 margin: 0 auto;
25 height: inherit;
26 }
28 .layout-ceiling-main {
29 float: right;
30 margin-right: 15px;
31 }
33 .layout-ceiling-main a {
34 color: #9ba7b5;
35 margin: 0 10px;
36 }
38 .layout-ceiling-main .down {
39 line-height: 10px;
40 }
41 </style>
42 <template>
43 <Menu mode="horizontal"
44 theme="dark"
45 @on-select="itemSelect"
46 active-name="1">
47 <div class="layout-logo"></div>
48 <div class="layout-nav">
49 <Menu-item name="/" >
50 <Icon type="home"></Icon>
51 首页
52 </Menu-item>
53 <Menu-item name="/interface" >
54 <Icon type="document"></Icon>
55 接口文档
56 </Menu-item>
57 <Menu-item name="/doc" >
58 <Icon type="information-circled"></Icon>
59 帮助文档
60 </Menu-item>
61 <Menu-item name="/support" >
62 <Icon type="ios-navigate"></Icon>
63 服务支持
64 </Menu-item>
65 </div>
66 <div class="layout-ceiling-main">
67 <Dropdown class="down" @on-click="clickDown">
68 <a href="javascript:void(0)">
69 admin
70 <Icon type="arrow-down-b"></Icon>
71 </a>
72 <Dropdown-menu slot="list">
73 <Dropdown-item name="1">修改密码</Dropdown-item>
74 <Dropdown-item name="2">帐号信息</Dropdown-item>
75 <Dropdown-item name="3">我的主页</Dropdown-item>
76 <Dropdown-item name="4" divided>退出登录</Dropdown-item>
77 </Dropdown-menu>
78 </Dropdown>|
79 <router-link to="/login">注册登录</router-link> |
80 <router-link to="/account">帐号中心</router-link>
82 </div>
83 </Menu>
84 </template>
85 <script>
86 module.exports = {
87 name: 'head-nav',
88 methods: {
89 itemSelect(name) {
90 this.$router.push(name)
91 },
92 clickDown(name){
93 this.$Modal.info({
94 title:"提示",
95 content: "你点击了:"+name,
96 onOk: () => {
97 this.$Message.info('点击了确定');
98 },
99 })
100 }
101 }
102 };
103 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div>
4 <Menu
5 width="auto"
6 active-name="1"
7 @on-select="itemSelect"
8 >
9 <Submenu name="/1">
10 <template slot="title">
11 <Icon type="ios-paper"></Icon>
12 医链云API
13 </template>
14 <Menu-group title="用户模块">
15 <Menu-item name="/111">
16 获取用户信息API
17 </Menu-item>
18 <Menu-item name="2">
19 获取用户名API
20 </Menu-item>
21 </Menu-group>
22 <Menu-group title="订单模块">
23 <Menu-item name="3">
24 获取订单信息API
25 </Menu-item>
26 <Menu-item name="4">
27 获取订单状态API
28 </Menu-item>
29 </Menu-group>
30 </Submenu>
32 <Submenu name="/2">
33 <template slot="title">
34 <Icon type="ios-paper"></Icon>
35 四方云API
36 </template>
37 <Menu-group title="用户模块">
38 <Menu-item name="1">
39 获取用户信息API
40 </Menu-item>
41 <Menu-item name="2">
42 获取用户名API
43 </Menu-item>
44 </Menu-group>
45 <Menu-group title="订单模块">
46 <Menu-item name="3">
47 获取订单信息API
48 </Menu-item>
49 <Menu-item name="4">
50 获取订单状态API
51 </Menu-item>
52 </Menu-group>
53 </Submenu>
54 </Menu>
55 <!--<Menu active-name="1"
56 width="auto"
57 :open-names="['1']"
58 @on-select="itemSelect"
59 v-for="(route,index) in $router.options.routes"
60 v-if='!route.hidden && $route.matched.length && $route.matched[0].path===route.path'>
61 <template v-for="(item,index) in route.children">
63 <template v-if="item.children">
64 <Submenu :name="route.path+'/'+item.path">
65 <template slot="title">
66 <Icon type="ios-navigate"></Icon>
67 {{item.name}}
68 </template>
69 <Menu-item v-for='(child,cindex) in item.children'
70 :name="route.path+'/'+item.path+'/'+child.path">
71 {{child.name}}
72 </Menu-item>
73 </Submenu>
74 </template>
75 <template v-else>
76 <Menu-item :name="route.path+'/'+item.path">
77 <Icon type="ios-navigate"></Icon>
78 {{item.name}}
79 </Menu-item>
80 </template>
82 </template>
84 </Menu>-->
86 </div>
87 </template>
89 <script>
90 module.exports = {
91 name: 'left-menu',
92 data() {
93 return {
94 strong: ''
95 }
96 },
97 methods: {
98 itemSelect(name) {
99 this.$router.push($route.path+name)
100 }
101 }
102 };
103 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 HeadNav: require('./HeadNav.vue'),
3 Bread: require('./Bread.vue'),
4 LeftMenu: require('./LeftMenu.vue'),
5 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 // import {
2 // user as UserApi
3 // } from '../../config/request.js';
5 module.exports = {
6 name: 'login',
7 data() {
8 return {
9 winSize: {
10 width: '',
11 height: ''
12 },
14 formOffset: {
15 position: 'absolute',
16 left: '',
17 top: ''
18 },
20 remumber: this.$store.state.user.remumber,
22 login_actions: {
23 disabled: false
24 },
26 data: {
27 username: '',
28 password: '',
29 // token: ''
30 },
32 rule_data: {
33 username: [{
34 required: true,
35 message: '用户名不能为空!',
36 trigger: 'blur'
37 }],
38 password: [{
39 required: true,
40 message: '密码不能为空!',
41 trigger: 'blur'
42 }],
43 }
44 }
45 },
46 methods: {
47 setSize() {
48 this.winSize.width = $(window).width() + "px";
49 this.winSize.height = $(window).height() + "px";
51 this.formOffset.left = (parseInt(this.winSize.width) / 2 - 175) + 'px';
52 this.formOffset.top = (parseInt(this.winSize.height) / 2 - 178) + 'px';
53 },
55 // login(ref) {
56 // this.$refs[ref].validate((valid) => {
57 // if (valid) {
58 // this.login_actions.disabled = true;
59 // //如果记住密码,提交的信息包括真实token,密码则是假的
60 // //服务端登录验证优先级:用户名必须,其次先取token,不存在时再取密码
61 // UserApi.login.call(this, this[ref], data => {
62 // //登录成功之后,验证是否记住密码,如果记住密码,本地保存记住信息
63 // //如果没有记住,就初始化本地记住信息
64 // if (this.remumber.remumber_flag === true) {
65 // this.$store.dispatch('update_remumber', {
66 // remumber_flag: this.remumber.remumber_flag,
67 // remumber_login_info: {
68 // username: this[ref].username,
69 // token: data.userinfo.token
70 // }
71 // });
72 // } else {
73 // this.$store.dispatch('remove_remumber');
74 // }
76 // // this.$set(data.userinfo, 'access', ['/adv', '/demo/user', '/demo/user/list']);
77 // this.$store.dispatch('update_userinfo', {
78 // userinfo: data.userinfo
79 // }).then(() => {
80 // this.login_actions.disabled = false;
81 // this.$router.push('/demo/user/list');
82 // });
83 // }, () => {
84 // this.login_actions.disabled = false;
85 // }, () => {
86 // this.login_actions.disabled = false;
87 // });
88 // }
89 // });
90 // },
92 resetForm(ref) {
93 this.$refs[ref].resetFields();
94 }
95 },
96 created() {
97 this.setSize();
98 $(window).resize(() => {
99 this.setSize();
100 });
101 },
102 mounted() {
103 // console.log(this.remumber);
105 //如果上次登录选择的是记住密码并登录成功,则会保存状态,用户名以及token
106 // if (this.remumber.remumber_flag === true) {
107 // this.data.username = this.remumber.remumber_login_info.username;
108 // this.data.password = this.remumber.remumber_login_info.token.substring(0, 16);
109 // this.$set(this.data, 'token', this.remumber.remumber_login_info.token);
110 // }
111 }
112 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class="login" :style="winSize">
3 <Row>
4 <Col span="24">
5 <div class="content">
6 <Form ref='data' :model="data" class="card-box loginform" :rules="rule_data" :style="formOffset">
7 <h3 class="title">系统登录</h3>
9 <Form-item prop="username">
10 <Input type="text" placeholder="用户名">
11 <Icon type="ios-person-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
12 </Input>
13 </Form-item>
14 <Form-item prop="password">
15 <Input type="password" placeholder="密码">
16 <Icon type="ios-locked-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
17 </Input>
18 </Form-item>
19 <Form-item label-width='0'>
20 <Button type="primary" long>登录</Button>
22 </Form-item>
23 <hr>
24 <div class="bottom">
25 <span>忘记密码</span>
26 <span><router-link to="/register">免费注册</router-link></span>
27 </div>
28 </Form>
30 </div>
31 </Col>
32 </Row>
33 </div>
34 </template>
36 <script>
37 import LoginJs from './Login.js';
38 module.exports = LoginJs;
39 </script>
41 <style scoped lang='less'>
42 .login {
43 background: #1F2D3D;
44 .ivu-form-item {
45 margin-bottom: 20px;
46 }
47 .bottom {
48 float: right;
49 margin-top: 10px; // color: red;
50 }
51 .bottom span {
52 margin-left: 20px;
53 }
54 .title {
55 // padding-left: 30px;
56 font-size: 20px;
57 }
58 .card-box {
59 box-shadow: 0 0px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 1px 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02);
60 -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
61 border-radius: 5px;
62 -moz-border-radius: 5px;
63 background-clip: padding-box;
64 margin-bottom: 100px;
65 background-color: #F9FAFC;
66 border: 2px solid #8492A6;
67 }
69 .title {
70 margin: 0px auto 20px auto;
71 text-align: center;
72 color: #505458;
73 }
75 .loginform {
76 width: 350px;
77 padding: 25px 35px 15px 35px;
78 }
79 }
80 </style>
1 // import {
2 // user as UserApi
3 // } from '../../config/request.js';
5 module.exports = {
6 name: 'login',
7 data() {
8 return {
9 winSize: {
10 width: '',
11 height: ''
12 },
14 formOffset: {
15 position: 'absolute',
16 left: '',
17 top: ''
18 },
20 remumber: this.$store.state.user.remumber,
22 login_actions: {
23 disabled: false
24 },
26 data: {
27 username: '',
28 password: '',
29 // token: ''
30 },
32 rule_data: {
33 username: [{
34 required: true,
35 message: '用户名不能为空!',
36 trigger: 'blur'
37 }],
38 password: [{
39 required: true,
40 message: '密码不能为空!',
41 trigger: 'blur'
42 }],
43 }
44 }
45 },
46 methods: {
47 setSize() {
48 this.winSize.width = $(window).width() + "px";
49 this.winSize.height = $(window).height() + "px";
51 this.formOffset.left = (parseInt(this.winSize.width) / 2 - 175) + 'px';
52 this.formOffset.top = (parseInt(this.winSize.height) / 2 - 220) + 'px';
53 },
55 // login(ref) {
56 // this.$refs[ref].validate((valid) => {
57 // if (valid) {
58 // this.login_actions.disabled = true;
59 // //如果记住密码,提交的信息包括真实token,密码则是假的
60 // //服务端登录验证优先级:用户名必须,其次先取token,不存在时再取密码
61 // UserApi.login.call(this, this[ref], data => {
62 // //登录成功之后,验证是否记住密码,如果记住密码,本地保存记住信息
63 // //如果没有记住,就初始化本地记住信息
64 // if (this.remumber.remumber_flag === true) {
65 // this.$store.dispatch('update_remumber', {
66 // remumber_flag: this.remumber.remumber_flag,
67 // remumber_login_info: {
68 // username: this[ref].username,
69 // token: data.userinfo.token
70 // }
71 // });
72 // } else {
73 // this.$store.dispatch('remove_remumber');
74 // }
76 // // this.$set(data.userinfo, 'access', ['/adv', '/demo/user', '/demo/user/list']);
77 // this.$store.dispatch('update_userinfo', {
78 // userinfo: data.userinfo
79 // }).then(() => {
80 // this.login_actions.disabled = false;
81 // this.$router.push('/demo/user/list');
82 // });
83 // }, () => {
84 // this.login_actions.disabled = false;
85 // }, () => {
86 // this.login_actions.disabled = false;
87 // });
88 // }
89 // });
90 // },
92 resetForm(ref) {
93 this.$refs[ref].resetFields();
94 }
95 },
96 created() {
97 this.setSize();
98 $(window).resize(() => {
99 this.setSize();
100 });
101 },
102 mounted() {
103 // console.log(this.remumber);
105 //如果上次登录选择的是记住密码并登录成功,则会保存状态,用户名以及token
106 // if (this.remumber.remumber_flag === true) {
107 // this.data.username = this.remumber.remumber_login_info.username;
108 // this.data.password = this.remumber.remumber_login_info.token.substring(0, 16);
109 // this.$set(this.data, 'token', this.remumber.remumber_login_info.token);
110 // }
111 }
112 }
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div class="login" :style="winSize">
3 <Row>
4 <Col span="24">
5 <div class="content">
6 <Form ref='data' :model="data" class="card-box loginform" :rules="rule_data" :style="formOffset">
7 <h3 class="title">用户注册</h3>
9 <Form-item prop="username">
10 <Input type="text" placeholder="手机号">
11 <Icon type="ios-person-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
12 </Input>
13 </Form-item>
14 <Form-item prop="password">
15 <Input type="password" placeholder="密码">
16 <Icon type="ios-locked-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
17 </Input>
18 </Form-item>
19 <Form-item prop="password">
20 <Input type="password" placeholder="密码确认">
21 <Icon type="ios-locked-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
22 </Input>
23 </Form-item>
24 <Form-item prop="password">
25 <Input type="password" placeholder="安全邮箱">
26 <Icon type="ios-email-outline" slot="prepend"></Icon>
27 </Input>
28 </Form-item>
29 <Form-item label-width='0'>
30 <Button type="success" long>注册</Button>
32 </Form-item>
33 <hr>
34 <div class="bottom">
35 <span><router-link to="/login">立即登录</router-link></span>
36 </div>
37 </Form>
39 </div>
40 </Col>
41 </Row>
42 </div>
43 </template>
45 <script>
46 import RegisterJS from './Register.js';
47 module.exports = RegisterJS;
48 </script>
50 <style scoped lang='less'>
51 .login {
52 background: #1F2D3D;
53 .ivu-form-item {
54 margin-bottom: 20px;
55 }
56 .bottom {
57 float: right;
58 margin-top: 10px; // color: red;
59 }
60 .bottom span {
61 margin-left: 20px;
62 }
63 .title {
64 // padding-left: 30px;
65 font-size: 20px;
66 }
67 .card-box {
68 box-shadow: 0 0px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 1px 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02);
69 -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
70 border-radius: 5px;
71 -moz-border-radius: 5px;
72 background-clip: padding-box;
73 margin-bottom: 100px;
74 background-color: #F9FAFC;
75 border: 2px solid #8492A6;
76 }
78 .title {
79 margin: 0px auto 20px auto;
80 text-align: center;
81 color: #505458;
82 }
84 .loginform {
85 width: 350px;
86 padding: 25px 35px 15px 35px;
87 }
88 }
89 </style>
1 module.exports = {
2 Login: require('./Login.vue'),
3 Register: require('./Register.vue'),
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <Table border :columns="columns1" :data="data1"></Table>
3 </template>
4 <script>
5 export default {
6 data () {
7 return {
8 columns1: [
9 {
10 title: '帐号中心',
11 key: 'name',
12 width:300
14 },
15 {
16 title: '所属模块',
17 key: 'model',
18 width:200
20 },
21 {
22 title: '类型',
23 key: 'age',
24 width:100,
25 render (row, column, index) {
26 const color = index % 2 ==0 ? 'blue' : 'red';
27 const text = index % 2 ==0 ? '免费' : '收费';
28 return `<tag type="border" color="${color}">${text}</tag>`;
29 }
30 },
31 {
32 title: '描述',
33 key: 'address'
34 }
35 ],
36 data1: [
37 {
38 name: '王小明',
39 age: 18,
40 model:'用户管理',
41 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
42 },
43 {
44 name: '张小刚',
45 age: 25,
46 model:'用户管理',
47 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
48 },
49 {
50 name: '李小红',
51 age: 30,
52 model:'用户管理',
53 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
54 },
55 {
56 name: '周小伟',
57 age: 26,
58 model:'订单管理',
59 address: '深圳市南山区深南大道'
60 },
61 {
62 name: '王小明',
63 age: 18,
64 model:'用户管理',
65 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
66 },
67 {
68 name: '张小刚',
69 age: 25,
70 model:'用户管理',
71 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
72 },
73 {
74 name: '李小红',
75 age: 30,
76 model:'用户管理',
77 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
78 },{
79 name: '王小明',
80 age: 18,
81 model:'用户管理',
82 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
83 },
84 {
85 name: '张小刚',
86 age: 25,
87 model:'用户管理',
88 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
89 },
90 {
91 name: '李小红',
92 age: 30,
93 model:'用户管理',
94 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
95 },{
96 name: '王小明',
97 age: 18,
98 model:'用户管理',
99 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
100 },
101 {
102 name: '张小刚',
103 age: 25,
104 model:'用户管理',
105 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
106 },
107 {
108 name: '李小红',
109 age: 30,
110 model:'用户管理',
111 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
112 },{
113 name: '王小明',
114 age: 18,
115 model:'用户管理',
116 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
117 },
118 {
119 name: '张小刚',
120 age: 25,
121 model:'用户管理',
122 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
123 },
124 {
125 name: '李小红',
126 age: 30,
127 model:'用户管理',
128 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
129 },{
130 name: '王小明',
131 age: 18,
132 model:'用户管理',
133 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
134 },
135 {
136 name: '张小刚',
137 age: 25,
138 model:'用户管理',
139 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
140 },
141 {
142 name: '李小红',
143 age: 30,
144 model:'用户管理',
145 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
146 },{
147 name: '王小明',
148 age: 18,
149 model:'用户管理',
150 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
151 },
152 {
153 name: '张小刚',
154 age: 25,
155 model:'用户管理',
156 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
157 },
158 {
159 name: '李小红',
160 age: 30,
161 model:'用户管理',
162 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
163 },
164 ]
165 }
166 }
167 }
168 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <style scoped>
3 </style>
4 <template>
5 <div class="layout">
6 <bread></bread>
7 <div class="layout-content">
9 <Row>
10 <i-col span="5">
11 <Menu width="auto" @on-select="itemSelect">
12 <Menu-item name="/account/1">
13 帐号信息
14 </Menu-item>
15 <Menu-item name="/account/2">
16 调用统计
17 </Menu-item>
18 <Menu-item name="/account/3">
19 帐号安全
20 </Menu-item>
21 <Menu-item name="/account/4">
22 密钥管理
23 </Menu-item>
24 </Menu>
25 </i-col>
26 <i-col span="19">
27 <div class="layout-breadcrumb">
29 </div>
30 <div class="layout-content-main">
31 <router-view></router-view>
32 </div>
33 </i-col>
34 </Row>
35 </div>
36 <div class="layout-copy">
37 2011-2016 &copy;
38 </div>
39 </div>
40 </template>
41 <script>
42 export default {
43 name: 'home',
44 data() {
45 return {
46 // leftWidth:'5'
47 }
48 },
49 computed: {
51 },
52 methods: {
53 itemSelect(name) {
54 this.$router.push(name);
55 }
56 },
57 }
58 </script>
1 module.exports = {
2 AccountList: require('./AccountList.vue'),
3 AccountView: require('./AccountView.vue'),
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <style scoped>
3 </style>
4 <template>
5 <div class="layout">
6 <bread></bread>
7 <div class="layout-content">
9 <Row>
10 <i-col span="5">
11 <Menu width="auto" @on-select="itemSelect">
12 <Menu-item name="/interface">
13 目录
14 </Menu-item>
15 <Submenu name="/interface/1">
16 <template slot="title">
17 <Icon type="ios-paper"></Icon>
18 医链云
19 </template>
20 <Menu-item name="/interface/detail/111">
21 获取用户信息API
22 </Menu-item>
23 <Menu-item name="/interface/pro/222">
24 获取用户名API
25 </Menu-item>
26 <Menu-item name="/interface/debug/222">
27 获取订单信息API
28 </Menu-item>
29 <Menu-item name="4">
30 获取订单状态API
31 </Menu-item>
32 </Submenu>
34 <Submenu name="/2">
35 <template slot="title">
36 <Icon type="ios-paper"></Icon>
37 四方云
38 </template>
39 <Menu-item name="1">
40 获取用户信息API
41 </Menu-item>
42 <Menu-item name="2">
43 获取用户名API
44 </Menu-item>
45 <Menu-item name="3">
46 获取订单信息API
47 </Menu-item>
48 <Menu-item name="5">
49 获取订单状态API
50 </Menu-item>
51 </Submenu>
52 </Menu>
53 </i-col>
54 <i-col span="19">
55 <div class="layout-breadcrumb">
57 </div>
58 <div class="layout-content-main">
59 <router-view></router-view>
60 </div>
61 </i-col>
62 </Row>
63 </div>
64 <div class="layout-copy">
65 2011-2016 &copy;
66 </div>
67 </div>
68 </template>
69 <script>
70 export default {
71 name: 'home',
72 data() {
73 return {
74 // leftWidth:'5'
75 }
76 },
77 computed: {
79 },
80 methods: {
81 itemSelect(name) {
82 this.$router.push(name);
83 }
84 },
85 }
86 </script>
1 <template>
2 <Table border :columns="columns1" :data="data1"></Table>
3 </template>
4 <script>
5 export default {
6 data () {
7 return {
8 columns1: [
9 {
10 title: 'API名称',
11 key: 'name',
12 width:300
14 },
15 {
16 title: '所属模块',
17 key: 'model',
18 width:200
20 },
21 {
22 title: '类型',
23 key: 'age',
24 width:100,
25 render (row, column, index) {
26 const color = index % 2 ==0 ? 'blue' : 'red';
27 const text = index % 2 ==0 ? '免费' : '收费';
28 return `<tag type="border" color="${color}">${text}</tag>`;
29 }
30 },
31 {
32 title: '描述',
33 key: 'address'
34 }
35 ],
36 data1: [
37 {
38 name: '王小明',
39 age: 18,
40 model:'用户管理',
41 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
42 },
43 {
44 name: '张小刚',
45 age: 25,
46 model:'用户管理',
47 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
48 },
49 {
50 name: '李小红',
51 age: 30,
52 model:'用户管理',
53 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
54 },
55 {
56 name: '周小伟',
57 age: 26,
58 model:'订单管理',
59 address: '深圳市南山区深南大道'
60 },
61 {
62 name: '王小明',
63 age: 18,
64 model:'用户管理',
65 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
66 },
67 {
68 name: '张小刚',
69 age: 25,
70 model:'用户管理',
71 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
72 },
73 {
74 name: '李小红',
75 age: 30,
76 model:'用户管理',
77 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
78 },{
79 name: '王小明',
80 age: 18,
81 model:'用户管理',
82 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
83 },
84 {
85 name: '张小刚',
86 age: 25,
87 model:'用户管理',
88 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
89 },
90 {
91 name: '李小红',
92 age: 30,
93 model:'用户管理',
94 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
95 },{
96 name: '王小明',
97 age: 18,
98 model:'用户管理',
99 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
100 },
101 {
102 name: '张小刚',
103 age: 25,
104 model:'用户管理',
105 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
106 },
107 {
108 name: '李小红',
109 age: 30,
110 model:'用户管理',
111 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
112 },{
113 name: '王小明',
114 age: 18,
115 model:'用户管理',
116 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
117 },
118 {
119 name: '张小刚',
120 age: 25,
121 model:'用户管理',
122 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
123 },
124 {
125 name: '李小红',
126 age: 30,
127 model:'用户管理',
128 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
129 },{
130 name: '王小明',
131 age: 18,
132 model:'用户管理',
133 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
134 },
135 {
136 name: '张小刚',
137 age: 25,
138 model:'用户管理',
139 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
140 },
141 {
142 name: '李小红',
143 age: 30,
144 model:'用户管理',
145 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
146 },{
147 name: '王小明',
148 age: 18,
149 model:'用户管理',
150 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
151 },
152 {
153 name: '张小刚',
154 age: 25,
155 model:'用户管理',
156 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
157 },
158 {
159 name: '李小红',
160 age: 30,
161 model:'用户管理',
162 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
163 },
164 ]
165 }
166 }
167 }
168 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <style>
2 .ivu-form-item{
3 margin-bottom: 10px;
4 }
5 </style>
6 <template>
7 <Card>
8 <p slot="title">
9 接口调试
10 </p>
11 <p slot="extra">
12 <Button type="info" icon="navicon-round">调试历史</Button>
13 </p>
14 <Alert show-icon >
15 消息提示文案
16 <template slot="desc">
17 系统分配AppKey只能调用基础API,增值API需要填入自己申请的AppKey
18 </template>
19 </Alert>
20 <Row :gutter="32">
21 <Col span="12">
22 <Form :model="formItem" :label-width="80">
23 <Form-item label="返回格式">
24 <Radio-group v-model="formItem.radio">
25 <Radio label="JSON">JSON</Radio>
26 <Radio label="XML">XML</Radio>
27 </Radio-group>
28 </Form-item>
29 <Form-item label="API模块">
30 <Select v-model="formItem.select" placeholder="请选择">
31 <Option value="beijing">商品模块</Option>
32 <Option value="shanghai">用户模块</Option>
33 </Select>
34 </Form-item>
35 <Form-item label="API名称">
36 <Select v-model="formItem.select" placeholder="请选择">
37 <Option value="beijing">获取用户信息</Option>
38 <Option value="shanghai">获取用户名</Option>
39 </Select>
40 </Form-item>
41 <Form-item label="提交方式">
42 <Radio-group v-model="formItem.radio">
43 <Radio label="POST">POST</Radio>
44 <Radio label="GET">GET</Radio>
45 </Radio-group>
46 </Form-item>
47 <Form-item label="AppKey">
48 <Input v-model="formItem.input" placeholder="请输入"></Input>
49 </Form-item>
50 <Form-item label="AppSecret">
51 <Input v-model="formItem.input" placeholder="请输入"></Input>
52 </Form-item>
53 <Form-item label="参数1">
54 <Input v-model="formItem.input" placeholder="请输入"></Input>
55 </Form-item>
56 <Form-item label="参数2">
57 <Input v-model="formItem.input" placeholder="请输入"></Input>
58 </Form-item>
59 <Form-item label="参数3">
60 <Input v-model="formItem.input" placeholder="请输入"></Input>
61 </Form-item>
62 <Form-item>
63 <Row :gutter="64">
64 <Col span="12">
65 <Button type="primary" long>提交</Button>
66 </Col>
67 <Col span="12">
68 <Button type="ghost" long>保存</Button>
69 </Col>
70 </Row>
73 </Form-item>
74 </Form>
75 </Col>
76 <Col span="12">
78 <Form label-position="top">
79 <Form-item label="API请求参数">
80 <Input v-model="formItem.textarea" type="textarea" :autosize="{minRows: 5}" ></Input>
81 </Form-item>
82 <Form-item label="API返回参数">
83 <Input v-model="formItem.textarea" type="textarea" :autosize="{minRows: 5}" ></Input>
84 </Form-item>
86 </Form>
88 </Col>
89 </Row>
90 </Card>
91 </template>
92 <script>
93 export default {
94 data () {
95 return {
96 formItem: {
97 input: '',
98 select: '',
99 radio: 'male',
100 checkbox: [],
101 switch: true,
102 date: '',
103 time: '',
104 slider: [20, 50],
105 textarea: ''
106 }
107 }
108 }
109 }
110 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <style>
2 .apidetail blockquote {
3 margin: 10px 0;
4 }
6 .apidetail-title-name {
7 float: left;
8 }
10 .apidetail-title-btn {
11 float: right;
12 }
14 .apidetail-title-name-1 {
15 display: block;
16 font-size: 25px;
17 font-weight: 100;
18 }
20 .apidetail-title-name-2 {
21 display: block;
22 margin: 10px 0;
23 }
24 </style>
25 <template>
26 <div class="apidetail">
27 <Back-top></Back-top>
28 <div class="apidetail-title">
29 <div class="apidetail-title-name">
30 <span class="apidetail-title-name-1"> taobao.product.update </span>
31 <span class="apidetail-title-name-2"> (修改一个产品,可以修改主图,不能修改子图片)</span>
32 </div>
33 <div class="apidetail-title-btn">
35 <Button-group>
36 <Button type="ghost"
37 icon="information-circled">
39 1.0</Button>
40 <Button type="primary"
41 icon="gear-a">
42 调试</Button>
43 </Button-group>
44 </div>
45 <div class="clear"></div>
46 </div>
47 <Tag type="border"
48 color="yellow">免费</Tag>
49 <Tag type="border"
50 color="yellow">需授权</Tag>
51 <blockquote>
52 接口说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息 说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说明信息说 说明信息说明信息说明信息
53 </blockquote>
55 <Collapse v-model="openPanel">
56 <Panel name="0">
57 接口地址
58 <p slot="content">
59 <Table border
60 :columns="columns2"
61 :data="data2"></Table>
62 </p>
63 </Panel>
64 <Panel name="1">
65 公共参数
66 <p slot="content">
67 <Table border
68 :columns="columns1"
69 :data="data1"></Table>
70 </p>
71 </Panel>
72 <Panel name="2">
73 请求参数
74 <p slot="content">斯蒂夫·盖瑞·沃兹尼亚克(Stephen Gary Wozniak),美国电脑工程师,曾与史蒂夫·乔布斯合伙创立苹果电脑(今之苹果公司)。斯蒂夫·盖瑞·沃兹尼亚克曾就读于美国科罗拉多大学,后转学入美国著名高等学府加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)并获得电机工程及计算机(EECS)本科学位(1987年)。</p>
75 </Panel>
76 <Panel name="3">
77 响应参数
78 <p slot="content">乔纳森·伊夫是一位工业设计师,现任Apple公司设计师兼资深副总裁,英国爵士。他曾参与设计了iPod,iMac,iPhone,iPad等众多苹果产品。除了乔布斯,他是对苹果那些著名的产品最有影响力的人。</p>
79 </Panel>
80 <Panel name="4">
81 请求示例
82 <p slot="content"
83 class="code">
84 <pre>
85 {
86 "nu":"1093590637819",
87 "message":"ok",
88 "companytype":"ems",
89 "ischeck":"1",
90 "com":"ems",
91 "updatetime":"2016-08-22 01:37:27",
92 "status":"200",
93 "condition":"F00",
94 "codenumber":"1093590637819",
95 "data":[
96 {
97 "time":"2016-08-17 10:57:02",
98 "context":"【北京市】 投递并签收,签收人:他人收 前台",
99 "ftime":"2016-08-17 10:57:02"
100 },
101 {
102 "time":"2016-08-17 07:51:00",
103 "context":"【北京市】 北京邮政速递朝阳路区域分公司呼家楼营投部安排投递,预计23:59:00前投递(投递员姓名:徐龙会18519361767;联系电话:18519361767)",
104 "ftime":"2016-08-17 07:51:00"
105 },
106 {
107 "time":"2016-08-16 17:11:34",
108 "context":"北京市已收件(揽投员姓名:白中位,联系电话:)",
109 "ftime":"2016-08-16 17:11:34"
110 }
111 ],
112 "state":"3"
113 }
114 </pre>
116 </p>
117 </Panel>
118 <Panel name="5">
119 响应示例
120 <p slot="content">乔纳森·伊夫是一位工业设计师,现任Apple公司设计师兼资深副总裁,英国爵士。他曾参与设计了iPod,iMac,iPhone,iPad等众多苹果产品。除了乔布斯,他是对苹果那些著名的产品最有影响力的人。</p>
121 </Panel>
122 </Collapse>
123 </div>
124 </template>
125 <script>
126 export default {
127 data() {
128 return {
129 openPanel: [0,1, 2, 3, 4],
130 columns2:[{
131 title: '环境',
132 key: 'str1',
133 width: 200,
134 },{
135 title: '地址',
136 key: 'str2',
138 },
139 ],
140 data2:[
141 {
142 str1: '正式环境',
143 str2: 'http://www.baidu.com',
144 },
145 {
146 str1: '沙箱环境',
147 str2: 'http://www.baidu.com',
148 },
149 ],
150 columns1: [
151 {
152 title: '名称',
153 key: 'str1',
154 width: 200,
155 },
156 {
157 title: '类型',
158 key: 'str2',
159 width: 100,
160 },
161 {
162 title: '是否必填',
163 key: 'str3',
164 width: 100,
165 },
166 {
167 title: '描述',
168 key: 'str4'
169 }
170 ],
171 data1: [
172 {
173 str1: 'method',
174 str2: 'String',
175 str3: '是',
176 str4: '描述信息'
177 },
178 {
179 str1: 'app_key',
180 str2: 'String',
181 str3: '是',
182 str4: '描述信息'
183 },
184 {
185 str1: 'target_app_key',
186 str2: 'String',
187 str3: '是',
188 str4: '描述信息'
189 },
190 {
191 str1: 'sign_method',
192 str2: 'String',
193 str3: '是',
194 str4: '描述信息'
195 },
196 {
197 str1: 'session',
198 str2: 'String',
199 str3: '是',
200 str4: '描述信息'
201 },
202 {
203 str1: 'sign',
204 str2: 'String',
205 str3: '是',
206 str4: '描述信息'
207 }
208 ]
210 }
211 }
212 }
213 </script>
1 module.exports = {
2 ApiDetail: require('./ApiDetail.vue'),
3 ApiDebug: require('./ApiDebug.vue'),
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div>
3 <!--<div>11111</div>-->
4 <router-view></router-view>
5 </div>
6 </template>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 Detail: require('./Detail/'),
3 ApiList: require('./ApiList.vue'),
4 DetailView: require('./DetailView.vue'),
5 ApiDocView: require('./ApiDocView.vue'),
6 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <Table border :columns="columns1" :data="data1"></Table>
3 </template>
4 <script>
5 export default {
6 data () {
7 return {
8 columns1: [
9 {
10 title: '文档名称',
11 key: 'name',
12 width:300
14 },
15 {
16 title: '所属模块',
17 key: 'model',
18 width:200
20 },
21 {
22 title: '类型',
23 key: 'age',
24 width:100,
25 render (row, column, index) {
26 const color = index % 2 ==0 ? 'blue' : 'red';
27 const text = index % 2 ==0 ? '免费' : '收费';
28 return `<tag type="border" color="${color}">${text}</tag>`;
29 }
30 },
31 {
32 title: '描述',
33 key: 'address'
34 }
35 ],
36 data1: [
37 {
38 name: '王小明',
39 age: 18,
40 model:'用户管理',
41 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
42 },
43 {
44 name: '张小刚',
45 age: 25,
46 model:'用户管理',
47 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
48 },
49 {
50 name: '李小红',
51 age: 30,
52 model:'用户管理',
53 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
54 },
55 {
56 name: '周小伟',
57 age: 26,
58 model:'订单管理',
59 address: '深圳市南山区深南大道'
60 },
61 {
62 name: '王小明',
63 age: 18,
64 model:'用户管理',
65 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
66 },
67 {
68 name: '张小刚',
69 age: 25,
70 model:'用户管理',
71 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
72 },
73 {
74 name: '李小红',
75 age: 30,
76 model:'用户管理',
77 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
78 },{
79 name: '王小明',
80 age: 18,
81 model:'用户管理',
82 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
83 },
84 {
85 name: '张小刚',
86 age: 25,
87 model:'用户管理',
88 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
89 },
90 {
91 name: '李小红',
92 age: 30,
93 model:'用户管理',
94 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
95 },{
96 name: '王小明',
97 age: 18,
98 model:'用户管理',
99 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
100 },
101 {
102 name: '张小刚',
103 age: 25,
104 model:'用户管理',
105 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
106 },
107 {
108 name: '李小红',
109 age: 30,
110 model:'用户管理',
111 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
112 },{
113 name: '王小明',
114 age: 18,
115 model:'用户管理',
116 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
117 },
118 {
119 name: '张小刚',
120 age: 25,
121 model:'用户管理',
122 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
123 },
124 {
125 name: '李小红',
126 age: 30,
127 model:'用户管理',
128 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
129 },{
130 name: '王小明',
131 age: 18,
132 model:'用户管理',
133 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
134 },
135 {
136 name: '张小刚',
137 age: 25,
138 model:'用户管理',
139 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
140 },
141 {
142 name: '李小红',
143 age: 30,
144 model:'用户管理',
145 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
146 },{
147 name: '王小明',
148 age: 18,
149 model:'用户管理',
150 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
151 },
152 {
153 name: '张小刚',
154 age: 25,
155 model:'用户管理',
156 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
157 },
158 {
159 name: '李小红',
160 age: 30,
161 model:'用户管理',
162 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
163 },
164 ]
165 }
166 }
167 }
168 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <style scoped>
3 </style>
4 <template>
5 <div class="layout">
6 <bread></bread>
7 <div class="layout-content">
9 <Row>
10 <i-col span="5">
11 <Menu width="auto" @on-select="itemSelect">
12 <Menu-item name="/interface">
13 开放平台
14 </Menu-item>
15 <Submenu name="/interface/1">
16 <template slot="title">
17 <Icon type="ios-paper"></Icon>
18 平台简介
19 </template>
20 <Menu-item name="/interface/detail/111">
21 业务接入
22 </Menu-item>
23 <Menu-item name="/interface/pro/222">
24 接口规范
25 </Menu-item>
26 <Menu-item name="/interface/debug/222">
27 调用说明
28 </Menu-item>
29 <Menu-item name="4">
30 错误编码
31 </Menu-item>
32 </Submenu>
34 <Submenu name="/2">
35 <template slot="title">
36 <Icon type="ios-paper"></Icon>
37 调用场景
38 </template>
39 <Menu-item name="1">
40 获取用户信息API
41 </Menu-item>
42 <Menu-item name="2">
43 获取用户名API
44 </Menu-item>
45 <Menu-item name="3">
46 获取订单信息API
47 </Menu-item>
48 <Menu-item name="5">
49 获取订单状态API
50 </Menu-item>
51 </Submenu>
52 </Menu>
53 </i-col>
54 <i-col span="19">
55 <div class="layout-breadcrumb">
57 </div>
58 <div class="layout-content-main">
59 <router-view></router-view>
60 </div>
61 </i-col>
62 </Row>
63 </div>
64 <div class="layout-copy">
65 2011-2016 &copy;
66 </div>
67 </div>
68 </template>
69 <script>
70 export default {
71 name: 'home',
72 data() {
73 return {
74 // leftWidth:'5'
75 }
76 },
77 computed: {
79 },
80 methods: {
81 itemSelect(name) {
82 this.$router.push(name);
83 }
84 },
85 }
86 </script>
1 module.exports = {
2 DocList: require('./DocList.vue'),
3 HelpDocView: require('./HelpDocView.vue'),
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <style scoped>
2 .demo-carousel {
3 height: 400px;
4 line-height: 400px;
5 text-align: center;
6 color: #fff;
7 font-size: 20px;
8 background: #657180;
9 }
10 .bg1{
11 background: #9ea7b4;
12 }
13 .bg2{
14 background: #c3cbd6;
15 }
16 </style>
17 <template>
18 <div class="layout">
19 <!--<bread></bread>-->
20 <Carousel autoplay v-model="value2">
21 <Carousel-item>
22 <div class="demo-carousel">1</div>
23 </Carousel-item>
24 <Carousel-item>
25 <div class="demo-carousel bg1">2</div>
26 </Carousel-item>
27 <Carousel-item>
28 <div class="demo-carousel bg2">3</div>
29 </Carousel-item>
30 <Carousel-item>
31 <div class="demo-carousel">4</div>
32 </Carousel-item>
33 </Carousel>
34 <div class="layout-content">
36 <div class="layout-content-main">
37 <router-view></router-view>
38 </div>
39 </div>
40 <div class="layout-copy">
41 2011-2016 &copy;
42 </div>
43 </div>
44 </template>
45 <script>
46 import Layout from '../Layout';
47 export default {
48 name: 'home',
49 data() {
50 return {
51 value2: 0
52 }
53 },
54 computed: {
56 },
57 components: Layout
58 }
59 </script>
1 <style>
2 .demo-carousel {
3 height: 400px;
4 line-height: 400px;
5 text-align: center;
6 color: #fff;
7 font-size: 20px;
8 background: #506b9e;
9 }
10 </style>
11 <template>
12 <div>
13 <Alert show-icon
14 style="width:100%">
15 最新公告
16 <template slot="desc">消息提示的描述文案消息提示的描述文案消息提示的描述文案消息提示的描述文案消息提示的描述文案</template>
17 </Alert>
20 <Row :gutter="16">
21 <Col span="8">
22 <Card>
23 <p slot="title" style="font-size:15px">接入指南</p>
24 <ul class="maincon-cart-ul">
25 <li v-for="n in 4">这里是内容-------{{n}}</li>
26 <li>更多</li>
27 </ul>
28 </Card>
29 </Col>
30 <Col span="8">
31 <Card>
32 <p slot="title" style="font-size:15px">平台规则</p>
33 <ul class="maincon-cart-ul">
34 <li v-for="n in 4">这里是内容-------{{n}}</li>
35 <li>更多</li>
36 </ul>
37 </Card>
38 </Col>
39 <Col span="8">
40 <Card>
41 <p slot="title" style="font-size:15px">基础技术</p>
42 <ul class="maincon-cart-ul">
43 <li v-for="n in 4">这里是内容-------{{n}}</li>
44 <li>更多</li>
45 </ul>
46 </Card>
47 </Col>
48 </Row>
49 <Row style="margin-top:20px">
50 <Col span="24">
51 <Card>
52 <p slot="title" style="font-size:15px">常用工具</p>
53 <ul class="maincon-cart-ul">
54 <li v-for="n in 4">这里是内容-------{{n}}</li>
55 </ul>
56 </Card>
57 </Col>
58 </Row>
59 </div>
60 </template>
61 <style>
62 .maincon-cart-ul li{
63 padding: 15px 0 10px 0;
64 border-bottom: 1px #e3e8ee dashed;
65 }
66 </style>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 MainCon: require('./MainCon.vue')
3 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <Table border :columns="columns1" :data="data1"></Table>
3 </template>
4 <script>
5 export default {
6 data () {
7 return {
8 columns1: [
9 {
10 title: '文档名称',
11 key: 'name',
12 width:300
14 },
15 {
16 title: '所属模块',
17 key: 'model',
18 width:200
20 },
21 {
22 title: '类型',
23 key: 'age',
24 width:100,
25 render (row, column, index) {
26 const color = index % 2 ==0 ? 'blue' : 'red';
27 const text = index % 2 ==0 ? '免费' : '收费';
28 return `<tag type="border" color="${color}">${text}</tag>`;
29 }
30 },
31 {
32 title: '描述',
33 key: 'address'
34 }
35 ],
36 data1: [
37 {
38 name: '王小明',
39 age: 18,
40 model:'用户管理',
41 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
42 },
43 {
44 name: '张小刚',
45 age: 25,
46 model:'用户管理',
47 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
48 },
49 {
50 name: '李小红',
51 age: 30,
52 model:'用户管理',
53 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
54 },
55 {
56 name: '周小伟',
57 age: 26,
58 model:'订单管理',
59 address: '深圳市南山区深南大道'
60 },
61 {
62 name: '王小明',
63 age: 18,
64 model:'用户管理',
65 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
66 },
67 {
68 name: '张小刚',
69 age: 25,
70 model:'用户管理',
71 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
72 },
73 {
74 name: '李小红',
75 age: 30,
76 model:'用户管理',
77 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
78 },{
79 name: '王小明',
80 age: 18,
81 model:'用户管理',
82 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
83 },
84 {
85 name: '张小刚',
86 age: 25,
87 model:'用户管理',
88 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
89 },
90 {
91 name: '李小红',
92 age: 30,
93 model:'用户管理',
94 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
95 },{
96 name: '王小明',
97 age: 18,
98 model:'用户管理',
99 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
100 },
101 {
102 name: '张小刚',
103 age: 25,
104 model:'用户管理',
105 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
106 },
107 {
108 name: '李小红',
109 age: 30,
110 model:'用户管理',
111 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
112 },{
113 name: '王小明',
114 age: 18,
115 model:'用户管理',
116 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
117 },
118 {
119 name: '张小刚',
120 age: 25,
121 model:'用户管理',
122 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
123 },
124 {
125 name: '李小红',
126 age: 30,
127 model:'用户管理',
128 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
129 },{
130 name: '王小明',
131 age: 18,
132 model:'用户管理',
133 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
134 },
135 {
136 name: '张小刚',
137 age: 25,
138 model:'用户管理',
139 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
140 },
141 {
142 name: '李小红',
143 age: 30,
144 model:'用户管理',
145 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
146 },{
147 name: '王小明',
148 age: 18,
149 model:'用户管理',
150 address: '北京市朝阳区芍药居'
151 },
152 {
153 name: '张小刚',
154 age: 25,
155 model:'用户管理',
156 address: '北京市海淀区西二旗'
157 },
158 {
159 name: '李小红',
160 age: 30,
161 model:'用户管理',
162 address: '上海市浦东新区世纪大道'
163 },
164 ]
165 }
166 }
167 }
168 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <style scoped>
2 .top-bar {
3 height: 320px;
4 line-height: 320px;
5 background-color: #0182c1;
6 margin-bottom: 48px;
7 text-align: center;
8 color: #fff;
9 font-size: 16px;
10 background: #273e4d url(//img.alicdn.com/tps/TB18wHKJVXXXXX_XVXXXXXXXXXX-1700-350.jpg) no-repeat;
11 }
12 </style>
13 <template>
14 <div class="layout">
15 <div class="top-bar">
16 服务中心
18 </div>
19 <div class="layout-content">
21 <div class="layout-content-main">
22 <router-view></router-view>
23 </div>
24 </div>
25 <div class="layout-copy">
26 2011-2016 &copy;
27 </div>
28 </div>
29 </template>
30 <script>
31 export default {
32 name: 'home',
33 data() {
34 return {
35 value2: 0
36 }
37 },
38 computed: {
40 },
41 }
42 </script>
1 module.exports = {
2 SupportList: require('./SupportList.vue'),
3 SupportView: require('./SupportView.vue'),
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 MainCon: require('./MainCon/'),
3 ApiDoc: require('./ApiDoc/'),
4 HelpDoc: require('./HelpDoc/'),
5 Support: require('./Support/'),
6 Account: require('./Account/'),
7 HomeView: require('./HomeView.vue'),
9 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 testaxios: require('./testaxios.vue'),
3 testaxios2: require('./testaxios2.vue'),
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div>
3 <Row>
4 <Col span="24">
5 <div class="content">
6 <Form ref='data'
7 :model="data"
8 :label-width="80"
9 class="demo-ruleForm card-box loginform">
10 <h3 class="title">系统登录</h3>
11 <Form-item label="帐号"
12 prop="username">
13 <Input type="text"
14 v-model="data.username"></Input>
15 </Form-item>
16 <Form-item label="密码"
17 prop="password">
18 <Input type="password"
19 v-model="data.password"></Input>
20 </Form-item>
21 <Form-item>
22 <Button type="primary"
23 @click='login()'>提交</Button>
24 <Button type="primary"
25 @click='loginError()'>错误提交</Button>
26 <Button type="ghost"
27 style="margin-left: 8px">重置</Button>
28 </Form-item>
30 </Form>
31 </div>
32 </Col>
33 </Row>
34 </div>
35 </template>
36 <script>
37 export default {
38 name: 'content',
39 data() {
40 return {
41 data: {
42 username: '',
43 password: '',
44 // token: ''
45 },
46 }
47 },
48 methods: {
49 login() {
50 var self = this;
51 console.log(self.data.username);
52 this.axios.get("public/act/getAll").then((res) => {
53 console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
54 console.log("页面里面:" + res);
55 })
56 },
57 loginError(){
58 this.axios.get("test/axioserror").then((res) => {
59 console.log("页面里面:" + res);
60 }).catch((error)=>{
61 console.log(error);
62 })
63 }
64 },
65 created() {
67 },
68 mounted() {
70 }
71 }
72 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 <template>
2 <div>
3 <blockquote> 22222222222222222222222222</blockquote>
4 </div>
5 </template>
6 <script>
7 export default {
8 name: 'content',
9 data() {
10 return {
11 data: {
12 username: '',
13 password: '',
14 // token: ''
15 },
16 }
17 },
18 methods: {
19 login() {
20 var self = this;
21 console.log(self.data.username);
22 this.axios.get("public/act/getAll").then((res) => {
23 console.log(JSON.stringify(error));
24 console.log("页面里面:" + res);
25 })
26 },
27 loginError(){
28 this.axios.get("test/axioserror").then((res) => {
29 console.log("页面里面:" + res);
30 }).catch((error)=>{
31 console.log(error);
32 })
33 }
34 },
35 created() {
37 },
38 mounted() {
40 }
41 }
42 </script>
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import Login from './Login/';
2 import Test from './TestPages/';
4 // import NotFound from './Routeview/NotFound.vue';
6 import Modules from './Modules/';
7 import Layout from './Layout/';
8 module.exports = {
9 Login,
10 // NotFound,
11 Test,
12 Layout,
13 Modules
14 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 settings: require('./settings.js'),
3 request: require('./request.js')
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 ajax
3 } from 'util/';
5 /**
6 * 导出所有模块需要用到接口
7 * 一级属性:模块名
8 * 一级属性中的方法:当前模块需要用的接口
9 * @type {Object}
10 */
11 module.exports = {
12 //用户模块
13 user: {
14 /**
15 * 登录
16 * @param {object} data 参数
17 * @param {string} data.username 登陆用户名
18 * @param {string} data.password 登陆密码
19 * @param {function} fn 成功回调
20 */
21 login(data, fn, errFn) {
22 // ajax.call(this, 'post', '/Login/login', data, fn, true, errFn);
23 ajax('post', '/Login/login', data, fn, true, errFn);
24 },
26 /**
27 * 获取用户列表
28 * @param {object} data 参数
29 * @param {string} data.username 用户名-搜索
30 * @param {string} data.email 邮箱-搜索
31 * @param {Function} fn 成功回的回调
32 */
33 selectUser(data, fn) {
34 ajax.call(this, 'get', '/User/selectUser', data, fn);
35 },
37 /**
38 * 添加修改用户公用接口
39 * @param {object} data 参数
40 * @param {string} data.id 用户ID-修改时必须
41 * @param {string} data.username 用户名
42 * @param {string} data.email 邮箱
43 * @param {string} data.sex 性别
44 * @param {string} data.birthday 生日
45 * @param {string} data.address 住址
46 * @param {string} data.status 状态
47 * @param {function} fn 成功回调
48 */
49 saveUser(data, fn) {
50 ajax.call(this, 'post', '/User/saveUser', data, fn);
51 },
53 /**
54 * 删除用户
55 * @param {object} data 参数
56 * @param {string} data.id 需要删除的用户ID,批量删除时,值为以逗号分开的ID字符串
57 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
58 */
59 deleteUser(data, fn) {
60 ajax.call(this, 'post', '/User/deleteUser', data, fn);
61 },
63 /**
64 * 获取用户信息
65 * @param {string} id 用户ID
66 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
67 */
68 findUser(id, fn) {
69 ajax.call(this, 'get', '/User/findUser', {
70 id: id
71 }, fn);
72 },
75 /**
76 * 修改密码
77 * @param {object} data 参数
78 * @param {string} data.old_password 旧密码
79 * @param {string} data.password 新密码
80 * @param {string} data.password_confirm 确认密码
81 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
82 */
83 updPass(data, fn) {
84 ajax.call(this, 'post', '/User/updatePass', data, fn);
85 },
87 /**
88 * 设置权限
89 * @param {object} data 参数
90 * @param {string} data.id 数据ID
91 * @param {string} data.login_style 登录方式,1:单点登录;2:多点登录
92 * @param {string} data.disabled_update_pass 不允许修改密码的用户ID,以逗号隔开
93 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
94 */
95 accessUser(data, fn) {
96 ajax.call(this, 'post', '/User/accessUser', data, fn);
97 }
98 },
100 /**
101 * 文章管理
102 * @type {Object}
103 */
104 article: {
105 /**
106 * 查看用户列表
107 * @param {object} data 参数
108 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
109 */
110 selectArticle(data, fn) {
111 ajax.call(this, 'get', '/Article/selectArticle', data, fn);
112 },
114 /**
115 * 添加修改公用接口
116 * @param {object} data 参数
117 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
118 */
119 saveArticle(data, fn) {
120 ajax.call(this, 'post', '/Article/saveArticle', data, fn);
121 },
123 /**
124 * 删除文章
125 * @param {object} data 参数
126 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
127 */
128 deleteArticle(data, fn) {
129 ajax.call(this, 'post', '/Article/deleteArticle', data, fn);
130 },
132 /**
133 * 获取文章
134 * @param {object} data 参数
135 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
136 */
137 findArticle(data, fn) {
138 ajax.call(this, 'get', '/Article/findArticle', data, fn);
139 },
140 },
143 /**
144 * 订单管理
145 * @type {Object}
146 */
147 order: {
148 /**
149 * 统计订单
150 * @param {object} data 参数
151 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
152 */
153 statisOrder(data, fn) {
154 ajax.call(this, 'get', '/Order/statisOrder', data, fn);
155 },
157 /**
158 * 获取订单列表
159 * @param {object} data 获取订单列表
160 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
161 */
162 selectOrder(data, fn) {
163 ajax.call(this, 'get', '/Order/selectOrder', data, fn);
164 },
166 /**
167 * 添加订单
168 * @param {object} data 参数
169 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
170 */
171 saveOrder(data, fn) {
172 ajax.call(this, 'post', '/Order/saveOrder', data, fn);
173 },
174 },
176 /**
177 * 系统设置
178 * @type {Object}
179 */
180 system: {
181 /**
182 * 获取系统设置信息
183 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
184 */
185 getSetting(fn) {
186 ajax.call(this, 'get', '/System/getSetting', {}, fn);
187 },
189 /**
190 * 修改系统设置信息
191 * @param {object} data 参数
192 * @param {Function} fn 成功回调
193 */
194 updateSetting(data, fn) {
195 ajax.call(this, 'post', '/System/updateSetting', data, fn);
196 }
197 }
198 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 var env = process.env;
3 var settings = {
5 //全局设置
6 gbs: {
7 // host: '//slsadmin.api.' + (env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'sls' : 'sailengsi') + '.com',
8 host: '/vuedemo', //接口根地址。本地代理到slsadmin.api.sls.com,线上使用的是Nginx代理
9 db_prefix: 'sls_admin_', //本地存储的key
10 },
12 //回调
13 cbs: {
14 /**
15 * ajax请求成功,返回的状态码不是200时调用
16 * @param {object} err 返回的对象,包含错误码和错误信息
17 */
18 statusError(err) {
19 if (err.status !== 404) {
20 this.$message({
21 showClose: true,
22 message: '返回错误:' + err.msg,
23 type: 'error'
24 });
25 } else {
26 this.$store.dispatch('remove_userinfo').then(() => {
27 this.$alert(err.status + ',' + err.msg + '!', '登录错误', {
28 confirmButtonText: '确定',
29 callback: action => {
30 this.$router.push('/login');
31 }
32 });
33 });
34 }
35 },
37 /**
38 * ajax请求网络出错时调用
39 */
40 requestError(err) {
41 this.$message({
42 showClose: true,
43 message: '请求错误:' + err.response.status + ',' + err.response.statusText,
44 type: 'error'
45 });
46 }
47 }
48 };
51 module.exports = settings;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
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r._endAction();if(t>10){if(r.speed=r.speed-t*(r.speed>1.2?.001:r.speed>.6?8e-4:6e-4),s=l.round(r.speed*t),r.speed<=0||s<=0)return void r._endAction();o=e,r._do(s),r.scrollTo(r.x,r.y,0,!1,null,!0),r._execEvent("scroll")}d(r._step.bind(r,o))},_doScroll:function(r,l){var e,t=this;t.distance=r,t.options.bounce&&(t.x=t._compute(t.x,t.minScrollX,t.maxScrollX),t.y=t._compute(t.y,t.minScrollY,t.maxScrollY)),t.scrollTo(t.x,t.y,0,t.options.bounce,null,!0,l.touches||[l]),t._execEvent("scroll",l),l&&l.touches&&(e=l.touches[0].pageY,(e<=10||e>=o.innerHeight-10)&&t._end())},_start:function(o){var r=this,e=o.touches||[o];if((r.options.scrollX||r.options.scrollY||r.options.scrollFree)&&(1===e.length||!r.options.zoom))return r.s="preScroll",r.distance=0,r.lastMoveTime=r.startTime=Date.now(),r._s.lastX=r.startPositionX=r._s.startX=e[0].pageX,r._s.lastY=r.startPositionY=r._s.startY=e[0].pageY,void r._execEvent("scrollStart",o);if(r.s=null,r.options.zoom&&e.length>1){r.s="preZoom",r.scroller.style[v.TFO]="0 0";var t=l.abs(e[0].pageX-e[1].pageX),s=l.abs(e[0].pageY-e[1].pageY);return r._z.spacing=l.sqrt(t*t+s*s),r._z.startScale=r._z.scale,r.originX=l.abs(e[0].pageX+e[1].pageX)/2-r.wrapperOffset.left-r.x,r.originY=l.abs(e[0].pageY+e[1].pageY)/2-r.wrapperOffset.top-r.y,void r._execEvent("zoomStart",o)}},_move:function(o){var r,e,t,s,n,i,a,c,p=this,d=o.touches||[o],u=1,m=1;if(e=d[0].pageX,t=d[0].pageY,s=e-p._s.lastX,n=t-p._s.lastY,p._s.lastX=e,p._s.lastY=t,u=s>=0?1:-1,m=n>=0?1:-1,r=Date.now(),(r-p.lastMoveTime>200||p.directionX!==u||p.directionY!==m)&&(p.startTime=r,p.startPositionX=e,p.startPositionY=t,p.directionX=u,p.directionY=m),p.lastMoveTime=r,i=e-p.startPositionX,a=t-p.startPositionY,"preScroll"===p.s){if(p.options.scrollBarFade&&(p.fading=!1,p.scrollBarX&&(p.scrollBarX.style.opacity=1),p.scrollBarY&&(p.scrollBarY.style.opacity=1)),!p.options.scrollFree&&p.options.scrollY&&(!p.options.scrollX||l.abs(t-p._s.startY)>=l.abs(e-p._s.startX)))return p._do=p._y,void(p.s="scrollY");if(!p.options.scrollFree&&p.options.scrollX&&(!p.options.scrollY||l.abs(t-p._s.startY)<l.abs(e-p._s.startX)))return p._do=p._x,void(p.s="scrollX");if(p.options.scrollFree)return p._do=p._xy,void(p.s="scrollFree")}if("scrollY"===p.s)return p.y=t-p._s.startY+p._s.endY,void p._doScroll(a,o);if("scrollX"===p.s)return p.x=e-p._s.startX+p._s.endX,void p._doScroll(i,o);if("scrollFree"===p.s)return p.x=e-p._s.startX+p._s.endX,p.y=t-p._s.startY+p._s.endY,c=l.sqrt(i*i+a*a),p.cosX=i/c,p.cosY=a/c,void p._doScroll(l.sqrt(i*i+a*a),o);if("preZoom"===p.s){var f,_=l.abs(d[0].pageX-d[1].pageX),v=l.abs(d[0].pageY-d[1].pageY),x=l.sqrt(_*_+v*v),h=x/p._z.spacing*p._z.startScale;return h<p.options.zoomMin?h=p.options.zoomMin:h>p.options.zoomMax&&(h=p.options.zoomMax),f=h/p._z.startScale,p.x=l.round(p.originX-p.originX*f+p._s.endX),p.y=l.round(p.originY-p.originY*f+p._s.endY),p._z.scale=h,p._scrollTo(p.x,p.y),void p._execEvent("zoom",o)}},_end:function(){var o,r,e=this,t=Date.now(),s="scrollY"===e.s,n="scrollX"===e.s,i="scrollFree"===e.s;return c.jrollActive=null,e._execEvent("touchEnd"),s||n||i?(e.duration=t-e.startTime,o=e.y>e.minScrollY||e.y<e.maxScrollY,r=e.x>e.minScrollX||e.x<e.maxScrollX,void(s&&o||n&&r||i&&(o||r)?e.scrollTo(e.x,e.y,300)._endAction():e.options.momentum&&e.duration<200&&e.distance?(e.speed=l.abs(e.distance/e.duration),e.speed=e.speed>2?2:e.speed,e.moving=!0,d(e._step.bind(e,t))):e._endAction())):"preZoom"===e.s?(e._z.scale>e.options.zoomMax?e._z.scale=e.options.zoomMax:e._z.scale<e.options.zoomMin&&(e._z.scale=e.options.zoomMin),e.refresh(),e.scrollTo(e.x,e.y,400),void e._execEvent("zoomEnd")):void("preScroll"!==e.s&&"preZoom"!==e.s||!e.options.scrollBarFade||e.fading||(e.fading=!0,e.scrollBarX&&e._fade(e.scrollBarX,2e3),e.scrollBarY&&e._fade(e.scrollBarY,2e3)))}},"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=c),"function"==typeof define&&define(function(){return c}),o.JRoll=c}(window,document,Math);
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import Vue from 'vue';
3 // element-ui
4 import ElementUI from 'element-ui';
5 import 'element-ui/lib/theme-default/index.css';
6 Vue.use(ElementUI);
7 //iview
8 import iview from 'iview';
9 import 'iview/dist/styles/iview.css'; // 使用 CSS
10 Vue.use(iview);
12 // router
13 import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
14 Vue.use(VueRouter);
15 // vuex
16 import Vuex from 'vuex';
17 Vue.use(Vuex);
19 //全局的CSS
20 import './assets/css/main.css';
22 //全局组件
23 import Bread from './components/Layout/Bread.vue';
24 Vue.component('bread', Bread);
26 // root component
27 import App from './App';
29 //vuex store
30 import store from './store/';
33 import routes from './router';
34 //import routes from './config/router.js';
36 import 'plugins/';
37 import 'mixin/';
39 const router = new VueRouter({
40 routes
41 });
43 router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
44 window.scroll(0, 0);
45 iview.LoadingBar.start();
46 // if (!store.state.user.userinfo.token && to.path !== '/login') {
47 // store.dispatch('remove_userinfo');
48 // next('/login');
49 // } else {
50 // if (store.state.user.userinfo.token && to.path === '/login') {
51 // next({
52 // path: '/demo/user/list'
53 // });
54 // } else {
55 // NProgress.start();
56 // next();
57 // }
58 // }
59 next();
60 })
62 router.afterEach(transition => {
63 iview.LoadingBar.finish();
64 });
66 const appAdmin = new Vue({
67 el: '#app',
68 data() {
69 return {
71 };
72 },
73 // template: '<App/>',
74 router,
75 store,
76 render: h => h(App)
77 })
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 /**
3 * 检测富文本内容
4 * @param {object} object 富文本对象集
5 * @param {object} object.editor_temp_data 富文本对象集
6 * @param {object} object.field_infos 富文本对象说明
7 * @param {boolean} object.type 是否返回boolean值
8 * @return {object or boolean} 如果传了type返回Boolean,否则返回验证信息
9 */
10 onCheckEditor({
11 editor_temp_data,
12 field_infos,
13 type
14 }) {
15 var obj = {
16 status: 200
17 };
18 for (var id in editor_temp_data) {
19 if (!editor_temp_data[id].text) {
20 if ((editor_temp_data[id].html.indexOf('<iframe') == -1 || editor_temp_data[id].html.indexOf('</iframe>') == -1) && (editor_temp_data[id].html.indexOf('<img') == -1)) {
21 if (field_infos && field_infos[id]) {
22 this.$message.error(field_infos[id].msg);
23 }
24 obj.status = 1;
25 obj.id = id;
26 break;
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 return type === true ? obj.status === 200 : obj;
31 },
33 onSubmit({
34 data,
35 editor_temp_data
36 }) {
37 if (editor_temp_data) {
38 var check = this.onCheckEditor({
39 editor_temp_data,
40 field_infos: this.tips,
41 type: true
42 });
43 if (check) {
44 for (var f in this.tips) {
45 data[this.tips[f].field] = editor_temp_data[f].html;
46 }
47 this.onSubmitFn && this.onSubmitFn(data);
48 }
49 } else {
50 this.onSubmitFn && this.onSubmitFn(data);
51 }
52 }
53 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 getDataList() {
3 var query = this.$route.query;
4 var params = Object.assign({}, {
5 page_size: this.pagination.page_size,
6 page: this.pagination.current_page
7 }, query);
10 this[this.apis.method.get_list](params, (data) => {
11 this.list = data.list.data;
12 this.pagination.total = data.list.total;
13 });
14 },
16 onChangeCurrentPage(page) {
17 this.setRoutePath({
18 page
19 });
20 },
21 onChangePageSize(page_size) {
22 this.setRoutePath({
23 page_size
24 });
25 },
27 setRoutePath(q) {
28 var query = this.$route.query;
29 var params = Object.assign({}, query, q);
30 var path = this.$route.path;
32 this.$router.push({
33 path,
34 query: params
35 });
37 this.getDataList();
39 },
41 /**
42 * 点击按钮通用事件
43 * @param {object} opts 返回参数
44 */
45 onGetInfo(opts) {
46 console.log('on-get-info');
47 console.log(opts);
48 switch (opts.type) {
49 case 'select':
50 console.log('select');
51 break;
52 case 'update':
53 this.$router.push({
54 path: this.apis.route.update_path,
55 query: {
56 id: opts.row.id
57 }
58 });
59 break;
60 }
61 },
64 /**
65 * 点击删除按钮事件
66 * @param {object} opts 返回参数
67 */
68 onDelete(opts) {
69 console.log('on-delete');
70 console.log(opts);
73 if (opts.index >= 0) {
74 var batch = false;
75 var id = opts.data.id;
76 } else {
77 var batch = true;
78 var id = opts.batch_ids.join(',');
79 }
81 this[this.apis.method.delete_data]({
82 id: id
83 }, data => {
84 if (batch === true) {
85 this.list = this.list.filter((item) => {
86 return opts.batch_ids.indexOf(item.id) === -1;
87 });
88 } else {
89 this.list.splice(opts.index, 1);
90 }
91 });
92 },
94 onSelectionChange(ids, datas) {
95 console.log('on-selection-change');
96 },
98 onSelectionChangeObj({
99 ids,
100 datas
101 }) {
102 console.log('on-selection-change-obj');
103 },
104 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 ListData: require('./ListData.js'),
3 FormData: require('./FormData.js')
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 Common: require('./Common/')
3 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import Vue from 'vue';
3 /**
4 * 递归提取一个对象中的所有函数
5 * @param {object} obj 对象
6 * @return {object} 所有函数都将被包装到这个对象中
7 */
8 function mergeManyObjToOneObj(obj) {
9 var newObj = {};
10 if (obj && typeof obj === 'object') {
11 for (var f in obj) {
12 if (typeof obj[f] === 'function') {
13 newObj[f] = obj[f];
14 }
15 if (typeof obj[f] === 'object') {
16 Object.assign(newObj, mergeManyObjToOneObj(obj[f]));
17 }
18 }
19 }
20 return newObj;
21 }
23 //导入自定义的全局混合
24 var mixins = {
25 methods: mergeManyObjToOneObj(require('./Methods/'))
26 };
28 //注册全局混合
29 Vue.mixin(mixins);
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import Vue from 'vue';
4 /**
5 * 导入需要注册的对象
6 */
7 import {
8 plugins
9 } from 'register/';
12 /**
13 * 注册到Vue对象中
14 */
15 Vue.use({
16 install(Vue, options) {
18 /**
19 * 递归把需要用到的方法以插件形式注册到Vue上
20 * @param {object} target 注册目标对象,即Vue
21 * @param {object} source 需要注册的对象
22 */
23 var deepRegister = function(target, source) {
24 for (var k in source) {
25 if (typeof source[k] === 'object') {
26 deepRegister(target, source[k]);
27 } else {
28 target.prototype['$$' + k] = source[k];
29 }
30 }
31 }
33 deepRegister(Vue, plugins);
34 }
35 });
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 request as apis
3 } from 'config/';
4 import Bread from '../components/Layout/Bread.vue';
6 module.exports = {
7 plugins: {
8 apis,
9 Bread
10 }
11 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 Layout,
3 Modules
4 } from '../components/';
6 module.exports = [{
7 path: '/account',
8 name: '帐号中心',
9 component: Modules.Account.AccountView,
10 children: [{
11 path: '',
12 name: '目录',
13 component: Modules.Account.AccountList
14 }, {
15 path: ':id',
16 name: '帐号设置',
17 component: Modules.Account.AccountList
18 }
20 ]
21 }]
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 Layout,
3 Modules
4 } from '../components/';
7 module.exports = [{
8 path: '/interface',
9 name: '接口文档',
10 component: Modules.ApiDoc.ApiDocView,
11 children: [{
12 path: '',
13 name: '目录',
14 component: Modules.ApiDoc.ApiList,
15 }, {
16 path: 'pro/:id',
17 name: '项目详情',
18 component: Modules.ApiDoc.Detail.ApiDetail,
19 }, {
20 path: 'detail/:id',
21 name: '商品模块',
22 component: Modules.ApiDoc.Detail.ApiDetail,
23 }, {
24 path: 'debug/:id',
25 name: '商品模块',
26 component: Modules.ApiDoc.Detail.ApiDebug,
27 }
29 ]
30 }]
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 Layout,
3 Modules
4 } from '../components/';
6 module.exports = [{
7 path: '/doc',
8 name: '帮助文档',
9 component: Modules.HelpDoc.HelpDocView,
10 children: [{
11 path: '',
12 name: '目录',
13 component: Modules.HelpDoc.DocList,
14 }, {
15 path: 'pro/:id',
16 name: '项目详情',
17 component: Modules.ApiDoc.Detail.ApiDetail,
18 }, {
19 path: 'detail/:id',
20 name: '商品模块',
21 component: Modules.ApiDoc.Detail.ApiDetail,
22 }, {
23 path: 'debug/:id',
24 name: '商品模块',
25 component: Modules.ApiDoc.Detail.ApiDebug,
26 }
28 ]
29 }]
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import apiDocRouter from './apiDocRouter'
2 import helpDocRouter from './helpDocRouter'
3 import supportRouter from './supportRouter'
4 import accountRouter from './accountRouter'
5 import {
6 Layout,
7 Modules,
8 Login
9 } from '../components/';
10 const routes = [{
11 path: '/',
12 name: '首页',
13 // hidden: true,
14 component: Modules.HomeView,
15 children: [{
16 path: '',
17 name: '概要介绍',
18 // hidden: true,
19 meta: { hidenleft: true },
20 component: Modules.MainCon.MainCon,
21 }]
22 }, {
23 path: '/login',
24 name: '登录',
25 component: Login.Login,
26 }, {
27 path: '/register',
28 name: '注册',
29 component: Login.Register,
30 }
32 ];
33 module.exports = routes.concat(apiDocRouter).concat(helpDocRouter).concat(supportRouter).concat(accountRouter);
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 Layout,
3 Modules
4 } from '../components/';
6 module.exports = [{
7 path: '/support',
8 name: '支持中心',
9 component: Modules.Support.SupportView,
10 children: [{
11 path: '',
12 name: '目录',
13 component: Modules.Support.SupportList
14 }
16 ]
17 }]
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types';
4 /*var actions = {};
5 var mts = Object.keys(types);
6 for (var i = 0; i < mts.length; i++) {
7 var fun_name = mts[i].toLocaleLowerCase(),
8 cmt_name = mts[i];
10 // console.log(fun_name, cmt_name);
12 actions[fun_name] = (function() {
13 return function({
14 commit
15 }, arg) {
16 console.log(types[cmt_name]);
17 commit(types[cmt_name], arg);
18 commit(types.UPDATE_LOCAL);
19 }
20 })();
21 }
22 console.log(actions);
23 module.exports = actions;*/
26 module.exports = {
27 clear_local: ({
28 commit
29 }) => {
30 commit(types.CLEAR_LOCAL);
31 },
32 update_local: ({
33 commit
34 }) => {
35 commit(types.UPDATE_LOCAL);
36 },
37 update_cur_shop_status: ({
38 commit
39 }, obj) => {
40 commit(types.UPDATE_CUR_SHOP_STATUS, obj);
41 },
42 delete_db: ({
43 commit
44 }) => {
45 commit(types.DELETE_DB);
46 commit(types.UPDATE_LOCAL);
47 },
48 create_db: ({
49 commit
50 }, {
51 shop
52 }) => {
53 commit(types.CREATE_DB, shop);
54 commit(types.UPDATE_LOCAL);
55 },
56 add_db: ({
57 commit
58 }) => {
59 commit(types.ADD_DB);
60 commit(types.UPDATE_LOCAL);
61 },
62 reduce_db: ({
63 commit
64 }) => {
65 commit(types.REDUCE_DB);
66 commit(types.UPDATE_LOCAL);
67 },
68 check_db: ({
69 commit
70 }, obj) => {
71 commit(types.CHECK_DB, obj);
72 }
73 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 getInfos(state) {
3 state.cartInfos.total_price = 0;
4 state.cartInfos.total_nums = 0;
5 var list = state.cartList;
6 for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
7 var price = parseInt(list[i].price),
8 num = parseInt(list[i].num);
10 state.cartInfos.total_price += price * num;
11 state.cartInfos.total_nums += num;
12 }
13 return state.cartInfos;
14 },
15 getCartList(state) {
16 return state.cartList;
17 }
18 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import state from './state';
2 import mutations from './mutations';
3 import getters from './getters';
4 import actions from './actions';
6 module.exports = {
7 state,
8 mutations,
9 getters,
10 actions
11 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types'
3 module.exports = {
4 [types.CLEAR_LOCAL](state) {
5 state.cartList.forEach(function(item) {
6 item.num = 0;
7 });
8 state.cartList = [];
9 localStorage.removeItem('vuex_cart');
10 },
11 [types.UPDATE_LOCAL](state) {
12 localStorage.setItem('vuex_cart', JSON.stringify(state.cartList));
13 },
14 [types.UPDATE_CUR_SHOP_STATUS](state, {
15 index = -1
16 }) {
17 state.curIndex = index;
18 },
19 [types.DELETE_DB](state) {
20 if (state.curIndex >= 0) {
21 state.cartList[state.curIndex].num = 0;
22 state.cartList.splice(state.curIndex, 1);
23 }
24 },
25 [types.CREATE_DB](state, shop) {
26 // console.log('mu create');
28 state.cartList.push(shop);
29 },
30 [types.ADD_DB](state) {
31 // console.log('mu add id:' + state.curIndex);
33 state.cartList[state.curIndex].num = parseInt(state.cartList[state.curIndex].num);
34 state.cartList[state.curIndex].num++;
35 },
36 [types.REDUCE_DB](state) {
37 // console.log('mu reduce');
39 state.cartList[state.curIndex].num = parseInt(state.cartList[state.curIndex].num);
40 state.cartList[state.curIndex].num--;
42 // console.log(state.cartList[state.curIndex].num);
43 if (state.cartList[state.curIndex].num == 0) {
44 state.cartList.splice(state.curIndex, 1);
45 }
46 },
47 [types.CHECK_DB](state, {
48 id
49 }) {
50 // console.log('mu check id :' + id);
51 // console.log(state.cartList);
53 state.curIndex = -1;
55 var list = state.cartList;
56 if (list.length) {
57 for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
58 if (list[i].id == id) {
59 state.curIndex = i;
60 break;
61 }
62 }
63 }
64 }
65 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 //添加菜品到购物车
2 export const CREATE_DB = 'CREATE_DB';
4 //给购物车的菜品++
5 export const ADD_DB = 'ADD_DB';
7 //给购物车的菜品--
8 export const REDUCE_DB = 'REDUCE_DB';
10 //删除购物车的索引
11 export const DELETE_DB = 'DELETE_DB';
13 //更新当前菜品在购物车的状态
16 //检测购物车内是否存在某菜品
17 export const CHECK_DB = 'CHECK_DB';
19 //更新本地数据
20 export const UPDATE_LOCAL = 'UPDATE_LOCAL';
22 //清空本地数据
23 export const CLEAR_LOCAL = 'CLEAR_LOCAL';
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 //购物车列表
3 cartList: localStorage.getItem('vuex_cart') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('vuex_cart')) : [],
5 //当前购物车信息
6 cartInfos: {
7 total_price: 0,
8 total_nums: 0
9 },
11 //当前菜品是否在购物车的状态。在则是对应的索引,不在则是-1
12 curIndex: -1
13 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types';
3 module.exports = {
4 show_loading: ({
5 commit
6 }) => {
7 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
8 commit(types.SHOW_LOADING);
9 resolve()
10 });
11 },
13 hide_loading: ({
14 commit
15 }) => {
16 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
17 commit(types.HIDE_LOADING);
18 resolve()
19 });
20 }
21 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
3 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import state from './state';
2 import mutations from './mutations';
3 import getters from './getters';
4 import actions from './actions';
6 module.exports = {
7 state,
8 mutations,
9 getters,
10 actions
11 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types'
3 import {
4 store
5 } from '../../util/';
7 module.exports = {
8 [types.SHOW_LOADING](state) {
9 state.ajax_loading = true;
10 },
12 [types.HIDE_LOADING](state) {
13 state.ajax_loading = false;
14 }
15 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 //显示加载
2 export const SHOW_LOADING = 'SHOW_LOADING';
4 //关闭加载
5 export const HIDE_LOADING = 'HIDE_LOADING';
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 store
3 } from '../../util/';
6 module.exports = {
7 ajax_loading: false
8 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import Vue from 'vue';
2 import Vuex from 'vuex';
3 Vue.use(Vuex);
5 import cart from './cart/';
6 import router from './router/';
7 import leftmenu from './leftmenu/';
8 import user from './userinfo/';
9 import global from './global/';
11 module.exports = new Vuex.Store({
12 modules: {
13 global,
14 cart,
15 router,
16 leftmenu,
17 user
18 }
19 });
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types';
3 module.exports = {
4 set_menu_open: ({
5 commit
6 }) => {
7 commit(types.SET_MENU_OPEN);
8 },
9 set_menu_close: ({
10 commit
11 }) => {
12 commit(types.SET_MENU_CLOSE);
13 }
14 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 // getCartList(state) {
3 // return state.cartList;
4 // }
5 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import state from './state';
2 import mutations from './mutations';
3 import getters from './getters';
4 import actions from './actions';
6 module.exports = {
7 state,
8 mutations,
9 getters,
10 actions
11 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types'
3 module.exports = {
4 [types.SET_MENU_OPEN](state) {
5 state.width = '190px';
6 state.menu_flag = true;
7 },
8 [types.SET_MENU_CLOSE](state) {
9 state.width = '50px';
10 state.menu_flag = false;
11 },
12 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 //展开菜单
2 export const SET_MENU_OPEN = 'SET_MENU_OPEN';
4 //关闭菜单
5 export const SET_MENU_CLOSE = 'SET_MENU_CLOSE';
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 //左侧菜单宽度
3 width: '190px',
4 menu_flag: true,
5 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types';
3 module.exports = {
4 set_cur_route: ({
5 commit
6 }, paths) => {
7 commit(types.SET_CUR_ROUTE, paths);
8 }
9 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 // getCartList(state) {
3 // return state.cartList;
4 // }
5 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import state from './state';
2 import mutations from './mutations';
3 import getters from './getters';
4 import actions from './actions';
6 module.exports = {
7 state,
8 mutations,
9 getters,
10 actions
11 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types'
3 module.exports = {
4 [types.SET_CUR_ROUTE](state, paths) {
5 // console.log(paths);
6 state.headerCurRouter = paths.rootPath;
7 state.leftCurRouter = paths.fullPath;
8 }
9 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 //设置当前路由
2 export const SET_CUR_ROUTE = 'SET_CUR_ROUTE';
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 //头部当前路由,匹配高亮所用
3 headerCurRouter: '',
5 //左侧当前路由,匹配高亮所用
6 leftCurRouter: ''
7 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types';
3 module.exports = {
4 update_userinfo: ({
5 commit
6 }, {
7 userinfo
8 }) => {
9 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
10 commit(types.UPDATE_USERINFO, {
11 userinfo
12 });
13 resolve()
14 });
15 },
17 remove_userinfo: ({
18 commit
19 }) => {
20 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
21 commit(types.REMOVE_USERINFO);
22 resolve()
23 });
24 },
27 update_remumber: ({
28 commit
29 }, {
30 remumber_flag,
31 remumber_login_info
32 }) => {
33 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
34 commit(types.UPDATE_REMUMBER, {
35 remumber_flag,
36 remumber_login_info
37 });
38 resolve()
39 });
40 },
42 remove_remumber: ({
43 commit
44 }) => {
45 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
46 commit(types.REMOVE_REMUMBER);
47 resolve()
48 });
49 }
50 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 getUserinfo(state) {
3 return state.userinfo;
4 },
6 getToken(state) {
7 return state.userinfo && state.userinfo.token ? state.userinfo.token : '';
8 },
10 getRemumber(state){
11 return state.remumber;
12 }
13 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import state from './state';
2 import mutations from './mutations';
3 import getters from './getters';
4 import actions from './actions';
6 module.exports = {
7 state,
8 mutations,
9 getters,
10 actions
11 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import * as types from './mutations_types'
3 import {
4 store
5 } from '../../util/';
7 module.exports = {
8 [types.UPDATE_USERINFO](state, user_db) {
9 state.userinfo = user_db.userinfo || {};
10 store.set('userinfo', state.userinfo);
11 },
13 [types.REMOVE_USERINFO](state) {
14 store.remove('userinfo');
15 state.userinfo = {};
16 },
18 [types.UPDATE_REMUMBER](state, user_db) {
19 state.remumber.remumber_flag = user_db.remumber_flag;
20 state.remumber.remumber_login_info = user_db.remumber_login_info;
22 store.set('remumber_flag', state.remumber.remumber_flag);
23 store.set('remumber_login_info', state.remumber.remumber_login_info);
24 },
27 [types.REMOVE_REMUMBER](state) {
28 store.remove('remumber_flag');
29 store.remove('remumber_login_info');
31 state.remumber.remumber_flag = false;
32 state.remumber.remumber_login_info = {
33 username: '',
34 token: ''
35 };
36 },
37 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 //更新用户信息
4 //清空用户信息
7 //更新记录密码相关信息
10 //清空记录密码相关信息
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 store
3 } from '../../util/';
6 module.exports = {
7 //登录成功后的用户信息
8 userinfo: store.get('userinfo') || {},
10 //记住密码相关信息,现在暂且只做记住一个账号密码
11 //后期:每次登录成功一次,就缓存到列表中,然后在登录表单,输入时,会出现下拉列表选择之前登录过得用户
12 remumber: {
13 remumber_flag: store.get('remumber_flag') ? true : false,
14 remumber_login_info: store.get('remumber_login_info') || {
15 username: '',
16 token: ''
17 }
18 },
19 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import Vue from 'vue';
2 import axios from 'axios';
3 import VueAxios from 'vue-axios';
4 import iview from 'iview';
5 // 导入封装的回调函数
6 import {
7 cbs,
8 gbs
9 } from 'config/settings.js';
10 // axios 配置
11 axios.defaults.timeout = 5000;
12 axios.defaults.baseURL = gbs.host;
14 // http request 拦截器
15 axios.interceptors.request.use(
16 config => {
17 // if (store.state.token) {
18 // config.headers.Authorization = `token ${store.state.token}`;
19 // }
20 return config;
21 },
22 err => {
23 return Promise.reject(err);
24 });
26 // http response 拦截器
27 axios.interceptors.response.use(
28 response => {
29 iview.Message.info("response拦截器vue");
30 console.log("response拦截器");
31 return response;
32 },
33 error => {
34 if (error.response) {
35 switch (error.response.status) {
36 case 500:
37 console.log("500,服务器异常");
38 // 401 清除token信息并跳转到登录页面
39 // store.commit(types.LOGOUT);
40 // router.replace({
41 // path: 'login',
42 // query: { redirect: router.currentRoute.fullPath }
43 // })
44 }
45 }
46 iview.Message.error("发生了错误")
47 // console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); //console : Error: Request failed with status code 402
48 return Promise.reject(error.response.data)
49 });
51 Vue.use(VueAxios, axios);
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import axios from 'axios'
2 import store from './store/store'
3 import * as types from './store/types'
4 import router from './router'
6 // axios 配置
7 axios.defaults.timeout = 5000;
8 axios.defaults.baseURL = 'https://api.github.com';
10 // http request 拦截器
11 axios.interceptors.request.use(
12 config => {
13 if (store.state.token) {
14 config.headers.Authorization = `token ${store.state.token}`;
15 }
16 return config;
17 },
18 err => {
19 return Promise.reject(err);
20 });
22 // http response 拦截器
23 axios.interceptors.response.use(
24 response => {
25 return response;
26 },
27 error => {
28 if (error.response) {
29 switch (error.response.status) {
30 case 401:
31 // 401 清除token信息并跳转到登录页面
32 store.commit(types.LOGOUT);
33 router.replace({
34 path: 'login',
35 query: { redirect: router.currentRoute.fullPath }
36 })
37 }
38 }
39 // console.log(JSON.stringify(error));//console : Error: Request failed with status code 402
40 return Promise.reject(error.response.data)
41 });
43 export default axios;
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = require('./ajax.js');
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = {
2 store: require('./store/'),
3 ajax: require('./ajax/')
4 };
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 module.exports = require('./store.js');
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
1 import {
2 gbs
3 } from 'config/settings.js';
5 class Store {
6 constructor() {
7 this.store = window.localStorage;
8 this.prefix = gbs.db_prefix;
9 }
10 set(key, value, fn) {
11 try {
12 value = JSON.stringify(value);
13 } catch (e) {
14 value = value;
15 }
17 this.store.setItem(this.prefix + key, value);
19 fn && fn();
20 }
21 get(key, fn) {
22 if (!key) {
23 throw new Error('没有找到key。');
24 return;
25 }
26 if (typeof key === 'object') {
27 throw new Error('key不能是一个对象。');
28 return;
29 }
30 var value = this.store.getItem(this.prefix + key);
31 if (value !== null) {
32 try {
33 value = JSON.parse(value);
34 } catch (e) {
35 value = value;
36 }
37 }
39 return value;
40 }
41 remove(key) {
42 this.store.removeItem(this.prefix + key);
43 }
44 }
45 module.exports = new Store();
...\ No newline at end of file ...\ No newline at end of file
File mode changed
1 /*!
2 * Font Awesome 4.7.0 by @davegandy - http://fontawesome.io - @fontawesome
3 * License - http://fontawesome.io/license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)
4 */
6 * -------------------------- */
7 @font-face {
8 font-family: 'FontAwesome';
9 src: url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.7.0');
10 src: url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=4.7.0') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0') format('woff2'), url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0') format('woff'), url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg?v=4.7.0#fontawesomeregular') format('svg');
11 font-weight: normal;
12 font-style: normal;
13 }
14 .fa {
15 display: inline-block;
16 font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome;
17 font-size: inherit;
18 text-rendering: auto;
19 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
20 -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
21 }
22 /* makes the font 33% larger relative to the icon container */
23 .fa-lg {
24 font-size: 1.33333333em;
25 line-height: 0.75em;
26 vertical-align: -15%;
27 }
28 .fa-2x {
29 font-size: 2em;
30 }
31 .fa-3x {
32 font-size: 3em;
33 }
34 .fa-4x {
35 font-size: 4em;
36 }
37 .fa-5x {
38 font-size: 5em;
39 }
40 .fa-fw {
41 width: 1.28571429em;
42 text-align: center;
43 }
44 .fa-ul {
45 padding-left: 0;
46 margin-left: 2.14285714em;
47 list-style-type: none;
48 }
49 .fa-ul > li {
50 position: relative;
51 }
52 .fa-li {
53 position: absolute;
54 left: -2.14285714em;
55 width: 2.14285714em;
56 top: 0.14285714em;
57 text-align: center;
58 }
59 .fa-li.fa-lg {
60 left: -1.85714286em;
61 }
62 .fa-border {
63 padding: .2em .25em .15em;
64 border: solid 0.08em #eeeeee;
65 border-radius: .1em;
66 }
67 .fa-pull-left {
68 float: left;
69 }
70 .fa-pull-right {
71 float: right;
72 }
73 .fa.fa-pull-left {
74 margin-right: .3em;
75 }
76 .fa.fa-pull-right {
77 margin-left: .3em;
78 }
79 /* Deprecated as of 4.4.0 */
80 .pull-right {
81 float: right;
82 }
83 .pull-left {
84 float: left;
85 }
86 .fa.pull-left {
87 margin-right: .3em;
88 }
89 .fa.pull-right {
90 margin-left: .3em;
91 }
92 .fa-spin {
93 -webkit-animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear;
94 animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear;
95 }
96 .fa-pulse {
97 -webkit-animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);
98 animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);
99 }
100 @-webkit-keyframes fa-spin {
101 0% {
102 -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
103 transform: rotate(0deg);
104 }
105 100% {
106 -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
107 transform: rotate(359deg);
108 }
109 }
110 @keyframes fa-spin {
111 0% {
112 -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
113 transform: rotate(0deg);
114 }
115 100% {
116 -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
117 transform: rotate(359deg);
118 }
119 }
120 .fa-rotate-90 {
121 -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1)";
122 -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
123 -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
124 transform: rotate(90deg);
125 }
126 .fa-rotate-180 {
127 -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2)";
128 -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
129 -ms-transform: rotate(180deg);
130 transform: rotate(180deg);
131 }
132 .fa-rotate-270 {
133 -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)";
134 -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg);
135 -ms-transform: rotate(270deg);
136 transform: rotate(270deg);
137 }
138 .fa-flip-horizontal {
139 -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0, mirror=1)";
140 -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1);
141 -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1);
142 transform: scale(-1, 1);
143 }
144 .fa-flip-vertical {
145 -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, mirror=1)";
146 -webkit-transform: scale(1, -1);
147 -ms-transform: scale(1, -1);
148 transform: scale(1, -1);
149 }
150 :root .fa-rotate-90,
151 :root .fa-rotate-180,
152 :root .fa-rotate-270,
153 :root .fa-flip-horizontal,
154 :root .fa-flip-vertical {
155 filter: none;
156 }
157 .fa-stack {
158 position: relative;
159 display: inline-block;
160 width: 2em;
161 height: 2em;
162 line-height: 2em;
163 vertical-align: middle;
164 }
165 .fa-stack-1x,
166 .fa-stack-2x {
167 position: absolute;
168 left: 0;
169 width: 100%;
170 text-align: center;
171 }
172 .fa-stack-1x {
173 line-height: inherit;
174 }
175 .fa-stack-2x {
176 font-size: 2em;
177 }
178 .fa-inverse {
179 color: #ffffff;
180 }
181 /* Font Awesome uses the Unicode Private Use Area (PUA) to ensure screen
182 readers do not read off random characters that represent icons */
183 .fa-glass:before {
184 content: "\f000";
185 }
186 .fa-music:before {
187 content: "\f001";
188 }
189 .fa-search:before {
190 content: "\f002";
191 }
192 .fa-envelope-o:before {
193 content: "\f003";
194 }
195 .fa-heart:before {
196 content: "\f004";
197 }
198 .fa-star:before {
199 content: "\f005";
200 }
201 .fa-star-o:before {
202 content: "\f006";
203 }
204 .fa-user:before {
205 content: "\f007";
206 }
207 .fa-film:before {
208 content: "\f008";
209 }
210 .fa-th-large:before {
211 content: "\f009";
212 }
213 .fa-th:before {
214 content: "\f00a";
215 }
216 .fa-th-list:before {
217 content: "\f00b";
218 }
219 .fa-check:before {
220 content: "\f00c";
221 }
222 .fa-remove:before,
223 .fa-close:before,
224 .fa-times:before {
225 content: "\f00d";
226 }
227 .fa-search-plus:before {
228 content: "\f00e";
229 }
230 .fa-search-minus:before {
231 content: "\f010";
232 }
233 .fa-power-off:before {
234 content: "\f011";
235 }
236 .fa-signal:before {
237 content: "\f012";
238 }
239 .fa-gear:before,
240 .fa-cog:before {
241 content: "\f013";
242 }
243 .fa-trash-o:before {
244 content: "\f014";
245 }
246 .fa-home:before {
247 content: "\f015";
248 }
249 .fa-file-o:before {
250 content: "\f016";
251 }
252 .fa-clock-o:before {
253 content: "\f017";
254 }
255 .fa-road:before {
256 content: "\f018";
257 }
258 .fa-download:before {
259 content: "\f019";
260 }
261 .fa-arrow-circle-o-down:before {
262 content: "\f01a";
263 }
264 .fa-arrow-circle-o-up:before {
265 content: "\f01b";
266 }
267 .fa-inbox:before {
268 content: "\f01c";
269 }
270 .fa-play-circle-o:before {
271 content: "\f01d";
272 }
273 .fa-rotate-right:before,
274 .fa-repeat:before {
275 content: "\f01e";
276 }
277 .fa-refresh:before {
278 content: "\f021";
279 }
280 .fa-list-alt:before {
281 content: "\f022";
282 }
283 .fa-lock:before {
284 content: "\f023";
285 }
286 .fa-flag:before {
287 content: "\f024";
288 }
289 .fa-headphones:before {
290 content: "\f025";
291 }
292 .fa-volume-off:before {
293 content: "\f026";
294 }
295 .fa-volume-down:before {
296 content: "\f027";
297 }
298 .fa-volume-up:before {
299 content: "\f028";
300 }
301 .fa-qrcode:before {
302 content: "\f029";
303 }
304 .fa-barcode:before {
305 content: "\f02a";
306 }
307 .fa-tag:before {
308 content: "\f02b";
309 }
310 .fa-tags:before {
311 content: "\f02c";
312 }
313 .fa-book:before {
314 content: "\f02d";
315 }
316 .fa-bookmark:before {
317 content: "\f02e";
318 }
319 .fa-print:before {
320 content: "\f02f";
321 }
322 .fa-camera:before {
323 content: "\f030";
324 }
325 .fa-font:before {
326 content: "\f031";
327 }
328 .fa-bold:before {
329 content: "\f032";
330 }
331 .fa-italic:before {
332 content: "\f033";
333 }
334 .fa-text-height:before {
335 content: "\f034";
336 }
337 .fa-text-width:before {
338 content: "\f035";
339 }
340 .fa-align-left:before {
341 content: "\f036";
342 }
343 .fa-align-center:before {
344 content: "\f037";
345 }
346 .fa-align-right:before {
347 content: "\f038";
348 }
349 .fa-align-justify:before {
350 content: "\f039";
351 }
352 .fa-list:before {
353 content: "\f03a";
354 }
355 .fa-dedent:before,
356 .fa-outdent:before {
357 content: "\f03b";
358 }
359 .fa-indent:before {
360 content: "\f03c";
361 }
362 .fa-video-camera:before {
363 content: "\f03d";
364 }
365 .fa-photo:before,
366 .fa-image:before,
367 .fa-picture-o:before {
368 content: "\f03e";
369 }
370 .fa-pencil:before {
371 content: "\f040";
372 }
373 .fa-map-marker:before {
374 content: "\f041";
375 }
376 .fa-adjust:before {
377 content: "\f042";
378 }
379 .fa-tint:before {
380 content: "\f043";
381 }
382 .fa-edit:before,
383 .fa-pencil-square-o:before {
384 content: "\f044";
385 }
386 .fa-share-square-o:before {
387 content: "\f045";
388 }
389 .fa-check-square-o:before {
390 content: "\f046";
391 }
392 .fa-arrows:before {
393 content: "\f047";
394 }
395 .fa-step-backward:before {
396 content: "\f048";
397 }
398 .fa-fast-backward:before {
399 content: "\f049";
400 }
401 .fa-backward:before {
402 content: "\f04a";
403 }
404 .fa-play:before {
405 content: "\f04b";
406 }
407 .fa-pause:before {
408 content: "\f04c";
409 }
410 .fa-stop:before {
411 content: "\f04d";
412 }
413 .fa-forward:before {
414 content: "\f04e";
415 }
416 .fa-fast-forward:before {
417 content: "\f050";
418 }
419 .fa-step-forward:before {
420 content: "\f051";
421 }
422 .fa-eject:before {
423 content: "\f052";
424 }
425 .fa-chevron-left:before {
426 content: "\f053";
427 }
428 .fa-chevron-right:before {
429 content: "\f054";
430 }
431 .fa-plus-circle:before {
432 content: "\f055";
433 }
434 .fa-minus-circle:before {
435 content: "\f056";
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1 /*!
2 * Agate by Taufik Nurrohman <https://github.com/tovic>
3 * ----------------------------------------------------
4 *
5 * #ade5fc
6 * #a2fca2
7 * #c6b4f0
8 * #d36363
9 * #fcc28c
10 * #fc9b9b
11 * #ffa
12 * #fff
13 * #333
14 * #62c8f3
15 * #888
16 *
17 */
19 .hljs {
20 display: block;
21 overflow-x: auto;
22 padding: 0.5em;
23 background: #333;
24 color: white;
25 }
27 .hljs-name,
28 .hljs-strong {
29 font-weight: bold;
30 }
32 .hljs-code,
33 .hljs-emphasis {
34 font-style: italic;
35 }
37 .hljs-tag {
38 color: #62c8f3;
39 }
41 .hljs-variable,
42 .hljs-template-variable,
43 .hljs-selector-id,
44 .hljs-selector-class {
45 color: #ade5fc;
46 }
48 .hljs-string,
49 .hljs-bullet {
50 color: #a2fca2;
51 }
53 .hljs-type,
54 .hljs-title,
55 .hljs-section,
56 .hljs-attribute,
57 .hljs-quote,
58 .hljs-built_in,
59 .hljs-builtin-name {
60 color: #ffa;
61 }
63 .hljs-number,
64 .hljs-symbol,
65 .hljs-bullet {
66 color: #d36363;
67 }
69 .hljs-keyword,
70 .hljs-selector-tag,
71 .hljs-literal {
72 color: #fcc28c;
73 }
75 .hljs-comment,
76 .hljs-deletion,
77 .hljs-code {
78 color: #888;
79 }
81 .hljs-regexp,
82 .hljs-link {
83 color: #c6b4f0;
84 }
86 .hljs-meta {
87 color: #fc9b9b;
88 }
90 .hljs-deletion {
91 background-color: #fc9b9b;
92 color: #333;
93 }
95 .hljs-addition {
96 background-color: #a2fca2;
97 color: #333;
98 }
100 .hljs a {
101 color: inherit;
102 }
104 .hljs a:focus,
105 .hljs a:hover {
106 color: inherit;
107 text-decoration: underline;
108 }
1 /*
2 Date: 24 Fev 2015
3 Author: Pedro Oliveira <kanytu@gmail . com>
4 */
6 .hljs {
7 color: #a9b7c6;
8 background: #282b2e;
9 display: block;
10 overflow-x: auto;
11 padding: 0.5em;
12 }
14 .hljs-number,
15 .hljs-literal,
16 .hljs-symbol,
17 .hljs-bullet {
18 color: #6897BB;
19 }
21 .hljs-keyword,
22 .hljs-selector-tag,
23 .hljs-deletion {
24 color: #cc7832;
25 }
27 .hljs-variable,
28 .hljs-template-variable,
29 .hljs-link {
30 color: #629755;
31 }
33 .hljs-comment,
34 .hljs-quote {
35 color: #808080;
36 }
38 .hljs-meta {
39 color: #bbb529;
40 }
42 .hljs-string,
43 .hljs-attribute,
44 .hljs-addition {
45 color: #6A8759;
46 }
48 .hljs-section,
49 .hljs-title,
50 .hljs-type {
51 color: #ffc66d;
52 }
54 .hljs-name,
55 .hljs-selector-id,
56 .hljs-selector-class {
57 color: #e8bf6a;
58 }
60 .hljs-emphasis {
61 font-style: italic;
62 }
64 .hljs-strong {
65 font-weight: bold;
66 }
1 /*
3 Arduino® Light Theme - Stefania Mellai <s.mellai@arduino.cc>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #FFFFFF;
12 }
14 .hljs,
15 .hljs-subst {
16 color: #434f54;
17 }
19 .hljs-keyword,
20 .hljs-attribute,
21 .hljs-selector-tag,
22 .hljs-doctag,
23 .hljs-name {
24 color: #00979D;
25 }
27 .hljs-built_in,
28 .hljs-literal,
29 .hljs-bullet,
30 .hljs-code,
31 .hljs-addition {
32 color: #D35400;
33 }
35 .hljs-regexp,
36 .hljs-symbol,
37 .hljs-variable,
38 .hljs-template-variable,
39 .hljs-link,
40 .hljs-selector-attr,
41 .hljs-selector-pseudo {
42 color: #00979D;
43 }
45 .hljs-type,
46 .hljs-string,
47 .hljs-selector-id,
48 .hljs-selector-class,
49 .hljs-quote,
50 .hljs-template-tag,
51 .hljs-deletion {
52 color: #005C5F;
53 }
55 .hljs-title,
56 .hljs-section {
57 color: #880000;
58 font-weight: bold;
59 }
61 .hljs-comment {
62 color: rgba(149,165,166,.8);
63 }
65 .hljs-meta-keyword {
66 color: #728E00;
67 }
69 .hljs-meta {
70 color: #728E00;
71 color: #434f54;
72 }
74 .hljs-emphasis {
75 font-style: italic;
76 }
78 .hljs-strong {
79 font-weight: bold;
80 }
82 .hljs-function {
83 color: #728E00;
84 }
86 .hljs-number {
87 color: #8A7B52;
88 }
1 /*
2 Date: 17.V.2011
3 Author: pumbur <pumbur@pumbur.net>
4 */
6 .hljs {
7 display: block;
8 overflow-x: auto;
9 padding: 0.5em;
10 background: #222;
11 }
13 .hljs,
14 .hljs-subst {
15 color: #aaa;
16 }
18 .hljs-section {
19 color: #fff;
20 }
22 .hljs-comment,
23 .hljs-quote,
24 .hljs-meta {
25 color: #444;
26 }
28 .hljs-string,
29 .hljs-symbol,
30 .hljs-bullet,
31 .hljs-regexp {
32 color: #ffcc33;
33 }
35 .hljs-number,
36 .hljs-addition {
37 color: #00cc66;
38 }
40 .hljs-built_in,
41 .hljs-builtin-name,
42 .hljs-literal,
43 .hljs-type,
44 .hljs-template-variable,
45 .hljs-attribute,
46 .hljs-link {
47 color: #32aaee;
48 }
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag,
52 .hljs-name,
53 .hljs-selector-id,
54 .hljs-selector-class {
55 color: #6644aa;
56 }
58 .hljs-title,
59 .hljs-variable,
60 .hljs-deletion,
61 .hljs-template-tag {
62 color: #bb1166;
63 }
65 .hljs-section,
66 .hljs-doctag,
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
71 .hljs-emphasis {
72 font-style: italic;
73 }
1 /*
3 Original style from softwaremaniacs.org (c) Ivan Sagalaev <Maniac@SoftwareManiacs.Org>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: white;
12 color: black;
13 }
15 .hljs-string,
16 .hljs-variable,
17 .hljs-template-variable,
18 .hljs-symbol,
19 .hljs-bullet,
20 .hljs-section,
21 .hljs-addition,
22 .hljs-attribute,
23 .hljs-link {
24 color: #888;
25 }
27 .hljs-comment,
28 .hljs-quote,
29 .hljs-meta,
30 .hljs-deletion {
31 color: #ccc;
32 }
34 .hljs-keyword,
35 .hljs-selector-tag,
36 .hljs-section,
37 .hljs-name,
38 .hljs-type,
39 .hljs-strong {
40 font-weight: bold;
41 }
43 .hljs-emphasis {
44 font-style: italic;
45 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Cave Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/cave) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Cave Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #7e7887;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Cave Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-regexp,
16 .hljs-link,
17 .hljs-tag,
18 .hljs-name,
19 .hljs-selector-id,
20 .hljs-selector-class {
21 color: #be4678;
22 }
24 /* Atelier-Cave Orange */
25 .hljs-number,
26 .hljs-meta,
27 .hljs-built_in,
28 .hljs-builtin-name,
29 .hljs-literal,
30 .hljs-type,
31 .hljs-params {
32 color: #aa573c;
33 }
35 /* Atelier-Cave Green */
36 .hljs-string,
37 .hljs-symbol,
38 .hljs-bullet {
39 color: #2a9292;
40 }
42 /* Atelier-Cave Blue */
43 .hljs-title,
44 .hljs-section {
45 color: #576ddb;
46 }
48 /* Atelier-Cave Purple */
49 .hljs-keyword,
50 .hljs-selector-tag {
51 color: #955ae7;
52 }
54 .hljs-deletion,
55 .hljs-addition {
56 color: #19171c;
57 display: inline-block;
58 width: 100%;
59 }
61 .hljs-deletion {
62 background-color: #be4678;
63 }
65 .hljs-addition {
66 background-color: #2a9292;
67 }
69 .hljs {
70 display: block;
71 overflow-x: auto;
72 background: #19171c;
73 color: #8b8792;
74 padding: 0.5em;
75 }
77 .hljs-emphasis {
78 font-style: italic;
79 }
81 .hljs-strong {
82 font-weight: bold;
83 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Cave Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/cave) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Cave Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #655f6d;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Cave Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-name,
21 .hljs-selector-id,
22 .hljs-selector-class {
23 color: #be4678;
24 }
26 /* Atelier-Cave Orange */
27 .hljs-number,
28 .hljs-meta,
29 .hljs-built_in,
30 .hljs-builtin-name,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-type,
33 .hljs-params {
34 color: #aa573c;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Cave Green */
38 .hljs-string,
39 .hljs-symbol,
40 .hljs-bullet {
41 color: #2a9292;
42 }
44 /* Atelier-Cave Blue */
45 .hljs-title,
46 .hljs-section {
47 color: #576ddb;
48 }
50 /* Atelier-Cave Purple */
51 .hljs-keyword,
52 .hljs-selector-tag {
53 color: #955ae7;
54 }
56 .hljs-deletion,
57 .hljs-addition {
58 color: #19171c;
59 display: inline-block;
60 width: 100%;
61 }
63 .hljs-deletion {
64 background-color: #be4678;
65 }
67 .hljs-addition {
68 background-color: #2a9292;
69 }
71 .hljs {
72 display: block;
73 overflow-x: auto;
74 background: #efecf4;
75 color: #585260;
76 padding: 0.5em;
77 }
79 .hljs-emphasis {
80 font-style: italic;
81 }
83 .hljs-strong {
84 font-weight: bold;
85 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Cave Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/cave) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Cave Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #7e7887;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Cave Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #be4678;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Cave Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #aa573c;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Cave Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #a06e3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Cave Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #2a9292;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Cave Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #398bc6;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Cave Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #576ddb;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Cave Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #955ae7;
75 }
77 .diff .hljs-deletion,
78 .diff .hljs-addition {
79 color: #19171c;
80 display: inline-block;
81 width: 100%;
82 }
84 .diff .hljs-deletion {
85 background-color: #be4678;
86 }
88 .diff .hljs-addition {
89 background-color: #2a9292;
90 }
92 .diff .hljs-change {
93 color: #576ddb;
94 }
96 .hljs {
97 display: block;
98 overflow-x: auto;
99 background: #19171c;
100 color: #8b8792;
101 padding: 0.5em;
102 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
103 }
105 .coffeescript .javascript,
106 .javascript .xml,
107 .tex .hljs-formula,
108 .xml .javascript,
109 .xml .vbscript,
110 .xml .css,
111 .xml .hljs-cdata {
112 opacity: 0.5;
113 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Cave Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/cave) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Cave Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #655f6d;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Cave Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #be4678;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Cave Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #aa573c;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Cave Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #a06e3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Cave Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #2a9292;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Cave Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #398bc6;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Cave Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #576ddb;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Cave Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #955ae7;
75 }
77 .diff .hljs-deletion,
78 .diff .hljs-addition {
79 color: #19171c;
80 display: inline-block;
81 width: 100%;
82 }
84 .diff .hljs-deletion {
85 background-color: #be4678;
86 }
88 .diff .hljs-addition {
89 background-color: #2a9292;
90 }
92 .diff .hljs-change {
93 color: #576ddb;
94 }
96 .hljs {
97 display: block;
98 overflow-x: auto;
99 background: #efecf4;
100 color: #585260;
101 padding: 0.5em;
102 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
103 }
105 .coffeescript .javascript,
106 .javascript .xml,
107 .tex .hljs-formula,
108 .xml .javascript,
109 .xml .vbscript,
110 .xml .css,
111 .xml .hljs-cdata {
112 opacity: 0.5;
113 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Dune Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/dune) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Dune Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #999580;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Dune Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #d73737;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Dune Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #b65611;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Dune Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #60ac39;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Dune Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #6684e1;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Dune Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #b854d4;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #20201d;
59 color: #a6a28c;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Dune Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/dune) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Dune Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #7d7a68;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Dune Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #d73737;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Dune Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #b65611;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Dune Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #60ac39;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Dune Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #6684e1;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Dune Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #b854d4;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #fefbec;
59 color: #6e6b5e;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Dune Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/dune) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Dune Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #999580;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Dune Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #d73737;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Dune Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #b65611;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Dune Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #ae9513;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Dune Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #60ac39;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Dune Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #1fad83;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Dune Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #6684e1;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Dune Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #b854d4;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #20201d;
81 color: #a6a28c;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Dune Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/dune) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Dune Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #7d7a68;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Dune Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #d73737;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Dune Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #b65611;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Dune Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #ae9513;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Dune Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #60ac39;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Dune Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #1fad83;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Dune Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #6684e1;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Dune Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #b854d4;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #fefbec;
81 color: #6e6b5e;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Estuary Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/estuary) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Estuary Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #878573;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Estuary Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #ba6236;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Estuary Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #ae7313;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Estuary Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #7d9726;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Estuary Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #36a166;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Estuary Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #5f9182;
53 }
55 .hljs-deletion,
56 .hljs-addition {
57 color: #22221b;
58 display: inline-block;
59 width: 100%;
60 }
62 .hljs-deletion {
63 background-color: #ba6236;
64 }
66 .hljs-addition {
67 background-color: #7d9726;
68 }
70 .hljs {
71 display: block;
72 overflow-x: auto;
73 background: #22221b;
74 color: #929181;
75 padding: 0.5em;
76 }
78 .hljs-emphasis {
79 font-style: italic;
80 }
82 .hljs-strong {
83 font-weight: bold;
84 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Estuary Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/estuary) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Estuary Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #6c6b5a;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Estuary Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #ba6236;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Estuary Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #ae7313;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Estuary Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #7d9726;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Estuary Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #36a166;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Estuary Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #5f9182;
53 }
55 .hljs-deletion,
56 .hljs-addition {
57 color: #22221b;
58 display: inline-block;
59 width: 100%;
60 }
62 .hljs-deletion {
63 background-color: #ba6236;
64 }
66 .hljs-addition {
67 background-color: #7d9726;
68 }
70 .hljs {
71 display: block;
72 overflow-x: auto;
73 background: #f4f3ec;
74 color: #5f5e4e;
75 padding: 0.5em;
76 }
78 .hljs-emphasis {
79 font-style: italic;
80 }
82 .hljs-strong {
83 font-weight: bold;
84 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Estuary Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/estuary) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Estuary Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #878573;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Estuary Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #ba6236;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Estuary Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #ae7313;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Estuary Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #a5980d;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Estuary Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #7d9726;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Estuary Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #5b9d48;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Estuary Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #36a166;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Estuary Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #5f9182;
75 }
77 .diff .hljs-deletion,
78 .diff .hljs-addition {
79 color: #22221b;
80 display: inline-block;
81 width: 100%;
82 }
84 .diff .hljs-deletion {
85 background-color: #ba6236;
86 }
88 .diff .hljs-addition {
89 background-color: #7d9726;
90 }
92 .diff .hljs-change {
93 color: #36a166;
94 }
96 .hljs {
97 display: block;
98 overflow-x: auto;
99 background: #22221b;
100 color: #929181;
101 padding: 0.5em;
102 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
103 }
105 .coffeescript .javascript,
106 .javascript .xml,
107 .tex .hljs-formula,
108 .xml .javascript,
109 .xml .vbscript,
110 .xml .css,
111 .xml .hljs-cdata {
112 opacity: 0.5;
113 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Estuary Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/estuary) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Estuary Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #6c6b5a;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Estuary Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #ba6236;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Estuary Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #ae7313;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Estuary Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #a5980d;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Estuary Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #7d9726;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Estuary Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #5b9d48;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Estuary Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #36a166;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Estuary Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #5f9182;
75 }
77 .diff .hljs-deletion,
78 .diff .hljs-addition {
79 color: #22221b;
80 display: inline-block;
81 width: 100%;
82 }
84 .diff .hljs-deletion {
85 background-color: #ba6236;
86 }
88 .diff .hljs-addition {
89 background-color: #7d9726;
90 }
92 .diff .hljs-change {
93 color: #36a166;
94 }
96 .hljs {
97 display: block;
98 overflow-x: auto;
99 background: #f4f3ec;
100 color: #5f5e4e;
101 padding: 0.5em;
102 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
103 }
105 .coffeescript .javascript,
106 .javascript .xml,
107 .tex .hljs-formula,
108 .xml .javascript,
109 .xml .vbscript,
110 .xml .css,
111 .xml .hljs-cdata {
112 opacity: 0.5;
113 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Forest Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/forest) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Forest Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #9c9491;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Forest Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #f22c40;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Forest Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #df5320;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Forest Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #7b9726;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Forest Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #407ee7;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Forest Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #6666ea;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #1b1918;
59 color: #a8a19f;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Forest Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/forest) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Forest Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #766e6b;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Forest Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #f22c40;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Forest Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #df5320;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Forest Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #7b9726;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Forest Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #407ee7;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Forest Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #6666ea;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #f1efee;
59 color: #68615e;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Forest Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/forest) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Forest Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #9c9491;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Forest Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #f22c40;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Forest Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #df5320;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Forest Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #c38418;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Forest Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #7b9726;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Forest Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #3d97b8;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Forest Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #407ee7;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Forest Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #6666ea;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #1b1918;
81 color: #a8a19f;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Forest Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/forest) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Forest Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #766e6b;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Forest Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #f22c40;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Forest Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #df5320;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Forest Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #c38418;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Forest Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #7b9726;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Forest Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #3d97b8;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Forest Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #407ee7;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Forest Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #6666ea;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #f1efee;
81 color: #68615e;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Heath Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/heath) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Heath Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #9e8f9e;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Heath Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #ca402b;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Heath Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #a65926;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Heath Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #918b3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Heath Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #516aec;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Heath Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #7b59c0;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #1b181b;
59 color: #ab9bab;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Heath Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/heath) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Heath Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #776977;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Heath Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #ca402b;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Heath Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #a65926;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Heath Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #918b3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Heath Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #516aec;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Heath Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #7b59c0;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #f7f3f7;
59 color: #695d69;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Heath Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/heath) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Heath Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #9e8f9e;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Heath Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #ca402b;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Heath Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #a65926;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Heath Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #bb8a35;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Heath Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #918b3b;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Heath Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #159393;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Heath Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #516aec;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Heath Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #7b59c0;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #1b181b;
81 color: #ab9bab;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Heath Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/heath) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Heath Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #776977;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Heath Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #ca402b;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Heath Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #a65926;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Heath Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #bb8a35;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Heath Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #918b3b;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Heath Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #159393;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Heath Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #516aec;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Heath Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #7b59c0;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #f7f3f7;
81 color: #695d69;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Lakeside Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/lakeside) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Lakeside Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #7195a8;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Lakeside Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #d22d72;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Lakeside Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #935c25;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Lakeside Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #568c3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Lakeside Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #257fad;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Lakeside Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #6b6bb8;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #161b1d;
59 color: #7ea2b4;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Lakeside Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/lakeside) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Lakeside Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #5a7b8c;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Lakeside Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #d22d72;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Lakeside Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #935c25;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Lakeside Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #568c3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Lakeside Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #257fad;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Lakeside Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #6b6bb8;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #ebf8ff;
59 color: #516d7b;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Lakeside Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/lakeside) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Lakeside Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #7195a8;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Lakeside Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #d22d72;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Lakeside Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #935c25;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Lakeside Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #8a8a0f;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Lakeside Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #568c3b;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Lakeside Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #2d8f6f;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Lakeside Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #257fad;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Lakeside Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #6b6bb8;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #161b1d;
81 color: #7ea2b4;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Lakeside Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/lakeside) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Lakeside Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #5a7b8c;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Lakeside Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #d22d72;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Lakeside Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #935c25;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Lakeside Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #8a8a0f;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Lakeside Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #568c3b;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Lakeside Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #2d8f6f;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Lakeside Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #257fad;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Lakeside Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #6b6bb8;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #ebf8ff;
81 color: #516d7b;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Plateau Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/plateau) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Plateau Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #7e7777;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Plateau Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #ca4949;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Plateau Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #b45a3c;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Plateau Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #4b8b8b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Plateau Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #7272ca;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Plateau Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #8464c4;
53 }
55 .hljs-deletion,
56 .hljs-addition {
57 color: #1b1818;
58 display: inline-block;
59 width: 100%;
60 }
62 .hljs-deletion {
63 background-color: #ca4949;
64 }
66 .hljs-addition {
67 background-color: #4b8b8b;
68 }
70 .hljs {
71 display: block;
72 overflow-x: auto;
73 background: #1b1818;
74 color: #8a8585;
75 padding: 0.5em;
76 }
78 .hljs-emphasis {
79 font-style: italic;
80 }
82 .hljs-strong {
83 font-weight: bold;
84 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Plateau Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/plateau) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Plateau Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #655d5d;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Plateau Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #ca4949;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Plateau Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #b45a3c;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Plateau Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #4b8b8b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Plateau Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #7272ca;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Plateau Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #8464c4;
53 }
55 .hljs-deletion,
56 .hljs-addition {
57 color: #1b1818;
58 display: inline-block;
59 width: 100%;
60 }
62 .hljs-deletion {
63 background-color: #ca4949;
64 }
66 .hljs-addition {
67 background-color: #4b8b8b;
68 }
70 .hljs {
71 display: block;
72 overflow-x: auto;
73 background: #f4ecec;
74 color: #585050;
75 padding: 0.5em;
76 }
78 .hljs-emphasis {
79 font-style: italic;
80 }
82 .hljs-strong {
83 font-weight: bold;
84 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Plateau Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/plateau) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Plateau Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #7e7777;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Plateau Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #ca4949;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Plateau Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #b45a3c;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Plateau Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #a06e3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Plateau Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #4b8b8b;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Plateau Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #5485b6;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Plateau Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #7272ca;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Plateau Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #8464c4;
75 }
77 .diff .hljs-deletion,
78 .diff .hljs-addition {
79 color: #1b1818;
80 display: inline-block;
81 width: 100%;
82 }
84 .diff .hljs-deletion {
85 background-color: #ca4949;
86 }
88 .diff .hljs-addition {
89 background-color: #4b8b8b;
90 }
92 .diff .hljs-change {
93 color: #7272ca;
94 }
96 .hljs {
97 display: block;
98 overflow-x: auto;
99 background: #1b1818;
100 color: #8a8585;
101 padding: 0.5em;
102 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
103 }
105 .coffeescript .javascript,
106 .javascript .xml,
107 .tex .hljs-formula,
108 .xml .javascript,
109 .xml .vbscript,
110 .xml .css,
111 .xml .hljs-cdata {
112 opacity: 0.5;
113 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Plateau Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/plateau) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Plateau Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #655d5d;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Plateau Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #ca4949;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Plateau Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #b45a3c;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Plateau Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #a06e3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Plateau Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #4b8b8b;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Plateau Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #5485b6;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Plateau Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #7272ca;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Plateau Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #8464c4;
75 }
77 .diff .hljs-deletion,
78 .diff .hljs-addition {
79 color: #1b1818;
80 display: inline-block;
81 width: 100%;
82 }
84 .diff .hljs-deletion {
85 background-color: #ca4949;
86 }
88 .diff .hljs-addition {
89 background-color: #4b8b8b;
90 }
92 .diff .hljs-change {
93 color: #7272ca;
94 }
96 .hljs {
97 display: block;
98 overflow-x: auto;
99 background: #f4ecec;
100 color: #585050;
101 padding: 0.5em;
102 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
103 }
105 .coffeescript .javascript,
106 .javascript .xml,
107 .tex .hljs-formula,
108 .xml .javascript,
109 .xml .vbscript,
110 .xml .css,
111 .xml .hljs-cdata {
112 opacity: 0.5;
113 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Savanna Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/savanna) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Savanna Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #78877d;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Savanna Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #b16139;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Savanna Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #9f713c;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Savanna Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #489963;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Savanna Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #478c90;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Savanna Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #55859b;
53 }
55 .hljs-deletion,
56 .hljs-addition {
57 color: #171c19;
58 display: inline-block;
59 width: 100%;
60 }
62 .hljs-deletion {
63 background-color: #b16139;
64 }
66 .hljs-addition {
67 background-color: #489963;
68 }
70 .hljs {
71 display: block;
72 overflow-x: auto;
73 background: #171c19;
74 color: #87928a;
75 padding: 0.5em;
76 }
78 .hljs-emphasis {
79 font-style: italic;
80 }
82 .hljs-strong {
83 font-weight: bold;
84 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Savanna Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/savanna) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Savanna Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #5f6d64;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Savanna Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #b16139;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Savanna Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #9f713c;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Savanna Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #489963;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Savanna Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #478c90;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Savanna Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #55859b;
53 }
55 .hljs-deletion,
56 .hljs-addition {
57 color: #171c19;
58 display: inline-block;
59 width: 100%;
60 }
62 .hljs-deletion {
63 background-color: #b16139;
64 }
66 .hljs-addition {
67 background-color: #489963;
68 }
70 .hljs {
71 display: block;
72 overflow-x: auto;
73 background: #ecf4ee;
74 color: #526057;
75 padding: 0.5em;
76 }
78 .hljs-emphasis {
79 font-style: italic;
80 }
82 .hljs-strong {
83 font-weight: bold;
84 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Savanna Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/savanna) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Savanna Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #78877d;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Savanna Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #b16139;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Savanna Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #9f713c;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Savanna Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #a07e3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Savanna Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #489963;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Savanna Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #1c9aa0;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Savanna Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #478c90;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Savanna Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #55859b;
75 }
77 .diff .hljs-deletion,
78 .diff .hljs-addition {
79 color: #171c19;
80 display: inline-block;
81 width: 100%;
82 }
84 .diff .hljs-deletion {
85 background-color: #b16139;
86 }
88 .diff .hljs-addition {
89 background-color: #489963;
90 }
92 .diff .hljs-change {
93 color: #478c90;
94 }
96 .hljs {
97 display: block;
98 overflow-x: auto;
99 background: #171c19;
100 color: #87928a;
101 padding: 0.5em;
102 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
103 }
105 .coffeescript .javascript,
106 .javascript .xml,
107 .tex .hljs-formula,
108 .xml .javascript,
109 .xml .vbscript,
110 .xml .css,
111 .xml .hljs-cdata {
112 opacity: 0.5;
113 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Savanna Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/savanna) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Savanna Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #5f6d64;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Savanna Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #b16139;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Savanna Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #9f713c;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Savanna Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #a07e3b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Savanna Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #489963;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Savanna Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #1c9aa0;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Savanna Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #478c90;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Savanna Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #55859b;
75 }
77 .diff .hljs-deletion,
78 .diff .hljs-addition {
79 color: #171c19;
80 display: inline-block;
81 width: 100%;
82 }
84 .diff .hljs-deletion {
85 background-color: #b16139;
86 }
88 .diff .hljs-addition {
89 background-color: #489963;
90 }
92 .diff .hljs-change {
93 color: #478c90;
94 }
96 .hljs {
97 display: block;
98 overflow-x: auto;
99 background: #ecf4ee;
100 color: #526057;
101 padding: 0.5em;
102 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
103 }
105 .coffeescript .javascript,
106 .javascript .xml,
107 .tex .hljs-formula,
108 .xml .javascript,
109 .xml .vbscript,
110 .xml .css,
111 .xml .hljs-cdata {
112 opacity: 0.5;
113 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Seaside Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/seaside) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Seaside Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #809980;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Seaside Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #e6193c;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Seaside Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #87711d;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Seaside Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #29a329;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Seaside Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #3d62f5;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Seaside Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #ad2bee;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #131513;
59 color: #8ca68c;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Seaside Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/seaside) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Seaside Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #687d68;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Seaside Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #e6193c;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Seaside Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #87711d;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Seaside Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #29a329;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Seaside Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #3d62f5;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Seaside Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #ad2bee;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #f4fbf4;
59 color: #5e6e5e;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Seaside Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/seaside) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Seaside Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #809980;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Seaside Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #e6193c;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Seaside Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #87711d;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Seaside Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #98981b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Seaside Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #29a329;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Seaside Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #1999b3;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Seaside Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #3d62f5;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Seaside Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #ad2bee;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #131513;
81 color: #8ca68c;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Seaside Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/seaside) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Seaside Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #687d68;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Seaside Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #e6193c;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Seaside Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #87711d;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Seaside Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #98981b;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Seaside Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #29a329;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Seaside Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #1999b3;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Seaside Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #3d62f5;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Seaside Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #ad2bee;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #f4fbf4;
81 color: #5e6e5e;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Sulphurpool Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/sulphurpool) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #898ea4;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #c94922;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #c76b29;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #ac9739;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #3d8fd1;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #6679cc;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #202746;
59 color: #979db4;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Sulphurpool Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/sulphurpool) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #6b7394;
9 }
11 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-attribute,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-link,
19 .hljs-name,
20 .hljs-selector-id,
21 .hljs-selector-class {
22 color: #c94922;
23 }
25 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Orange */
26 .hljs-number,
27 .hljs-meta,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params {
33 color: #c76b29;
34 }
36 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Green */
37 .hljs-string,
38 .hljs-symbol,
39 .hljs-bullet {
40 color: #ac9739;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Blue */
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-section {
46 color: #3d8fd1;
47 }
49 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Purple */
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag {
52 color: #6679cc;
53 }
55 .hljs {
56 display: block;
57 overflow-x: auto;
58 background: #f5f7ff;
59 color: #5e6687;
60 padding: 0.5em;
61 }
63 .hljs-emphasis {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-strong {
68 font-weight: bold;
69 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Sulphurpool Dark - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/sulphurpool) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #898ea4;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #c94922;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #c76b29;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #c08b30;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #ac9739;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #22a2c9;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #3d8fd1;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #6679cc;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #202746;
81 color: #979db4;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /* Base16 Atelier Sulphurpool Light - Theme */
2 /* by Bram de Haan (http://atelierbram.github.io/syntax-highlighting/atelier-schemes/sulphurpool) */
3 /* Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */
5 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Comment */
6 .hljs-comment {
7 color: #6b7394;
8 }
10 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Red */
11 .hljs-variable,
12 .hljs-attribute,
13 .hljs-tag,
14 .hljs-regexp,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .ruby .hljs-constant,
17 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
18 .xml .hljs-pi,
19 .xml .hljs-doctype,
20 .html .hljs-doctype,
21 .css .hljs-id,
22 .css .hljs-class,
23 .css .hljs-pseudo {
24 color: #c94922;
25 }
27 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Orange */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-preprocessor,
30 .hljs-built_in,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-constant {
34 color: #c76b29;
35 }
37 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Yellow */
38 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
39 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
40 color: #c08b30;
41 }
43 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Green */
44 .hljs-string,
45 .hljs-value,
46 .hljs-inheritance,
47 .hljs-header,
48 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
49 .xml .hljs-cdata {
50 color: #ac9739;
51 }
53 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Aqua */
54 .hljs-title,
55 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
56 color: #22a2c9;
57 }
59 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Blue */
60 .hljs-function,
61 .python .hljs-decorator,
62 .python .hljs-title,
63 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
64 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
65 .perl .hljs-sub,
66 .javascript .hljs-title,
67 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
68 color: #3d8fd1;
69 }
71 /* Atelier-Sulphurpool Purple */
72 .hljs-keyword,
73 .javascript .hljs-function {
74 color: #6679cc;
75 }
77 .hljs {
78 display: block;
79 overflow-x: auto;
80 background: #f5f7ff;
81 color: #5e6687;
82 padding: 0.5em;
83 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
84 }
86 .coffeescript .javascript,
87 .javascript .xml,
88 .tex .hljs-formula,
89 .xml .javascript,
90 .xml .vbscript,
91 .xml .css,
92 .xml .hljs-cdata {
93 opacity: 0.5;
94 }
1 /*
3 Atom One Dark by Daniel Gamage
4 Original One Dark Syntax theme from https://github.com/atom/one-dark-syntax
6 base: #282c34
7 mono-1: #abb2bf
8 mono-2: #818896
9 mono-3: #5c6370
10 hue-1: #56b6c2
11 hue-2: #61aeee
12 hue-3: #c678dd
13 hue-4: #98c379
14 hue-5: #e06c75
15 hue-5-2: #be5046
16 hue-6: #d19a66
17 hue-6-2: #e6c07b
19 */
21 .hljs {
22 display: block;
23 overflow-x: auto;
24 padding: 0.5em;
25 color: #abb2bf;
26 background: #282c34;
27 }
29 .hljs-comment,
30 .hljs-quote {
31 color: #5c6370;
32 font-style: italic;
33 }
35 .hljs-doctag,
36 .hljs-keyword,
37 .hljs-formula {
38 color: #c678dd;
39 }
41 .hljs-section,
42 .hljs-name,
43 .hljs-selector-tag,
44 .hljs-deletion,
45 .hljs-subst {
46 color: #e06c75;
47 }
49 .hljs-literal {
50 color: #56b6c2;
51 }
53 .hljs-string,
54 .hljs-regexp,
55 .hljs-addition,
56 .hljs-attribute,
57 .hljs-meta-string {
58 color: #98c379;
59 }
61 .hljs-built_in,
62 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
63 color: #e6c07b;
64 }
66 .hljs-attr,
67 .hljs-variable,
68 .hljs-template-variable,
69 .hljs-type,
70 .hljs-selector-class,
71 .hljs-selector-attr,
72 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
73 .hljs-number {
74 color: #d19a66;
75 }
77 .hljs-symbol,
78 .hljs-bullet,
79 .hljs-link,
80 .hljs-meta,
81 .hljs-selector-id,
82 .hljs-title {
83 color: #61aeee;
84 }
86 .hljs-emphasis {
87 font-style: italic;
88 }
90 .hljs-strong {
91 font-weight: bold;
92 }
94 .hljs-link {
95 text-decoration: underline;
96 }
1 /*
3 Atom One Light by Daniel Gamage
4 Original One Light Syntax theme from https://github.com/atom/one-light-syntax
6 base: #fafafa
7 mono-1: #383a42
8 mono-2: #686b77
9 mono-3: #a0a1a7
10 hue-1: #0184bb
11 hue-2: #4078f2
12 hue-3: #a626a4
13 hue-4: #50a14f
14 hue-5: #e45649
15 hue-5-2: #c91243
16 hue-6: #986801
17 hue-6-2: #c18401
19 */
21 .hljs {
22 display: block;
23 overflow-x: auto;
24 padding: 0.5em;
25 color: #383a42;
26 background: #fafafa;
27 }
29 .hljs-comment,
30 .hljs-quote {
31 color: #a0a1a7;
32 font-style: italic;
33 }
35 .hljs-doctag,
36 .hljs-keyword,
37 .hljs-formula {
38 color: #a626a4;
39 }
41 .hljs-section,
42 .hljs-name,
43 .hljs-selector-tag,
44 .hljs-deletion,
45 .hljs-subst {
46 color: #e45649;
47 }
49 .hljs-literal {
50 color: #0184bb;
51 }
53 .hljs-string,
54 .hljs-regexp,
55 .hljs-addition,
56 .hljs-attribute,
57 .hljs-meta-string {
58 color: #50a14f;
59 }
61 .hljs-built_in,
62 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
63 color: #c18401;
64 }
66 .hljs-attr,
67 .hljs-variable,
68 .hljs-template-variable,
69 .hljs-type,
70 .hljs-selector-class,
71 .hljs-selector-attr,
72 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
73 .hljs-number {
74 color: #986801;
75 }
77 .hljs-symbol,
78 .hljs-bullet,
79 .hljs-link,
80 .hljs-meta,
81 .hljs-selector-id,
82 .hljs-title {
83 color: #4078f2;
84 }
86 .hljs-emphasis {
87 font-style: italic;
88 }
90 .hljs-strong {
91 font-weight: bold;
92 }
94 .hljs-link {
95 text-decoration: underline;
96 }
1 /*
3 Brown Paper style from goldblog.com.ua (c) Zaripov Yura <yur4ik7@ukr.net>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background:#b7a68e url(./brown-papersq.png);
12 }
14 .hljs-keyword,
15 .hljs-selector-tag,
16 .hljs-literal {
17 color:#005599;
18 font-weight:bold;
19 }
21 .hljs,
22 .hljs-subst {
23 color: #363c69;
24 }
26 .hljs-string,
27 .hljs-title,
28 .hljs-section,
29 .hljs-type,
30 .hljs-attribute,
31 .hljs-symbol,
32 .hljs-bullet,
33 .hljs-built_in,
34 .hljs-addition,
35 .hljs-variable,
36 .hljs-template-tag,
37 .hljs-template-variable,
38 .hljs-link,
39 .hljs-name {
40 color: #2c009f;
41 }
43 .hljs-comment,
44 .hljs-quote,
45 .hljs-meta,
46 .hljs-deletion {
47 color: #802022;
48 }
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag,
52 .hljs-literal,
53 .hljs-doctag,
54 .hljs-title,
55 .hljs-section,
56 .hljs-type,
57 .hljs-name,
58 .hljs-strong {
59 font-weight: bold;
60 }
62 .hljs-emphasis {
63 font-style: italic;
64 }
1 /*
3 Brown Paper style from goldblog.com.ua (c) Zaripov Yura <yur4ik7@ukr.net>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background:#b7a68e url(./brown_papersq.png);
12 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
13 }
15 .hljs-keyword,
16 .hljs-literal,
17 .hljs-change,
18 .hljs-winutils,
19 .hljs-flow,
20 .nginx .hljs-title,
21 .tex .hljs-special,
22 .hljs-request,
23 .hljs-status {
24 color:#005599;
25 font-weight:bold;
26 }
28 .hljs,
29 .hljs-subst,
30 .hljs-tag .hljs-keyword {
31 color: #363c69;
32 }
34 .hljs-string,
35 .hljs-title,
36 .hljs-type,
37 .hljs-tag .hljs-value,
38 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-value,
39 .hljs-preprocessor,
40 .hljs-pragma,
41 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
42 .ruby .hljs-symbol .hljs-string,
43 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-parent,
44 .hljs-built_in,
45 .django .hljs-template_tag,
46 .django .hljs-variable,
47 .smalltalk .hljs-class,
48 .ruby .hljs-string,
49 .django .hljs-filter .hljs-argument,
50 .smalltalk .hljs-localvars,
51 .smalltalk .hljs-array,
52 .hljs-attr_selector,
53 .hljs-pseudo,
54 .hljs-addition,
55 .hljs-stream,
56 .hljs-envvar,
57 .apache .hljs-tag,
58 .apache .hljs-cbracket,
59 .tex .hljs-number,
60 .hljs-name {
61 color: #2c009f;
62 }
64 .hljs-comment,
65 .hljs-annotation,
66 .hljs-decorator,
67 .hljs-pi,
68 .hljs-doctype,
69 .hljs-deletion,
70 .hljs-shebang,
71 .apache .hljs-sqbracket,
72 .nginx .hljs-built_in,
73 .tex .hljs-formula {
74 color: #802022;
75 }
77 .hljs-keyword,
78 .hljs-literal,
79 .css .hljs-id,
80 .hljs-doctag,
81 .hljs-title,
82 .hljs-type,
83 .vbscript .hljs-built_in,
84 .rsl .hljs-built_in,
85 .smalltalk .hljs-class,
86 .diff .hljs-header,
87 .hljs-chunk,
88 .hljs-winutils,
89 .bash .hljs-variable,
90 .apache .hljs-tag,
91 .tex .hljs-command {
92 font-weight: bold;
93 }
95 .coffeescript .javascript,
96 .javascript .xml,
97 .tex .hljs-formula,
98 .xml .javascript,
99 .xml .vbscript,
100 .xml .css,
101 .xml .hljs-cdata {
102 opacity: 0.8;
103 }
1 /*
2 codepen.io Embed Theme
3 Author: Justin Perry <http://github.com/ourmaninamsterdam>
4 Original theme - https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #222;
12 color: #fff;
13 }
15 .hljs-comment,
16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #777;
18 }
20 .hljs-variable,
21 .hljs-template-variable,
22 .hljs-tag,
23 .hljs-regexp,
24 .hljs-meta,
25 .hljs-number,
26 .hljs-built_in,
27 .hljs-builtin-name,
28 .hljs-literal,
29 .hljs-params,
30 .hljs-symbol,
31 .hljs-bullet,
32 .hljs-link,
33 .hljs-deletion {
34 color: #ab875d;
35 }
37 .hljs-section,
38 .hljs-title,
39 .hljs-name,
40 .hljs-selector-id,
41 .hljs-selector-class,
42 .hljs-type,
43 .hljs-attribute {
44 color: #9b869b;
45 }
47 .hljs-string,
48 .hljs-keyword,
49 .hljs-selector-tag,
50 .hljs-addition {
51 color: #8f9c6c;
52 }
54 .hljs-emphasis {
55 font-style: italic;
56 }
58 .hljs-strong {
59 font-weight: bold;
60 }
1 /*
3 Colorbrewer theme
4 Original: https://github.com/mbostock/colorbrewer-theme (c) Mike Bostock <mike@ocks.org>
5 Ported by Fabrício Tavares de Oliveira
7 */
9 .hljs {
10 display: block;
11 overflow-x: auto;
12 padding: 0.5em;
13 background: #fff;
14 }
16 .hljs,
17 .hljs-subst {
18 color: #000;
19 }
21 .hljs-string,
22 .hljs-meta,
23 .hljs-symbol,
24 .hljs-template-tag,
25 .hljs-template-variable,
26 .hljs-addition {
27 color: #756bb1;
28 }
30 .hljs-comment,
31 .hljs-quote {
32 color: #636363;
33 }
35 .hljs-number,
36 .hljs-regexp,
37 .hljs-literal,
38 .hljs-bullet,
39 .hljs-link {
40 color: #31a354;
41 }
43 .hljs-deletion,
44 .hljs-variable {
45 color: #88f;
46 }
50 .hljs-keyword,
51 .hljs-selector-tag,
52 .hljs-title,
53 .hljs-section,
54 .hljs-built_in,
55 .hljs-doctag,
56 .hljs-type,
57 .hljs-tag,
58 .hljs-name,
59 .hljs-selector-id,
60 .hljs-selector-class,
61 .hljs-strong {
62 color: #3182bd;
63 }
65 .hljs-emphasis {
66 font-style: italic;
67 }
69 .hljs-attribute {
70 color: #e6550d;
71 }
1 /*
3 Darcula color scheme from the JetBrains family of IDEs
5 */
8 .hljs {
9 display: block;
10 overflow-x: auto;
11 padding: 0.5em;
12 background: #2b2b2b;
13 }
15 .hljs {
16 color: #bababa;
17 }
19 .hljs-strong,
20 .hljs-emphasis {
21 color: #a8a8a2;
22 }
24 .hljs-bullet,
25 .hljs-quote,
26 .hljs-link,
27 .hljs-number,
28 .hljs-regexp,
29 .hljs-literal {
30 color: #6896ba;
31 }
33 .hljs-code,
34 .hljs-selector-class {
35 color: #a6e22e;
36 }
38 .hljs-emphasis {
39 font-style: italic;
40 }
42 .hljs-keyword,
43 .hljs-selector-tag,
44 .hljs-section,
45 .hljs-attribute,
46 .hljs-name,
47 .hljs-variable {
48 color: #cb7832;
49 }
51 .hljs-params {
52 color: #b9b9b9;
53 }
55 .hljs-string {
56 color: #6a8759;
57 }
59 .hljs-subst,
60 .hljs-type,
61 .hljs-built_in,
62 .hljs-builtin-name,
63 .hljs-symbol,
64 .hljs-selector-id,
65 .hljs-selector-attr,
66 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
67 .hljs-template-tag,
68 .hljs-template-variable,
69 .hljs-addition {
70 color: #e0c46c;
71 }
73 .hljs-comment,
74 .hljs-deletion,
75 .hljs-meta {
76 color: #7f7f7f;
77 }
1 /*
3 Dark style from softwaremaniacs.org (c) Ivan Sagalaev <Maniac@SoftwareManiacs.Org>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #444;
12 }
14 .hljs-keyword,
15 .hljs-selector-tag,
16 .hljs-literal,
17 .hljs-section,
18 .hljs-link {
19 color: white;
20 }
22 .hljs,
23 .hljs-subst {
24 color: #ddd;
25 }
27 .hljs-string,
28 .hljs-title,
29 .hljs-name,
30 .hljs-type,
31 .hljs-attribute,
32 .hljs-symbol,
33 .hljs-bullet,
34 .hljs-built_in,
35 .hljs-addition,
36 .hljs-variable,
37 .hljs-template-tag,
38 .hljs-template-variable {
39 color: #d88;
40 }
42 .hljs-comment,
43 .hljs-quote,
44 .hljs-deletion,
45 .hljs-meta {
46 color: #777;
47 }
49 .hljs-keyword,
50 .hljs-selector-tag,
51 .hljs-literal,
52 .hljs-title,
53 .hljs-section,
54 .hljs-doctag,
55 .hljs-type,
56 .hljs-name,
57 .hljs-strong {
58 font-weight: bold;
59 }
61 .hljs-emphasis {
62 font-style: italic;
63 }
1 /*
2 Deprecated due to a typo in the name and left here for compatibility purpose only.
3 Please use darcula.css instead.
4 */
6 @import url('darcula.css');
1 /*
3 Original highlight.js style (c) Ivan Sagalaev <maniac@softwaremaniacs.org>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #F0F0F0;
12 }
15 /* Base color: saturation 0; */
17 .hljs,
18 .hljs-subst {
19 color: #444;
20 }
22 .hljs-comment {
23 color: #888888;
24 }
26 .hljs-keyword,
27 .hljs-attribute,
28 .hljs-selector-tag,
29 .hljs-meta-keyword,
30 .hljs-doctag,
31 .hljs-name {
32 font-weight: bold;
33 }
36 /* User color: hue: 0 */
38 .hljs-type,
39 .hljs-string,
40 .hljs-number,
41 .hljs-selector-id,
42 .hljs-selector-class,
43 .hljs-quote,
44 .hljs-template-tag,
45 .hljs-deletion {
46 color: #880000;
47 }
49 .hljs-title,
50 .hljs-section {
51 color: #880000;
52 font-weight: bold;
53 }
55 .hljs-regexp,
56 .hljs-symbol,
57 .hljs-variable,
58 .hljs-template-variable,
59 .hljs-link,
60 .hljs-selector-attr,
61 .hljs-selector-pseudo {
62 color: #BC6060;
63 }
66 /* Language color: hue: 90; */
68 .hljs-literal {
69 color: #78A960;
70 }
72 .hljs-built_in,
73 .hljs-bullet,
74 .hljs-code,
75 .hljs-addition {
76 color: #397300;
77 }
80 /* Meta color: hue: 200 */
82 .hljs-meta {
83 color: #1f7199;
84 }
86 .hljs-meta-string {
87 color: #4d99bf;
88 }
91 /* Misc effects */
93 .hljs-emphasis {
94 font-style: italic;
95 }
97 .hljs-strong {
98 font-weight: bold;
99 }
1 /*
2 Docco style used in http://jashkenas.github.com/docco/ converted by Simon Madine (@thingsinjars)
3 */
5 .hljs {
6 display: block;
7 overflow-x: auto;
8 padding: 0.5em;
9 color: #000;
10 background: #f8f8ff;
11 }
13 .hljs-comment,
14 .hljs-quote {
15 color: #408080;
16 font-style: italic;
17 }
19 .hljs-keyword,
20 .hljs-selector-tag,
21 .hljs-literal,
22 .hljs-subst {
23 color: #954121;
24 }
26 .hljs-number {
27 color: #40a070;
28 }
30 .hljs-string,
31 .hljs-doctag {
32 color: #219161;
33 }
35 .hljs-selector-id,
36 .hljs-selector-class,
37 .hljs-section,
38 .hljs-type {
39 color: #19469d;
40 }
42 .hljs-params {
43 color: #00f;
44 }
46 .hljs-title {
47 color: #458;
48 font-weight: bold;
49 }
51 .hljs-tag,
52 .hljs-name,
53 .hljs-attribute {
54 color: #000080;
55 font-weight: normal;
56 }
58 .hljs-variable,
59 .hljs-template-variable {
60 color: #008080;
61 }
63 .hljs-regexp,
64 .hljs-link {
65 color: #b68;
66 }
68 .hljs-symbol,
69 .hljs-bullet {
70 color: #990073;
71 }
73 .hljs-built_in,
74 .hljs-builtin-name {
75 color: #0086b3;
76 }
78 .hljs-meta {
79 color: #999;
80 font-weight: bold;
81 }
83 .hljs-deletion {
84 background: #fdd;
85 }
87 .hljs-addition {
88 background: #dfd;
89 }
91 .hljs-emphasis {
92 font-style: italic;
93 }
95 .hljs-strong {
96 font-weight: bold;
97 }
1 /*
3 Dracula Theme v1.2.0
5 https://github.com/zenorocha/dracula-theme
7 Copyright 2015, All rights reserved
9 Code licensed under the MIT license
10 http://zenorocha.mit-license.org
12 @author Éverton Ribeiro <nuxlli@gmail.com>
13 @author Zeno Rocha <hi@zenorocha.com>
15 */
17 .hljs {
18 display: block;
19 overflow-x: auto;
20 padding: 0.5em;
21 background: #282a36;
22 }
24 .hljs-keyword,
25 .hljs-selector-tag,
26 .hljs-literal,
27 .hljs-section,
28 .hljs-link {
29 color: #8be9fd;
30 }
32 .hljs-function .hljs-keyword {
33 color: #ff79c6;
34 }
36 .hljs,
37 .hljs-subst {
38 color: #f8f8f2;
39 }
41 .hljs-string,
42 .hljs-title,
43 .hljs-name,
44 .hljs-type,
45 .hljs-attribute,
46 .hljs-symbol,
47 .hljs-bullet,
48 .hljs-addition,
49 .hljs-variable,
50 .hljs-template-tag,
51 .hljs-template-variable {
52 color: #f1fa8c;
53 }
55 .hljs-comment,
56 .hljs-quote,
57 .hljs-deletion,
58 .hljs-meta {
59 color: #6272a4;
60 }
62 .hljs-keyword,
63 .hljs-selector-tag,
64 .hljs-literal,
65 .hljs-title,
66 .hljs-section,
67 .hljs-doctag,
68 .hljs-type,
69 .hljs-name,
70 .hljs-strong {
71 font-weight: bold;
72 }
74 .hljs-emphasis {
75 font-style: italic;
76 }
1 /*
3 FAR Style (c) MajestiC <majestic2k@gmail.com>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #000080;
12 }
14 .hljs,
15 .hljs-subst {
16 color: #0ff;
17 }
19 .hljs-string,
20 .hljs-attribute,
21 .hljs-symbol,
22 .hljs-bullet,
23 .hljs-built_in,
24 .hljs-builtin-name,
25 .hljs-template-tag,
26 .hljs-template-variable,
27 .hljs-addition {
28 color: #ff0;
29 }
31 .hljs-keyword,
32 .hljs-selector-tag,
33 .hljs-section,
34 .hljs-type,
35 .hljs-name,
36 .hljs-selector-id,
37 .hljs-selector-class,
38 .hljs-variable {
39 color: #fff;
40 }
42 .hljs-comment,
43 .hljs-quote,
44 .hljs-doctag,
45 .hljs-deletion {
46 color: #888;
47 }
49 .hljs-number,
50 .hljs-regexp,
51 .hljs-literal,
52 .hljs-link {
53 color: #0f0;
54 }
56 .hljs-meta {
57 color: #008080;
58 }
60 .hljs-keyword,
61 .hljs-selector-tag,
62 .hljs-title,
63 .hljs-section,
64 .hljs-name,
65 .hljs-strong {
66 font-weight: bold;
67 }
69 .hljs-emphasis {
70 font-style: italic;
71 }
1 /*
2 Description: Foundation 4 docs style for highlight.js
3 Author: Dan Allen <dan.j.allen@gmail.com>
4 Website: http://foundation.zurb.com/docs/
5 Version: 1.0
6 Date: 2013-04-02
7 */
9 .hljs {
10 display: block;
11 overflow-x: auto;
12 padding: 0.5em;
13 background: #eee; color: black;
14 }
16 .hljs-link,
17 .hljs-emphasis,
18 .hljs-attribute,
19 .hljs-addition {
20 color: #070;
21 }
23 .hljs-emphasis {
24 font-style: italic;
25 }
27 .hljs-strong,
28 .hljs-string,
29 .hljs-deletion {
30 color: #d14;
31 }
33 .hljs-strong {
34 font-weight: bold;
35 }
37 .hljs-quote,
38 .hljs-comment {
39 color: #998;
40 font-style: italic;
41 }
43 .hljs-section,
44 .hljs-title {
45 color: #900;
46 }
48 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
49 .hljs-type {
50 color: #458;
51 }
53 .hljs-variable,
54 .hljs-template-variable {
55 color: #336699;
56 }
58 .hljs-bullet {
59 color: #997700;
60 }
62 .hljs-meta {
63 color: #3344bb;
64 }
66 .hljs-code,
67 .hljs-number,
68 .hljs-literal,
69 .hljs-keyword,
70 .hljs-selector-tag {
71 color: #099;
72 }
74 .hljs-regexp {
75 background-color: #fff0ff;
76 color: #880088;
77 }
79 .hljs-symbol {
80 color: #990073;
81 }
83 .hljs-tag,
84 .hljs-name,
85 .hljs-selector-id,
86 .hljs-selector-class {
87 color: #007700;
88 }
1 /**
2 * GitHub Gist Theme
3 * Author : Louis Barranqueiro - https://github.com/LouisBarranqueiro
4 */
6 .hljs {
7 display: block;
8 background: white;
9 padding: 0.5em;
10 color: #333333;
11 overflow-x: auto;
12 }
14 .hljs-comment,
15 .hljs-meta {
16 color: #969896;
17 }
19 .hljs-string,
20 .hljs-variable,
21 .hljs-template-variable,
22 .hljs-strong,
23 .hljs-emphasis,
24 .hljs-quote {
25 color: #df5000;
26 }
28 .hljs-keyword,
29 .hljs-selector-tag,
30 .hljs-type {
31 color: #a71d5d;
32 }
34 .hljs-literal,
35 .hljs-symbol,
36 .hljs-bullet,
37 .hljs-attribute {
38 color: #0086b3;
39 }
41 .hljs-section,
42 .hljs-name {
43 color: #63a35c;
44 }
46 .hljs-tag {
47 color: #333333;
48 }
50 .hljs-title,
51 .hljs-attr,
52 .hljs-selector-id,
53 .hljs-selector-class,
54 .hljs-selector-attr,
55 .hljs-selector-pseudo {
56 color: #795da3;
57 }
59 .hljs-addition {
60 color: #55a532;
61 background-color: #eaffea;
62 }
64 .hljs-deletion {
65 color: #bd2c00;
66 background-color: #ffecec;
67 }
69 .hljs-link {
70 text-decoration: underline;
71 }
1 /*
3 github.com style (c) Vasily Polovnyov <vast@whiteants.net>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 color: #333;
12 background: #f8f8f8;
13 }
15 .hljs-comment,
16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #998;
18 font-style: italic;
19 }
21 .hljs-keyword,
22 .hljs-selector-tag,
23 .hljs-subst {
24 color: #333;
25 font-weight: bold;
26 }
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-literal,
30 .hljs-variable,
31 .hljs-template-variable,
32 .hljs-tag .hljs-attr {
33 color: #008080;
34 }
36 .hljs-string,
37 .hljs-doctag {
38 color: #d14;
39 }
41 .hljs-title,
42 .hljs-section,
43 .hljs-selector-id {
44 color: #900;
45 font-weight: bold;
46 }
48 .hljs-subst {
49 font-weight: normal;
50 }
52 .hljs-type,
53 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
54 color: #458;
55 font-weight: bold;
56 }
58 .hljs-tag,
59 .hljs-name,
60 .hljs-attribute {
61 color: #000080;
62 font-weight: normal;
63 }
65 .hljs-regexp,
66 .hljs-link {
67 color: #009926;
68 }
70 .hljs-symbol,
71 .hljs-bullet {
72 color: #990073;
73 }
75 .hljs-built_in,
76 .hljs-builtin-name {
77 color: #0086b3;
78 }
80 .hljs-meta {
81 color: #999;
82 font-weight: bold;
83 }
85 .hljs-deletion {
86 background: #fdd;
87 }
89 .hljs-addition {
90 background: #dfd;
91 }
93 .hljs-emphasis {
94 font-style: italic;
95 }
97 .hljs-strong {
98 font-weight: bold;
99 }
1 /*
3 Google Code style (c) Aahan Krish <geekpanth3r@gmail.com>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: white;
12 color: black;
13 }
15 .hljs-comment,
16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #800;
18 }
20 .hljs-keyword,
21 .hljs-selector-tag,
22 .hljs-section,
23 .hljs-title,
24 .hljs-name {
25 color: #008;
26 }
28 .hljs-variable,
29 .hljs-template-variable {
30 color: #660;
31 }
33 .hljs-string,
34 .hljs-selector-attr,
35 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
36 .hljs-regexp {
37 color: #080;
38 }
40 .hljs-literal,
41 .hljs-symbol,
42 .hljs-bullet,
43 .hljs-meta,
44 .hljs-number,
45 .hljs-link {
46 color: #066;
47 }
49 .hljs-title,
50 .hljs-doctag,
51 .hljs-type,
52 .hljs-attr,
53 .hljs-built_in,
54 .hljs-builtin-name,
55 .hljs-params {
56 color: #606;
57 }
59 .hljs-attribute,
60 .hljs-subst {
61 color: #000;
62 }
64 .hljs-formula {
65 background-color: #eee;
66 font-style: italic;
67 }
69 .hljs-selector-id,
70 .hljs-selector-class {
71 color: #9B703F
72 }
74 .hljs-addition {
75 background-color: #baeeba;
76 }
78 .hljs-deletion {
79 background-color: #ffc8bd;
80 }
82 .hljs-doctag,
83 .hljs-strong {
84 font-weight: bold;
85 }
87 .hljs-emphasis {
88 font-style: italic;
89 }
1 /*
3 grayscale style (c) MY Sun <simonmysun@gmail.com>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 color: #333;
12 background: #fff;
13 }
15 .hljs-comment,
16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #777;
18 font-style: italic;
19 }
21 .hljs-keyword,
22 .hljs-selector-tag,
23 .hljs-subst {
24 color: #333;
25 font-weight: bold;
26 }
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-literal {
30 color: #777;
31 }
33 .hljs-string,
34 .hljs-doctag,
35 .hljs-formula {
36 color: #333;
37 background: url() repeat;
38 }
40 .hljs-title,
41 .hljs-section,
42 .hljs-selector-id {
43 color: #000;
44 font-weight: bold;
45 }
47 .hljs-subst {
48 font-weight: normal;
49 }
51 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
52 .hljs-type,
53 .hljs-name {
54 color: #333;
55 font-weight: bold;
56 }
58 .hljs-tag {
59 color: #333;
60 }
62 .hljs-regexp {
63 color: #333;
64 background: url() repeat;
65 }
67 .hljs-symbol,
68 .hljs-bullet,
69 .hljs-link {
70 color: #000;
71 background: url() repeat;
72 }
74 .hljs-built_in,
75 .hljs-builtin-name {
76 color: #000;
77 text-decoration: underline;
78 }
80 .hljs-meta {
81 color: #999;
82 font-weight: bold;
83 }
85 .hljs-deletion {
86 color: #fff;
87 background:url() repeat;
88 }
90 .hljs-addition {
91 color: #000;
92 background: url() repeat;
93 }
95 .hljs-emphasis {
96 font-style: italic;
97 }
99 .hljs-strong {
100 font-weight: bold;
101 }
1 /*
3 Gruvbox style (dark) (c) Pavel Pertsev (original style at https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox)
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #282828;
12 }
14 .hljs,
15 .hljs-subst {
16 color: #ebdbb2;
17 }
19 /* Gruvbox Red */
20 .hljs-deletion,
21 .hljs-formula,
22 .hljs-keyword,
23 .hljs-link,
24 .hljs-selector-tag {
25 color: #fb4934;
26 }
28 /* Gruvbox Blue */
29 .hljs-built_in,
30 .hljs-emphasis,
31 .hljs-name,
32 .hljs-quote,
33 .hljs-strong,
34 .hljs-title,
35 .hljs-variable {
36 color: #83a598;
37 }
39 /* Gruvbox Yellow */
40 .hljs-attr,
41 .hljs-params,
42 .hljs-template-tag,
43 .hljs-type {
44 color: #fabd2f;
45 }
47 /* Gruvbox Purple */
48 .hljs-builtin-name,
49 .hljs-doctag,
50 .hljs-literal,
51 .hljs-number {
52 color: #8f3f71;
53 }
55 /* Gruvbox Orange */
56 .hljs-code,
57 .hljs-meta,
58 .hljs-regexp,
59 .hljs-selector-id,
60 .hljs-template-variable {
61 color: #fe8019;
62 }
64 /* Gruvbox Green */
65 .hljs-addition,
66 .hljs-meta-string,
67 .hljs-section,
68 .hljs-selector-attr,
69 .hljs-selector-class,
70 .hljs-string,
71 .hljs-symbol {
72 color: #b8bb26;
73 }
75 /* Gruvbox Aqua */
76 .hljs-attribute,
77 .hljs-bullet,
78 .hljs-class,
79 .hljs-function,
80 .hljs-function .hljs-keyword,
81 .hljs-meta-keyword,
82 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
83 .hljs-tag {
84 color: #8ec07c;
85 }
87 /* Gruvbox Gray */
88 .hljs-comment {
89 color: #928374;
90 }
92 /* Gruvbox Purple */
93 .hljs-link_label,
94 .hljs-literal,
95 .hljs-number {
96 color: #d3869b;
97 }
99 .hljs-comment,
100 .hljs-emphasis {
101 font-style: italic;
102 }
104 .hljs-section,
105 .hljs-strong,
106 .hljs-tag {
107 font-weight: bold;
108 }
1 /*
3 Gruvbox style (light) (c) Pavel Pertsev (original style at https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox)
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #fbf1c7;
12 }
14 .hljs,
15 .hljs-subst {
16 color: #3c3836;
17 }
19 /* Gruvbox Red */
20 .hljs-deletion,
21 .hljs-formula,
22 .hljs-keyword,
23 .hljs-link,
24 .hljs-selector-tag {
25 color: #9d0006;
26 }
28 /* Gruvbox Blue */
29 .hljs-built_in,
30 .hljs-emphasis,
31 .hljs-name,
32 .hljs-quote,
33 .hljs-strong,
34 .hljs-title,
35 .hljs-variable {
36 color: #076678;
37 }
39 /* Gruvbox Yellow */
40 .hljs-attr,
41 .hljs-params,
42 .hljs-template-tag,
43 .hljs-type {
44 color: #b57614;
45 }
47 /* Gruvbox Purple */
48 .hljs-builtin-name,
49 .hljs-doctag,
50 .hljs-literal,
51 .hljs-number {
52 color: #8f3f71;
53 }
55 /* Gruvbox Orange */
56 .hljs-code,
57 .hljs-meta,
58 .hljs-regexp,
59 .hljs-selector-id,
60 .hljs-template-variable {
61 color: #af3a03;
62 }
64 /* Gruvbox Green */
65 .hljs-addition,
66 .hljs-meta-string,
67 .hljs-section,
68 .hljs-selector-attr,
69 .hljs-selector-class,
70 .hljs-string,
71 .hljs-symbol {
72 color: #79740e;
73 }
75 /* Gruvbox Aqua */
76 .hljs-attribute,
77 .hljs-bullet,
78 .hljs-class,
79 .hljs-function,
80 .hljs-function .hljs-keyword,
81 .hljs-meta-keyword,
82 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
83 .hljs-tag {
84 color: #427b58;
85 }
87 /* Gruvbox Gray */
88 .hljs-comment {
89 color: #928374;
90 }
92 /* Gruvbox Purple */
93 .hljs-link_label,
94 .hljs-literal,
95 .hljs-number {
96 color: #8f3f71;
97 }
99 .hljs-comment,
100 .hljs-emphasis {
101 font-style: italic;
102 }
104 .hljs-section,
105 .hljs-strong,
106 .hljs-tag {
107 font-weight: bold;
108 }
1 /*
2 * Hopscotch
3 * by Jan T. Sott
4 * https://github.com/idleberg/Hopscotch
5 *
6 * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License
7 */
9 /* Comment */
10 .hljs-comment,
11 .hljs-quote {
12 color: #989498;
13 }
15 /* Red */
16 .hljs-variable,
17 .hljs-template-variable,
18 .hljs-attribute,
19 .hljs-tag,
20 .hljs-name,
21 .hljs-selector-id,
22 .hljs-selector-class,
23 .hljs-regexp,
24 .hljs-link,
25 .hljs-deletion {
26 color: #dd464c;
27 }
29 /* Orange */
30 .hljs-number,
31 .hljs-built_in,
32 .hljs-builtin-name,
33 .hljs-literal,
34 .hljs-type,
35 .hljs-params {
36 color: #fd8b19;
37 }
39 /* Yellow */
40 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
41 color: #fdcc59;
42 }
44 /* Green */
45 .hljs-string,
46 .hljs-symbol,
47 .hljs-bullet,
48 .hljs-addition {
49 color: #8fc13e;
50 }
52 /* Aqua */
53 .hljs-meta {
54 color: #149b93;
55 }
57 /* Blue */
58 .hljs-function,
59 .hljs-section,
60 .hljs-title {
61 color: #1290bf;
62 }
64 /* Purple */
65 .hljs-keyword,
66 .hljs-selector-tag {
67 color: #c85e7c;
68 }
70 .hljs {
71 display: block;
72 background: #322931;
73 color: #b9b5b8;
74 padding: 0.5em;
75 }
77 .hljs-emphasis {
78 font-style: italic;
79 }
81 .hljs-strong {
82 font-weight: bold;
83 }
1 /*
3 vim-hybrid theme by w0ng (https://github.com/w0ng/vim-hybrid)
5 */
7 /*background color*/
8 .hljs {
9 display: block;
10 overflow-x: auto;
11 padding: 0.5em;
12 background: #1d1f21;
13 }
15 /*selection color*/
16 .hljs::selection,
17 .hljs span::selection {
18 background: #373b41;
19 }
21 .hljs::-moz-selection,
22 .hljs span::-moz-selection {
23 background: #373b41;
24 }
26 /*foreground color*/
27 .hljs {
28 color: #c5c8c6;
29 }
31 /*color: fg_yellow*/
32 .hljs-title,
33 .hljs-name {
34 color: #f0c674;
35 }
37 /*color: fg_comment*/
38 .hljs-comment,
39 .hljs-meta,
40 .hljs-meta .hljs-keyword {
41 color: #707880;
42 }
44 /*color: fg_red*/
45 .hljs-number,
46 .hljs-symbol,
47 .hljs-literal,
48 .hljs-deletion,
49 .hljs-link {
50 color: #cc6666
51 }
53 /*color: fg_green*/
54 .hljs-string,
55 .hljs-doctag,
56 .hljs-addition,
57 .hljs-regexp,
58 .hljs-selector-attr,
59 .hljs-selector-pseudo {
60 color: #b5bd68;
61 }
63 /*color: fg_purple*/
64 .hljs-attribute,
65 .hljs-code,
66 .hljs-selector-id {
67 color: #b294bb;
68 }
70 /*color: fg_blue*/
71 .hljs-keyword,
72 .hljs-selector-tag,
73 .hljs-bullet,
74 .hljs-tag {
75 color: #81a2be;
76 }
78 /*color: fg_aqua*/
79 .hljs-subst,
80 .hljs-variable,
81 .hljs-template-tag,
82 .hljs-template-variable {
83 color: #8abeb7;
84 }
86 /*color: fg_orange*/
87 .hljs-type,
88 .hljs-built_in,
89 .hljs-builtin-name,
90 .hljs-quote,
91 .hljs-section,
92 .hljs-selector-class {
93 color: #de935f;
94 }
96 .hljs-emphasis {
97 font-style: italic;
98 }
100 .hljs-strong {
101 font-weight: bold;
102 }
1 /*
3 Intellij Idea-like styling (c) Vasily Polovnyov <vast@whiteants.net>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 color: #000;
12 background: #fff;
13 }
15 .hljs-subst,
16 .hljs-title {
17 font-weight: normal;
18 color: #000;
19 }
21 .hljs-comment,
22 .hljs-quote {
23 color: #808080;
24 font-style: italic;
25 }
27 .hljs-meta {
28 color: #808000;
29 }
31 .hljs-tag {
32 background: #efefef;
33 }
35 .hljs-section,
36 .hljs-name,
37 .hljs-literal,
38 .hljs-keyword,
39 .hljs-selector-tag,
40 .hljs-type,
41 .hljs-selector-id,
42 .hljs-selector-class {
43 font-weight: bold;
44 color: #000080;
45 }
47 .hljs-attribute,
48 .hljs-number,
49 .hljs-regexp,
50 .hljs-link {
51 font-weight: bold;
52 color: #0000ff;
53 }
55 .hljs-number,
56 .hljs-regexp,
57 .hljs-link {
58 font-weight: normal;
59 }
61 .hljs-string {
62 color: #008000;
63 font-weight: bold;
64 }
66 .hljs-symbol,
67 .hljs-bullet,
68 .hljs-formula {
69 color: #000;
70 background: #d0eded;
71 font-style: italic;
72 }
74 .hljs-doctag {
75 text-decoration: underline;
76 }
78 .hljs-variable,
79 .hljs-template-variable {
80 color: #660e7a;
81 }
83 .hljs-addition {
84 background: #baeeba;
85 }
87 .hljs-deletion {
88 background: #ffc8bd;
89 }
91 .hljs-emphasis {
92 font-style: italic;
93 }
95 .hljs-strong {
96 font-weight: bold;
97 }
1 /*
2 IR_Black style (c) Vasily Mikhailitchenko <vaskas@programica.ru>
3 */
5 .hljs {
6 display: block;
7 overflow-x: auto;
8 padding: 0.5em;
9 background: #000;
10 color: #f8f8f8;
11 }
13 .hljs-comment,
14 .hljs-quote,
15 .hljs-meta {
16 color: #7c7c7c;
17 }
19 .hljs-keyword,
20 .hljs-selector-tag,
21 .hljs-tag,
22 .hljs-name {
23 color: #96cbfe;
24 }
26 .hljs-attribute,
27 .hljs-selector-id {
28 color: #ffffb6;
29 }
31 .hljs-string,
32 .hljs-selector-attr,
33 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
34 .hljs-addition {
35 color: #a8ff60;
36 }
38 .hljs-subst {
39 color: #daefa3;
40 }
42 .hljs-regexp,
43 .hljs-link {
44 color: #e9c062;
45 }
47 .hljs-title,
48 .hljs-section,
49 .hljs-type,
50 .hljs-doctag {
51 color: #ffffb6;
52 }
54 .hljs-symbol,
55 .hljs-bullet,
56 .hljs-variable,
57 .hljs-template-variable,
58 .hljs-literal {
59 color: #c6c5fe;
60 }
62 .hljs-number,
63 .hljs-deletion {
64 color:#ff73fd;
65 }
67 .hljs-emphasis {
68 font-style: italic;
69 }
71 .hljs-strong {
72 font-weight: bold;
73 }
1 /*
2 IR_Black style (c) Vasily Mikhailitchenko <vaskas@programica.ru>
3 */
5 .hljs {
6 display: block;
7 overflow-x: auto;
8 padding: 0.5em;
9 background: #000;
10 color: #f8f8f8;
11 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
12 }
14 .hljs-shebang,
15 .hljs-comment {
16 color: #7c7c7c;
17 }
19 .hljs-keyword,
20 .hljs-tag,
21 .tex .hljs-command,
22 .hljs-request,
23 .hljs-status,
24 .clojure .hljs-attribute {
25 color: #96cbfe;
26 }
28 .hljs-sub .hljs-keyword,
29 .method,
30 .hljs-list .hljs-title,
31 .nginx .hljs-title {
32 color: #ffffb6;
33 }
35 .hljs-string,
36 .hljs-tag .hljs-value,
37 .hljs-cdata,
38 .hljs-filter .hljs-argument,
39 .hljs-attr_selector,
40 .apache .hljs-cbracket,
41 .hljs-date,
42 .coffeescript .hljs-attribute {
43 color: #a8ff60;
44 }
46 .hljs-subst {
47 color: #daefa3;
48 }
50 .hljs-regexp {
51 color: #e9c062;
52 }
54 .hljs-title,
55 .hljs-sub .hljs-identifier,
56 .hljs-pi,
57 .hljs-decorator,
58 .tex .hljs-special,
59 .hljs-type,
60 .hljs-constant,
61 .smalltalk .hljs-class,
62 .hljs-doctag,
63 .nginx .hljs-built_in {
64 color: #ffffb6;
65 }
67 .hljs-symbol,
68 .ruby .hljs-symbol .hljs-string,
69 .hljs-number,
70 .hljs-variable,
71 .vbscript,
72 .hljs-literal,
73 .hljs-name {
74 color: #c6c5fe;
75 }
77 .css .hljs-tag {
78 color: #96cbfe;
79 }
81 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-property,
82 .css .hljs-id {
83 color: #ffffb6;
84 }
86 .css .hljs-class {
87 color: #fff;
88 }
90 .hljs-hexcolor {
91 color: #c6c5fe;
92 }
94 .hljs-number {
95 color:#ff73fd;
96 }
98 .coffeescript .javascript,
99 .javascript .xml,
100 .tex .hljs-formula,
101 .xml .javascript,
102 .xml .vbscript,
103 .xml .css,
104 .xml .hljs-cdata {
105 opacity: 0.7;
106 }
1 /*
2 Name: Kimbie (dark)
3 Author: Jan T. Sott
4 License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License
5 URL: https://github.com/idleberg/Kimbie-highlight.js
6 */
8 /* Kimbie Comment */
9 .hljs-comment,
10 .hljs-quote {
11 color: #d6baad;
12 }
14 /* Kimbie Red */
15 .hljs-variable,
16 .hljs-template-variable,
17 .hljs-tag,
18 .hljs-name,
19 .hljs-selector-id,
20 .hljs-selector-class,
21 .hljs-regexp,
22 .hljs-meta {
23 color: #dc3958;
24 }
26 /* Kimbie Orange */
27 .hljs-number,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-deletion,
34 .hljs-link {
35 color: #f79a32;
36 }
38 /* Kimbie Yellow */
39 .hljs-title,
40 .hljs-section,
41 .hljs-attribute {
42 color: #f06431;
43 }
45 /* Kimbie Green */
46 .hljs-string,
47 .hljs-symbol,
48 .hljs-bullet,
49 .hljs-addition {
50 color: #889b4a;
51 }
53 /* Kimbie Purple */
54 .hljs-keyword,
55 .hljs-selector-tag,
56 .hljs-function {
57 color: #98676a;
58 }
60 .hljs {
61 display: block;
62 overflow-x: auto;
63 background: #221a0f;
64 color: #d3af86;
65 padding: 0.5em;
66 }
68 .hljs-emphasis {
69 font-style: italic;
70 }
72 .hljs-strong {
73 font-weight: bold;
74 }
1 /*
2 Name: Kimbie (light)
3 Author: Jan T. Sott
4 License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License
5 URL: https://github.com/idleberg/Kimbie-highlight.js
6 */
8 /* Kimbie Comment */
9 .hljs-comment,
10 .hljs-quote {
11 color: #a57a4c;
12 }
14 /* Kimbie Red */
15 .hljs-variable,
16 .hljs-template-variable,
17 .hljs-tag,
18 .hljs-name,
19 .hljs-selector-id,
20 .hljs-selector-class,
21 .hljs-regexp,
22 .hljs-meta {
23 color: #dc3958;
24 }
26 /* Kimbie Orange */
27 .hljs-number,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-deletion,
34 .hljs-link {
35 color: #f79a32;
36 }
38 /* Kimbie Yellow */
39 .hljs-title,
40 .hljs-section,
41 .hljs-attribute {
42 color: #f06431;
43 }
45 /* Kimbie Green */
46 .hljs-string,
47 .hljs-symbol,
48 .hljs-bullet,
49 .hljs-addition {
50 color: #889b4a;
51 }
53 /* Kimbie Purple */
54 .hljs-keyword,
55 .hljs-selector-tag,
56 .hljs-function {
57 color: #98676a;
58 }
60 .hljs {
61 display: block;
62 overflow-x: auto;
63 background: #fbebd4;
64 color: #84613d;
65 padding: 0.5em;
66 }
68 .hljs-emphasis {
69 font-style: italic;
70 }
72 .hljs-strong {
73 font-weight: bold;
74 }
1 /*
2 Description: Magula style for highligh.js
3 Author: Ruslan Keba <rukeba@gmail.com>
4 Website: http://rukeba.com/
5 Version: 1.0
6 Date: 2009-01-03
7 Music: Aphex Twin / Xtal
8 */
10 .hljs {
11 display: block;
12 overflow-x: auto;
13 padding: 0.5em;
14 background-color: #f4f4f4;
15 }
17 .hljs,
18 .hljs-subst {
19 color: black;
20 }
22 .hljs-string,
23 .hljs-title,
24 .hljs-symbol,
25 .hljs-bullet,
26 .hljs-attribute,
27 .hljs-addition,
28 .hljs-variable,
29 .hljs-template-tag,
30 .hljs-template-variable {
31 color: #050;
32 }
34 .hljs-comment,
35 .hljs-quote {
36 color: #777;
37 }
39 .hljs-number,
40 .hljs-regexp,
41 .hljs-literal,
42 .hljs-type,
43 .hljs-link {
44 color: #800;
45 }
47 .hljs-deletion,
48 .hljs-meta {
49 color: #00e;
50 }
52 .hljs-keyword,
53 .hljs-selector-tag,
54 .hljs-doctag,
55 .hljs-title,
56 .hljs-section,
57 .hljs-built_in,
58 .hljs-tag,
59 .hljs-name {
60 font-weight: bold;
61 color: navy;
62 }
64 .hljs-emphasis {
65 font-style: italic;
66 }
68 .hljs-strong {
69 font-weight: bold;
70 }
1 /*
2 Five-color theme from a single blue hue.
3 */
4 .hljs {
5 display: block;
6 overflow-x: auto;
7 padding: 0.5em;
8 background: #eaeef3;
9 }
11 .hljs {
12 color: #00193a;
13 }
15 .hljs-keyword,
16 .hljs-selector-tag,
17 .hljs-title,
18 .hljs-section,
19 .hljs-doctag,
20 .hljs-name,
21 .hljs-strong {
22 font-weight: bold;
23 }
25 .hljs-comment {
26 color: #738191;
27 }
29 .hljs-string,
30 .hljs-title,
31 .hljs-section,
32 .hljs-built_in,
33 .hljs-literal,
34 .hljs-type,
35 .hljs-addition,
36 .hljs-tag,
37 .hljs-quote,
38 .hljs-name,
39 .hljs-selector-id,
40 .hljs-selector-class {
41 color: #0048ab;
42 }
44 .hljs-meta,
45 .hljs-subst,
46 .hljs-symbol,
47 .hljs-regexp,
48 .hljs-attribute,
49 .hljs-deletion,
50 .hljs-variable,
51 .hljs-template-variable,
52 .hljs-link,
53 .hljs-bullet {
54 color: #4c81c9;
55 }
57 .hljs-emphasis {
58 font-style: italic;
59 }
1 /*
3 Monokai Sublime style. Derived from Monokai by noformnocontent http://nn.mit-license.org/
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #23241f;
12 }
14 .hljs,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-subst {
17 color: #f8f8f2;
18 }
20 .hljs-strong,
21 .hljs-emphasis {
22 color: #a8a8a2;
23 }
25 .hljs-bullet,
26 .hljs-quote,
27 .hljs-number,
28 .hljs-regexp,
29 .hljs-literal,
30 .hljs-link {
31 color: #ae81ff;
32 }
34 .hljs-code,
35 .hljs-title,
36 .hljs-section,
37 .hljs-selector-class {
38 color: #a6e22e;
39 }
41 .hljs-strong {
42 font-weight: bold;
43 }
45 .hljs-emphasis {
46 font-style: italic;
47 }
49 .hljs-keyword,
50 .hljs-selector-tag,
51 .hljs-name,
52 .hljs-attr {
53 color: #f92672;
54 }
56 .hljs-symbol,
57 .hljs-attribute {
58 color: #66d9ef;
59 }
61 .hljs-params,
62 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
63 color: #f8f8f2;
64 }
66 .hljs-string,
67 .hljs-type,
68 .hljs-built_in,
69 .hljs-builtin-name,
70 .hljs-selector-id,
71 .hljs-selector-attr,
72 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
73 .hljs-addition,
74 .hljs-variable,
75 .hljs-template-variable {
76 color: #e6db74;
77 }
79 .hljs-comment,
80 .hljs-deletion,
81 .hljs-meta {
82 color: #75715e;
83 }
1 /*
2 Monokai style - ported by Luigi Maselli - http://grigio.org
3 */
5 .hljs {
6 display: block;
7 overflow-x: auto;
8 padding: 0.5em;
9 background: #272822; color: #ddd;
10 }
12 .hljs-tag,
13 .hljs-keyword,
14 .hljs-selector-tag,
15 .hljs-literal,
16 .hljs-strong,
17 .hljs-name {
18 color: #f92672;
19 }
21 .hljs-code {
22 color: #66d9ef;
23 }
25 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
26 color: white;
27 }
29 .hljs-attribute,
30 .hljs-symbol,
31 .hljs-regexp,
32 .hljs-link {
33 color: #bf79db;
34 }
36 .hljs-string,
37 .hljs-bullet,
38 .hljs-subst,
39 .hljs-title,
40 .hljs-section,
41 .hljs-emphasis,
42 .hljs-type,
43 .hljs-built_in,
44 .hljs-builtin-name,
45 .hljs-selector-attr,
46 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
47 .hljs-addition,
48 .hljs-variable,
49 .hljs-template-tag,
50 .hljs-template-variable {
51 color: #a6e22e;
52 }
54 .hljs-comment,
55 .hljs-quote,
56 .hljs-deletion,
57 .hljs-meta {
58 color: #75715e;
59 }
61 .hljs-keyword,
62 .hljs-selector-tag,
63 .hljs-literal,
64 .hljs-doctag,
65 .hljs-title,
66 .hljs-section,
67 .hljs-type,
68 .hljs-selector-id {
69 font-weight: bold;
70 }
1 /*
3 Monokai Sublime style. Derived from Monokai by noformnocontent http://nn.mit-license.org/
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #23241f;
12 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
13 }
15 .hljs,
16 .hljs-tag,
17 .css .hljs-rule,
18 .css .hljs-value,
19 .aspectj .hljs-function,
20 .css .hljs-function
21 .hljs-preprocessor,
22 .hljs-pragma {
23 color: #f8f8f2;
24 }
26 .hljs-strongemphasis,
27 .hljs-strong,
28 .hljs-emphasis {
29 color: #a8a8a2;
30 }
32 .hljs-bullet,
33 .hljs-blockquote,
34 .hljs-horizontal_rule,
35 .hljs-number,
36 .hljs-regexp,
37 .alias .hljs-keyword,
38 .hljs-literal,
39 .hljs-hexcolor {
40 color: #ae81ff;
41 }
43 .hljs-tag .hljs-value,
44 .hljs-code,
45 .hljs-title,
46 .css .hljs-class,
47 .hljs-class .hljs-title:last-child {
48 color: #a6e22e;
49 }
51 .hljs-link_url {
52 font-size: 80%;
53 }
55 .hljs-strong,
56 .hljs-strongemphasis {
57 font-weight: bold;
58 }
60 .hljs-emphasis,
61 .hljs-strongemphasis,
62 .hljs-class .hljs-title:last-child,
63 .hljs-typename {
64 font-style: italic;
65 }
67 .hljs-keyword,
68 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-keyword:first-child,
69 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-keyword,
70 .hljs-function,
71 .hljs-change,
72 .hljs-winutils,
73 .hljs-flow,
74 .nginx .hljs-title,
75 .tex .hljs-special,
76 .hljs-header,
77 .hljs-attribute,
78 .hljs-symbol,
79 .hljs-symbol .hljs-string,
80 .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
81 .hljs-value,
82 .alias .hljs-keyword:first-child,
83 .css .hljs-tag,
84 .css .unit,
85 .css .hljs-important {
86 color: #f92672;
87 }
89 .hljs-function .hljs-keyword,
90 .hljs-class .hljs-keyword:first-child,
91 .hljs-aspect .hljs-keyword:first-child,
92 .hljs-constant,
93 .hljs-typename,
94 .hljs-name,
95 .css .hljs-attribute {
96 color: #66d9ef;
97 }
99 .hljs-variable,
100 .hljs-params,
101 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
102 .hljs-aspect .hljs-title {
103 color: #f8f8f2;
104 }
106 .hljs-string,
107 .css .hljs-id,
108 .hljs-subst,
109 .hljs-type,
110 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-parent,
111 .hljs-built_in,
112 .django .hljs-template_tag,
113 .django .hljs-variable,
114 .smalltalk .hljs-class,
115 .django .hljs-filter .hljs-argument,
116 .smalltalk .hljs-localvars,
117 .smalltalk .hljs-array,
118 .hljs-attr_selector,
119 .hljs-pseudo,
120 .hljs-addition,
121 .hljs-stream,
122 .hljs-envvar,
123 .apache .hljs-tag,
124 .apache .hljs-cbracket,
125 .tex .hljs-command,
126 .hljs-prompt,
127 .hljs-link_label,
128 .hljs-link_url {
129 color: #e6db74;
130 }
132 .hljs-comment,
133 .hljs-annotation,
134 .hljs-decorator,
135 .hljs-pi,
136 .hljs-doctype,
137 .hljs-deletion,
138 .hljs-shebang,
139 .apache .hljs-sqbracket,
140 .tex .hljs-formula {
141 color: #75715e;
142 }
144 .coffeescript .javascript,
145 .javascript .xml,
146 .tex .hljs-formula,
147 .xml .javascript,
148 .xml .vbscript,
149 .xml .css,
150 .xml .hljs-cdata,
151 .xml .php,
152 .php .xml {
153 opacity: 0.5;
154 }
1 /**
2 * Obsidian style
3 * ported by Alexander Marenin (http://github.com/ioncreature)
4 */
6 .hljs {
7 display: block;
8 overflow-x: auto;
9 padding: 0.5em;
10 background: #282b2e;
11 }
13 .hljs-keyword,
14 .hljs-selector-tag,
15 .hljs-literal,
16 .hljs-selector-id {
17 color: #93c763;
18 }
20 .hljs-number {
21 color: #ffcd22;
22 }
24 .hljs {
25 color: #e0e2e4;
26 }
28 .hljs-attribute {
29 color: #668bb0;
30 }
32 .hljs-code,
33 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
34 .hljs-section {
35 color: white;
36 }
38 .hljs-regexp,
39 .hljs-link {
40 color: #d39745;
41 }
43 .hljs-meta {
44 color: #557182;
45 }
47 .hljs-tag,
48 .hljs-name,
49 .hljs-bullet,
50 .hljs-subst,
51 .hljs-emphasis,
52 .hljs-type,
53 .hljs-built_in,
54 .hljs-selector-attr,
55 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
56 .hljs-addition,
57 .hljs-variable,
58 .hljs-template-tag,
59 .hljs-template-variable {
60 color: #8cbbad;
61 }
63 .hljs-string,
64 .hljs-symbol {
65 color: #ec7600;
66 }
68 .hljs-comment,
69 .hljs-quote,
70 .hljs-deletion {
71 color: #818e96;
72 }
74 .hljs-selector-class {
75 color: #A082BD
76 }
78 .hljs-keyword,
79 .hljs-selector-tag,
80 .hljs-literal,
81 .hljs-doctag,
82 .hljs-title,
83 .hljs-section,
84 .hljs-type,
85 .hljs-name,
86 .hljs-strong {
87 font-weight: bold;
88 }
1 /* Ocean Dark Theme */
2 /* https://github.com/gavsiu */
3 /* Original theme - https://github.com/chriskempson/base16 */
5 /* Ocean Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #65737e;
9 }
11 /* Ocean Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-tag,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .hljs-selector-id,
17 .hljs-selector-class,
18 .hljs-regexp,
19 .hljs-deletion {
20 color: #bf616a;
21 }
23 /* Ocean Orange */
24 .hljs-number,
25 .hljs-built_in,
26 .hljs-builtin-name,
27 .hljs-literal,
28 .hljs-type,
29 .hljs-params,
30 .hljs-meta,
31 .hljs-link {
32 color: #d08770;
33 }
35 /* Ocean Yellow */
36 .hljs-attribute {
37 color: #ebcb8b;
38 }
40 /* Ocean Green */
41 .hljs-string,
42 .hljs-symbol,
43 .hljs-bullet,
44 .hljs-addition {
45 color: #a3be8c;
46 }
48 /* Ocean Blue */
49 .hljs-title,
50 .hljs-section {
51 color: #8fa1b3;
52 }
54 /* Ocean Purple */
55 .hljs-keyword,
56 .hljs-selector-tag {
57 color: #b48ead;
58 }
60 .hljs {
61 display: block;
62 overflow-x: auto;
63 background: #2b303b;
64 color: #c0c5ce;
65 padding: 0.5em;
66 }
68 .hljs-emphasis {
69 font-style: italic;
70 }
72 .hljs-strong {
73 font-weight: bold;
74 }
1 /*
2 Paraíso (dark)
3 Created by Jan T. Sott (http://github.com/idleberg)
4 Inspired by the art of Rubens LP (http://www.rubenslp.com.br)
5 */
7 /* Paraíso Comment */
8 .hljs-comment,
9 .hljs-quote {
10 color: #8d8687;
11 }
13 /* Paraíso Red */
14 .hljs-variable,
15 .hljs-template-variable,
16 .hljs-tag,
17 .hljs-name,
18 .hljs-selector-id,
19 .hljs-selector-class,
20 .hljs-regexp,
21 .hljs-link,
22 .hljs-meta {
23 color: #ef6155;
24 }
26 /* Paraíso Orange */
27 .hljs-number,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-deletion {
34 color: #f99b15;
35 }
37 /* Paraíso Yellow */
38 .hljs-title,
39 .hljs-section,
40 .hljs-attribute {
41 color: #fec418;
42 }
44 /* Paraíso Green */
45 .hljs-string,
46 .hljs-symbol,
47 .hljs-bullet,
48 .hljs-addition {
49 color: #48b685;
50 }
52 /* Paraíso Purple */
53 .hljs-keyword,
54 .hljs-selector-tag {
55 color: #815ba4;
56 }
58 .hljs {
59 display: block;
60 overflow-x: auto;
61 background: #2f1e2e;
62 color: #a39e9b;
63 padding: 0.5em;
64 }
66 .hljs-emphasis {
67 font-style: italic;
68 }
70 .hljs-strong {
71 font-weight: bold;
72 }
1 /*
2 Paraíso (light)
3 Created by Jan T. Sott (http://github.com/idleberg)
4 Inspired by the art of Rubens LP (http://www.rubenslp.com.br)
5 */
7 /* Paraíso Comment */
8 .hljs-comment,
9 .hljs-quote {
10 color: #776e71;
11 }
13 /* Paraíso Red */
14 .hljs-variable,
15 .hljs-template-variable,
16 .hljs-tag,
17 .hljs-name,
18 .hljs-selector-id,
19 .hljs-selector-class,
20 .hljs-regexp,
21 .hljs-link,
22 .hljs-meta {
23 color: #ef6155;
24 }
26 /* Paraíso Orange */
27 .hljs-number,
28 .hljs-built_in,
29 .hljs-builtin-name,
30 .hljs-literal,
31 .hljs-type,
32 .hljs-params,
33 .hljs-deletion {
34 color: #f99b15;
35 }
37 /* Paraíso Yellow */
38 .hljs-title,
39 .hljs-section,
40 .hljs-attribute {
41 color: #fec418;
42 }
44 /* Paraíso Green */
45 .hljs-string,
46 .hljs-symbol,
47 .hljs-bullet,
48 .hljs-addition {
49 color: #48b685;
50 }
52 /* Paraíso Purple */
53 .hljs-keyword,
54 .hljs-selector-tag {
55 color: #815ba4;
56 }
58 .hljs {
59 display: block;
60 overflow-x: auto;
61 background: #e7e9db;
62 color: #4f424c;
63 padding: 0.5em;
64 }
66 .hljs-emphasis {
67 font-style: italic;
68 }
70 .hljs-strong {
71 font-weight: bold;
72 }
1 /*
2 Paraíso (dark)
3 Created by Jan T. Sott (http://github.com/idleberg)
4 Inspired by the art of Rubens LP (http://www.rubenslp.com.br)
5 */
7 /* Paraíso Comment */
8 .hljs-comment,
9 .hljs-title {
10 color: #8d8687;
11 }
13 /* Paraíso Red */
14 .hljs-variable,
15 .hljs-attribute,
16 .hljs-tag,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-name,
19 .ruby .hljs-constant,
20 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
21 .xml .hljs-pi,
22 .xml .hljs-doctype,
23 .html .hljs-doctype,
24 .css .hljs-id,
25 .css .hljs-class,
26 .css .hljs-pseudo {
27 color: #ef6155;
28 }
30 /* Paraíso Orange */
31 .hljs-number,
32 .hljs-preprocessor,
33 .hljs-built_in,
34 .hljs-literal,
35 .hljs-params,
36 .hljs-constant {
37 color: #f99b15;
38 }
40 /* Paraíso Yellow */
41 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
42 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
43 color: #fec418;
44 }
46 /* Paraíso Green */
47 .hljs-string,
48 .hljs-value,
49 .hljs-inheritance,
50 .hljs-header,
51 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
52 .xml .hljs-cdata {
53 color: #48b685;
54 }
56 /* Paraíso Aqua */
57 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
58 color: #5bc4bf;
59 }
61 /* Paraíso Blue */
62 .hljs-function,
63 .python .hljs-decorator,
64 .python .hljs-title,
65 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
66 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
67 .perl .hljs-sub,
68 .javascript .hljs-title,
69 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
70 color: #06b6ef;
71 }
73 /* Paraíso Purple */
74 .hljs-keyword,
75 .javascript .hljs-function {
76 color: #815ba4;
77 }
79 .hljs {
80 display: block;
81 overflow-x: auto;
82 background: #2f1e2e;
83 color: #a39e9b;
84 padding: 0.5em;
85 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
86 }
88 .coffeescript .javascript,
89 .javascript .xml,
90 .tex .hljs-formula,
91 .xml .javascript,
92 .xml .vbscript,
93 .xml .css,
94 .xml .hljs-cdata {
95 opacity: 0.5;
96 }
1 /*
2 Paraíso (light)
3 Created by Jan T. Sott (http://github.com/idleberg)
4 Inspired by the art of Rubens LP (http://www.rubenslp.com.br)
5 */
7 /* Paraíso Comment */
8 .hljs-comment,
9 .hljs-title {
10 color: #776e71;
11 }
13 /* Paraíso Red */
14 .hljs-variable,
15 .hljs-attribute,
16 .hljs-tag,
17 .hljs-regexp,
18 .hljs-name,
19 .ruby .hljs-constant,
20 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
21 .xml .hljs-pi,
22 .xml .hljs-doctype,
23 .html .hljs-doctype,
24 .css .hljs-id,
25 .css .hljs-class,
26 .css .hljs-pseudo {
27 color: #ef6155;
28 }
30 /* Paraíso Orange */
31 .hljs-number,
32 .hljs-preprocessor,
33 .hljs-built_in,
34 .hljs-literal,
35 .hljs-params,
36 .hljs-constant {
37 color: #f99b15;
38 }
40 /* Paraíso Yellow */
41 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-title,
42 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-attribute {
43 color: #fec418;
44 }
46 /* Paraíso Green */
47 .hljs-string,
48 .hljs-value,
49 .hljs-inheritance,
50 .hljs-header,
51 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
52 .xml .hljs-cdata {
53 color: #48b685;
54 }
56 /* Paraíso Aqua */
57 .css .hljs-hexcolor {
58 color: #5bc4bf;
59 }
61 /* Paraíso Blue */
62 .hljs-function,
63 .python .hljs-decorator,
64 .python .hljs-title,
65 .ruby .hljs-function .hljs-title,
66 .ruby .hljs-title .hljs-keyword,
67 .perl .hljs-sub,
68 .javascript .hljs-title,
69 .coffeescript .hljs-title {
70 color: #06b6ef;
71 }
73 /* Paraíso Purple */
74 .hljs-keyword,
75 .javascript .hljs-function {
76 color: #815ba4;
77 }
79 .hljs {
80 display: block;
81 overflow-x: auto;
82 background: #e7e9db;
83 color: #4f424c;
84 padding: 0.5em;
85 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
86 }
88 .coffeescript .javascript,
89 .javascript .xml,
90 .tex .hljs-formula,
91 .xml .javascript,
92 .xml .vbscript,
93 .xml .css,
94 .xml .hljs-cdata {
95 opacity: 0.5;
96 }
1 /*
3 Pojoaque Style by Jason Tate
4 http://web-cms-designs.com/ftopict-10-pojoaque-style-for-highlight-js-code-highlighter.html
5 Based on Solarized Style from http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
7 */
9 .hljs {
10 display: block;
11 overflow-x: auto;
12 padding: 0.5em;
13 color: #dccf8f;
14 background: url(./pojoaque.jpg) repeat scroll left top #181914;
15 }
17 .hljs-comment,
18 .hljs-quote {
19 color: #586e75;
20 font-style: italic;
21 }
23 .hljs-keyword,
24 .hljs-selector-tag,
25 .hljs-literal,
26 .hljs-addition {
27 color: #b64926;
28 }
30 .hljs-number,
31 .hljs-string,
32 .hljs-doctag,
33 .hljs-regexp {
34 color: #468966;
35 }
37 .hljs-title,
38 .hljs-section,
39 .hljs-built_in,
40 .hljs-name {
41 color: #ffb03b;
42 }
44 .hljs-variable,
45 .hljs-template-variable,
46 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
47 .hljs-type,
48 .hljs-tag {
49 color: #b58900;
50 }
52 .hljs-attribute {
53 color: #b89859;
54 }
56 .hljs-symbol,
57 .hljs-bullet,
58 .hljs-link,
59 .hljs-subst,
60 .hljs-meta {
61 color: #cb4b16;
62 }
64 .hljs-deletion {
65 color: #dc322f;
66 }
68 .hljs-selector-id,
69 .hljs-selector-class {
70 color: #d3a60c;
71 }
73 .hljs-formula {
74 background: #073642;
75 }
77 .hljs-emphasis {
78 font-style: italic;
79 }
81 .hljs-strong {
82 font-weight: bold;
83 }
1 /*
3 PureBASIC native IDE style ( version 1.0 - April 2016 )
5 by Tristano Ajmone <tajmone@gmail.com>
7 Public Domain
9 NOTE_1: PureBASIC code syntax highlighting only applies the following classes:
10 .hljs-comment
11 .hljs-function
12 .hljs-keywords
13 .hljs-string
14 .hljs-symbol
16 Other classes are added here for the benefit of styling other languages with the look and feel of PureBASIC native IDE style.
17 If you need to customize a stylesheet for PureBASIC only, remove all non-relevant classes -- PureBASIC-related classes are followed by
18 a "--- used for PureBASIC ... ---" comment on same line.
20 NOTE_2: Color names provided in comments were derived using "Name that Color" online tool:
21 http://chir.ag/projects/name-that-color
22 */
24 .hljs { /* Common set of rules required by highlight.js (don'r remove!) */
25 display: block;
26 overflow-x: auto;
27 padding: 0.5em;
28 background: #FFFFDF; /* Half and Half (approx.) */
29 /* --- Uncomment to add PureBASIC native IDE styled font!
30 font-family: Consolas;
31 */
32 }
34 .hljs, /* --- used for PureBASIC base color --- */
35 .hljs-type, /* --- used for PureBASIC Procedures return type --- */
36 .hljs-function, /* --- used for wrapping PureBASIC Procedures definitions --- */
37 .hljs-name,
38 .hljs-number,
39 .hljs-attr,
40 .hljs-params,
41 .hljs-subst {
42 color: #000000; /* Black */
43 }
45 .hljs-comment, /* --- used for PureBASIC Comments --- */
46 .hljs-regexp,
47 .hljs-section,
48 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
49 .hljs-addition {
50 color: #00AAAA; /* Persian Green (approx.) */
51 }
53 .hljs-title, /* --- used for PureBASIC Procedures Names --- */
54 .hljs-tag,
55 .hljs-variable,
56 .hljs-code {
57 color: #006666; /* Blue Stone (approx.) */
58 }
60 .hljs-keyword, /* --- used for PureBASIC Keywords --- */
61 .hljs-class,
62 .hljs-meta-keyword,
63 .hljs-selector-class,
64 .hljs-built_in,
65 .hljs-builtin-name {
66 color: #006666; /* Blue Stone (approx.) */
67 font-weight: bold;
68 }
70 .hljs-string, /* --- used for PureBASIC Strings --- */
71 .hljs-selector-attr {
72 color: #0080FF; /* Azure Radiance (approx.) */
73 }
75 .hljs-symbol, /* --- used for PureBASIC Constants --- */
76 .hljs-link,
77 .hljs-deletion,
78 .hljs-attribute {
79 color: #924B72; /* Cannon Pink (approx.) */
80 }
82 .hljs-meta,
83 .hljs-literal,
84 .hljs-selector-id {
85 color: #924B72; /* Cannon Pink (approx.) */
86 font-weight: bold;
87 }
89 .hljs-strong,
90 .hljs-name {
91 font-weight: bold;
92 }
94 .hljs-emphasis {
95 font-style: italic;
96 }
1 /*
3 Qt Creator dark color scheme
5 */
8 .hljs {
9 display: block;
10 overflow-x: auto;
11 padding: 0.5em;
12 background: #000000;
13 }
15 .hljs,
16 .hljs-subst,
17 .hljs-tag,
18 .hljs-title {
19 color: #aaaaaa;
20 }
22 .hljs-strong,
23 .hljs-emphasis {
24 color: #a8a8a2;
25 }
27 .hljs-bullet,
28 .hljs-quote,
29 .hljs-number,
30 .hljs-regexp,
31 .hljs-literal {
32 color: #ff55ff;
33 }
35 .hljs-code
36 .hljs-selector-class {
37 color: #aaaaff;
38 }
40 .hljs-emphasis,
41 .hljs-stronge,
42 .hljs-type {
43 font-style: italic;
44 }
46 .hljs-keyword,
47 .hljs-selector-tag,
48 .hljs-function,
49 .hljs-section,
50 .hljs-symbol,
51 .hljs-name {
52 color: #ffff55;
53 }
55 .hljs-attribute {
56 color: #ff5555;
57 }
59 .hljs-variable,
60 .hljs-params,
61 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
62 color: #8888ff;
63 }
65 .hljs-string,
66 .hljs-selector-id,
67 .hljs-selector-attr,
68 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
69 .hljs-type,
70 .hljs-built_in,
71 .hljs-builtin-name,
72 .hljs-template-tag,
73 .hljs-template-variable,
74 .hljs-addition,
75 .hljs-link {
76 color: #ff55ff;
77 }
79 .hljs-comment,
80 .hljs-meta,
81 .hljs-deletion {
82 color: #55ffff;
83 }
1 /*
3 Qt Creator light color scheme
5 */
8 .hljs {
9 display: block;
10 overflow-x: auto;
11 padding: 0.5em;
12 background: #ffffff;
13 }
15 .hljs,
16 .hljs-subst,
17 .hljs-tag,
18 .hljs-title {
19 color: #000000;
20 }
22 .hljs-strong,
23 .hljs-emphasis {
24 color: #000000;
25 }
27 .hljs-bullet,
28 .hljs-quote,
29 .hljs-number,
30 .hljs-regexp,
31 .hljs-literal {
32 color: #000080;
33 }
35 .hljs-code
36 .hljs-selector-class {
37 color: #800080;
38 }
40 .hljs-emphasis,
41 .hljs-stronge,
42 .hljs-type {
43 font-style: italic;
44 }
46 .hljs-keyword,
47 .hljs-selector-tag,
48 .hljs-function,
49 .hljs-section,
50 .hljs-symbol,
51 .hljs-name {
52 color: #808000;
53 }
55 .hljs-attribute {
56 color: #800000;
57 }
59 .hljs-variable,
60 .hljs-params,
61 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
62 color: #0055AF;
63 }
65 .hljs-string,
66 .hljs-selector-id,
67 .hljs-selector-attr,
68 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
69 .hljs-type,
70 .hljs-built_in,
71 .hljs-builtin-name,
72 .hljs-template-tag,
73 .hljs-template-variable,
74 .hljs-addition,
75 .hljs-link {
76 color: #008000;
77 }
79 .hljs-comment,
80 .hljs-meta,
81 .hljs-deletion {
82 color: #008000;
83 }
1 /*
3 Railscasts-like style (c) Visoft, Inc. (Damien White)
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #232323;
12 color: #e6e1dc;
13 }
15 .hljs-comment,
16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #bc9458;
18 font-style: italic;
19 }
21 .hljs-keyword,
22 .hljs-selector-tag {
23 color: #c26230;
24 }
26 .hljs-string,
27 .hljs-number,
28 .hljs-regexp,
29 .hljs-variable,
30 .hljs-template-variable {
31 color: #a5c261;
32 }
34 .hljs-subst {
35 color: #519f50;
36 }
38 .hljs-tag,
39 .hljs-name {
40 color: #e8bf6a;
41 }
43 .hljs-type {
44 color: #da4939;
45 }
48 .hljs-symbol,
49 .hljs-bullet,
50 .hljs-built_in,
51 .hljs-builtin-name,
52 .hljs-attr,
53 .hljs-link {
54 color: #6d9cbe;
55 }
57 .hljs-params {
58 color: #d0d0ff;
59 }
61 .hljs-attribute {
62 color: #cda869;
63 }
65 .hljs-meta {
66 color: #9b859d;
67 }
69 .hljs-title,
70 .hljs-section {
71 color: #ffc66d;
72 }
74 .hljs-addition {
75 background-color: #144212;
76 color: #e6e1dc;
77 display: inline-block;
78 width: 100%;
79 }
81 .hljs-deletion {
82 background-color: #600;
83 color: #e6e1dc;
84 display: inline-block;
85 width: 100%;
86 }
88 .hljs-selector-class {
89 color: #9b703f;
90 }
92 .hljs-selector-id {
93 color: #8b98ab;
94 }
96 .hljs-emphasis {
97 font-style: italic;
98 }
100 .hljs-strong {
101 font-weight: bold;
102 }
104 .hljs-link {
105 text-decoration: underline;
106 }
1 /*
3 Style with support for rainbow parens
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #474949;
12 color: #d1d9e1;
13 }
16 .hljs-comment,
17 .hljs-quote {
18 color: #969896;
19 font-style: italic;
20 }
22 .hljs-keyword,
23 .hljs-selector-tag,
24 .hljs-literal,
25 .hljs-type,
26 .hljs-addition {
27 color: #cc99cc;
28 }
30 .hljs-number,
31 .hljs-selector-attr,
32 .hljs-selector-pseudo {
33 color: #f99157;
34 }
36 .hljs-string,
37 .hljs-doctag,
38 .hljs-regexp {
39 color: #8abeb7;
40 }
42 .hljs-title,
43 .hljs-name,
44 .hljs-section,
45 .hljs-built_in {
46 color: #b5bd68;
47 }
49 .hljs-variable,
50 .hljs-template-variable,
51 .hljs-selector-id,
52 .hljs-class .hljs-title {
53 color: #ffcc66;
54 }
56 .hljs-section,
57 .hljs-name,
58 .hljs-strong {
59 font-weight: bold;
60 }
62 .hljs-symbol,
63 .hljs-bullet,
64 .hljs-subst,
65 .hljs-meta,
66 .hljs-link {
67 color: #f99157;
68 }
70 .hljs-deletion {
71 color: #dc322f;
72 }
74 .hljs-formula {
75 background: #eee8d5;
76 }
78 .hljs-attr,
79 .hljs-attribute {
80 color: #81a2be;
81 }
83 .hljs-emphasis {
84 font-style: italic;
85 }
1 /*
3 School Book style from goldblog.com.ua (c) Zaripov Yura <yur4ik7@ukr.net>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 15px 0.5em 0.5em 30px;
11 font-size: 11px;
12 line-height:16px;
13 }
15 pre{
16 background:#f6f6ae url(./school-book.png);
17 border-top: solid 2px #d2e8b9;
18 border-bottom: solid 1px #d2e8b9;
19 }
21 .hljs-keyword,
22 .hljs-selector-tag,
23 .hljs-literal {
24 color:#005599;
25 font-weight:bold;
26 }
28 .hljs,
29 .hljs-subst {
30 color: #3e5915;
31 }
33 .hljs-string,
34 .hljs-title,
35 .hljs-section,
36 .hljs-type,
37 .hljs-symbol,
38 .hljs-bullet,
39 .hljs-attribute,
40 .hljs-built_in,
41 .hljs-builtin-name,
42 .hljs-addition,
43 .hljs-variable,
44 .hljs-template-tag,
45 .hljs-template-variable,
46 .hljs-link {
47 color: #2c009f;
48 }
50 .hljs-comment,
51 .hljs-quote,
52 .hljs-deletion,
53 .hljs-meta {
54 color: #e60415;
55 }
57 .hljs-keyword,
58 .hljs-selector-tag,
59 .hljs-literal,
60 .hljs-doctag,
61 .hljs-title,
62 .hljs-section,
63 .hljs-type,
64 .hljs-name,
65 .hljs-selector-id,
66 .hljs-strong {
67 font-weight: bold;
68 }
70 .hljs-emphasis {
71 font-style: italic;
72 }
1 /*
3 School Book style from goldblog.com.ua (c) Zaripov Yura <yur4ik7@ukr.net>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 15px 0.5em 0.5em 30px;
11 font-size: 11px !important;
12 line-height:16px !important;
13 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
14 }
16 pre{
17 background:#f6f6ae url(./school_book.png);
18 border-top: solid 2px #d2e8b9;
19 border-bottom: solid 1px #d2e8b9;
20 }
22 .hljs-keyword,
23 .hljs-literal,
24 .hljs-change,
25 .hljs-winutils,
26 .hljs-flow,
27 .nginx .hljs-title,
28 .tex .hljs-special {
29 color:#005599;
30 font-weight:bold;
31 }
33 .hljs,
34 .hljs-subst,
35 .hljs-tag .hljs-keyword {
36 color: #3e5915;
37 }
39 .hljs-string,
40 .hljs-title,
41 .hljs-type,
42 .hljs-tag .hljs-value,
43 .css .hljs-rule .hljs-value,
44 .hljs-preprocessor,
45 .hljs-pragma,
46 .ruby .hljs-symbol,
47 .ruby .hljs-symbol .hljs-string,
48 .ruby .hljs-class .hljs-parent,
49 .hljs-built_in,
50 .django .hljs-template_tag,
51 .django .hljs-variable,
52 .smalltalk .hljs-class,
53 .ruby .hljs-string,
54 .django .hljs-filter .hljs-argument,
55 .smalltalk .hljs-localvars,
56 .smalltalk .hljs-array,
57 .hljs-attr_selector,
58 .hljs-pseudo,
59 .hljs-addition,
60 .hljs-stream,
61 .hljs-envvar,
62 .apache .hljs-tag,
63 .apache .hljs-cbracket,
64 .nginx .hljs-built_in,
65 .tex .hljs-command,
66 .coffeescript .hljs-attribute,
67 .hljs-name {
68 color: #2c009f;
69 }
71 .hljs-comment,
72 .hljs-annotation,
73 .hljs-decorator,
74 .hljs-pi,
75 .hljs-doctype,
76 .hljs-deletion,
77 .hljs-shebang,
78 .apache .hljs-sqbracket {
79 color: #e60415;
80 }
82 .hljs-keyword,
83 .hljs-literal,
84 .css .hljs-id,
85 .hljs-doctag,
86 .hljs-title,
87 .hljs-type,
88 .vbscript .hljs-built_in,
89 .rsl .hljs-built_in,
90 .smalltalk .hljs-class,
91 .xml .hljs-tag .hljs-title,
92 .diff .hljs-header,
93 .hljs-chunk,
94 .hljs-winutils,
95 .bash .hljs-variable,
96 .apache .hljs-tag,
97 .tex .hljs-command,
98 .hljs-request,
99 .hljs-status {
100 font-weight: bold;
101 }
103 .coffeescript .javascript,
104 .javascript .xml,
105 .tex .hljs-formula,
106 .xml .javascript,
107 .xml .vbscript,
108 .xml .css,
109 .xml .hljs-cdata {
110 opacity: 0.5;
111 }
1 /*
3 Orginal Style from ethanschoonover.com/solarized (c) Jeremy Hull <sourdrums@gmail.com>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #002b36;
12 color: #839496;
13 }
15 .hljs-comment,
16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #586e75;
18 }
20 /* Solarized Green */
21 .hljs-keyword,
22 .hljs-selector-tag,
23 .hljs-addition {
24 color: #859900;
25 }
27 /* Solarized Cyan */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-string,
30 .hljs-meta .hljs-meta-string,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-doctag,
33 .hljs-regexp {
34 color: #2aa198;
35 }
37 /* Solarized Blue */
38 .hljs-title,
39 .hljs-section,
40 .hljs-name,
41 .hljs-selector-id,
42 .hljs-selector-class {
43 color: #268bd2;
44 }
46 /* Solarized Yellow */
47 .hljs-attribute,
48 .hljs-attr,
49 .hljs-variable,
50 .hljs-template-variable,
51 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
52 .hljs-type {
53 color: #b58900;
54 }
56 /* Solarized Orange */
57 .hljs-symbol,
58 .hljs-bullet,
59 .hljs-subst,
60 .hljs-meta,
61 .hljs-meta .hljs-keyword,
62 .hljs-selector-attr,
63 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
64 .hljs-link {
65 color: #cb4b16;
66 }
68 /* Solarized Red */
69 .hljs-built_in,
70 .hljs-deletion {
71 color: #dc322f;
72 }
74 .hljs-formula {
75 background: #073642;
76 }
78 .hljs-emphasis {
79 font-style: italic;
80 }
82 .hljs-strong {
83 font-weight: bold;
84 }
1 /*
3 Orginal Style from ethanschoonover.com/solarized (c) Jeremy Hull <sourdrums@gmail.com>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #fdf6e3;
12 color: #657b83;
13 }
15 .hljs-comment,
16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #93a1a1;
18 }
20 /* Solarized Green */
21 .hljs-keyword,
22 .hljs-selector-tag,
23 .hljs-addition {
24 color: #859900;
25 }
27 /* Solarized Cyan */
28 .hljs-number,
29 .hljs-string,
30 .hljs-meta .hljs-meta-string,
31 .hljs-literal,
32 .hljs-doctag,
33 .hljs-regexp {
34 color: #2aa198;
35 }
37 /* Solarized Blue */
38 .hljs-title,
39 .hljs-section,
40 .hljs-name,
41 .hljs-selector-id,
42 .hljs-selector-class {
43 color: #268bd2;
44 }
46 /* Solarized Yellow */
47 .hljs-attribute,
48 .hljs-attr,
49 .hljs-variable,
50 .hljs-template-variable,
51 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
52 .hljs-type {
53 color: #b58900;
54 }
56 /* Solarized Orange */
57 .hljs-symbol,
58 .hljs-bullet,
59 .hljs-subst,
60 .hljs-meta,
61 .hljs-meta .hljs-keyword,
62 .hljs-selector-attr,
63 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
64 .hljs-link {
65 color: #cb4b16;
66 }
68 /* Solarized Red */
69 .hljs-built_in,
70 .hljs-deletion {
71 color: #dc322f;
72 }
74 .hljs-formula {
75 background: #eee8d5;
76 }
78 .hljs-emphasis {
79 font-style: italic;
80 }
82 .hljs-strong {
83 font-weight: bold;
84 }
1 /*
3 Orginal Style from ethanschoonover.com/solarized (c) Jeremy Hull <sourdrums@gmail.com>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #002b36;
12 color: #839496;
13 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
14 }
16 .hljs-comment,
17 .diff .hljs-header,
18 .hljs-doctype,
19 .hljs-pi,
20 .lisp .hljs-string {
21 color: #586e75;
22 }
24 /* Solarized Green */
25 .hljs-keyword,
26 .hljs-winutils,
27 .method,
28 .hljs-addition,
29 .css .hljs-tag,
30 .hljs-request,
31 .hljs-status,
32 .nginx .hljs-title {
33 color: #859900;
34 }
36 /* Solarized Cyan */
37 .hljs-number,
38 .hljs-command,
39 .hljs-string,
40 .hljs-tag .hljs-value,
41 .hljs-rule .hljs-value,
42 .hljs-doctag,
43 .tex .hljs-formula,
44 .hljs-regexp,
45 .hljs-hexcolor,
46 .hljs-link_url {
47 color: #2aa198;
48 }
50 /* Solarized Blue */
51 .hljs-title,
52 .hljs-localvars,
53 .hljs-chunk,
54 .hljs-decorator,
55 .hljs-built_in,
56 .hljs-identifier,
57 .vhdl .hljs-literal,
58 .hljs-id,
59 .css .hljs-function,
60 .hljs-name {
61 color: #268bd2;
62 }
64 /* Solarized Yellow */
65 .hljs-attribute,
66 .hljs-variable,
67 .lisp .hljs-body,
68 .smalltalk .hljs-number,
69 .hljs-constant,
70 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
71 .hljs-parent,
72 .hljs-type,
73 .hljs-link_reference {
74 color: #b58900;
75 }
77 /* Solarized Orange */
78 .hljs-preprocessor,
79 .hljs-preprocessor .hljs-keyword,
80 .hljs-pragma,
81 .hljs-shebang,
82 .hljs-symbol,
83 .hljs-symbol .hljs-string,
84 .diff .hljs-change,
85 .hljs-special,
86 .hljs-attr_selector,
87 .hljs-subst,
88 .hljs-cdata,
89 .css .hljs-pseudo,
90 .hljs-header {
91 color: #cb4b16;
92 }
94 /* Solarized Red */
95 .hljs-deletion,
96 .hljs-important {
97 color: #dc322f;
98 }
100 /* Solarized Violet */
101 .hljs-link_label {
102 color: #6c71c4;
103 }
105 .tex .hljs-formula {
106 background: #073642;
107 }
1 /*
3 Orginal Style from ethanschoonover.com/solarized (c) Jeremy Hull <sourdrums@gmail.com>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #fdf6e3;
12 color: #657b83;
13 -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;
14 }
16 .hljs-comment,
17 .diff .hljs-header,
18 .hljs-doctype,
19 .hljs-pi,
20 .lisp .hljs-string {
21 color: #93a1a1;
22 }
24 /* Solarized Green */
25 .hljs-keyword,
26 .hljs-winutils,
27 .method,
28 .hljs-addition,
29 .css .hljs-tag,
30 .hljs-request,
31 .hljs-status,
32 .nginx .hljs-title {
33 color: #859900;
34 }
36 /* Solarized Cyan */
37 .hljs-number,
38 .hljs-command,
39 .hljs-string,
40 .hljs-tag .hljs-value,
41 .hljs-rule .hljs-value,
42 .hljs-doctag,
43 .tex .hljs-formula,
44 .hljs-regexp,
45 .hljs-hexcolor,
46 .hljs-link_url {
47 color: #2aa198;
48 }
50 /* Solarized Blue */
51 .hljs-title,
52 .hljs-localvars,
53 .hljs-chunk,
54 .hljs-decorator,
55 .hljs-built_in,
56 .hljs-identifier,
57 .vhdl .hljs-literal,
58 .hljs-id,
59 .css .hljs-function,
60 .hljs-name {
61 color: #268bd2;
62 }
64 /* Solarized Yellow */
65 .hljs-attribute,
66 .hljs-variable,
67 .lisp .hljs-body,
68 .smalltalk .hljs-number,
69 .hljs-constant,
70 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
71 .hljs-parent,
72 .hljs-type,
73 .hljs-link_reference {
74 color: #b58900;
75 }
77 /* Solarized Orange */
78 .hljs-preprocessor,
79 .hljs-preprocessor .hljs-keyword,
80 .hljs-pragma,
81 .hljs-shebang,
82 .hljs-symbol,
83 .hljs-symbol .hljs-string,
84 .diff .hljs-change,
85 .hljs-special,
86 .hljs-attr_selector,
87 .hljs-subst,
88 .hljs-cdata,
89 .css .hljs-pseudo,
90 .hljs-header {
91 color: #cb4b16;
92 }
94 /* Solarized Red */
95 .hljs-deletion,
96 .hljs-important {
97 color: #dc322f;
98 }
100 /* Solarized Violet */
101 .hljs-link_label {
102 color: #6c71c4;
103 }
105 .tex .hljs-formula {
106 background: #eee8d5;
107 }
1 /*
3 Sunburst-like style (c) Vasily Polovnyov <vast@whiteants.net>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #000;
12 color: #f8f8f8;
13 }
15 .hljs-comment,
16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #aeaeae;
18 font-style: italic;
19 }
21 .hljs-keyword,
22 .hljs-selector-tag,
23 .hljs-type {
24 color: #e28964;
25 }
27 .hljs-string {
28 color: #65b042;
29 }
31 .hljs-subst {
32 color: #daefa3;
33 }
35 .hljs-regexp,
36 .hljs-link {
37 color: #e9c062;
38 }
40 .hljs-title,
41 .hljs-section,
42 .hljs-tag,
43 .hljs-name {
44 color: #89bdff;
45 }
47 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
48 .hljs-doctag {
49 text-decoration: underline;
50 }
52 .hljs-symbol,
53 .hljs-bullet,
54 .hljs-number {
55 color: #3387cc;
56 }
58 .hljs-params,
59 .hljs-variable,
60 .hljs-template-variable {
61 color: #3e87e3;
62 }
64 .hljs-attribute {
65 color: #cda869;
66 }
68 .hljs-meta {
69 color: #8996a8;
70 }
72 .hljs-formula {
73 background-color: #0e2231;
74 color: #f8f8f8;
75 font-style: italic;
76 }
78 .hljs-addition {
79 background-color: #253b22;
80 color: #f8f8f8;
81 }
83 .hljs-deletion {
84 background-color: #420e09;
85 color: #f8f8f8;
86 }
88 .hljs-selector-class {
89 color: #9b703f;
90 }
92 .hljs-selector-id {
93 color: #8b98ab;
94 }
96 .hljs-emphasis {
97 font-style: italic;
98 }
100 .hljs-strong {
101 font-weight: bold;
102 }
1 /* Tomorrow Night Blue Theme */
2 /* http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-google-code-highlightjs */
3 /* Original theme - https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme */
4 /* http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-google-code-highlightjs */
6 /* Tomorrow Comment */
7 .hljs-comment,
8 .hljs-quote {
9 color: #7285b7;
10 }
12 /* Tomorrow Red */
13 .hljs-variable,
14 .hljs-template-variable,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-selector-id,
18 .hljs-selector-class,
19 .hljs-regexp,
20 .hljs-deletion {
21 color: #ff9da4;
22 }
24 /* Tomorrow Orange */
25 .hljs-number,
26 .hljs-built_in,
27 .hljs-builtin-name,
28 .hljs-literal,
29 .hljs-type,
30 .hljs-params,
31 .hljs-meta,
32 .hljs-link {
33 color: #ffc58f;
34 }
36 /* Tomorrow Yellow */
37 .hljs-attribute {
38 color: #ffeead;
39 }
41 /* Tomorrow Green */
42 .hljs-string,
43 .hljs-symbol,
44 .hljs-bullet,
45 .hljs-addition {
46 color: #d1f1a9;
47 }
49 /* Tomorrow Blue */
50 .hljs-title,
51 .hljs-section {
52 color: #bbdaff;
53 }
55 /* Tomorrow Purple */
56 .hljs-keyword,
57 .hljs-selector-tag {
58 color: #ebbbff;
59 }
61 .hljs {
62 display: block;
63 overflow-x: auto;
64 background: #002451;
65 color: white;
66 padding: 0.5em;
67 }
69 .hljs-emphasis {
70 font-style: italic;
71 }
73 .hljs-strong {
74 font-weight: bold;
75 }
1 /* Tomorrow Night Bright Theme */
2 /* Original theme - https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme */
3 /* http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-google-code-highlightjs */
5 /* Tomorrow Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #969896;
9 }
11 /* Tomorrow Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-tag,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .hljs-selector-id,
17 .hljs-selector-class,
18 .hljs-regexp,
19 .hljs-deletion {
20 color: #d54e53;
21 }
23 /* Tomorrow Orange */
24 .hljs-number,
25 .hljs-built_in,
26 .hljs-builtin-name,
27 .hljs-literal,
28 .hljs-type,
29 .hljs-params,
30 .hljs-meta,
31 .hljs-link {
32 color: #e78c45;
33 }
35 /* Tomorrow Yellow */
36 .hljs-attribute {
37 color: #e7c547;
38 }
40 /* Tomorrow Green */
41 .hljs-string,
42 .hljs-symbol,
43 .hljs-bullet,
44 .hljs-addition {
45 color: #b9ca4a;
46 }
48 /* Tomorrow Blue */
49 .hljs-title,
50 .hljs-section {
51 color: #7aa6da;
52 }
54 /* Tomorrow Purple */
55 .hljs-keyword,
56 .hljs-selector-tag {
57 color: #c397d8;
58 }
60 .hljs {
61 display: block;
62 overflow-x: auto;
63 background: black;
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72 .hljs-strong {
73 font-weight: bold;
74 }
1 /* Tomorrow Night Eighties Theme */
2 /* Original theme - https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme */
3 /* http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-google-code-highlightjs */
5 /* Tomorrow Comment */
6 .hljs-comment,
7 .hljs-quote {
8 color: #999999;
9 }
11 /* Tomorrow Red */
12 .hljs-variable,
13 .hljs-template-variable,
14 .hljs-tag,
15 .hljs-name,
16 .hljs-selector-id,
17 .hljs-selector-class,
18 .hljs-regexp,
19 .hljs-deletion {
20 color: #f2777a;
21 }
23 /* Tomorrow Orange */
24 .hljs-number,
25 .hljs-built_in,
26 .hljs-builtin-name,
27 .hljs-literal,
28 .hljs-type,
29 .hljs-params,
30 .hljs-meta,
31 .hljs-link {
32 color: #f99157;
33 }
35 /* Tomorrow Yellow */
36 .hljs-attribute {
37 color: #ffcc66;
38 }
40 /* Tomorrow Green */
41 .hljs-string,
42 .hljs-symbol,
43 .hljs-bullet,
44 .hljs-addition {
45 color: #99cc99;
46 }
48 /* Tomorrow Blue */
49 .hljs-title,
50 .hljs-section {
51 color: #6699cc;
52 }
54 /* Tomorrow Purple */
55 .hljs-keyword,
56 .hljs-selector-tag {
57 color: #cc99cc;
58 }
60 .hljs {
61 display: block;
62 overflow-x: auto;
63 background: #2d2d2d;
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65 padding: 0.5em;
66 }
68 .hljs-emphasis {
69 font-style: italic;
70 }
72 .hljs-strong {
73 font-weight: bold;
74 }
1 /* Tomorrow Night Theme */
2 /* http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-google-code-highlightjs */
3 /* Original theme - https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-theme */
4 /* http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-google-code-highlightjs */
6 /* Tomorrow Comment */
7 .hljs-comment,
8 .hljs-quote {
9 color: #969896;
10 }
12 /* Tomorrow Red */
13 .hljs-variable,
14 .hljs-template-variable,
15 .hljs-tag,
16 .hljs-name,
17 .hljs-selector-id,
18 .hljs-selector-class,
19 .hljs-regexp,
20 .hljs-deletion {
21 color: #cc6666;
22 }
24 /* Tomorrow Orange */
25 .hljs-number,
26 .hljs-built_in,
27 .hljs-builtin-name,
28 .hljs-literal,
29 .hljs-type,
30 .hljs-params,
31 .hljs-meta,
32 .hljs-link {
33 color: #de935f;
34 }
36 /* Tomorrow Yellow */
37 .hljs-attribute {
38 color: #f0c674;
39 }
41 /* Tomorrow Green */
42 .hljs-string,
43 .hljs-symbol,
44 .hljs-bullet,
45 .hljs-addition {
46 color: #b5bd68;
47 }
49 /* Tomorrow Blue */
50 .hljs-title,
51 .hljs-section {
52 color: #81a2be;
53 }
55 /* Tomorrow Purple */
56 .hljs-keyword,
57 .hljs-selector-tag {
58 color: #b294bb;
59 }
61 .hljs {
62 display: block;
63 overflow-x: auto;
64 background: #1d1f21;
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66 padding: 0.5em;
67 }
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70 font-style: italic;
71 }
73 .hljs-strong {
74 font-weight: bold;
75 }
1 /* http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-google-code-highlightjs */
3 /* Tomorrow Comment */
4 .hljs-comment,
5 .hljs-quote {
6 color: #8e908c;
7 }
9 /* Tomorrow Red */
10 .hljs-variable,
11 .hljs-template-variable,
12 .hljs-tag,
13 .hljs-name,
14 .hljs-selector-id,
15 .hljs-selector-class,
16 .hljs-regexp,
17 .hljs-deletion {
18 color: #c82829;
19 }
21 /* Tomorrow Orange */
22 .hljs-number,
23 .hljs-built_in,
24 .hljs-builtin-name,
25 .hljs-literal,
26 .hljs-type,
27 .hljs-params,
28 .hljs-meta,
29 .hljs-link {
30 color: #f5871f;
31 }
33 /* Tomorrow Yellow */
34 .hljs-attribute {
35 color: #eab700;
36 }
38 /* Tomorrow Green */
39 .hljs-string,
40 .hljs-symbol,
41 .hljs-bullet,
42 .hljs-addition {
43 color: #718c00;
44 }
46 /* Tomorrow Blue */
47 .hljs-title,
48 .hljs-section {
49 color: #4271ae;
50 }
52 /* Tomorrow Purple */
53 .hljs-keyword,
54 .hljs-selector-tag {
55 color: #8959a8;
56 }
58 .hljs {
59 display: block;
60 overflow-x: auto;
61 background: white;
62 color: #4d4d4c;
63 padding: 0.5em;
64 }
66 .hljs-emphasis {
67 font-style: italic;
68 }
70 .hljs-strong {
71 font-weight: bold;
72 }
1 /*
3 Visual Studio-like style based on original C# coloring by Jason Diamond <jason@diamond.name>
5 */
6 .hljs {
7 display: block;
8 overflow-x: auto;
9 padding: 0.5em;
10 background: white;
11 color: black;
12 }
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17 color: #008000;
18 }
20 .hljs-keyword,
21 .hljs-selector-tag,
22 .hljs-built_in,
23 .hljs-name,
24 .hljs-tag {
25 color: #00f;
26 }
28 .hljs-string,
29 .hljs-title,
30 .hljs-section,
31 .hljs-attribute,
32 .hljs-literal,
33 .hljs-template-tag,
34 .hljs-template-variable,
35 .hljs-type,
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37 color: #a31515;
38 }
40 .hljs-deletion,
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42 .hljs-selector-pseudo,
43 .hljs-meta {
44 color: #2b91af;
45 }
47 .hljs-doctag {
48 color: #808080;
49 }
51 .hljs-attr {
52 color: #f00;
53 }
55 .hljs-symbol,
56 .hljs-bullet,
57 .hljs-link {
58 color: #00b0e8;
59 }
62 .hljs-emphasis {
63 font-style: italic;
64 }
66 .hljs-strong {
67 font-weight: bold;
68 }
1 /*
3 XCode style (c) Angel Garcia <angelgarcia.mail@gmail.com>
5 */
7 .hljs {
8 display: block;
9 overflow-x: auto;
10 padding: 0.5em;
11 background: #fff;
12 color: black;
13 }
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16 .hljs-quote {
17 color: #006a00;
18 }
20 .hljs-keyword,
21 .hljs-selector-tag,
22 .hljs-literal {
23 color: #aa0d91;
24 }
26 .hljs-name {
27 color: #008;
28 }
30 .hljs-variable,
31 .hljs-template-variable {
32 color: #660;
33 }
35 .hljs-string {
36 color: #c41a16;
37 }
39 .hljs-regexp,
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41 color: #080;
42 }
44 .hljs-title,
45 .hljs-tag,
46 .hljs-symbol,
47 .hljs-bullet,
48 .hljs-number,
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50 color: #1c00cf;
51 }
53 .hljs-section,
54 .hljs-class .hljs-title,
55 .hljs-type,
56 .hljs-attr,
57 .hljs-built_in,
58 .hljs-builtin-name,
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60 color: #5c2699;
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63 .hljs-attribute,
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65 color: #000;
66 }
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71 }
73 .hljs-addition {
74 background-color: #baeeba;
75 }
77 .hljs-deletion {
78 background-color: #ffc8bd;
79 }
81 .hljs-selector-id,
82 .hljs-selector-class {
83 color: #9b703f;
84 }
86 .hljs-doctag,
87 .hljs-strong {
88 font-weight: bold;
89 }
91 .hljs-emphasis {
92 font-style: italic;
93 }
2 /*
3 xt256.css
5 Contact: initbar [at] protonmail [dot] ch
6 : github.com/initbar
7 */
9 .hljs {
10 display: block;
11 overflow-x: auto;
12 color: #eaeaea;
13 background: #000;
14 padding: 0.5;
15 }
17 .hljs-subst {
18 color: #eaeaea;
19 }
21 .hljs-emphasis {
22 font-style: italic;
23 }
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26 font-weight: bold;
27 }
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34 .hljs-params {
35 color: #da0000;
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41 color: #ff0000;
42 font-weight: bolder;
43 }
45 .hljs-comment {
46 color: #969896;
47 }
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50 .hljs-quote {
51 color: #00ffff;
52 }
54 .hljs-template-variable,
55 .hljs-variable,
56 .hljs-title {
57 color: #00ffff;
58 font-weight: bold;
59 }
61 .hljs-selector-class,
62 .hljs-keyword,
63 .hljs-symbol {
64 color: #fff000;
65 }
67 .hljs-string,
68 .hljs-bullet {
69 color: #00ff00;
70 }
72 .hljs-tag,
73 .hljs-section {
74 color: #000fff;
75 }
77 .hljs-selector-tag {
78 color: #000fff;
79 font-weight: bold;
80 }
82 .hljs-attribute,
83 .hljs-built_in,
84 .hljs-regexp,
85 .hljs-link {
86 color: #ff00ff;
87 }
89 .hljs-meta {
90 color: #fff;
91 font-weight: bolder;
92 }
1 /*
3 Zenburn style from voldmar.ru (c) Vladimir Epifanov <voldmar@voldmar.ru>
4 based on dark.css by Ivan Sagalaev
6 */
8 .hljs {
9 display: block;
10 overflow-x: auto;
11 padding: 0.5em;
12 background: #3f3f3f;
13 color: #dcdcdc;
14 }
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18 .hljs-tag {
19 color: #e3ceab;
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23 color: #dcdcdc;
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27 color: #8cd0d3;
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33 color: #efdcbc;
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37 color: #efefaf;
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41 color: #8f8f8f;
42 }
44 .hljs-title,
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48 .hljs-section,
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54 .hljs-bullet,
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56 color: #dca3a3;
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60 .hljs-string,
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62 .hljs-builtin-name {
63 color: #cc9393;
64 }
66 .hljs-addition,
67 .hljs-comment,
68 .hljs-quote,
69 .hljs-meta {
70 color: #7f9f7f;
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2 /* 菜单颜色、上边框颜色 */
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4 /* input focus 时的颜色 */
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6 /* tab selected 状态下的颜色 */
7 .wangEditor-container {
8 position: relative;
9 background-color: #fff;
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11 z-index: 1;
12 width: 100%;
13 }
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16 outline: none;
17 }
18 .wangEditor-container,
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20 margin: 0;
21 padding: 0;
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41 }
42 .wangEditor-container .height-tip {
43 position: absolute;
44 width: 3px;
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47 transition: top .2s;
48 }
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50 position: absolute;
51 background-color: #fff;
52 padding: 3px 5px;
53 border-top: 2px solid #666;
54 box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px #999;
55 border-left: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
56 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
57 border-right: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
58 }
59 .wangEditor-container .txt-toolbar .tip-triangle {
60 display: block;
61 position: absolute;
62 width: 0;
63 height: 0;
64 border: 5px solid;
65 border-color: transparent transparent #666 transparent;
66 top: -12px;
67 left: 50%;
68 margin-left: -5px;
69 }
70 .wangEditor-container .txt-toolbar a {
71 color: #666;
72 display: inline-block;
73 margin: 0 3px;
74 padding: 5px;
75 text-decoration: none;
76 border-radius: 3px;
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78 .wangEditor-container .txt-toolbar a:hover {
79 background-color: #f1f1f1;
80 }
81 .wangEditor-container .img-drag-point {
82 display: block;
83 position: absolute;
84 width: 12px;
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87 cursor: se-resize;
88 background-color: #666;
89 margin-left: -6px;
90 margin-top: -6px;
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92 }
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94 position: absolute;
95 height: 1px;
96 background: #1e88e5;
97 width: 0;
98 display: none;
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100 -o-transition: width .5s;
101 transition: width .5s;
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106 bottom: 0;
107 left: 0;
108 right: 0;
109 }
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115 font-family: 'Verdana';
116 color: #333;
117 padding: 0 15px 0 15px;
118 }
119 .wangEditor-menu-container {
120 width: 100%;
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122 background-color: #fff;
123 }
124 .wangEditor-menu-container a {
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126 }
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131 }
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152 }
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155 }
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167 color: #fff;
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175 display: none;
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177 .tip-triangle {
178 display: block;
179 position: absolute;
180 width: 0;
181 height: 0;
182 border:5px solid;
183 border-color: transparent transparent @fore-color transparent;
184 top: -10px;
185 left: 50%;
186 margin-left: -5px;
187 }*/
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193 .wangEditor-menu-container .menu-tip-50 {
194 width: 50px;
195 margin-left: -25px;
196 }
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201 }
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212 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt h2,
213 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt h3,
214 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt h4,
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220 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt h1 *,
221 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt h2 *,
222 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt h3 *,
223 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt h4 *,
224 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt h5 * {
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233 }
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239 }
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245 }
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250 margin: 10px 0;
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254 }
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256 border: none;
257 border-collapse: collapse;
258 }
259 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt table td,
260 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt table th {
261 border: 1px solid #999;
262 padding: 3px 5px;
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264 height: 20px;
265 }
266 .wangEditor-container .wangEditor-txt pre {
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268 background-color: #f8f8f8;
269 padding: 10px;
270 margin: 5px 0px;
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273 }
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275 display: none;
276 position: absolute;
277 background-color: #fff;
278 overflow: hidden;
279 z-index: 10;
280 transition: height .7s;
281 border-top: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
282 box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px #999;
283 border-left: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
284 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
285 border-right: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
286 }
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289 display: block;
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291 padding: 3px 5px;
292 }
293 .wangEditor-drop-list a:hover {
294 background-color: #f1f1f1;
295 }
296 .wangEditor-drop-panel,
297 .txt-toolbar {
298 display: none;
299 position: absolute;
300 padding: 10px;
301 font-size: 14px;
302 /*border: 1px\9 solid\9 #cccccc\9;*/
303 background-color: #fff;
304 z-index: 10;
305 border-top: 2px solid #666;
306 box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px #999;
307 border-left: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
308 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
309 border-right: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
310 }
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312 .txt-toolbar .tip-triangle {
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315 width: 0;
316 height: 0;
317 border: 5px solid;
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319 top: -12px;
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321 margin-left: -5px;
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324 .txt-toolbar a {
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326 }
327 .wangEditor-drop-panel input[type=text],
328 .txt-toolbar input[type=text] {
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333 color: #333;
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336 .wangEditor-drop-panel input[type=text]:focus,
337 .txt-toolbar input[type=text]:focus {
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343 display: block;
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358 color: #1e88e5;
359 border: none;
360 padding: 10px;
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362 cursor: pointer;
363 border-radius: 3px;
364 }
365 .wangEditor-drop-panel button:hover,
366 .txt-toolbar button:hover {
367 background-color: #f1f1f1;
368 }
369 .wangEditor-drop-panel button:focus,
370 .txt-toolbar button:focus {
371 outline: none;
372 }
373 .wangEditor-drop-panel button.right,
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375 float: right;
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377 }
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381 }
382 .wangEditor-drop-panel button.link,
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384 padding: 5px 10px;
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387 .txt-toolbar button.link:hover {
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397 text-align: center;
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420 border: none;
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422 }
423 .wangEditor-drop-panel table.choose-table td,
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427 height: 12px;
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433 filter: alpha(opacity=50);
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445 padding: 5px 5px;
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492 .wangEditor-modal {
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494 top: 50%;
495 left: 50%;
496 background-color: #fff;
497 border-top: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
498 box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px #999;
499 border-top: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
500 border-left: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
501 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
502 border-right: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
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507 right: 0;
508 margin-top: -25px;
509 margin-right: -25px;
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511 color: #666;
512 cursor: pointer;
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574 content: "\e80d";
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592 content: "\e813";
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604 content: "\e817";
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607 content: "\e818";
608 }
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610 content: "\e819";
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622 content: "\e912";
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625 content: "\e947";
626 }
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632 }
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634 content: "\e98b";
635 }
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637 content: "\e98c";
638 }
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640 content: "\e904";
641 }
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643 content: "\e90f";
644 }
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646 content: "\e914";
647 }
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649 content: "\e92b";
650 }
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652 content: "\e92e";
653 }
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655 content: "\e93f";
656 }
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658 content: "\e944";
659 }
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662 }
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664 content: "\e95c";
665 }
666 .wangeditor-menu-img-download:before {
667 content: "\e960";
668 }
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673 content: "\e98f";
674 }
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676 content: "\e990";
677 }
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679 content: "\e991";
680 }
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682 content: "\e9ce";
683 }
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685 content: "\e9d1";
686 }
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688 content: "\ea4e";
689 }
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691 content: "\ea5c";
692 }
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694 content: "\eade";
695 }
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697 content: "\e977";
698 }
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700 content: "\ea65";
701 }
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703 content: "\f108";
704 }
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706 content: "\f10a";
707 }
708 .wangeditor-menu-img-search-plus:before {
709 content: "\f00e";
710 }
711 .wangeditor-menu-img-search-minus:before {
712 content: "\f010";
713 }
714 .wangeditor-menu-img-trash-o:before {
715 content: "\f014";
716 }
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718 content: "\f039";
719 }
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721 content: "\f07d";
722 }
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724 content: "\ea68";
725 }
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727 content: "\e900";
728 }
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730 content: "\e901";
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2 // ---------- begin 全局颜色配置 ------------
4 /* 编辑器边框颜色 */
5 @border-color: #ccc;
7 /* 菜单颜色、上边框颜色 */
8 @fore-color: #666;
10 /* 菜单选中状态的颜色 */
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13 /* input focus 时的颜色 */
14 @focus-input-color: #1e88e5;
16 /* 按钮颜色 */
17 @button-color: #1e88e5;
19 /* tab selected 状态下的颜色 */
20 @selected-tab-color: #1e88e5;
22 // ---------- end 全局颜色配置 ------------
25 .wangEditor-container {
26 position: relative;
27 background-color: #fff;
28 border: 1px solid @border-color;
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32 a:focus,
33 button:focus{
34 outline:none;
35 }
37 &,* {
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39 padding: 0;
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44 img {
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46 }
48 .clearfix:after {
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55 }
57 textarea {
58 border: none;
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61 }
62 }
64 // 显示p head 高度的 tip
65 .height-tip {
66 position: absolute;
67 width: 3px;
68 background-color: #ccc;
69 left: 0;
70 transition: top .2s;
71 }
73 // 设置 img table 的 toolbar
74 .txt-toolbar {
75 position: absolute;
76 background-color: #fff;
77 padding: 3px 5px;
78 border-top: 2px solid @fore-color;
79 box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px #999;
81 // for IE8
82 border-left: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
83 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
84 border-right: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
86 // 小三角
87 .tip-triangle {
88 display: block;
89 position: absolute;
90 width: 0;
91 height: 0;
92 border: 5px solid;
93 border-color: transparent transparent @fore-color transparent;
94 top: -12px;
95 left: 50%;
96 margin-left: -5px;
97 }
99 a {
100 color: @fore-color;
101 display: inline-block;
102 margin: 0 3px;
103 padding: 5px;
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107 &:hover {
108 background-color: #f1f1f1;
109 }
110 }
111 }
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113 .img-drag-point {
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116 width: 12px;
117 height: 12px;
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119 cursor: se-resize;
120 background-color: @fore-color;
121 margin-left: -6px;
122 margin-top: -6px;
123 box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999;
124 }
126 // 进度条
127 .wangEditor-upload-progress {
128 position: absolute;
129 height: 1px;
130 background: #1e88e5;
131 width: 0;
132 display: none;
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135 transition: width .5s;
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137 }
138 .wangEditor-fullscreen {
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143 right: 0;
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145 .wangEditor-container {
146 .code-textarea {
147 resize: none;
148 width: 100%;
149 font-size: 14px;
150 line-height: 1.5;
151 font-family: 'Verdana';
152 color: #333;
153 padding: 0 15px 0 15px;
154 }
155 }
156 .wangEditor-menu-container {
158 width: 100%;
159 border-bottom: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
160 background-color: #fff;
162 a {
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164 }
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167 .menu-group {
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169 padding: 0 8px;
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171 }
173 // 单个菜单容器
174 .menu-item {
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176 position: relative;
177 text-align: center;
178 height: 31px;
179 width: 35px;
181 &:hover {
182 background-color: #f1f1f1;
183 }
185 // 菜单
186 a {
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188 text-align: center;
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191 padding: 8px 0;
192 font-size: 0.9em;
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196 .selected {
197 color: @selected-color;
198 }
200 // 激活状态
201 .active {
202 background-color: #f1f1f1;
203 }
205 // 禁用状态
206 .disable {
207 opacity: 0.5;
208 filter: Alpha(opacity=50);
209 }
210 }
212 // tip提示
213 .menu-tip {
214 display: block;
215 position: absolute;
216 z-index: 20;
217 width: 60px;
218 text-align: center;
219 background-color: @fore-color;
220 color: #fff;
221 padding: 7px 0;
222 font-size: 12px;
223 top: 100%;
224 left: 50%;
225 margin-left: -30px;
226 border-radius: 2px;
227 box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #999;
229 display: none;
231 /*// 小三角
232 .tip-triangle {
233 display: block;
234 position: absolute;
235 width: 0;
236 height: 0;
237 border:5px solid;
238 border-color: transparent transparent @fore-color transparent;
239 top: -10px;
240 left: 50%;
241 margin-left: -5px;
242 }*/
243 }
244 .menu-tip-40 {
245 width: 40px;
246 margin-left: -20px;
247 }
248 .menu-tip-50 {
249 width: 50px;
250 margin-left: -25px;
251 }
252 }
253 .wangEditor-menu-shadow {
254 /*border-bottom-width: 0;*/
255 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #f1f1f1\9;
256 box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #999;
257 }
258 .wangEditor-container {
259 .wangEditor-txt{
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261 text-align: left;
262 padding: 15px;
263 padding-top: 0;
264 margin-top: 5px;
265 overflow-y: auto;
267 p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 {
268 margin: 10px 0;
269 line-height: 1.8;
271 * {
272 line-height: 1.8;
273 }
274 }
276 ul, ol {
277 padding-left: 20px;
278 }
280 img {
281 cursor: pointer;
282 }
283 img.clicked {
284 box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px #999;
285 }
287 table.clicked {
288 box-shadow: 1px 1px 10px #999;
289 }
291 pre code {
292 line-height: 1.5;
293 }
295 &:focus{
296 outline: none;
297 }
298 }
299 }
300 .wangEditor-container {
301 .wangEditor-txt {
302 blockquote {
303 display: block;
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306 margin: 10px 0;
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308 font-size: 100%;
309 background-color: #f1f1f1;
310 }
311 table {
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313 border-collapse: collapse;
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315 table td,
316 table th {
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321 }
322 pre {
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324 background-color: #f8f8f8;
325 padding: 10px;
326 margin: 5px 0px;
327 font-size: 0.8em;
328 border-radius: 3px;
329 }
330 }
331 }
332 .wangEditor-drop-list {
333 display: none;
334 position: absolute;
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337 z-index: 10;
339 transition: height .7s;
341 border-top: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
342 box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px #999;
344 // for IE8
345 border-left: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
346 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
347 border-right: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
349 a {
350 text-decoration: none;
351 display: block;
352 color: @fore-color;
353 padding: 3px 5px;
355 &:hover {
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357 }
358 }
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360 .wangEditor-drop-panel,
361 .txt-toolbar {
362 display: none;
363 position: absolute;
364 padding: 10px;
365 font-size: 14px;
366 /*border: 1px\9 solid\9 #cccccc\9;*/
368 background-color: #fff;
369 z-index: 10;
371 border-top: 2px solid @fore-color;
372 box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px #999;
374 // for IE8
375 border-left: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
376 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
377 border-right: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
379 // 小三角
380 .tip-triangle {
381 display: block;
382 position: absolute;
383 width: 0;
384 height: 0;
385 border: 5px solid;
386 border-color: transparent transparent @fore-color transparent;
387 top: -12px;
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389 margin-left: -5px;
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392 a {
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394 }
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397 input[type=text] {
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401 height: 20px;
402 color: #333;
403 padding: 3px 0;
405 &:focus{
406 outline: none;
407 border-bottom: 2px solid @focus-input-color;
408 }
409 }
410 input[type=text].block {
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412 width: 100%;
413 }
414 textarea {
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416 &:focus {
417 outline: none;
418 border-color: @focus-input-color;
419 }
420 }
422 // 按钮
423 button {
424 font-size: 14px;
425 color: @button-color;
426 border: none;
427 padding: 10px;
428 background-color: #fff;
429 cursor: pointer;
430 border-radius: 3px;
432 &:hover {
433 background-color: #f1f1f1;
434 }
435 &:focus{
436 outline: none;
437 }
438 }
439 button.right {
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441 margin-left: 10px;
442 }
443 button.gray {
444 color: #999;
445 }
446 button.link {
447 padding: 5px 10px;
448 &:hover {
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450 text-decoration: underline;
451 }
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456 display: block;
457 float: left;
458 width: 25px;
459 height: 25px;
460 text-align: center;
461 padding: 2px;
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463 text-decoration: underline;
465 &:hover {
466 background-color: #f1f1f1;
467 }
468 }
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472 display: block;
473 float: left;
474 color: #333;
475 padding: 5px 5px;
476 border-radius: 2px;
478 &:hover {
479 background-color: #f1f1f1;
480 }
481 }
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486 border-collapse: collapse;
488 td {
489 border: 1px solid #ccc;
490 width: 16px;
491 height: 12px;
492 }
493 td.active {
494 background-color: #ccc;
495 opacity: .5;
496 filter: Alpha(opacity=50);
497 }
498 }
500 // tab
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503 margin-bottom: 5px;
505 a {
506 display: inline-block;
507 color: #999;
508 text-align: center;
509 margin: 0 5px;
510 padding: 5px 5px;
511 }
513 a.selected {
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515 border-bottom: 2px solid @selected-tab-color;
516 }
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518 .content-container {
519 .content {
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522 a {
523 display: inline-block;
524 margin: 2px;
525 padding: 2px;
526 border-radius: 2px;
528 &:hover {
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533 .selected {
534 display: block;
535 }
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537 .emotion-content-container {
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540 }
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543 // 上传图片
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547 margin: 20px 20px 15px 20px !important;
548 padding: 5px !important;
549 font-size: 65px;
550 cursor: pointer;
551 border: 2px dotted #f1f1f1;
552 display: block !important;
554 &:hover {
555 color: #666;
556 border-color: #ccc;
557 }
558 }
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560 .wangEditor-modal {
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562 top: 50%;
563 left: 50%;
564 background-color: #fff;
566 border-top: 1px solid #f1f1f1;
567 box-shadow: 1px 3px 3px #999;
569 // for IE8
570 border-top: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
571 border-left: 1px\9 solid\9 #ccc\9;
572 border-bottom: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
573 border-right: 1px\9 solid\9 #999\9;
575 // 关闭按钮
576 .wangEditor-modal-close {
577 position: absolute;
578 top: 0;
579 right: 0;
580 margin-top: -25px;
581 margin-right: -25px;
582 font-size: 1.5em;
583 color: #666;
584 cursor: pointer;
585 }
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592 url('../fonts/icomoon.ttf?-qdfu1s') format('truetype'),
593 url('../fonts/icomoon.woff?-qdfu1s') format('woff'),
594 url('../fonts/icomoon.svg?-qdfu1s#icomoon') format('svg');
595 font-weight: normal;
596 font-style: normal;
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602 font-style: normal;
603 font-weight: normal;
604 font-variant: normal;
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608 /* Better Font Rendering =========== */
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612 .wangeditor-menu-img-link:before {content: "\e800";}
613 .wangeditor-menu-img-unlink:before {content: "\e801";}
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616 .wangeditor-menu-img-terminal:before {content: "\e804";}
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618 .wangeditor-menu-img-font:before {content: "\e806";}
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624 .wangeditor-menu-img-align-right:before {content: "\e80c";}
625 .wangeditor-menu-img-list-bullet:before {content: "\e80d";}
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627 .wangeditor-menu-img-indent-right:before {content: "\e80f";}
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632 .wangeditor-menu-img-text-height:before {content: "\e814";}
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639 .wangeditor-menu-img-ccw:before {content: "\e81b";}
640 .wangeditor-menu-img-music:before {content: "\e911";}
641 .wangeditor-menu-img-play:before {content: "\e912";}
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643 .wangeditor-menu-img-happy:before {content: "\e9df";}
644 .wangeditor-menu-img-sigma:before {content: "\ea67";}
645 .wangeditor-menu-img-enlarge2:before {content: "\e98b";}
646 .wangeditor-menu-img-shrink2:before {content: "\e98c";}
647 .wangeditor-menu-img-newspaper:before{content: "\e904";}
648 .wangeditor-menu-img-camera:before{content: "\e90f";}
649 .wangeditor-menu-img-video-camera:before{content: "\e914";}
650 .wangeditor-menu-img-file-zip:before{content: "\e92b";}
651 .wangeditor-menu-img-stack:before{content: "\e92e";}
652 .wangeditor-menu-img-credit-card:before{content: "\e93f";}
653 .wangeditor-menu-img-address-book:before{content: "\e944";}
654 .wangeditor-menu-img-envelop:before{content: "\e945";}
655 .wangeditor-menu-img-drawer:before{content: "\e95c";}
656 .wangeditor-menu-img-download:before{content: "\e960";}
657 .wangeditor-menu-img-upload:before{content: "\e961";}
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c=this.editor,d=c.UI.menus,e=this.id,f=d[e];this.$domNormal&&this.$domSelected||(null==f&&(a.warn('editor.UI配置中,没有菜单 "'+e+'" 的UI配置,只能取默认值'),f=d.default),this.$domNormal=b(f.normal),/^\./.test(f.selected)?this.$domSelected=this.$domNormal.clone().addClass(f.selected.slice(1)):this.$domSelected=b(f.selected))}}),b(function(a,b){var c=a.Menu;c.fn.render=function(a){this.initUI();var b=this.editor,c=b.menuContainer,d=c.appendMenu(a,this),e=this.onRender;this._renderTip(d),e&&"function"==typeof e&&e.call(this)},c.fn._renderTip=function(c){function d(){j.show()}function e(){j.hide()}var f,g=this,h=g.editor,i=g.title,j=b('<div class="menu-tip"></div>');g.tipWidth||(f=b('<p style="opacity:0; filter:Alpha(opacity=0); position:absolute;top:-10000px;">'+i+"</p>"),a.$body.append(f),h.ready(function(){var a=f.outerWidth()+5,b=j.outerWidth(),c=parseFloat(j.css("margin-left"),10);f.remove(),f=null,j.css({width:a,"margin-left":c+(b-a)/2}),g.tipWidth=a})),j.append(i),c.append(j);var k;c.find("a").on("mouseenter",function(a){g.active()||g.disabled()||(k=setTimeout(d,200))}).on("mouseleave",function(a){k&&clearTimeout(k),e()}).on("click",e)},c.fn.bindEvent=function(){var b=this,c=b.$domNormal,d=b.$domSelected,e=b.clickEvent;e||(e=function(c){var d=b.dropPanel||b.dropList||b.modal;if(d&&d.show)return void(d.isShowing?d.hide():d.show());var e,f,g=b.editor,h=b.selected;h?(e=b.commandNameSelected,f=b.commandValueSelected):(e=b.commandName,f=b.commandValue),e?g.command(c,e,f):(a.warn('菜单 "'+b.id+'" 未定义click事件'),c.preventDefault())});var f=b.clickEventSelected||e;c.click(function(a){b.disabled()||(e.call(b,a),b.updateSelected()),a.preventDefault()}),d.click(function(a){b.disabled()||(f.call(b,a),b.updateSelected()),a.preventDefault()})},c.fn.updateSelected=function(){var a=this,b=(a.editor,a.updateSelectedEvent);b||(b=function(){var a=this,b=a.editor,c=a.commandName,d=a.commandValue;if(d){if(b.queryCommandValue(c).toLowerCase()===d.toLowerCase())return!0}else if(b.queryCommandState(c))return!0;return!1});var c=b.call(a);c=!!c,a.changeSelectedState(c)},c.fn.changeSelectedState=function(a){var b=this,c=b.selected;if(null!=a&&"boolean"==typeof a){if(c===a)return;b.selected=a,a?(b.$domNormal.hide(),b.$domSelected.show()):(b.$domNormal.show(),b.$domSelected.hide())}},c.fn.active=function(a){return null==a?this._activeState:void(this._activeState=a)},c.fn.activeStyle=function(a){var b=(this.selected,this.$domNormal),c=this.$domSelected;a?(b.addClass("active"),c.addClass("active")):(b.removeClass("active"),c.removeClass("active")),this.active(a)},c.fn.disabled=function(a){if(null==a)return!!this._disabled;if(this._disabled!==a){var b=this.$domNormal,c=this.$domSelected;a?(b.addClass("disable"),c.addClass("disable")):(b.removeClass("disable"),c.removeClass("disable")),this._disabled=a}}}),b(function(a,b){var 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d=this;l.call(d,b)},timeoutfn:function(b){c(),a.isOnWebsite&&alert("wangEditor官网暂时没有服务端,因此超时。实际项目中不会发生");var d=this;k(d,b)}})},void m.readAsDataURL(b)):void a.error("请为编辑器配置上传图片的 onload ontimeout onerror 回调事件")},a.UploadFile=c}}),b(function(a,b){if(!window.FileReader||!window.FormData){var c=function(a){this.editor=a.editor,this.uploadUrl=a.uploadUrl,this.timeout=a.timeout,this.fileAccept=a.fileAccept,this.multiple=!1};c.fn=c.prototype,c.fn.clear=function(){this.$input.val(""),a.log("input value 已清空")},c.fn.hideModal=function(){this.modal.hide()},c.fn.render=function(){var c=this,d=c.editor,e=d.config.uploadImgFileName||"wangEditorFormFile";if(!c._hasRender){var f=c.uploadUrl;a.log("渲染dom");var g="iframe"+a.random(),h=b('<iframe name="'+g+'" id="'+g+'" frameborder="0" width="0" height="0"></iframe>'),i=c.multiple,j=i?'multiple="multiple"':"",k=b("<p>选择图片并上传</p>"),l=b('<input type="file" '+j+' name="'+e+'"/>'),m=b('<input type="submit" value="上传"/>'),n=b('<form 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form 方式上传"),b.render(),b.clear(),b.show()},a.UploadFile=c}}),b(function(a,b){a.plugin(function(){function c(){var c=/^data:(image\/\w+);base64/,g=h.find("img");a.log("粘贴后,检查到编辑器有"+g.length+"个图片。开始遍历图片,试图找到刚刚粘贴过来的图片"),b.each(g,function(){var g,h,i=this,j=b(i),l=j.attr("src");e.each(function(){if(i===this)return g=!0,!1}),g||(a.log("找到一个粘贴过来的图片"),c.test(l)?(a.log("src 是 base64 格式,可以上传"),h=l.match(c)[1],f.xhrUploadImg({event:d,base64:l,fileType:h,name:k})):a.log("src 为 "+l+" ,不是 base64 格式,暂时不支持上传"),j.remove())}),a.log("遍历结束")}var d,e,f=this,g=f.txt,h=g.$txt,i=f.config,j=i.uploadImgUrl,k=i.uploadImgFileName||"wangEditorPasteFile";j&&h.on("paste",function(g){d=g;var i,j,l=d.clipboardData||d.originalEvent.clipboardData;i=null==l?window.clipboardData&&window.clipboardData.getData("text"):l.getData("text/plain")||l.getData("text/html"),i||(j=l&&l.items,j?(a.log("通过 data.items 得到了数据"),b.each(j,function(b,c){var e=c.type||"";if(!(e.indexOf("image")<0)){var g=c.getAsFile(),h=new FileReader;a.log("得到一个粘贴图片"),h.onload=function(b){a.log("读取到粘贴的图片");var c=b.target.result||this.result;f.xhrUploadImg({event:d,base64:c,fileType:e,name:k})},h.readAsDataURL(g)}})):(a.log("未从 data.items 得到数据,使用检测粘贴图片的方式"),e=h.find("img"),a.log("粘贴前,检查到编辑器有"+e.length+"个图片"),setTimeout(c,0)))})})}),b(function(a,b){a.plugin(function(){var c=this,d=c.txt,e=d.$txt,f=c.config,g=f.uploadImgUrl,h=f.uploadImgFileName||"wangEditorDragFile";g&&(a.$document.on("dragleave drop dragenter dragover",function(a){a.preventDefault()}),e.on("drop",function(d){d.preventDefault();var e=d.originalEvent,f=e.dataTransfer&&e.dataTransfer.files;f&&f.length&&b.each(f,function(b,e){var f=e.type,g=e.name;if(!(f.indexOf("image/")<0)){a.log("得到图片 "+g);var i=new FileReader;i.onload=function(b){a.log("读取到图片 "+g);var e=b.target.result||this.result;c.xhrUploadImg({event:d,base64:e,fileType:f,name:h})},i.readAsDataURL(e)}})}))})}),b(function(a,b){a.plugin(function(){function c(){m||(d(),n.append(o).append(p).append(q).append(r),h.$editorContainer.append(n),m=!0)}function d(){function a(a,c){k=j.html();var d=function(){c&&c(),k!==j.html()&&j.change()};b&&h.customCommand(a,b,d)}var b;p.click(function(c){b=function(){g.remove()},a(c,function(){setTimeout(f,100)})}),r.click(function(c){b=function(){g.css({width:"100%"})},a(c,function(){setTimeout(e)})}),q.click(function(c){b=function(){g.css({width:"auto"})},a(c,function(){setTimeout(e)})})}function e(){if(!h._disabled&&null!=g){g.addClass("clicked");var a=g.position(),b=a.top,c=a.left,d=g.outerHeight(),e=g.outerWidth(),f=b+d,i=c,j=0,k=l.position().top,m=l.outerHeight();f>k+m&&(f=k+m),n.show();var p=n.outerWidth();j=e/2-p/2,n.css({top:f+5,left:i,"margin-left":j}),j<0?(n.css("margin-left","0"),o.hide()):o.show()}}function f(){null!=g&&(g.removeClass("clicked"),g=null,n.hide())}var g,h=this,i=h.txt,j=i.$txt,k="",l=h.useMaxHeight?j.parent():j,m=!1,n=b('<div class="txt-toolbar"></div>'),o=b('<div 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