5d96fd45 by xqz


1 parent dc7a26fb
This diff could not be displayed because it is too large.
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
"vant": "^2.12.48",
"vue": "^2.7.8",
"vue-router": "^3.5.4",
"vuedraggable": "^2.24.3",
"vuex": "^3.6.2"
"devDependencies": {
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<link href="<%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.cdn.css[i] %>" rel="preload" as="style" />
<link href="<%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.cdn.css[i] %>" rel="stylesheet" />
<% } %> -->
<title><%= webpackConfig.name %></title>
const api = {
Login: '/user/login',
UserInfo: '/user/userinfo',
UserName: '/user/name'
UserName: '/user/name',
plan: 'apis/api',
session: 'session/os/oauth/token'
export default api
......@@ -30,3 +30,35 @@ export function getUserName(params) {
hideloading: true
// 规划
export function getPlan(data, params) {
return request({
url: api.plan,
method: 'post',
hideloading: true
// 规划2
export function getPlan2(data, params) {
return request({
url: api.plan,
method: 'post',
hideloading: true
// 获取session
export function getSession(params, data) {
return request({
url: api.session,
method: 'post',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
......@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
// 清除浮动
@mixin clearfix {
&:after {
content: "";
content: '';
display: table;
clear: both;
// 多行隐藏
@mixin textoverflow($clamp:1) {
@mixin textoverflow($clamp: 1) {
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
......@@ -19,9 +19,26 @@
/*! autoprefixer: ignore next */
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
.city {
font-family: '微软雅黑';
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
width: 249px;
height: 60px;
font-size: 36px;
text-align: center;
border: 1px #1a1a1a solid;
border-radius: 5px;
.text-button {
border: none;
background-color: transparent;
color: #328985;
font-size: 24px;
text-decoration: underline;
cursor: pointer;
//flex box
@mixin flexbox($jc:space-between, $ai:center, $fd:row, $fw:nowrap) {
@mixin flexbox($jc: space-between, $ai: center, $fd: row, $fw: nowrap) {
display: flex;
display: -webkit-flex;
flex: 1;
......@@ -34,3 +51,25 @@
flex-wrap: $fw;
-webkit-flex-wrap: $fw;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
background-color: #f5f5f5;
z-index: 999;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
border-radius: 10px;
background-color: #f5f5f5;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
background-color: #555;
<div class="vant-table">
<table cellspacing="0" class="table" :style="{ width: width }">
<vuedraggable v-model="orginData" :options="{ draggable: this.vuedraggable }" @start="onStart" @end="onEnd">
<tr slot="header">
<th class="th" v-if="showCheck">
<th class="th" v-for="(item, index) in option.column" :key="index" :style="{ width: item.width }">
{{ item.label }}
v-for="item in orginData"
:class="{ 'selected-row': item.isClick }"
<td v-if="showCheck">
<input type="checkbox" :checked="item.isSelected" v-model="item.isSelected" @change="selectRow(item)" />
v-for="(context, i) in option.column"
item[context.tableDataprop] === '已去' ? { color: 'green' } : {},
item.type === 'new' ? { color: 'red' } : {},
{ textAlign: context.align },
{ width: context.width }
<slot :name="context.tableDataprop" :item="item"> <span v-html="item[context.tableDataprop]"></span></slot>
<!-- <slot :name="opreate" :item="item"></slot> -->
<div style="margin: 15px 15px"></div>
import vuedraggable from 'vuedraggable'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
name: 'TableVant',
components: { vuedraggable },
props: {
bgcolor: {
type: Object
width: {
type: String
tableData: {
type: Array
filterTable: {
type: Array
delTable: {
type: Array
option: {
type: Object
showCheck: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
vuedraggable: {
type: String
rowClick: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
watch: {
tableData: {
handler: function () {
this.orginData = _.cloneDeep(this.tableData) || []
deep: true,
immediate: true
filterTable: {
handler: function () {
this.filterData = _.cloneDeep(this.filterTable) || []
this.filterFlag = this.filterData.length > 0 ? true : false
deep: true,
immediate: true
delTable: {
handler: function () {
this.delData = _.cloneDeep(this.delTable) || []
this.deleteFlag = this.delData.length > 0 ? true : false
deep: true,
immediate: true
data() {
return {
orginData: [],
filterData: [],
delData: [],
filterFlag: false,
deleteFlag: false,
isAllSelected: false,
selectedRows: []
created() {},
mounted() {},
methods: {
onStart() {
this.drag = true
console.log('1', this.orginData)
handleRowClick(data) {
if (this.rowClick) {
this.orginData = this.orginData.map(item => {
item.isClick = false
return item
this.$set(data, 'isClick', true)
this.$bus.$emit('rowData', data)
onEnd() {
this.drag = false
console.log('2', this.orginData)
this.$bus.$emit('sortTableData', this.orginData)
selectAllRows() {
if (this.isAllSelected) {
this.selectedRows = [...this.orginData]
this.orginData.forEach(item => {
this.$set(item, 'isSelected', true)
} else {
this.selectedRows = []
this.orginData.forEach(item => {
this.$set(item, 'isSelected', false)
this.selectedRows = this.isAllSelected ? this.orginData : []
this.$bus.$emit('selecte', this.selectedRows)
selectRow() {
this.selectedRows = this.orginData.filter(row => row.isSelected)
this.isAllSelected = this.selectedRows.length === this.orginData.length
this.$bus.$emit('selecte', this.selectedRows)
<style scoped>
.selected-row {
background-color: yellow;
.vant-table {
margin-top: 20px;
table {
border-radius: 0.185185rem;
border-collapse: collapse;
/* 合并边框,美化表格样式 */
table-layout: fixed;
table-layout: fixed;
width: 100%;
.table {
border-radius: 0.185185rem;
border-collapse: collapse;
/* 合并边框,美化表格样式 */
table-layout: fixed;
display: flex;
table-layout: fixed;
word-wrap: break-word;
word-break: break-all;
td {
border: 1px solid black;
/* 添加边框,美化表格样式 */
padding: 1px;
/* 添加内边距,使内容与边框有一定距离 */
.th {
height: 1.074074rem;
line-height: 1.074074rem;
background-color: #328985;
color: white;
text-align: center;
font-size: 24px;
td {
white-space: pre-wrap;
table tr {
margin-bottom: 10px;
/* 调整间距大小 */
.list-tr {
height: 1.074074rem;
line-height: 1.074074rem;
font-size: 24px;
.filter-tr:last-child {
margin-bottom: 10px;
tr > td:nth-child(1) {
text-align: center;
.del-text {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: bold;
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module.exports = {
title: 'vue-h5-template',
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9018', // 项目地址
baseApi: 'https://test.xxx.com/api', // 本地api请求地址,注意:如果你使用了代理,请设置成'/'
baseApi: '/', // 本地api请求地址,注意:如果你使用了代理,请设置成'/'
APPID: 'xxx',
$cdn: 'https://www.sunniejs.cn/static'
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module.exports = {
title: 'vue-h5-template',
baseUrl: 'https://www.xxx.com/', // 正式项目地址
baseApi: 'https://www.xxx.com/api', // 正式api请求地址
baseApi: 'https://tsapi.amap.com', // 正式api请求地址
APPID: 'xxx',
$cdn: 'https://www.sunniejs.cn/static'
module.exports = {
title: 'vue-h5-template',
baseUrl: 'https://test.xxx.com', // 测试项目地址
baseApi: 'https://test.xxx.com/api', // 测试api请求地址
baseApi: 'https://tsapi.amap.com', // 测试api请求地址
APPID: 'xxx',
$cdn: 'https://www.sunniejs.cn/static'
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
*yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
export function formatDate(time, fmt) {
export function formatDate(time, fmt = 'yyyy-MM-dd') {
if (time === undefined || '') {
......@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/master/docs/2019-03-19-core-js-3-babel-and-a-look-into-the-future.md#babelpolyfill
import 'core-js/stable'
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import router from './router'
import store from './store'
import Bus from '../src/utils/bus' //这是我的路径,正确引用你们的路径
Vue.prototype.$bus = Bus
// 设置 js中可以访问 $cdn
import { $cdn } from '@/config'
Vue.prototype.$cdn = $cdn
// 按需全局引入 vant组件
import Vue from 'vue'
import { Button, List, Cell, Tabbar, TabbarItem } from 'vant'
import {
} from 'vant'
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ export const constantRouterMap = [
path: '/',
component: () => import('@/views/layouts/index'),
redirect: '/home',
redirect: '/departure',
meta: {
title: '首页',
keepAlive: false
......@@ -23,6 +23,30 @@ export const constantRouterMap = [
name: 'About',
component: () => import('@/views/home/about'),
meta: { title: '关于我', keepAlive: false }
path: '/departure',
name: 'Departure',
component: () => import('@/views/home/departure'),
meta: { title: '出发列表', keepAlive: false }
path: '/result',
name: 'Result',
component: () => import('@/views/home/result'),
meta: { title: '规划结果', keepAlive: false }
path: '/target',
name: 'Target',
component: () => import('@/views/home/target'),
meta: { title: '目的列表', keepAlive: false }
path: '/about1',
name: 'About1',
component: () => import('@/views/home/about1'),
meta: { title: '关于我', keepAlive: false }
const getters = {
userName: state => state.app.userName
getOrder: function (state) {
if (!state.order) {
state.order = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('order'))
return state.order
getCity: function (state) {
if (!state.city) {
state.city = localStorage.getItem('city')
return state.order
getdepart: function (state) {
if (!state.depart) {
state.depart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('depart'))
return state.depart
getTarget: function (state) {
if (!state.target) {
state.target = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('target'))
return state.target
getCurentData: function (state) {
if (!state.curentData) {
state.curentData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('curentData'))
return state.curentData
export default getters
const state = {
userName: ''
order: localStorage.getItem('order') ? localStorage.getItem('order') : '',
city: localStorage.getItem('city') ? localStorage.getItem('city') : '',
depart: localStorage.getItem('depart') ? localStorage.getItem('depart') : '',
target: localStorage.getItem('target') ? localStorage.getItem('target') : '',
curentData: localStorage.getItem('curentData') ? localStorage.getItem('curentData') : ''
const mutations = {
SET_USER_NAME(state, name) {
state.userName = name
SET_ORDER(state, info) {
state.order = info
localStorage.setItem('order', info)
SET_CITY(state, info) {
state.city = info
localStorage.setItem('city', info)
SET_DEPART(state, info) {
state.depart = info
localStorage.setItem('depart', info)
SET_TARGET(state, info) {
state.target = info
localStorage.setItem('target', info)
SET_CURENTDATA(state, info) {
state.target = info
localStorage.setItem('curentData', info)
const actions = {
// 设置name
setUserName({ commit }, name) {
commit('SET_USER_NAME', name)
setOrder({ commit }, info) {
commit('SET_ORDER', info)
// 设置城市
setCity({ commit }, info) {
commit('SET_CITY', info)
// 设置城市
setDepart({ commit }, info) {
commit('SET_DEPART', info)
// 设置城市
setTarget({ commit }, info) {
commit('SET_TARGET', info)
// 设置城市
setCurentData({ commit }, info) {
commit('SET_CURENTDATA', info)
export default {
// bus.js文件内容
import Vue from 'vue'
// export default new Vue()
const Bus = new Vue()
export default Bus
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import { baseApi } from '@/config'
// create an axios instance
const service = axios.create({
baseURL: baseApi, // url = base api url + request url
withCredentials: true, // send cookies when cross-domain requests
timeout: 5000 // request timeout
withCredentials: true // send cookies when cross-domain requests
// timeout: 5000 // request timeout
// request拦截器 request interceptor
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ service.interceptors.request.use(
// respone拦截器
response => {
const res = response.data
if (res.status && res.status !== 200) {
// 登录超时,重新登录
if (res.status === 401) {
<div class="about-container">
<div class="warpper">
<div class="list">
<div class="logo"></div>
<div class="demo-home__title">VUE H5开发模板</div>
<div class="item">
<a href="https://github.com/sunniejs/vue-h5-template">https://github.com/sunniejs/vue-h5-template</a>
<div class="title">
<van-row type="flex" justify="space-between">
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">业务员:{{ currentData.name }}</van-col>
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">车牌号:{{ currentData.plate }}</van-col>
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">批次:{{ currentData.batch }}</van-col>
<van-row type="flex" style="margin-top: 15px">
<van-col span="8">
<div class="header-text">出发地:{{ currentData.departure }}</div>
<van-col span="8">
<div class="header-text">目的地:{{ currentData.arrival }}</div>
<van-col span="8">
<div class="header-text" style="display: flex">
出发时间:<van-field v-model="currentData.departureDate" size="small" placeholder="请输入时间" />
<div class="item">项目作者: sunnie</div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="wechat">
<img :src="this.wechat" alt="" />
<div class="item">关注公众号:回复“加群”即可加 前端仙女群</div>
<div class="item">
{{ userName }}
<van-button v-if="userName == ''" type="warning" size="small" @click="doDispatch">快点我~</van-button>
<Table-vant :option="option1" :tableData="filterTable" v-if="filterTable.length > 0"></Table-vant>
<div style="width: 100%; overflow-x: auto">
<Table-vant :option="option" :tableData="dataList" width="790px"></Table-vant>
<div style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 20px" v-if="deleteData.length > 0">
<Table-vant :option="option2" :tableData="deleteData" v-if="deleteData.length > 0"></Table-vant>
<div class="fixed-bottom-right">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="primary" @click="simulatedSampling">模拟取样</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="insertSheet1">模拟插单1</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="primary" @click="insertSheet2">模拟插单2</van-button>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="replanning">重新规划</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="replanning2">调整后规划</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="EnableNavigation">开启导航</van-button>
......@@ -25,89 +48,926 @@
// 请求接口
import { getUserInfo } from '@/api/user.js'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { getPlan, getSession, getPlan2 } from '@/api/user.js'
import TableVant from '@/components/Table.vue'
import { Toast } from 'vant'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
components: { TableVant },
data() {
return {
wechat: `${this.$cdn}/wx/640.gif`
currentData: [],
sortTable: [],
dataList: [],
date: '',
start: '',
firstObj: {},
filterTable: [],
deleteData: [],
accessToken: '',
originData: [],
option: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px'
label: '途经',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '230px'
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '里程(km)',
tableDataprop: 'distance',
width: '80px',
align: 'right'
label: '路程耗时(分钟)',
tableDataprop: 'duration',
width: '90px',
align: 'right'
label: '停留时长(分钟)',
tableDataprop: 'stopTime',
width: '90px',
align: 'right'
label: '预计到达时间',
tableDataprop: 'reachDate',
width: '90px',
align: 'right'
label: '预计离开时间',
tableDataprop: 'leaveDate',
width: '90px',
align: 'right'
label: '状态',
tableDataprop: 'status',
width: '50px'
option1: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px'
label: '途经',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '230px'
// {
// label: '取样时间',
// tableDataprop: 'dateTime',
// width: '50px'
// },
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '状态',
tableDataprop: 'status',
width: '50px'
option2: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px'
label: '途经',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '230px'
// {
// label: '取样时间',
// tableDataprop: 'dateTime'
// },
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '状态',
tableDataprop: 'status',
width: '50px'
computed: {
// ...mapGetters(['order'])
mounted() {
created() {
this.$bus.$on('sortTableData', e => (this.dataList = e))
this.currentData = JSON.parse(this.$store.state.app.order)
this.firstObj = this.currentData.customerData[0]
this.originData = _.cloneDeep(this.currentData.customerData)
this.dataList = this.currentData.customerData
let arr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
methods: {
getDate() {
this.date = new Date()
isnavigation(val) {
let that = this
let myLocation = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ownChooseLocation'))
if (this.cabinData.longitude && this.cabinData.latitude) {
let Url = ''
switch (val) {
case 'amap':
Url = `https://uri.amap.com/navigation?from=${myLocation.lng},${myLocation.lat},${myLocation.formattedAddress}&to=${that.cabinData.longitude},${that.cabinData.latitude},${that.cabinData.name}&callnative=1`
case 'bmap':
Url = `http://api.map.baidu.com/direction?origin=latlng:${myLocation.lat},${myLocation.lng}|name:${myLocation.formattedAddress}&destination=latlng:${that.cabinData.latitude},${that.cabinData.longitude}|name:${that.cabinData.name}&mode=driving&origin_region=${myLocation.city}&destination_region=${that.cabinData.cityName}&output=html&src=webapp.baidu.openAPIdemo`
location.href = Url
} else {
// this.$message({
// message: '请先确认您的起点和终点位置',
// type: 'warning',
// })
// 请求数据案例
initData() {
initData(list) {
duration: 0
// let destinations = arr.map(item => item.coordinate).join(';')
// 请求接口数据,仅作为展示,需要配置src->config下环境文件
const params = { user: 'sunnie' }
.then(() => {})
console.log('123', list)
// return
let arr = _.cloneDeep(list)
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
// if (item.dateTime1) {
// item.dateTime = item.dateTime1
// }
item.rowNo = index + 1
return item
const data = {
name: this.currentData.name,
plate: this.currentData.plate,
batch: '第一批',
departure: this.currentData.departure,
arrival: this.currentData.arrival,
departureDate: this.currentData.departureDate,
customerData: arr
const params = {
method: 'GetRouteMatrix_test',
format: 'json',
sessionId: this.accessToken,
sign: '203EF639BA15A6E001B59DB78AB81470B7893CAF',
appKey: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
v: '1.0'
getPlan(data, params)
.then(res => {
let newArr = JSON.parse(res).data
console.log('返回的数据', newArr)
// if (!this.filterTable.length) {
// newArr.shift()
// }
let sortedArray = newArr.map(item1 =>
arr.find(item2 => {
if (item2.hospital + item2.dateTime == item1.returnName) {
item2.distance = item1.distance.toFixed(2)
item2.duration = item1.duration
item2.stopTime = item1.stopTime
item2.reachDate = item1.reachDate
item2.leaveDate = item1.leaveDate
// item2.dateTime1 = _.cloneDeep(item2.dateTime)
// item2.dateTime = item1.timeSlot.replace('-', '<br/>')
return item2
this.dataList = sortedArray
console.log('aaaaa', sortedArray)
let arrs = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arrs.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
.catch(() => {})
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// let result = {
// errcode: '10000',
// errmsg: 'OK',
// errdetail: null,
// data: [
// {
// number: 0,
// origin: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
// destination: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
// code: 0,
// distance: 6748,
// duration: 2160,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 0,
// origin: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
// destination: '117.08718600,36.65631700',
// code: 0,
// distance: 6748,
// duration: 2160,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 1,
// origin: '117.08718600,36.65631700',
// destination: '117.01788200,36.64911300',
// code: 0,
// distance: 6584,
// duration: 1560,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 2,
// origin: '117.01788200,36.64911300',
// destination: '117.03081400,36.65417800',
// code: 0,
// distance: 2509,
// duration: 960,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 3,
// origin: '117.03081400,36.65417800',
// destination: '117.04783900,36.64556100',
// code: 0,
// distance: 2891,
// duration: 900,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 4,
// origin: '117.04783900,36.64556100',
// destination: '116.96255900,36.63623600',
// code: 0,
// distance: 12334,
// duration: 3480,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 5,
// origin: '116.96255900,36.63623600',
// destination: '116.95988200,36.62819100',
// code: 0,
// distance: 1972,
// duration: 600,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 6,
// origin: '116.95988200,36.62819100',
// destination: '116.92826100,36.65210900',
// code: 0,
// distance: 7447,
// duration: 1380,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 8,
// origin: '116.89177900,36.66887900',
// destination: '116.91937000,36.72000800',
// code: 0,
// distance: 9551,
// duration: 1740,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// }
// ]
// }
// let newArr = result.data
// console.log('返回的数据', newArr)
// console.log(arr)
// // newArr.unshift(this.currentData.customerData[0])
// let sortedArray = newArr.map(item1 => arr.find(item2 => item2.coordinate === item1.destination))
// // sortedArray.unshift(arr[0])
// this.dataList = sortedArray
// console.log('aaaaa', sortedArray)
// let arrs = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
// arrs.forEach((item, index) => {
// item.rowNo = index + 1
// // this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// // this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
// })
// })
initData2(list) {
duration: 0
// let destinations = arr.map(item => item.coordinate).join(';')
// 请求接口数据,仅作为展示,需要配置src->config下环境文件
console.log('123', list)
// return
let arr = _.cloneDeep(list)
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
// if (item.dateTime1) {
// item.dateTime = item.dateTime1
// }
item.rowNo = index + 1
return item
const data = {
name: this.currentData.name,
plate: this.currentData.plate,
batch: '第一批',
departure: this.currentData.departure,
arrival: this.currentData.arrival,
departureDate: this.currentData.departureDate,
customerData: arr
const params = {
method: 'GetRoutePlan_test1',
format: 'json',
sessionId: this.accessToken,
sign: '203EF639BA15A6E001B59DB78AB81470B7893CAF',
appKey: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
v: '1.0'
getPlan2(data, params)
.then(res => {
let newArr = JSON.parse(res).data
console.log('返回的数据', newArr)
// if (!this.filterTable.length) {
// newArr.shift()
// }
let sortedArray = newArr.map(item1 =>
arr.find(item2 => {
if (item2.hospital + item2.dateTime == item1.returnName) {
item2.distance = item1.distance.toFixed(2)
item2.duration = item1.duration
item2.stopTime = item1.stopTime
item2.reachDate = item1.reachDate
item2.leaveDate = item1.leaveDate
return item2
this.dataList = sortedArray
console.log('aaaaa', sortedArray)
let arrs = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arrs.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
.catch(() => {})
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// let result = {
// errcode: '10000',
// errmsg: 'OK',
// errdetail: null,
// data: [
// {
// number: 0,
// origin: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
// destination: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
// code: 0,
// distance: 6748,
// duration: 2160,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 0,
// origin: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
// destination: '117.08718600,36.65631700',
// code: 0,
// distance: 6748,
// duration: 2160,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 1,
// origin: '117.08718600,36.65631700',
// destination: '117.01788200,36.64911300',
// code: 0,
// distance: 6584,
// duration: 1560,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 2,
// origin: '117.01788200,36.64911300',
// destination: '117.03081400,36.65417800',
// code: 0,
// distance: 2509,
// duration: 960,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 3,
// origin: '117.03081400,36.65417800',
// destination: '117.04783900,36.64556100',
// code: 0,
// distance: 2891,
// duration: 900,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 4,
// origin: '117.04783900,36.64556100',
// destination: '116.96255900,36.63623600',
// code: 0,
// distance: 12334,
// duration: 3480,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 5,
// origin: '116.96255900,36.63623600',
// destination: '116.95988200,36.62819100',
// code: 0,
// distance: 1972,
// duration: 600,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 6,
// origin: '116.95988200,36.62819100',
// destination: '116.92826100,36.65210900',
// code: 0,
// distance: 7447,
// duration: 1380,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// },
// {
// number: 8,
// origin: '116.89177900,36.66887900',
// destination: '116.91937000,36.72000800',
// code: 0,
// distance: 9551,
// duration: 1740,
// toll: 0,
// restriction: 0
// }
// ]
// }
// let newArr = result.data
// console.log('返回的数据', newArr)
// console.log(arr)
// // newArr.unshift(this.currentData.customerData[0])
// let sortedArray = newArr.map(item1 => arr.find(item2 => item2.coordinate === item1.destination))
// // sortedArray.unshift(arr[0])
// this.dataList = sortedArray
// console.log('aaaaa', sortedArray)
// let arrs = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
// arrs.forEach((item, index) => {
// item.rowNo = index + 1
// // this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// // this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
// })
// })
// Action 通过 store.dispatch 方法触发
doDispatch() {
this.$store.dispatch('setUserName', '真乖,赶紧关注公众号,组织都在等你~')
getSessionId() {
let params = {
client_id: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_secret: 'c6602114c9ba488b877d0d84b0e5e700',
scope: 'read'
getSession(params, {}).then(res => {
this.accessToken = res.access_token
// this.initData(this.currentData.customerData)
goGithub() {
window.location.href = 'https://github.com/sunniejs/vue-h5-template'
getRadom(arr) {
if (arr.length === 0) {
return Math.round(Math.random() * (arr.length - 1))
// 模拟取样
simulatedSampling() {
// this.getRadom(this.currentData.customerData)
// console.log(this.getRadom(this.dataList))
// this.dataList.forEach(item => (item.status = '未去'))
let newArr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
this.filterTable = []
for (let i = 0; i <= newArr.length - 1; i++) {
this.$set(newArr[i], `status`, '未去')
var num = this.getRadom(newArr) || 1
// this.currentData.customerData[this.getRadom(this.currentData.customerData)].status = '已去'
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
this.$set(newArr[i], `status`, '已去')
this.filterTable = newArr.filter(item => item.status == '已去')
this.dataList = newArr.filter(item => item.status == '未去')
let arr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
// 重新规划
replanning() {
let arr = []
if (!this.filterTable.length) {
arr = [this.firstObj, ...this.dataList].filter(item => item.status != '已去')
} else {
arr = [this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1], ...this.dataList.filter(item => item.status != '已去')]
// 调整后规划
replanning2() {
let arr = []
if (!this.filterTable.length) {
arr = [this.firstObj, ...this.dataList].filter(item => item.status != '已去')
} else {
arr = [this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1], ...this.dataList.filter(item => item.status != '已去')]
// 调整顺序
sequence() {},
// 模拟插单1
insertSheet1() {
// this.dataList = this.dataList.sort(function (a, b) {
// var time1 = a.dateTime.split(':')
// var time2 = b.dateTime.split(':')
<style lang="scss">
.about-container {
/* 你的命名空间 */
background: #fff;
height: 100vh;
box-sizing: border-box;
.warpper {
padding: 50px 12px 12px 12px;
.list {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
color: #666;
font-size: 14px;
.demo-home__title {
margin: 0 0 6px;
font-size: 32px;
.demo-home__title img,
.demo-home__title span {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
.item {
font-size: 14px;
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a {
text-decoration: underline;
.van-button {
/* vant-ui 元素*/
background: #ff5500;
.logo {
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height: 120px;
background: url($cdn + '/weapp/logo.png') center / contain no-repeat;
.wechat {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
img {
width: 100%;
height: auto;
// var hour1 = parseInt(time1[0])
// var hour2 = parseInt(time2[0])
// var minute1 = parseInt(time1[1])
// var minute2 = parseInt(time2[1])
// if (hour1 < hour2) {
// return -1
// } else if (hour1 > hour2) {
// return 1
// } else {
// if (minute1 < minute2) {
// return -1
// } else if (minute1 > minute2) {
// return 1
// } else {
// return 0
// }
// }
// })
let arr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
// 模拟插单2
insertSheet2() {
let num = this.getRadom(this.dataList)
this.deleteData = [this.dataList[num]]
this.dataList.splice(num, 1)
let arr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
judgePerson(type) {
// this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0,)
// array.splice(array.length,0,6,8,9);//第二个参数为0的时候,是可以添加参数的,1的时候是删除
if (this.currentData.name == '田耀中') {
if (type == 1) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区妇幼保健院(两癌)',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区振兴西路129号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 50,
adcode: '340100',
batch: '1',
pkgs: 100,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '115.95710000,36.46834600',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇卫生院',
address: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇政府驻地',
dateTime: '15:47',
stopTime: 15,
adcode: '340100',
batch: '1',
pkgs: 100,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '116.06041900,36.39670700',
status: '未去'
} else if (this.currentData.name == '路飞') {
if (type == 1) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '德州市立医院',
address: '山东省德州市德城区三八路1766号',
dateTime: '12:55',
adcode: '340100',
stopTime: 90,
pkgs: 2,
batch: '1',
type: 'new',
coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '德棉医院',
address: '德州市运河开发区纺织大街522号',
dateTime: '14:37',
stopTime: 20,
adcode: '340100',
batch: '1',
pkgs: 0,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '116.27572300,37.45761700',
status: '未去'
} else if (this.currentData.name == '王东') {
if (type == 1) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '武警山东总队医院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区浆水泉路12--8号',
dateTime: '14:45',
adcode: '340100',
batch: '1',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '117.08718600,36.65631700',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '济南汇安健康管理有限公司历下门诊部',
address: '济南市历下区文化西路15号',
dateTime: '12:05',
batch: '1',
stopTime: 120,
adcode: '340100',
pkgs: 100,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '117.03081400,36.65417800',
status: '未去'
} else if (this.currentData.name == '尹逊武') {
if (type == 1) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省中医院(西院)',
address: '山东省济南市文化西路42号',
dateTime: '11:25',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.02325300,36.65510600',
type: 'new',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省千佛山医院',
address: '经十路山师东路',
dateTime: '13:40',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04485100,36.64754900',
type: 'new',
status: '未去'
} else {
if (this.currentData.batch == '第一批') {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '19:45',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
type: 'new',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
batch: '2',
hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
dateTime: '21:45',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900',
type: 'new',
status: '未去'
// 开启导航
EnableNavigation() {
// this.dataList.map(item => item.coordinate).join(';')
this.dataList.map(item => item.coordinate)
let arr = []
if (!this.filterTable.length) {
arr = [this.firstObj, ...this.dataList].filter(item => item.status == '未去')
} else {
arr = [this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1], ...this.dataList.filter(item => item.status != '已去')]
let obj = {
// 起点
startingPoint: arr[0].coordinate,
startingName: arr[0].hospital,
// 终点
terminus: arr[arr.length - 1].coordinate,
terminusName: arr[arr.length - 1].hospital
// 途经点
// 116.402796,39.936915
// pointOfPassage: `${this.dataList.map(item => item.coordinate).join('|')},midwaypoint`
// console.log(obj)
let url = ''
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index > 0 && index < arr.length - 1) {
url +=
`&via[${index - 1}][adcode]=${item.adcode}` +
`&via[${index - 1}][id]` +
`&via[${index - 1}][lnglat]=${item.coordinate}` +
`&via[${index - 1}][modxy]=${item.coordinate}` +
`&via[${index - 1}][name]=${item.hospital}` +
`&via[${index - 1}][poitype]`
let aurl = arr.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index > 0 && index < arr.length - 1) {
url += `&via[${index - 1}]=${item.coordinate},${item.hospital}`
console.log('123', url)
this.mapUrl = `https://ditu.amap.com/dir?dateTime=now&from[adcode]=&from[id]=&from[poitype]=&to[adcode]=&to[id]=&to[poitype]=&type=car&policy=2&from[lnglat]=${obj.startingPoint}&from[modxy]=${obj.startingPoint}&from[name]=${obj.startingName}&to[lnglat]=${obj.terminus}&to[modxy]=${obj.terminus}&to[name]=${obj.terminusName}${url}`
// location.assign(this.mapUrl)
let a = `https://uri.amap.com/navigation?from=${this.dataList[0].coordinate},${this.dataList[0].hospital}
&to=${this.dataList[this.dataList.length - 1].coordinate},${this.dataList[this.dataList.length - 1].hospital}
// window.open(a)
// location.href = `https://uri.amap.com/navigation?
// from=${this.dataList[0].coordinate}
// &to=${this.dataList[0].coordinate}
// &via=${this.dataList.map(item => item.coordinate).join(';')}
// &mode=car&policy=1&coordinate=gaode&callnative=1`
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.title {
padding: 10px;
.header-text {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: 800;
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margin: 12px 0px;
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height: 56px;
line-height: 56px;
background: #ebf1f7;
padding: 0px 12px;
font-size: 36px;
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font-size: 48px;
height: 56px;
line-height: 56px;
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<div class="title">
<van-row type="flex" justify="space-between">
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">业务员:{{ curentData.name }}</van-col>
<van-col span="8">
<div class="header-text" style="display: flex">
<!-- <van-field v-model="curentData.startTime" size="small" placeholder="请输入时间" /> -->
{{ curentData.startTime | formatDate('hh:mm:ss') }}
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">车牌号:{{ curentData.plate }}</van-col>
<!-- <van-col span="8" class="header-text">批次:{{ curentData.batch }}</van-col> -->
<van-row type="flex" style="margin-top: 15px">
<van-col span="8">
<div class="header-text">出发地:{{ curentData.arrival }}</div>
<van-col span="8">
<!-- dataList[dataList.length - 1].hospital -->
<div class="header-text">目的地:{{ curentData.departure }}</div>
<van-col span="8">
<div class="header-text" style="display: flex">
<!-- <van-field v-model="curentData.startTime" size="small" placeholder="请输入时间" /> -->
{{ curentData.lastArrivalTime | formatDate('hh:mm:ss') }}
<van-row type="flex" style="margin-top: 15px">
<van-col span="8">
<!-- dataList[dataList.length - 1].hospital -->
<div class="header-text">总里程:{{ curentData.totalDistance }}</div>
<van-col span="8">
<div class="header-text" style="display: flex">
<!-- <van-field v-model="curentData.startTime" size="small" placeholder="请输入时间" /> -->
{{ curentData.totalTimes }}
<!-- <van-col span="8">
<div class="header-text" style="display: flex">
{{ curentData.startTime | formatDate('hh:mm:ss') }}
</van-col> -->
<Table-vant :option="option1" :tableData="filterTable" v-if="filterTable.length > 0"></Table-vant>
<div style="width: 100%; overflow-x: auto">
<div style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin-top: 20px" v-if="deleteData.length > 0">
<Table-vant :option="option2" :tableData="deleteData" v-if="deleteData.length > 0"></Table-vant>
<div class="fixed-bottom-right">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="primary" @click="simulatedSampling">模拟取样</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="insertOrder">模拟插单1</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="primary" @click="insertOrder1">模拟插单2</van-button>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="replanning">重新规划</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="replanning2">调整后规划</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="EnableNavigation">开启导航</van-button>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="adjustTime()">调整时间</van-button>
<!-- <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="nextOrder()">下一条</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="lastOrder()">上一条</van-button>
</div> -->
<select name="pets" id="pet-select" v-model="city" class="city" @change="cityChage($event)">
<option v-for="item in cityOptions" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</option>
<div style="width: 100%; overflow: auto; margin-bottom: 50px; height: 500px">
<Table-vant :option="option3" :tableData="insertData" width="470px" :showCheck="true">
<template v-slot:timeInterval="{ item }">
<input type="text" v-model="item.timeInterval" style="width: 80%; height: 25px" />
<template v-slot:vehicleType="{ item }">
<div>{{ item.vehicleType == 1 ? '电动汽车' : '电动车' }}</div>
<van-field v-model="rowData.hospital" readonly label="医院" placeholder="" />
<van-cell-group style="display: flex">
color: #646566;
text-align: left;
word-wrap: break-word;
font-size: 3.733333vw;
line-height: 40px;
width: -webkit-fill-available;
<van-field v-model="date1" label="" placeholder="" span="12" />
<span style="line-height: 40px">——</span>
<van-field v-model="date2" label="" placeholder="" span="12" />
// 请求接口
import { getPlan, getSession, getPlan2 } from '@/api/user.js'
import TableVant from '@/components/Table.vue'
import { Toast } from 'vant'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
components: { TableVant },
data() {
return {
sortTable: [],
dataList: [],
date1: '',
date2: '',
insertType: 1,
TimeShow: false,
index: 0,
curentData: {},
rowData: {},
cityIndex: 0,
targetData: [],
city: '',
departureData: [],
allReturnData: [],
flag: 1,
date: '',
show: false,
start: '',
firstObj: {},
filterTable: [],
deleteData: [],
accessToken: '',
originData: [],
checkeData: [],
orginInsertData: [
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '06:30',
customerData: [
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南西站对接点',
address: '济南市槐荫区齐鲁大道6号',
dateTime: '07:50',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.89177900,36.66887900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南和合医学检验有限公司',
address: '槐荫区美里湖555号路海那城总部42号楼',
dateTime: '08:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.91937000,36.72000800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '09:00,10:00'
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东第一医科大学附属皮肤病医院',
address: '济南市经十路27397号',
dateTime: '09:30',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.92826100,36.65210900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东禾力升医学检验实验室有限公司',
address: '济南市市中区南辛庄西路丰润 怡邻居西门',
dateTime: '10:00',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.96255900,36.63623600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '市中慢病第四人民医院青龙山分院',
address: '山东省济南市市中区南辛庄西路272号',
dateTime: '10:20',
stopTime: 40,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.95988200,36.62819100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省医学科学院放射医学研究所',
address: '济南经十路89号9956',
dateTime: '11:15',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01788200,36.64911300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省分析测试中心',
address: '山东省济南市历下区科院路19号详情',
dateTime: '11:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04783900,36.64556100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南汇安健康管理有限公司历下门诊部',
address: '济南市历下区文化西路15号',
dateTime: '12:05',
stopTime: 120,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.03081400,36.65417800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '武警山东总队医院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区浆水泉路12--8号',
dateTime: '14:45',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.08718600,36.65631700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '11',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东大学齐鲁医院',
address: '济南市文化西路107号',
dateTime: '08:50',
stopTime: 190,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01839000,36.65659000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省中医院(西院)',
address: '山东省济南市文化西路42号',
dateTime: '11:25',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.02325300,36.65510600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市中医医院1',
address: '山东省济南市槐荫区美里路555号海那城总部24号楼101单元401',
dateTime: '12:05',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.91984000,36.72078200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南丽合医疗美容医院有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市历下区黑虎泉北路61号',
dateTime: '13:15',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.03587900,36.67266400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省千佛山医院',
address: '经十路山师东路',
dateTime: '13:40',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04485100,36.64754900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东第一医科大学第一附属医院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区经十路16766号',
dateTime: '14:05',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04244800,36.64765800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
dateTime: '17:25',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省省立医院东院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区经十路9677号',
dateTime: '09:05',
stopTime: 90,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12129000,36.66338600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省省立医院东院(特检)',
address: '山东省济南市历下区经十路9667号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.03401900,36.64879400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '新华卓越门诊部(济南)有限公司',
address: '济南市历下区龙奥北路8-4号玉兰广场2号楼3层',
dateTime: '11:20',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12426800,36.65054700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市历下区姚家办事处仁合社区卫生服务站',
address: '济南市历下区荆山路438-62号',
dateTime: '11:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.07670700,36.64310600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '12:40',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南云康达安医学检验实验室有限公司',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2766号迪亚产业园东楼二楼',
dateTime: '13:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13506400,36.67946300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南爱新卓尔医学检验有限公司',
address: '济南市历下区天辰路1318',
dateTime: '13:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13495300,36.68222100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南高新区雅居园社区卫生服务站',
address: '济南高新区雅居园小区北门商 用房1期2区1号楼1单元 2201.202.203室',
dateTime: '14:15',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12526800,36.67245200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立医院',
address: '济南市经五纬七路324号',
dateTime: '08:25',
stopTime: 210,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98415700,36.65685700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市槐荫区西市场办事处纬十路社区卫生服务站',
address: '济南市槐荫区经三纬十一路330号',
dateTime: '12:05',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.97392000,36.65924000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市天桥区纬北经纬嘉园社区卫生服务站',
address: '经一路经纬嘉园住宅小区141-31号',
dateTime: '16:30',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '120.08842500,30.87737500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市槐荫区五里沟公祥街社区卫生服务站',
address: '槐荫区纬五路39-7',
dateTime: '16:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98715800,36.66398400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东光正眼科医院有限公司',
address: '济南市市中区经二路223号',
dateTime: '17:15',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.99099400,36.66410100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东光正眼科医院有限公司',
address: '济南市市中区经二路223号',
dateTime: '17:15',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.99099400,36.66410100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省康复医院',
address: '历城区唐冶新区围子山路3126号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.24190100,36.68823600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东水发生命科学研究有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市高新区大正路1777号生命科学城13号楼一层',
dateTime: '11:50',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.32744800,36.70332300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '章丘慢性病防治所对接点',
address: '济南市章丘区唐王山路1099号',
dateTime: '12:40',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.53489000,36.69297100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南万泉生物技术有限公司',
address: '济南市高新区港兴三路北段一号济南药谷研发平台区1号楼A座1305',
dateTime: '14:05',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22268400,36.66921200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '健颐生物(药谷)',
address: '济南市历城区港兴三路济南药谷1号楼A座25楼',
dateTime: '14:25',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22278300,36.66978200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东惠然生物科技有限公司',
address: '高新区港兴三路北段1号济南市药谷研发平台区2号楼1801房间',
dateTime: '14:45',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22239900,36.66859400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东富优生命科学有限公司',
address: '山东富优生命科学有限公司',
dateTime: '15:05',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22283000,36.67004000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省齐鲁细胞治疗工程技术有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市高新区港兴三路1109号',
dateTime: '16:05',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22257900,36.65528700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南高新开发区景琪综合门诊有限公司',
address: '高新区舜华路街道街道华奥路77号东鲁凤凰上都6-104',
dateTime: '16:35',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.15647200,36.65323700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市历下区龙洞办事处社区卫生服务中心',
address: '历下区龙洞办事处锦屏家园龙锦生活广场10号楼02号铺',
dateTime: '17:05',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12264500,36.62768600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南佰年颐堂中医医院有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市历城区工业北路180号院内办公楼2号楼1层',
dateTime: '14:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.26118400,36.63685400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东元辰生物医药科技集团有限公司',
address: '华山街道丑父路135号华山片区安置区二区S3号楼商业区四层',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06162300,36.68773700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东大学第二医院(检验科)',
address: '山东大学第二医院(检验科)',
dateTime: '15:50',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04054100,36.69042100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院',
address: '山东省济南市无影山中路12号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 60,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98967800,36.68406100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '艾迪康',
address: '济南市天桥区田家庄东路4号',
dateTime: '20:45',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.97534100,36.69010900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '历城奇鲁诊所',
address: '七里堡东路84号4号',
dateTime: '10:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.07034900,36.69118200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院(新城社区卫生服务中心)',
address: '济南市天桥区新黄路2567号',
dateTime: '11:25',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01213500,36.70852500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院(药山站点)',
address: '山东省济南市天桥区药山西路南端',
dateTime: '11:50',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.96048900,36.71312700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院(济南市天桥人民医院)',
address: '济南市天桥区天桥街25号',
dateTime: '12:40',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.96048900,36.71312700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市市中区七里山街道泉景天沅社区卫生服务站',
address: '济南市市中区郎茂山路4号101号',
dateTime: '13:15',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98310000,36.62614400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省南山医院有限责任公司',
address: '济南市市中区英雄山路134号',
dateTime: '13:40',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98310000,36.62614400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省南山医院有限责任公司(艾迪康站点)',
address: '济南市市中区英雄山路134号',
dateTime: '12:30',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.00314900,36.62241000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市历下区第二人民医院',
address: '济南市历下区东关大街57号',
dateTime: '14:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04394500,36.67837900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南三株酵本草医院有限公司',
address: '济南市历城区山大北路77-6号',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06090000,36.67966900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市历城区妇幼保健计划生育服务中心(两癌)',
address: '济南市历城区洪楼西路45号',
dateTime: '15:35',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06136300,36.68004900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '历城中医院',
address: '济南市历城区洪家楼南路26号',
dateTime: '15:55',
stopTime: 40,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06652000,36.68147900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南远大中医脑康医院有限公司',
address: '济南市历城区二环东路3889号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.07276600,36.67283300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南伊美尔整形美容医院有限公司',
address: '济南市解放路30-1号',
dateTime: '17:05',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06004900,36.66592800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市中心医院(精准中心)',
address: '山东省济南市历城区解放路105号',
dateTime: '17:25',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06652000,36.68147900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市中心医院(特检)',
address: '济南市历下区解放路105号',
dateTime: '17:40',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04767000,36.66776700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区人民医院',
address: '济阳县纬六路9号',
dateTime: '09:10',
stopTime: 80,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98330600,36.66371900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区中医医院(病理)',
address: '山东省济南市济阳区纬二路112号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.19134000,36.97515700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区中医医院',
address: '山东省济南市济阳区纬二路112号',
dateTime: '11:15',
stopTime: 120,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.19134000,36.97515700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区妇幼保健计划生育服务中心',
address: '山东省济南市济阳区老城街16号',
dateTime: '13:45',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.21862800,36.97423500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区妇幼保健院计划生育服务中心(站点)',
address: '济阳区济北街道开元大街166号',
dateTime: '14:30',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.17039900,36.97523800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济阳妇幼对接点',
address: '济阳区济北街道开元大街166号',
dateTime: '14:40',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.17039900,36.97523800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济阳妇儿医院',
address: '济南市济 阳区德阳路与兴河街交叉口',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12511900,36.93419300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '08:00',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州交通医院',
address: '德城区东风中路389号',
dateTime: '09:15',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 2,
coordinate: '116.31887300,37.44295900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市人民医院',
address: '德州市新湖大街1751号',
dateTime: '09:47',
stopTime: 100,
pkgs: 41,
coordinate: '116.30555600,37.45116400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市人民医院(特检)',
address: '德州市新湖大街1751号',
dateTime: '11:32',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 1,
coordinate: '116.30555600,37.45116400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市立医院对接点',
address: '德州市德城区三八中路1766号',
dateTime: '11:55',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市立医院',
address: '山东省德州市德城区三八路1766号',
dateTime: '12:55',
stopTime: 90,
pkgs: 2,
coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德棉医院',
address: '德州市运河开发区纺织大街522号',
dateTime: '14:37',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.27572300,37.45761700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州汽车站对接点',
address: '德州市德城区东风路1667号',
dateTime: '15:12',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.29082500,37.44405800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '武城县妇幼保健计划生育服务中心(两癌)',
address: '山东省德州市武城县振华西街1536号',
dateTime: '09:50',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.06056800,37.21353300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '武城县老城镇仓上村卫生室',
address: '武城县老城镇仓上村',
dateTime: '10:30',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.94163900,37.11129600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '武城县老城镇新运社区卫生室',
address: '武城县老城镇',
dateTime: '10:45',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.89356900,37.14593200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '11',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津县中医院',
address: '夏津县经开区北外环路',
dateTime: '11:30',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.39217300,37.49376100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '12',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津三鹤血液透析有限公司',
address: '山东省德州市夏津县银城街道西关街142号',
dateTime: '12:25',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.01219400,36.95977800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '13',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津慎安血液透析中心有限公司',
address: '山东省德州市夏津县银城街道西关南街132号',
dateTime: '12:45',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.99462000,36.95193800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '14',
batch: '1',
hospital: '临清市老赵庄镇卫生院',
address: '老赵庄镇老赵庄村199号',
dateTime: '13:25',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.86014600,36.83849000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '15',
batch: '1',
hospital: '李娅诊所',
address: '临清市黑庄民族小区',
dateTime: '13:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.73074700,36.84652300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '16',
batch: '1',
hospital: '临西县第二人民医院',
address: '河北省邢台市临西县河西镇顺河街7号',
dateTime: '14:25',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.68843100,36.85466500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '17',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市第二人民医院(特检)',
address: '聊城市临清市先锋街道办事处健康街306号',
dateTime: '14:45',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.70215500,36.85302700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '18',
batch: '1',
hospital: '百康诊所',
address: '临清市观澜国际B3西4户',
dateTime: '15:09',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.71547000,36.81913800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '19',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市第二人民医院(新院)',
address: '临清市315省道和新华路交汇处',
dateTime: '15:32',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.59475300,36.75968600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '20',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津联络处对接点',
address: '德州市夏津县泉林小区',
dateTime: '15:52',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.99405300,36.97021100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '08:00',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区侯营镇卫生院',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区侯营镇侯营村',
dateTime: '08:35',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.88725200,36.39946400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区和光诊所',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区柳园街道陈口路金柱大学城A区30幢s30-113号商铺',
dateTime: '09:12',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.01666300,36.44393800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区韩集镇卫生院',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区韩集镇政府',
dateTime: '09:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.18228000,36.40897800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '茌平万里行中医诊所',
address: '聊城市茌平县建设路1416号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.21077700,36.56289800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区人民医院',
address: '聊城市茌平县文化路99号',
dateTime: '11:00',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24962100,36.57960700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区中医医院',
address: '聊城市茌平区新政西路1163号',
dateTime: '11:22',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24271400,36.58568300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '茌平县和睦家妇科诊所',
address: '茌平县三产院内',
dateTime: '12:22',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.23697900,36.58427100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区温陈街道社区卫生服务中心',
address: '聊城市茌平区温陈街道',
dateTime: '12:47',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24984700,36.59027400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区胡屯镇卫生院',
address: '聊城市茌平区新政西路1163号',
dateTime: '13:12',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24271400,36.58568300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '高唐县中医院',
address: '高唐县东兴路16号',
dateTime: '13:52',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.25357800,36.85772200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '11',
batch: '1',
hospital: '高唐县人民医院',
address: '山东省高唐县金城西路99号',
dateTime: '14:17',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.22798600,36.86687600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '12',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区第二人民医院',
address: '茌平县博平镇政府街',
dateTime: '15:04',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.11760000,36.58789400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '13',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇卫生院',
address: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇政府驻地',
dateTime: '15:47',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.06041900,36.39670700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '14',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城汽车总站对接点',
address: '聊城市东昌府区建设路与柳园北路交汇处西北角',
dateTime: '16:22',
stopTime: 8,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.98847500,36.47286500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '15',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区妇幼保健院(两癌)',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区振兴西路129号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.95710000,36.46834600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '16',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城联络处(回)',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
dateTime: '17:43',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '17',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城联络处对接点',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
dateTime: '18:18',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
insertData: [],
cityOptions: [
{ label: '济南', value: '济南' },
{ label: '德州', value: '德州' },
{ label: '聊城', value: '聊城' }
option: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px'
label: '途经',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '230px'
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '里程(km)',
tableDataprop: 'distance',
width: '80px',
align: 'right'
label: '路程耗时(分钟)',
tableDataprop: 'duration',
width: '90px',
align: 'right'
label: '停留时长(分钟)',
tableDataprop: 'stopTime',
width: '90px',
align: 'right'
label: '预计到达时间',
tableDataprop: 'reachDate',
width: '90px',
align: 'right'
label: '预计离开时间',
tableDataprop: 'leaveDate',
width: '90px',
align: 'right'
label: '状态',
tableDataprop: 'status',
width: '50px'
option1: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px'
label: '途经',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '230px'
// {
// label: '取样时间',
// tableDataprop: 'dateTime',
// width: '50px'
// },
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '状态',
tableDataprop: 'status',
width: '50px'
option2: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px'
label: '途经',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '230px'
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '状态',
tableDataprop: 'status',
width: '50px'
option3: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px'
label: '目标点',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '200px'
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '取样时间段',
tableDataprop: 'timeInterval',
width: '80px'
label: '使用工具',
tableDataprop: 'vehicleType',
width: '50px'
computed: {
// ...mapGetters(['order'])
watch: {
show: {
handler: function () {
if (!this.show) {
this.checkeData = []
deep: true,
immediate: true
city: {
handler: function (val) {
switch (val) {
case '济南':
this.insertData = this.findDifferentElements(this.orginInsertData[0]?.customerData, this.targetData)
console.log('123333333333', this.insertData)
case '德州':
this.insertData = this.findDifferentElements(this.orginInsertData[1]?.customerData, this.targetData)
case '聊城':
this.insertData = this.findDifferentElements(this.orginInsertData[2]?.customerData, this.targetData)
deep: true,
immediate: true
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.city = this.$store.state.app.city
this.targetData = this.$store.getters.getTarget
this.departureData = this.$store.getters.getdepart
// this.curentData = this.$store.getters.getCurentData
this.curentData = JSON.parse(this.$route.query.data)
console.log('curentData', this.curentData)
this.$bus.$on('sortTableData', e => (this.dataList = e))
this.$bus.$on('selecte', e => (this.checkeData = e))
this.$bus.$on('rowData', e => (this.rowData = e))
this.cityIndex = this.cityOptions.findIndex(item => item.label == this.city)
this.index = this.curentData.rowNo - 1
console.log('cityIndex', this.cityIndex)
this.dataList = this.curentData.data
this.dataList.forEach(item => {
item.timeInterval = ''
let arr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
destroyed() {
// this.$bus.$off('selecte')
created() {
methods: {
getDate() {
this.date = new Date()
adjustTime() {
if (!Object.keys(this.rowData).length) {
this.TimeShow = true
async handleChangeTime(action, done) {
if (action === 'confirm') {
// 点击确定走这里
this.rowData.timeInterval = `${this.date1},${this.date2}`
this.orginInsertData[this.cityIndex].customerData.forEach(item => {
if (item.coordinate == this.rowData.coordinate) {
item.timeInterval = this.rowData.timeInterval
console.log('12131', this.dataList)
} else {
// 点击取消走这里
done(true) // 关闭弹窗, true可以省略
findDifferentElements(arr1, arr2) {
const diff1 = arr1.filter(obj1 => !arr2.some(obj2 => this.isEqual(obj1, obj2)))
const diff2 = arr2.filter(obj2 => !arr1.some(obj1 => this.isEqual(obj2, obj1)))
return [...diff1, ...diff2]
isEqual(obj1, obj2) {
return obj1.hospital === obj2.hospital && obj1.dateTime === obj2.dateTime
isnavigation(val) {
let that = this
let myLocation = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('ownChooseLocation'))
if (this.cabinData.longitude && this.cabinData.latitude) {
let Url = ''
switch (val) {
case 'amap':
Url = `https://uri.amap.com/navigation?from=${myLocation.lng},${myLocation.lat},${myLocation.formattedAddress}&to=${that.cabinData.longitude},${that.cabinData.latitude},${that.cabinData.name}&callnative=1`
case 'bmap':
Url = `http://api.map.baidu.com/direction?origin=latlng:${myLocation.lat},${myLocation.lng}|name:${myLocation.formattedAddress}&destination=latlng:${that.cabinData.latitude},${that.cabinData.longitude}|name:${that.cabinData.name}&mode=driving&origin_region=${myLocation.city}&destination_region=${that.cabinData.cityName}&output=html&src=webapp.baidu.openAPIdemo`
location.href = Url
} else {
// this.$message({
// message: '请先确认您的起点和终点位置',
// type: 'warning',
// })
// 请求数据案例
initData(list) {
duration: 0
// let destinations = arr.map(item => item.coordinate).join(';')
// 请求接口数据,仅作为展示,需要配置src->config下环境文件
console.log('123', list)
// return
let arr = _.cloneDeep(list)
const data = {
region: this.city,
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '06:30',
customerData: arr
const params = {
method: 'GetRouteMatrix_test',
format: 'json',
sessionId: this.accessToken,
sign: '203EF639BA15A6E001B59DB78AB81470B7893CAF',
appKey: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
v: '1.0'
getPlan(data, params)
.then(res => {
let newArr = JSON.parse(res).returnModel
console.log('返回的数据', newArr)
newArr.forEach(item => {
item.data.forEach((e, index) => {
e.distance = e.distance.toFixed(2)
e.hospital = e.returnName
e.status = '未去'
e.coordinate = e.destination
e.isOrigin = 'N'
if (index == item.data.length - 1) {
e.pkgs = 0
} else {
e.pkgs = 100
// e.distance.toFixed(2)
this.dataList = newArr[0]?.data
console.log('aaaaa', this.dataList)
let arrs = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arrs.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
.catch(() => {})
initData2(list) {
duration: 0
// let destinations = arr.map(item => item.coordinate).join(';')
// 请求接口数据,仅作为展示,需要配置src->config下环境文件
console.log('123', list)
// return
let arr = _.cloneDeep(list)
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
// if (item.dateTime1) {
// item.dateTime = item.dateTime1
// }
item.rowNo = index + 1
return item
const data = {
region: this.city,
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: this.departureData[this.index].dateTime,
customerData: arr
const params = {
method: 'GetRoutePlan_test1',
format: 'json',
sessionId: this.accessToken,
sign: '203EF639BA15A6E001B59DB78AB81470B7893CAF',
appKey: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
v: '1.0'
getPlan2(data, params)
.then(res => {
let newArr = JSON.parse(res).data
console.log('返回的数据', newArr)
// if (!this.filterTable.length) {
// newArr.shift()
// }
let sortedArray = newArr.map(item1 =>
arr.find(item2 => {
if (item2.hospital + item2.dateTime == item1.returnName) {
item2.distance = item1.distance.toFixed(2)
item2.duration = item1.duration
item2.stopTime = item1.stopTime
item2.reachDate = item1.reachDate
item2.leaveDate = item1.leaveDate
item2.status = '未去'
// item2.dateTime1 = _.cloneDeep(item2.dateTime)
// item2.dateTime = item1.timeSlot.replace('-', '<br/>')
return item2
this.dataList = sortedArray
console.log('aaaaa', this.dataList)
let arrs = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arrs.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
.catch(() => {})
getSessionId() {
let params = {
client_id: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_secret: 'c6602114c9ba488b877d0d84b0e5e700',
scope: 'read'
getSession(params, {}).then(res => {
this.accessToken = res.access_token
// this.initData(this.curentData.customerData)
// TODO 调试暂时注释
// this.initData([...this.departureData, ...this.targetData])
getRadom(arr) {
if (arr.length === 0) {
return Math.round(Math.random() * (arr.length - 1))
// 模拟取样
simulatedSampling() {
// this.getRadom(this.curentData.customerData)
// console.log(this.getRadom(this.dataList))
// this.dataList.forEach(item => (item.status = '未去'))
let newArr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
this.filterTable = []
for (let i = 0; i <= newArr.length - 1; i++) {
this.$set(newArr[i], `status`, '未去')
var num = this.getRadom(newArr) || 1
// this.curentData.customerData[this.getRadom(this.curentData.customerData)].status = '已去'
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
this.$set(newArr[i], `status`, '已去')
this.filterTable = newArr.filter(item => item.status == '已去')
this.dataList = newArr.filter(item => item.status == '未去')
let arr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
// 重新规划
replanning() {
let data = []
let departobj = {}
if (this.filterTable.length) {
data = [...this.dataList].map(item1 =>
this.orginInsertData[this.cityIndex].customerData.find(item2 => {
if (item2.coordinate == item1.destination && item2.hospital == item1.hospital) {
return item2
} else if (item2.coordinate == item1.coordinate && item2.hospital == item1.hospital) {
return item2
departobj = _.cloneDeep(this.departureData[this.index])
departobj.hospital = this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1].hospital
departobj.address = this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1].returnName
departobj.dateTime = this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1].leaveDate
departobj.coordinate = this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1].coordinate
} else {
data = [...this.dataList].map(item1 =>
this.orginInsertData[this.cityIndex].customerData.find(item2 => {
if (item2.coordinate == item1.destination && `${item2.hospital}${item2.dateTime}` == item1.returnName) {
return item2
} else if (item2.coordinate == item1.coordinate && item2.hospital == item1.hospital) {
return item2
console.log('数据', this.dataList)
departobj = _.cloneDeep(this.departureData[this.index])
this.initData([departobj, ...data])
// 调整后规划
replanning2() {
let data = []
let departobj = {}
if (this.filterTable.length) {
data = [...this.dataList].map(item1 =>
this.orginInsertData[this.cityIndex].customerData.find(item2 => {
if (item2.coordinate == item1.destination && `${item2.hospital}${item2.dateTime}` == item1.returnName) {
return item2
} else if (item2.coordinate == item1.coordinate && item2.hospital == item1.hospital) {
return item2
departobj = _.cloneDeep(this.departureData[this.index])
departobj.hospital = this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1].hospital
departobj.address = this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1].returnName
departobj.dateTime = this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1].leaveDate
departobj.coordinate = this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1].destination
} else {
data = [...this.dataList].map(item1 =>
this.orginInsertData[this.cityIndex].customerData.find(item2 => {
if (item2.coordinate == item1.destination && `${item2.hospital}${item2.dateTime}` == item1.returnName) {
return item2
} else if (item2.coordinate == item1.coordinate && item2.hospital == item1.hospital) {
return item2
departobj = _.cloneDeep(this.departureData[this.index])
this.initData2([departobj, ...data])
// 调整顺序
sequence() {},
insertOrder() {
this.show = true
this.insertType = 0
insertOrder1() {
this.show = true
this.insertType = 1
openDialog() {
this.checkeData = []
async handleInsertOrder(action, done) {
if (action === 'confirm') {
// 点击确定走这里
if (!this.checkeData.length) {
return done(false)
this.checkeData.forEach(item => {
item.type = 'new'
item.status = '未去'
if (!this.insertType) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, item)
} else {
let num = this.getRadom(this.dataList)
this.deleteData = [this.dataList[num]]
this.dataList.splice(num, 1)
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, item)
this.dataList.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
} else {
// 点击取消走这里
done(true) // 关闭弹窗, true可以省略
// 模拟插单1
insertSheet1() {
let arr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// 模拟插单2
insertSheet2() {
let num = this.getRadom(this.dataList)
this.deleteData = [this.dataList[num]]
this.dataList.splice(num, 1)
let arr = [...this.filterTable, ...this.dataList]
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// this.filterTable[index].rowNo = index
// this.dataList[index].rowNo = index
judgePerson(type) {
// this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0,)
// array.splice(array.length,0,6,8,9);//第二个参数为0的时候,是可以添加参数的,1的时候是删除
if (this.curentData.name == '田耀中') {
if (type == 1) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区妇幼保健院(两癌)',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区振兴西路129号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 50,
adcode: '340100',
batch: '1',
pkgs: 100,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '115.95710000,36.46834600',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇卫生院',
address: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇政府驻地',
dateTime: '15:47',
stopTime: 15,
adcode: '340100',
batch: '1',
pkgs: 100,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '116.06041900,36.39670700',
status: '未去'
} else if (this.curentData.name == '路飞') {
if (type == 1) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '德州市立医院',
address: '山东省德州市德城区三八路1766号',
dateTime: '12:55',
adcode: '340100',
stopTime: 90,
pkgs: 2,
batch: '1',
type: 'new',
coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '德棉医院',
address: '德州市运河开发区纺织大街522号',
dateTime: '14:37',
stopTime: 20,
adcode: '340100',
batch: '1',
pkgs: 0,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '116.27572300,37.45761700',
status: '未去'
} else if (this.curentData.name == '王东') {
if (type == 1) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '武警山东总队医院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区浆水泉路12--8号',
dateTime: '14:45',
adcode: '340100',
batch: '1',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '117.08718600,36.65631700',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
hospital: '济南汇安健康管理有限公司历下门诊部',
address: '济南市历下区文化西路15号',
dateTime: '12:05',
batch: '1',
stopTime: 120,
adcode: '340100',
pkgs: 100,
type: 'new',
coordinate: '117.03081400,36.65417800',
status: '未去'
} else if (this.curentData.name == '尹逊武') {
if (type == 1) {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省中医院(西院)',
address: '山东省济南市文化西路42号',
dateTime: '09:00,12:00',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.02325300,36.65510600',
type: 'new',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省千佛山医院',
address: '经十路山师东路',
dateTime: '13:40',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04485100,36.64754900',
type: 'new',
status: '未去'
} else {
if (this.curentData.batch == '第一批') {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '19:45',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
type: 'new',
status: '未去'
} else {
this.dataList.splice(this.getRadom(this.dataList), 0, {
rowNo: [...this.dataList, ...this.filterTable].length + 1,
batch: '2',
hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
dateTime: '21:45',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900',
type: 'new',
status: '未去'
nextOrder() {
if (this.index == this.allReturnData.length - 1) {
this.filterTable = []
this.deleteData = []
this.dataList = this.allReturnData[this.index]?.data
lastOrder() {
if (this.index == 0) {
this.filterTable = []
this.deleteData = []
this.dataList = this.allReturnData[this.index]?.data
replaceRowNo() {
this.dataList.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
// 开启导航
EnableNavigation() {
// this.dataList.map(item => item.coordinate).join(';')
this.dataList.map(item => item.coordinate)
let arr = []
if (!this.filterTable.length) {
arr = [this.departureData[this.index], ...this.dataList.filter(item => item.status == '未去')]
} else {
arr = [this.filterTable[this.filterTable.length - 1], ...this.dataList.filter(item => item.status != '已去')]
let obj = {
// 起点
startingPoint: arr[0].coordinate,
startingName: arr[0].hospital,
// 终点
terminus: this.curentData.coordinate,
terminusName: this.curentData.arrival
// 途经点
// 116.402796,39.936915
// pointOfPassage: `${this.dataList.map(item => item.coordinate).join('|')},midwaypoint`
// console.log(obj)
let url = ''
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index > 0 && index < arr.length) {
url +=
`&via[${index - 1}][adcode]=${item.adcode}` +
`&via[${index - 1}][id]` +
`&via[${index - 1}][lnglat]=${item.coordinate}` +
`&via[${index - 1}][modxy]=${item.coordinate}` +
`&via[${index - 1}][name]=${item.hospital}` +
`&via[${index - 1}][poitype]`
let aurl = arr.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index > 0 && index < arr.length - 1) {
url += `&via[${index - 1}]=${item.coordinate},${item.hospital}`
console.log('123', url)
this.mapUrl = `https://ditu.amap.com/dir?dateTime=now&from[adcode]=&from[id]=&from[poitype]=&to[adcode]=&to[id]=&to[poitype]=&type=car&policy=2&from[lnglat]=${obj.startingPoint}&from[modxy]=${obj.startingPoint}&from[name]=${obj.startingName}&to[lnglat]=${obj.terminus}&to[modxy]=${obj.terminus}&to[name]=${obj.terminusName}${url}`
// location.assign(this.mapUrl)
let a = `https://uri.amap.com/navigation?from=${this.dataList[0].coordinate},${this.dataList[0].hospital}
// window.open(a)
// location.href = `https://uri.amap.com/navigation?
// from=${this.dataList[0].coordinate}
// &to=${this.dataList[0].coordinate}
// &via=${this.dataList.map(item => item.coordinate).join(';')}
// &mode=car&policy=1&coordinate=gaode&callnative=1`
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.title {
padding: 10px;
.header-text {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: 800;
.table-box {
margin: 12px 0px;
.th-row {
height: 56px;
line-height: 56px;
background: #ebf1f7;
padding: 0px 12px;
font-size: 36px;
.tb-row {
font-size: 48px;
height: 56px;
line-height: 56px;
padding: 0px 12px;
.fixed-bottom-right {
// position: fixed;
margin-top: 80px;
bottom: 20px;
right: 0px;
width: 100%;
<div class="title">
<van-row type="flex" style="margin-top: 15px" justify="space-around">
<van-col span="24" class="header-text" style="display: flex">
<!-- <van-datetime-picker v-model="currentData.departureDate" type="time" title="选择时间" /> -->
<!-- <van-field v-model="currentData.departureDate" label="出发时间" placeholder="请输入出发时间" /> -->
<select name="pets" id="pet-select" v-model="city" class="city" @change="cityChage($event)">
<option v-for="item in cityOptions" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</option>
<!-- 出发时间:<van-field v-model="currentData.departureDate" size="small" placeholder="请输入时间" /> -->
<Table-vant :option="option" :tableData="currentData" :showCheck="true">
<template v-slot:dateTime="{ item }">
<input type="text" v-model="item.dateTime" style="width: 80%; height: 25px" />
<template v-slot:vehicleType="{ item }">
<div>{{ item.vehicleType == 1 ? '电动汽车' : '电动车' }}</div>
<div class="fixed-bottom-right">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="primary" @click="nextStep">下一步</van-button>
import TableVant from '@/components/Table.vue'
import { Toast } from 'vant'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
components: { TableVant },
data() {
return {
index: 0,
date: '',
cloneData: {},
checkeData: [],
city: '济南',
currentData: [],
cityOptions: [
{ label: '济南', value: '济南' },
{ label: '德州', value: '德州' },
{ label: '聊城', value: '聊城' }
option: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px',
align: 'center'
label: '出发点',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '230px'
label: '取件人',
tableDataprop: 'name',
width: '50px'
label: '出发时间',
tableDataprop: 'dateTime',
width: '80px'
label: '使用工具',
tableDataprop: 'vehicleType',
width: '80px'
// orginData: [
// {
// name: '王东',
// plate: '鲁A73HU8',
// departure: '济南迪安中心办事处',
// arrival: '济南样本室对接点',
// departureDate: '07:30',
// customerData: [
// {
// rowNo: '1',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处',
// address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
// dateTime: '6:30',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '3',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南西站对接点',
// address: '济南市槐荫区齐鲁大道6号',
// dateTime: '7:50',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '116.89177900,36.66887900'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '5',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东第一医科大学附属皮肤病医院',
// address: '济南市经十路27397号',
// dateTime: '9:30',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.92826100,36.65210900'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '7',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '市中慢病第四人民医院青龙山分院',
// address: '山东省济南市市中区南辛庄西路272号',
// dateTime: '10:20',
// stopTime: 40,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.95988200,36.62819100'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '8',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东省医学科学院放射医学研究所',
// address: '济南经十路89号9956',
// dateTime: '11:15',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.01788200,36.64911300'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '9',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东省分析测试中心',
// address: '山东省济南市历下区科院路19号详情',
// dateTime: '11:40',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.04783900,36.64556100'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '10',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
// address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
// dateTime: '15:20',
// stopTime: 30,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
// }
// ]
// },
// {
// name: '路飞',
// plate: '德州1333887',
// departure: '德州办事处',
// arrival: '德州办事处',
// departureDate: '08:30',
// customerData: [
// {
// rowNo: '1',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德州办事处',
// address: '德州市德城区世纪嘉园小区',
// dateTime: '8:40',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '116.33733900,37.42873700'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '2',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德州交通医院',
// address: '德城区东风中路389号',
// dateTime: '9:15',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: 2,
// coordinate: '116.31887300,37.44295900'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '3',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德州市人民医院',
// address: '德州市新湖大街1751号',
// dateTime: '9:47',
// stopTime: 100,
// pkgs: 41,
// coordinate: '116.30555600,37.45116400'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '4',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德州市人民医院(特检)',
// address: '德州市新湖大街1751号',
// dateTime: '11:32',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: 1,
// coordinate: '116.30555600,37.45116400'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '5',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德州市立医院对接点',
// address: '德州市德城区三八中路1766号',
// dateTime: '11:55',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200'
// },
// // {
// // rowNo: '6',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '德州市立医院',
// // address: '山东省德州市德城区三八路1766号',
// // dateTime: '12:55',
// // stopTime: 90,
// // pkgs: 2,
// // coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200'
// // },
// // {
// // rowNo: '7',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '德棉医院',
// // address: '德州市运河开发区纺织大街522号',
// // dateTime: '14:37',
// // stopTime: 20,
// // pkgs: "-",
// // coordinate: '116.27572300,37.45761700'
// // },
// {
// rowNo: '8',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德州汽车站对接点',
// address: '德州市德城区东风路1667号',
// dateTime: '15:12',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '116.29082500,37.44405800'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '9',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德州办事处',
// address: '德州市德城区世纪嘉园小区',
// dateTime: '15:52',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '116.33733900,37.42873700'
// }
// ]
// },
// {
// name: '田耀中',
// plate: '鲁A790Z9',
// departure: '聊城联络处',
// arrival: '聊城联络处对接点',
// departureDate: '09:30',
// customerData: [
// {
// rowNo: '1',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城联络处',
// address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
// dateTime: '8:00',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '2',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市东昌府区侯营镇卫生院',
// address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区侯营镇侯营村',
// dateTime: '8:35',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '115.88725200,36.39946400'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '3',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市东昌府区和光诊所',
// address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区柳园街道陈口路金柱大学城A区30幢s30-113号商铺',
// dateTime: '9:12',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.01666300,36.44393800'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '4',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市东昌府区韩集镇卫生院',
// address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区韩集镇政府',
// dateTime: '9:55',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.18228000,36.40897800'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '5',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '茌平万里行中医诊所',
// address: '聊城市茌平县建设路1416号',
// dateTime: '10:40',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.21077700,36.56289800'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '6',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市茌平区人民医院',
// address: '聊城市茌平县文化路99号',
// dateTime: '11:00',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.24962100,36.57960700'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '7',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市茌平区中医医院',
// address: '聊城市茌平区新政西路1163号',
// dateTime: '11:22',
// stopTime: 30,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.24271400,36.58568300'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '8',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '茌平县和睦家妇科诊所',
// address: '茌平县三产院内',
// dateTime: '12:22',
// stopTime: 5,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.23697900,36.58427100'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '9',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市茌平区温陈街道社区卫生服务中心',
// address: '聊城市茌平区温陈街道',
// dateTime: '12:47',
// stopTime: 5,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.24984700,36.59027400'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '10',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市茌平区胡屯镇卫生院',
// address: '聊城市茌平区新政西路1163号',
// dateTime: '13:12',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.24271400,36.58568300'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '11',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '高唐县中医院',
// address: '高唐县东兴路16号',
// dateTime: '13:52',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.25357800,36.85772200'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '12',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '高唐县人民医院',
// address: '山东省高唐县金城西路99号',
// dateTime: '14:17',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.22798600,36.86687600'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '13',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市茌平区第二人民医院',
// address: '茌平县博平镇政府街',
// dateTime: '15:04',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.11760000,36.58789400'
// },
// // {
// // rowNo: '14',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇卫生院',
// // address: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇政府驻地',
// // dateTime: '15:47',
// // stopTime: 15,
// // pkgs: 100,
// // coordinate: '116.06041900,36.39670700'
// // },
// {
// rowNo: '15',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城汽车总站对接点',
// address: '聊城市东昌府区建设路与柳园北路交汇处西北角',
// dateTime: '16:22',
// stopTime: 8,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '115.98847500,36.47286500'
// },
// // {
// // rowNo: '16',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '聊城市东昌府区妇幼保健院(两癌)',
// // address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区振兴西路129号',
// // dateTime: '16:40',
// // stopTime: 50,
// // pkgs: 100,
// // coordinate: '115.95710000,36.46834600'
// // },
// {
// rowNo: '17',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城联络处',
// address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
// dateTime: '17:43',
// stopTime: 30,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '18',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城联络处对接点',
// address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
// dateTime: '18:18',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500'
// }
// ]
// },
// {
// name: '尹逊武',
// plate: '济南2595139',
// departure: '尹逊武家',
// arrival: '尹逊武家',
// departureDate: '06:30',
// customerData: [
// {
// rowNo: '1',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '尹逊武家',
// address: '山东省济南市历城区北园大街57号',
// dateTime: '7:30',
// stopTime: 30,
// pkgs: 0,
// coordinate: '117.05366200,36.69689900'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '2',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东大学齐鲁医院',
// address: '济南市文化西路107号',
// dateTime: '8:50',
// stopTime: 190,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.01839000,36.65659000'
// },
// // {
// // rowNo: '3',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '山东省中医院(西院)',
// // address: '山东省济南市文化西路42号',
// // dateTime: '11:25',
// // stopTime: 30,
// // pkgs: 100,
// // coordinate: '117.02325300,36.65510600'
// // },
// {
// rowNo: '4',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南市中医医院1',
// address: '山东省济南市槐荫区美里路555号海那城总部24号楼101单元401',
// dateTime: '12:05',
// stopTime: 30,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.91984000,36.72078200'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '5',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南丽合医疗美容医院有限公司',
// address: '山东省济南市历下区黑虎泉北路61号',
// dateTime: '13:15',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.03587900,36.67266400'
// },
// // {
// // rowNo: '6',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '山东省千佛山医院',
// // address: '经十路山师东路',
// // dateTime: '13:40',
// // stopTime: 20,
// // pkgs: 100,
// // coordinate: '117.04485100,36.64754900'
// // },
// {
// rowNo: '7',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东第一医科大学第一附属医院',
// address: '山东省济南市历下区经十路16766号',
// dateTime: '14:05',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.04244800,36.64765800'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '8',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东大学齐鲁医院',
// address: '济南市文化西路107号',
// dateTime: '14:40',
// stopTime: 140,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.01839000,36.65659000'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '9',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
// address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
// dateTime: '17:25',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: 0,
// coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '10',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '尹逊武家',
// address: '山东省济南市历城区北园大街57号',
// dateTime: '18:10',
// stopTime: 5,
// pkgs: 0,
// coordinate: '117.05366200,36.69689900'
// }
// ]
// },
// {
// name: '孙天麟',
// plate: '鲁A2Q3C2',
// departure: '济南迪安中心办事处',
// arrival: '济南样本室对接点',
// departureDate: '09:30',
// customerData: [
// {
// rowNo: '1',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处',
// address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
// dateTime: '14:00',
// stopTime: 30,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '2',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南佰年颐堂中医医院有限公司',
// address: '山东省济南市历城区工业北路180号院内办公楼2号楼1层',
// dateTime: '14:55',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.26118400,36.63685400'
// },
// // {
// // rowNo: '3',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '山东元辰生物医药科技集团有限公司',
// // address: '华山街道丑父路135号华山片区安置区二区S3号楼商业区四层',
// // dateTime: '15:20',
// // stopTime: 10,
// // pkgs: 100,
// // coordinate: '117.06162300,36.68773700'
// // },
// // {
// // rowNo: '4',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '山东大学第二医院(检验科)',
// // address: '山东大学第二医院(检验科)',
// // dateTime: '15:50',
// // stopTime: 30,
// // pkgs: 100,
// // coordinate: '117.04054100,36.69042100'
// // },
// {
// rowNo: '5',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东省立第三医院',
// address: '山东省济南市无影山中路12号',
// dateTime: '16:40',
// stopTime: 60,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.98967800,36.68406100'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '6',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
// address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
// dateTime: '17:45',
// stopTime: 60,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900'
// },
// // {
// // rowNo: '7',
// // batch: '1',
// // hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
// // address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
// // dateTime: '19:45',
// // stopTime: 10,
// // pkgs: '-',
// // coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
// // },
// {
// rowNo: '8',
// batch: '2',
// hospital: '艾迪康',
// address: '济南市天桥区田家庄东路4号',
// dateTime: '20:45',
// stopTime: 5,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.97534100,36.69010900'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '9',
// batch: '2',
// hospital: '济南西站对接点',
// address: '济南市槐荫区齐鲁大道6号',
// dateTime: '21:10',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '116.89177900,36.66887900'
// },
// // {
// // rowNo: '10',
// // batch: '2',
// // hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
// // address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
// // dateTime: '21:45',
// // stopTime: 15,
// // pkgs: '-',
// // coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900'
// // },
// {
// rowNo: '11',
// batch: '2',
// hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
// address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
// dateTime: '22:40',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
// }
// ]
// }
// ]
DepartureList: [
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '06:30',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处(王东)',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '06:30',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '',
name: '王东',
plate: '鲁A73HU8'
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '尹逊武家',
address: '山东省济南市历城区北园大街57号',
dateTime: '07:30',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.05366200,36.69689900',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: '',
name: '尹逊武',
plate: '济南2595139'
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '贾超家',
address: '山东省济南市天桥区堤口路92号',
dateTime: '07:30',
stopTime: 40,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.96820700,36.67044400',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: '',
name: '贾超',
plate: '济南2387803'
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处(闫东梅)',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '08:20',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: '',
name: '闫东梅',
plate: '济南2566793'
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '王杰杰家',
address: '山东省济南市济阳区纬三路',
dateTime: '08:30',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.19164300,36.97907100',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: '',
name: '王杰杰',
plate: '济南1830603'
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处(王斌)',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '10:00',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '',
name: '王斌',
plate: '鲁A6E5U6'
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处(郝建振)',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '10:00',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '',
name: '郝建振',
plate: '鲁A257TR'
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处(孙天麟)',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '14:00',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '',
name: '孙天麟',
plate: '鲁A2Q3C2'
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '08:00',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州办事处',
address: '德州市德城区世纪嘉园小区',
dateTime: '08:40',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.33733900,37.42873700',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: '',
name: '路飞',
plate: '德州1333887'
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津联络处',
address: '山东省德州市夏津县',
dateTime: '09:00',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.00172600,36.94837100',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '',
name: '宗珂',
plate: '鲁A75A1N'
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '08:00',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城联络处',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
dateTime: '08:00',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500',
isOrigin: 'Y',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '',
name: '田耀中',
plate: '鲁A790Z9'
methods: {
getDate() {
this.date = new Date()
cityChage(e) {
// 即时规划
instantPlanning() {
this.cloneData.batch = this.currentData.batch
this.cloneData.departureDate = this.currentData.departureDate
let obj = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
if (this.index == 4) {
if (this.currentData.batch == '第一批') {
obj.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
obj.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
obj.batch = '第一批'
this.$store.dispatch('setOrder', JSON.stringify(obj))
} else {
obj.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 2)
obj.customerData.unshift(this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1'))
obj.departure = this.cloneData.customerData[this.cloneData.customerData.length - 1].hospital
obj.batch = '第二批'
this.$store.dispatch('setOrder', JSON.stringify(obj))
} else {
this.$store.dispatch('setOrder', JSON.stringify(this.cloneData))
this.$router.push({ path: '/about1' })
nextStep() {
if (!this.checkeData.length) {
this.$store.dispatch('setDepart', JSON.stringify(this.checkeData))
this.$router.push({ path: '/target' })
// 下一个
nextOrder() {
if (this.index == this.orginData.length - 1) {
this.cloneData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
this.currentData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.currentData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
// this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
// 上一个
lastOrder() {
if (this.index == 0) {
this.cloneData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
this.currentData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.currentData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
// this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
// 下一批
nextCargo() {
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 2)
this.currentData.departure = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
this.currentData.batch = '第二批'
// 上一批
lastCargo() {
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData[0].dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
created() {
this.city = this.$store.state.app.city || '济南'
this.$bus.$on('selecte', e => (this.checkeData = e))
mounted() {},
destroyed() {
// this.$bus.$off('selecte')
watch: {
city: {
handler: function (val) {
switch (val) {
case '济南':
this.$store.dispatch('setCity', val)
this.currentData = this.DepartureList[0]?.customerData
this.currentData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
case '德州':
this.$store.dispatch('setCity', val)
this.currentData = this.DepartureList[1]?.customerData
this.currentData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
case '聊城':
this.$store.dispatch('setCity', val)
this.currentData = this.DepartureList[2]?.customerData
this.currentData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
deep: true,
immediate: true
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.title {
padding: 10px;
.header-text {
font-size: 36px;
font-weight: 800;
.fixed-bottom-right {
// position: absolute;
margin-top: 80px;
bottom: 20px;
right: 0px;
width: 100%;
<div class="index-container">
<div class="warpper">
<h1 class="demo-home__title">
<img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/fonghehe/picture/vue-h5-template/logo.png" /><span> VUE H5开发模板</span>
<h2 class="demo-home__desc">A vue h5 template with Vant UI</h2>
<div class="title">
<van-row type="flex" justify="space-around">
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">业务员:{{ currentData.name }}</van-col>
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">车牌号:{{ currentData.plate }}</van-col>
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">批次:{{ currentData.batch }}</van-col>
<van-row type="flex" style="margin-top: 15px" justify="space-around">
<van-col span="8" class="header-text">
出发地: <span>{{ currentData.departure }}</span>
<van-col span="8" class="header-text"> 目的地:{{ currentData.arrival }} </van-col>
<van-col span="8" class="header-text" style="display: flex">
出发时间:<van-field v-model="currentData.departureDate" size="small" placeholder="请输入时间"
<Table-vant :option="option" :tableData="currentData.customerData"></Table-vant>
<div class="fixed-bottom-right">
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="nextOrder()">下一个</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="primary" @click="instantPlanning">即时规划</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="warning" @click="nextCargo()">下一批</van-button>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-top: 10px">
<van-button round plain type="info" @click="lastOrder()">上一个</van-button>
<van-button round plain type="warning" @click="lastCargo()">上一批</van-button>
<van-cell icon="success" v-for="item in list" :key="item" :title="item" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import TableVant from '@/components/Table.vue'
import { Toast } from 'vant'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
components: { TableVant },
data() {
return {
index: 0,
date: '',
cloneData: {},
currentData: {
name: '',
plate: '',
batch: '第一批',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '',
customerData: []
option: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px'
label: '途经',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '230px'
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '状态',
tableDataprop: 'status',
width: '50px'
orginData: [
name: '王东',
plate: '鲁A73HU8',
departure: '济南迪安中心办事处',
arrival: '济南样本室对接点',
departureDate: '07:30',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '6:30',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
// {
// rowNo: '2',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
// address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
// dateTime: '6:50',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: "-",
// coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
// },
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南西站对接点',
address: '济南市槐荫区齐鲁大道6号',
dateTime: '7:50',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.89177900,36.66887900'
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南和合医学检验有限公司',
address: '槐荫区美里湖555号路海那城总部42号楼',
dateTime: '8:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.91937000,36.72000800'
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东第一医科大学附属皮肤病医院',
address: '济南市经十路27397号',
dateTime: '9:30',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.92826100,36.65210900'
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东禾力升医学检验实验室有限公司',
address: '济南市市中区南辛庄西路丰润 怡邻居西门',
dateTime: '10:00',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.96255900,36.63623600'
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '市中慢病第四人民医院青龙山分院',
address: '山东省济南市市中区南辛庄西路272号',
dateTime: '10:20',
stopTime: 40,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.95988200,36.62819100'
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省医学科学院放射医学研究所',
address: '济南经十路89号9956',
dateTime: '11:15',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01788200,36.64911300'
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省分析测试中心',
address: '山东省济南市历下区科院路19号详情',
dateTime: '11:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04783900,36.64556100'
// {
// rowNo: '10',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南汇安健康管理有限公司历下门诊部',
// address: '济南市历下区文化西路15号',
// dateTime: '12:05',
// stopTime: 120,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.03081400,36.65417800'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '11',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '武警山东总队医院',
// address: '山东省济南市历下区浆水泉路12--8号',
// dateTime: '14:45',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.08718600,36.65631700'
// },
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
name: '路飞',
plate: '德州1333887',
departure: '德州办事处',
arrival: '德州办事处',
departureDate: '08:30',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州办事处',
address: '德州市德城区世纪嘉园小区',
dateTime: '8:40',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.33733900,37.42873700'
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州交通医院',
address: '德城区东风中路389号',
dateTime: '9:15',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 2,
coordinate: '116.31887300,37.44295900'
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市人民医院',
address: '德州市新湖大街1751号',
dateTime: '9:47',
stopTime: 100,
pkgs: 41,
coordinate: '116.30555600,37.45116400'
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市人民医院(特检)',
address: '德州市新湖大街1751号',
dateTime: '11:32',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 1,
coordinate: '116.30555600,37.45116400'
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市立医院对接点',
address: '德州市德城区三八中路1766号',
dateTime: '11:55',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200'
// {
// rowNo: '6',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德州市立医院',
// address: '山东省德州市德城区三八路1766号',
// dateTime: '12:55',
// stopTime: 90,
// pkgs: 2,
// coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '7',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '德棉医院',
// address: '德州市运河开发区纺织大街522号',
// dateTime: '14:37',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: "-",
// coordinate: '116.27572300,37.45761700'
// },
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州汽车站对接点',
address: '德州市德城区东风路1667号',
dateTime: '15:12',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.29082500,37.44405800'
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州办事处',
address: '德州市德城区世纪嘉园小区',
dateTime: '15:52',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.33733900,37.42873700'
name: '田耀中',
plate: '鲁A790Z9',
departure: '聊城联络处',
arrival: '聊城联络处对接点',
departureDate: '09:30',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城联络处',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
dateTime: '8:00',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500'
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区侯营镇卫生院',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区侯营镇侯营村',
dateTime: '8:35',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.88725200,36.39946400'
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区和光诊所',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区柳园街道陈口路金柱大学城A区30幢s30-113号商铺',
dateTime: '9:12',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.01666300,36.44393800'
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区韩集镇卫生院',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区韩集镇政府',
dateTime: '9:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.18228000,36.40897800'
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '茌平万里行中医诊所',
address: '聊城市茌平县建设路1416号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.21077700,36.56289800'
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区人民医院',
address: '聊城市茌平县文化路99号',
dateTime: '11:00',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24962100,36.57960700'
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区中医医院',
address: '聊城市茌平区新政西路1163号',
dateTime: '11:22',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24271400,36.58568300'
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '茌平县和睦家妇科诊所',
address: '茌平县三产院内',
dateTime: '12:22',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.23697900,36.58427100'
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区温陈街道社区卫生服务中心',
address: '聊城市茌平区温陈街道',
dateTime: '12:47',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24984700,36.59027400'
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区胡屯镇卫生院',
address: '聊城市茌平区新政西路1163号',
dateTime: '13:12',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24271400,36.58568300'
rowNo: '11',
batch: '1',
hospital: '高唐县中医院',
address: '高唐县东兴路16号',
dateTime: '13:52',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.25357800,36.85772200'
rowNo: '12',
batch: '1',
hospital: '高唐县人民医院',
address: '山东省高唐县金城西路99号',
dateTime: '14:17',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.22798600,36.86687600'
rowNo: '13',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区第二人民医院',
address: '茌平县博平镇政府街',
dateTime: '15:04',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.11760000,36.58789400'
// {
// rowNo: '14',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇卫生院',
// address: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇政府驻地',
// dateTime: '15:47',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '116.06041900,36.39670700'
// },
rowNo: '15',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城汽车总站对接点',
address: '聊城市东昌府区建设路与柳园北路交汇处西北角',
dateTime: '16:22',
stopTime: 8,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '115.98847500,36.47286500'
// {
// rowNo: '16',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '聊城市东昌府区妇幼保健院(两癌)',
// address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区振兴西路129号',
// dateTime: '16:40',
// stopTime: 50,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '115.95710000,36.46834600'
// },
rowNo: '17',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城联络处',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
dateTime: '17:43',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500'
rowNo: '18',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城联络处对接点',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
dateTime: '18:18',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500'
name: '尹逊武',
plate: '济南2595139',
departure: '尹逊武家',
arrival: '尹逊武家',
departureDate: '06:30',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '尹逊武家',
address: '山东省济南市历城区北园大街57号',
dateTime: '7:30',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.05366200,36.69689900'
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东大学齐鲁医院',
address: '济南市文化西路107号',
dateTime: '8:50',
stopTime: 190,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01839000,36.65659000'
// {
// rowNo: '3',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东省中医院(西院)',
// address: '山东省济南市文化西路42号',
// dateTime: '11:25',
// stopTime: 30,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.02325300,36.65510600'
// },
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市中医医院1',
address: '山东省济南市槐荫区美里路555号海那城总部24号楼101单元401',
dateTime: '12:05',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.91984000,36.72078200'
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南丽合医疗美容医院有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市历下区黑虎泉北路61号',
dateTime: '13:15',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.03587900,36.67266400'
// {
// rowNo: '6',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东省千佛山医院',
// address: '经十路山师东路',
// dateTime: '13:40',
// stopTime: 20,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.04485100,36.64754900'
// },
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东第一医科大学第一附属医院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区经十路16766号',
dateTime: '14:05',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04244800,36.64765800'
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东大学齐鲁医院',
address: '济南市文化西路107号',
dateTime: '14:40',
stopTime: 140,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01839000,36.65659000'
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
dateTime: '17:25',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900'
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '尹逊武家',
address: '山东省济南市历城区北园大街57号',
dateTime: '18:10',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.05366200,36.69689900'
name: '孙天麟',
plate: '鲁A2Q3C2',
departure: '济南迪安中心办事处',
arrival: '济南样本室对接点',
departureDate: '09:30',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '14:00',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南佰年颐堂中医医院有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市历城区工业北路180号院内办公楼2号楼1层',
dateTime: '14:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.26118400,36.63685400'
// {
// rowNo: '3',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东元辰生物医药科技集团有限公司',
// address: '华山街道丑父路135号华山片区安置区二区S3号楼商业区四层',
// dateTime: '15:20',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.06162300,36.68773700'
// },
// {
// rowNo: '4',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '山东大学第二医院(检验科)',
// address: '山东大学第二医院(检验科)',
// dateTime: '15:50',
// stopTime: 30,
// pkgs: 100,
// coordinate: '117.04054100,36.69042100'
// },
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院',
address: '山东省济南市无影山中路12号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 60,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98967800,36.68406100'
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
dateTime: '17:45',
stopTime: 60,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900'
// {
// rowNo: '7',
// batch: '1',
// hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
// address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
// dateTime: '19:45',
// stopTime: 10,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
// },
rowNo: '8',
batch: '2',
hospital: '艾迪康',
address: '济南市天桥区田家庄东路4号',
dateTime: '20:45',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.97534100,36.69010900'
rowNo: '9',
batch: '2',
hospital: '济南西站对接点',
address: '济南市槐荫区齐鲁大道6号',
dateTime: '21:10',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '116.89177900,36.66887900'
// {
// rowNo: '10',
// batch: '2',
// hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
// address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
// dateTime: '21:45',
// stopTime: 15,
// pkgs: '-',
// coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900'
// },
rowNo: '11',
batch: '2',
hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '22:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: '-',
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500'
methods: {
getDate() {
this.date = new Date()
// 即时规划
instantPlanning() {
this.cloneData.batch = this.currentData.batch
this.cloneData.departureDate = this.currentData.departureDate
let obj = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
if (this.index == 4) {
if (this.currentData.batch == '第一批') {
obj.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
obj.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
obj.batch = '第一批'
this.$store.dispatch('setOrder', JSON.stringify(obj))
} else {
obj.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 2)
obj.customerData.unshift(this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1'))
obj.departure = this.cloneData.customerData[this.cloneData.customerData.length - 1].hospital
obj.batch = '第二批'
this.$store.dispatch('setOrder', JSON.stringify(obj))
} else {
this.$store.dispatch('setOrder', JSON.stringify(this.cloneData))
this.$router.push({ path: '/about' })
// 下一个
nextOrder() {
if (this.index == this.orginData.length - 1) {
this.cloneData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
this.currentData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.currentData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
// this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
// 上一个
lastOrder() {
if (this.index == 0) {
this.cloneData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
this.currentData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.currentData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
// this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
// 下一批
nextCargo() {
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 2)
this.currentData.departure = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
this.currentData.batch = '第二批'
// 上一批
lastCargo() {
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData[0].dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
created() {
this.orginData.forEach(item => item.customerData.forEach(item1 => (item1.status = '未去')))
this.cloneData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
this.currentData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
console.log('cloneData', this.cloneData)
let list = ref([
'VantUI 组件按需加载',
'Sass 全局样式',
'Webpack 4',
'Vuex 状态管理',
'Axios 封装及接口管理',
'Webpack 4 vue.config.js 基础配置',
'配置 proxy 跨域',
'配置 alias 别名',
'配置 打包分析',
'配置 externals 引入 cdn 资源',
'去掉 console.log',
'splitChunks 单独打包第三方模块',
'添加 IE 兼容',
'Eslint+Pettier 统一开发规范'
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.index-container {
.warpper {
padding: 24px;
background: #fff;
.demo-home__title {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
margin: 0 0 6px;
font-size: 56px;
.demo-home__title img,
.demo-home__title span {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
img {
width: 64px;
span {
margin-left: 16px;
font-weight: 500;
.demo-home__desc {
text-align: center;
margin: 0 0 20px;
color: rgba(69, 90, 100, 0.6);
font-size: 28px;
.title {
padding: 10px;
.header-text {
font-size: 24px;
font-weight: 800;
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margin: 12px 0px;
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height: 56px;
line-height: 56px;
background: #ebf1f7;
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font-size: 36px;
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font-size: 48px;
height: 56px;
line-height: 56px;
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// position: absolute;
margin-top: 80px;
bottom: 20px;
right: 0px;
width: 100%;
<div class="title">
<van-row type="flex" style="margin-top: 15px" justify="space-around">
<van-col span="24" class="header-text" style="display: flex">
<select name="pets" id="pet-select" v-model="city" class="city" @change="cityChage($event)">
<option v-for="item in cityOptions" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</option>
<div style="width: 100%; overflow-x: auto">
<Table-vant :option="option" :tableData="resultData" width="790px">
<template v-slot:startTime="{ item }">
<div>{{ item.startTime | formatDate('hh:mm:ss') }}</div>
<template v-slot:lastArrivalTime="{ item }">
<div>{{ item.lastArrivalTime | formatDate('hh:mm:ss') }}</div>
<template v-slot:opreate="{ item }">
<button class="text-button" @click="geDetail(item)">详情</button>
import TableVant from '@/components/Table.vue'
import { getPlan, getSession } from '@/api/user.js'
import { Toast } from 'vant'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
name: '',
props: {},
components: { TableVant },
data() {
return {
city: '',
targetData: [],
departureData: [],
cityOptions: [
{ label: '济南', value: '济南' },
{ label: '德州', value: '德州' },
{ label: '聊城', value: '聊城' }
resultData: [
address: '',
batch: '',
coordinate: '',
dateTime: '',
hospital: '',
pkgs: '',
rowNo: '1',
status: '',
stopTime: ''
option: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
width: '50px',
align: 'center'
label: '取件人',
tableDataprop: 'name',
width: '50px'
label: '规划路线',
tableDataprop: 'path',
width: '300px'
label: '总里程',
tableDataprop: 'totalDistance',
width: '80px'
label: '总耗时',
tableDataprop: 'totalTimes',
width: '80px'
label: '出发时间',
tableDataprop: 'startTime',
width: '80px'
label: '回程时间',
tableDataprop: 'lastArrivalTime',
width: '80px'
label: '操作',
tableDataprop: 'opreate',
width: '80px',
align: 'center'
computed: {},
watch: {},
methods: {
geDetail(e) {
this.$store.dispatch('setCurentData', JSON.stringify(e))
this.$router.push({ path: '/about1', query: { data: JSON.stringify(e) } })
getSessionId() {
let params = {
client_id: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_secret: 'c6602114c9ba488b877d0d84b0e5e700',
scope: 'read'
getSession(params, {}).then(res => {
this.accessToken = res.access_token
this.initData([...this.departureData, ...this.targetData])
// 请求数据案例
initData(list) {
duration: 0
console.log('123', list)
let arr = _.cloneDeep(list)
const data = {
region: this.city,
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '06:30',
customerData: arr
const params = {
method: 'GetRouteMatrix_test',
format: 'json',
sessionId: this.accessToken,
sign: '203EF639BA15A6E001B59DB78AB81470B7893CAF',
appKey: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
v: '1.0'
getPlan(data, params)
.then(res => {
let newArr = JSON.parse(res).returnModel
console.log('返回的数据', newArr)
newArr.forEach(item => {
item.data.forEach((e, index) => {
e.distance = e.distance.toFixed(2)
e.hospital = e.returnName
e.status = '未去'
e.coordinate = e.destination
e.isOrigin = 'N'
if (index == item.data.length - 1) {
e.pkgs = 0
} else {
e.pkgs = 100
// e.distance.toFixed(2)
this.resultData = newArr
console.log('aaaaa', this.resultData)
let arrs = this.resultData
arrs.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
.catch(() => {})
created() {
this.city = this.$store.state.app.city
this.targetData = this.$store.getters.getTarget
this.departureData = JSON.parse(this.$store.state.app.depart)
this.resultData = JSON.parse(this.$store.state.app.order)
mounted() {}
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.header-text {
font-size: 36px;
font-weight: 800;
<div class="title">
<van-row type="flex" style="margin-top: 15px" justify="space-around">
<van-col span="24" class="header-text" style="display: flex">
<!-- <van-datetime-picker v-model="currentData.departureDate" type="time" title="选择时间" /> -->
<!-- <van-field v-model="currentData.departureDate" label="出发时间" placeholder="请输入出发时间" /> -->
<select name="pets" id="pet-select" class="city" v-model="city">
<option v-for="item in cityOptions" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">{{ item.label }}</option>
<!-- 出发时间:<van-field v-model="currentData.departureDate" size="small" placeholder="请输入时间" /> -->
<div style="width: 100%; overflow-x: auto; margin-bottom: 50px">
<Table-vant :option="option" :tableData="currentData" :showCheck="true" width="480px">
<template v-slot:dateTime="{ item }">
<input type="text" v-model="item.dateTime" style="width: 80%; height: 25px" />
<template v-slot:vehicleType="{ item }">
<div>{{ item.vehicleType == 1 ? '电动汽车' : '电动车' }}</div>
<div class="fixed-bottom-right">
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; margin-top: 10px">
<!-- <van-button round plain type="primary" @click="instantPlanning">即时规划</van-button> -->
<van-button round plain type="primary" @click="nextStep">下一步</van-button>
import TableVant from '@/components/Table.vue'
import { getPlan, getSession } from '@/api/user.js'
import { Toast } from 'vant'
import _ from 'lodash'
export default {
components: { TableVant },
data() {
return {
index: 0,
date: '',
cloneData: {},
checkeData: [],
city: '',
currentData: [],
departureData: [],
cityOptions: [
{ label: '济南', value: '济南' },
{ label: '德州', value: '德州' },
{ label: '聊城', value: '聊城' }
option: {
column: [
label: '序号',
tableDataprop: 'rowNo',
align: 'center',
width: '50px'
label: '目标点',
tableDataprop: 'hospital',
width: '210px'
label: '取样数',
tableDataprop: 'pkgs',
width: '50px',
align: 'right'
label: '取样时间',
tableDataprop: 'dateTime',
width: '80px'
label: '使用工具',
tableDataprop: 'vehicleType',
width: '80px'
TargetList: [
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '06:30',
customerData: [
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南西站对接点',
address: '济南市槐荫区齐鲁大道6号',
dateTime: '07:50',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.89177900,36.66887900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南和合医学检验有限公司',
address: '槐荫区美里湖555号路海那城总部42号楼',
dateTime: '08:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.91937000,36.72000800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '09:00,10:00'
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东第一医科大学附属皮肤病医院',
address: '济南市经十路27397号',
dateTime: '09:30',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.92826100,36.65210900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: '09:00,11:30'
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东禾力升医学检验实验室有限公司',
address: '济南市市中区南辛庄西路丰润 怡邻居西门',
dateTime: '10:00',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.96255900,36.63623600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '市中慢病第四人民医院青龙山分院',
address: '山东省济南市市中区南辛庄西路272号',
dateTime: '10:20',
stopTime: 40,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.95988200,36.62819100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省医学科学院放射医学研究所',
address: '济南经十路89号9956',
dateTime: '11:15',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01788200,36.64911300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省分析测试中心',
address: '山东省济南市历下区科院路19号详情',
dateTime: '11:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04783900,36.64556100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南汇安健康管理有限公司历下门诊部',
address: '济南市历下区文化西路15号',
dateTime: '12:05',
stopTime: 120,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.03081400,36.65417800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '武警山东总队医院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区浆水泉路12--8号',
dateTime: '14:45',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.08718600,36.65631700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '11',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南样本室对接点',
address: '济南市历下区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东大学齐鲁医院',
address: '济南市文化西路107号',
dateTime: '08:50',
stopTime: 190,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01839000,36.65659000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省中医院(西院)',
address: '山东省济南市文化西路42号',
dateTime: '11:25',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.02325300,36.65510600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: '09:00,12:00'
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市中医医院1',
address: '山东省济南市槐荫区美里路555号海那城总部24号楼101单元401',
dateTime: '12:05',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.91984000,36.72078200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南丽合医疗美容医院有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市历下区黑虎泉北路61号',
dateTime: '13:15',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.03587900,36.67266400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省千佛山医院',
address: '经十路山师东路',
dateTime: '13:40',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04485100,36.64754900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东第一医科大学第一附属医院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区经十路16766号',
dateTime: '14:05',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04244800,36.64765800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南长途汽车总站对接点',
address: '济南市天桥区济洛路131号',
dateTime: '17:25',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '116.99360600,36.68543900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省省立医院东院',
address: '山东省济南市历下区经十路9677号',
dateTime: '09:05',
stopTime: 90,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12129000,36.66338600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省省立医院东院(特检)',
address: '山东省济南市历下区经十路9667号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.03401900,36.64879400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '新华卓越门诊部(济南)有限公司',
address: '济南市历下区龙奥北路8-4号玉兰广场2号楼3层',
dateTime: '11:20',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12426800,36.65054700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市历下区姚家办事处仁合社区卫生服务站',
address: '济南市历下区荆山路438-62号',
dateTime: '11:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.07670700,36.64310600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南迪安中心办事处',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2755号',
dateTime: '12:40',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13394400,36.67904500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南云康达安医学检验实验室有限公司',
address: '济南市高新区颖秀路2766号迪亚产业园东楼二楼',
dateTime: '13:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13506400,36.67946300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南爱新卓尔医学检验有限公司',
address: '济南市历下区天辰路1318',
dateTime: '13:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.13495300,36.68222100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南高新区雅居园社区卫生服务站',
address: '济南高新区雅居园小区北门商 用房1期2区1号楼1单元 2201.202.203室',
dateTime: '14:15',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12526800,36.67245200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立医院',
address: '济南市经五纬七路324号',
dateTime: '08:25',
stopTime: 210,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98415700,36.65685700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市槐荫区西市场办事处纬十路社区卫生服务站',
address: '济南市槐荫区经三纬十一路330号',
dateTime: '12:05',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.97392000,36.65924000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市天桥区纬北经纬嘉园社区卫生服务站',
address: '经一路经纬嘉园住宅小区141-31号',
dateTime: '16:30',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '120.08842500,30.87737500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市槐荫区五里沟公祥街社区卫生服务站',
address: '槐荫区纬五路39-7',
dateTime: '16:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98715800,36.66398400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东光正眼科医院有限公司',
address: '济南市市中区经二路223号',
dateTime: '17:15',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.99099400,36.66410100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东光正眼科医院有限公司',
address: '济南市市中区经二路223号',
dateTime: '17:15',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.99099400,36.66410100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省康复医院',
address: '历城区唐冶新区围子山路3126号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.24190100,36.68823600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东水发生命科学研究有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市高新区大正路1777号生命科学城13号楼一层',
dateTime: '11:50',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.32744800,36.70332300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '章丘慢性病防治所对接点',
address: '济南市章丘区唐王山路1099号',
dateTime: '12:40',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 0,
coordinate: '117.53489000,36.69297100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南万泉生物技术有限公司',
address: '济南市高新区港兴三路北段一号济南药谷研发平台区1号楼A座1305',
dateTime: '14:05',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22268400,36.66921200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '健颐生物(药谷)',
address: '济南市历城区港兴三路济南药谷1号楼A座25楼',
dateTime: '14:25',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22278300,36.66978200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东惠然生物科技有限公司',
address: '高新区港兴三路北段1号济南市药谷研发平台区2号楼1801房间',
dateTime: '14:45',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22239900,36.66859400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东富优生命科学有限公司',
address: '山东富优生命科学有限公司',
dateTime: '15:05',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22283000,36.67004000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省齐鲁细胞治疗工程技术有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市高新区港兴三路1109号',
dateTime: '16:05',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.22257900,36.65528700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南高新开发区景琪综合门诊有限公司',
address: '高新区舜华路街道街道华奥路77号东鲁凤凰上都6-104',
dateTime: '16:35',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.15647200,36.65323700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市历下区龙洞办事处社区卫生服务中心',
address: '历下区龙洞办事处锦屏家园龙锦生活广场10号楼02号铺',
dateTime: '17:05',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12264500,36.62768600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南佰年颐堂中医医院有限公司',
address: '山东省济南市历城区工业北路180号院内办公楼2号楼1层',
dateTime: '14:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.26118400,36.63685400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东元辰生物医药科技集团有限公司',
address: '华山街道丑父路135号华山片区安置区二区S3号楼商业区四层',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06162300,36.68773700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东大学第二医院(检验科)',
address: '山东大学第二医院(检验科)',
dateTime: '15:50',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04054100,36.69042100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院',
address: '山东省济南市无影山中路12号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 60,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98967800,36.68406100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '艾迪康',
address: '济南市天桥区田家庄东路4号',
dateTime: '20:45',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.97534100,36.69010900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '历城奇鲁诊所',
address: '七里堡东路84号4号',
dateTime: '10:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.07034900,36.69118200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院(新城社区卫生服务中心)',
address: '济南市天桥区新黄路2567号',
dateTime: '11:25',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.01213500,36.70852500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院(药山站点)',
address: '山东省济南市天桥区药山西路南端',
dateTime: '11:50',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.96048900,36.71312700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省立第三医院(济南市天桥人民医院)',
address: '济南市天桥区天桥街25号',
dateTime: '12:40',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.96048900,36.71312700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市市中区七里山街道泉景天沅社区卫生服务站',
address: '济南市市中区郎茂山路4号101号',
dateTime: '13:15',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98310000,36.62614400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省南山医院有限责任公司',
address: '济南市市中区英雄山路134号',
dateTime: '13:40',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98310000,36.62614400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '山东省南山医院有限责任公司(艾迪康站点)',
address: '济南市市中区英雄山路134号',
dateTime: '12:30',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.00314900,36.62241000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市历下区第二人民医院',
address: '济南市历下区东关大街57号',
dateTime: '14:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04394500,36.67837900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南三株酵本草医院有限公司',
address: '济南市历城区山大北路77-6号',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06090000,36.67966900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市历城区妇幼保健计划生育服务中心(两癌)',
address: '济南市历城区洪楼西路45号',
dateTime: '15:35',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06136300,36.68004900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '历城中医院',
address: '济南市历城区洪家楼南路26号',
dateTime: '15:55',
stopTime: 40,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06652000,36.68147900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南远大中医脑康医院有限公司',
address: '济南市历城区二环东路3889号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.07276600,36.67283300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南伊美尔整形美容医院有限公司',
address: '济南市解放路30-1号',
dateTime: '17:05',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06004900,36.66592800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市中心医院(精准中心)',
address: '山东省济南市历城区解放路105号',
dateTime: '17:25',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.06652000,36.68147900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市中心医院(特检)',
address: '济南市历下区解放路105号',
dateTime: '17:40',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.04767000,36.66776700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区人民医院',
address: '济阳县纬六路9号',
dateTime: '09:10',
stopTime: 80,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.98330600,36.66371900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区中医医院(病理)',
address: '山东省济南市济阳区纬二路112号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.19134000,36.97515700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区中医医院',
address: '山东省济南市济阳区纬二路112号',
dateTime: '11:15',
stopTime: 120,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.19134000,36.97515700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区妇幼保健计划生育服务中心',
address: '山东省济南市济阳区老城街16号',
dateTime: '13:45',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.21862800,36.97423500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济南市济阳区妇幼保健院计划生育服务中心(站点)',
address: '济阳区济北街道开元大街166号',
dateTime: '14:30',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.17039900,36.97523800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济阳妇幼对接点',
address: '济阳区济北街道开元大街166号',
dateTime: '14:40',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.17039900,36.97523800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '济阳妇儿医院',
address: '济南市济 阳区德阳路与兴河街交叉口',
dateTime: '15:20',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '117.12511900,36.93419300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '08:00',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州交通医院',
address: '德城区东风中路389号',
dateTime: '09:15',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 2,
coordinate: '116.31887300,37.44295900',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市人民医院',
address: '德州市新湖大街1751号',
dateTime: '09:47',
stopTime: 100,
pkgs: 41,
coordinate: '116.30555600,37.45116400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市人民医院(特检)',
address: '德州市新湖大街1751号',
dateTime: '11:32',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 1,
coordinate: '116.30555600,37.45116400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市立医院对接点',
address: '德州市德城区三八中路1766号',
dateTime: '11:55',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州市立医院',
address: '山东省德州市德城区三八路1766号',
dateTime: '12:55',
stopTime: 90,
pkgs: 2,
coordinate: '116.29370300,37.45320200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德棉医院',
address: '德州市运河开发区纺织大街522号',
dateTime: '14:37',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.27572300,37.45761700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '德州汽车站对接点',
address: '德州市德城区东风路1667号',
dateTime: '15:12',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.29082500,37.44405800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '2',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '武城县妇幼保健计划生育服务中心(两癌)',
address: '山东省德州市武城县振华西街1536号',
dateTime: '09:50',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.06056800,37.21353300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '武城县老城镇仓上村卫生室',
address: '武城县老城镇仓上村',
dateTime: '10:30',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.94163900,37.11129600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '武城县老城镇新运社区卫生室',
address: '武城县老城镇',
dateTime: '10:45',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.89356900,37.14593200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '11',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津县中医院',
address: '夏津县经开区北外环路',
dateTime: '11:30',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.39217300,37.49376100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '12',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津三鹤血液透析有限公司',
address: '山东省德州市夏津县银城街道西关街142号',
dateTime: '12:25',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.01219400,36.95977800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '13',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津慎安血液透析中心有限公司',
address: '山东省德州市夏津县银城街道西关南街132号',
dateTime: '12:45',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.99462000,36.95193800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '14',
batch: '1',
hospital: '临清市老赵庄镇卫生院',
address: '老赵庄镇老赵庄村199号',
dateTime: '13:25',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.86014600,36.83849000',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '15',
batch: '1',
hospital: '李娅诊所',
address: '临清市黑庄民族小区',
dateTime: '13:55',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.73074700,36.84652300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '16',
batch: '1',
hospital: '临西县第二人民医院',
address: '河北省邢台市临西县河西镇顺河街7号',
dateTime: '14:25',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.68843100,36.85466500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '17',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市第二人民医院(特检)',
address: '聊城市临清市先锋街道办事处健康街306号',
dateTime: '14:45',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.70215500,36.85302700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '18',
batch: '1',
hospital: '百康诊所',
address: '临清市观澜国际B3西4户',
dateTime: '15:09',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.71547000,36.81913800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '19',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市第二人民医院(新院)',
address: '临清市315省道和新华路交汇处',
dateTime: '15:32',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.59475300,36.75968600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '20',
batch: '1',
hospital: '夏津联络处对接点',
address: '德州市夏津县泉林小区',
dateTime: '15:52',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.99405300,36.97021100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
name: '',
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '08:00',
customerData: [
rowNo: '1',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区侯营镇卫生院',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区侯营镇侯营村',
dateTime: '08:35',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.88725200,36.39946400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '2',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区和光诊所',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区柳园街道陈口路金柱大学城A区30幢s30-113号商铺',
dateTime: '09:12',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.01666300,36.44393800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '3',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区韩集镇卫生院',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区韩集镇政府',
dateTime: '09:55',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.18228000,36.40897800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '4',
batch: '1',
hospital: '茌平万里行中医诊所',
address: '聊城市茌平县建设路1416号',
dateTime: '10:40',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.21077700,36.56289800',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '5',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区人民医院',
address: '聊城市茌平县文化路99号',
dateTime: '11:00',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24962100,36.57960700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '6',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区中医医院',
address: '聊城市茌平区新政西路1163号',
dateTime: '11:22',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24271400,36.58568300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '7',
batch: '1',
hospital: '茌平县和睦家妇科诊所',
address: '茌平县三产院内',
dateTime: '12:22',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.23697900,36.58427100',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '8',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区温陈街道社区卫生服务中心',
address: '聊城市茌平区温陈街道',
dateTime: '12:47',
stopTime: 5,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24984700,36.59027400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '9',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区胡屯镇卫生院',
address: '聊城市茌平区新政西路1163号',
dateTime: '13:12',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.24271400,36.58568300',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '10',
batch: '1',
hospital: '高唐县中医院',
address: '高唐县东兴路16号',
dateTime: '13:52',
stopTime: 10,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.25357800,36.85772200',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '11',
batch: '1',
hospital: '高唐县人民医院',
address: '山东省高唐县金城西路99号',
dateTime: '14:17',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.22798600,36.86687600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '12',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区第二人民医院',
address: '茌平县博平镇政府街',
dateTime: '15:04',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.11760000,36.58789400',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '13',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇卫生院',
address: '聊城市茌平区洪官屯镇政府驻地',
dateTime: '15:47',
stopTime: 15,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '116.06041900,36.39670700',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '14',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城汽车总站对接点',
address: '聊城市东昌府区建设路与柳园北路交汇处西北角',
dateTime: '16:22',
stopTime: 8,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.98847500,36.47286500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '15',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城市东昌府区妇幼保健院(两癌)',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区振兴西路129号',
dateTime: '16:40',
stopTime: 50,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.95710000,36.46834600',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '16',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城联络处(回)',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
dateTime: '17:43',
stopTime: 30,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
rowNo: '17',
batch: '1',
hospital: '聊城联络处对接点',
address: '山东省聊城市东昌府区',
dateTime: '18:18',
stopTime: 20,
pkgs: 100,
coordinate: '115.98849100,36.43464500',
isOrigin: 'N',
vehicleType: '1',
timeInterval: ''
methods: {
getSessionId() {
this.$store.dispatch('setTarget', JSON.stringify(this.checkeData))
let params = {
client_id: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_secret: 'c6602114c9ba488b877d0d84b0e5e700',
scope: 'read'
getSession(params, {}).then(res => {
this.accessToken = res.access_token
// if (Array.isArray(this.targetData)) {
// this.initData([...this.departureData, ...this.targetData])
// } else {
// location.reload()
// this.initData([...this.departureData, ...this.targetData])
// }
this.initData([...JSON.parse(this.$store.state.app.depart), ...this.checkeData])
// 请求数据案例
initData(list) {
duration: 0
console.log('123', list)
let arr = _.cloneDeep(list)
const data = {
region: this.city,
plate: '',
departure: '',
arrival: '',
departureDate: '06:30',
customerData: arr
const params = {
method: 'GetRouteMatrix_test',
format: 'json',
sessionId: this.accessToken,
sign: '203EF639BA15A6E001B59DB78AB81470B7893CAF',
appKey: 'dd48c515fcde43bea0b5bd0b8f77e119',
v: '1.0'
getPlan(data, params)
.then(res => {
let newArr = JSON.parse(res).returnModel
console.log('返回的数据', newArr)
newArr.forEach(item => {
item.data.forEach((e, index) => {
e.distance = e.distance.toFixed(2)
e.hospital = e.returnName
e.status = '未去'
e.coordinate = e.destination
e.isOrigin = 'N'
if (index == item.data.length - 1) {
e.pkgs = 0
} else {
e.pkgs = 100
// e.distance.toFixed(2)
this.resultData = newArr
console.log('aaaaa', this.resultData)
let arrs = this.resultData
arrs.forEach((item, index) => {
item.rowNo = index + 1
this.$store.dispatch('setOrder', JSON.stringify(newArr))
this.$router.push({ path: '/result' })
.catch(() => {})
getDate() {
this.date = new Date()
// 即时规划
instantPlanning() {
if (!this.checkeData.length) {
this.$store.dispatch('setTarget', JSON.stringify(this.checkeData))
this.$router.push({ path: '/about1' })
nextStep() {
if (!this.checkeData.length) {
// 下一个
nextOrder() {
if (this.index == this.orginData.length - 1) {
this.cloneData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
this.currentData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.currentData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
// this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
// 上一个
lastOrder() {
if (this.index == 0) {
this.cloneData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
this.currentData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.currentData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
// this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
// 下一批
nextCargo() {
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 2)
this.currentData.departure = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
this.currentData.batch = '第二批'
// 上一批
lastCargo() {
if (this.index == 4) {
this.currentData.customerData = this.cloneData.customerData.filter(item => item.batch == 1)
this.currentData.arrival = this.cloneData.customerData.findLast(element => element.batch == '1').hospital
this.currentData.departureDate = this.cloneData.customerData[0].dateTime
this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
watch: {
city: {
handler: function (val) {
switch (val) {
case '济南':
this.$store.dispatch('setCity', val)
this.currentData = this.TargetList[0]?.customerData
this.currentData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
case '德州':
this.$store.dispatch('setCity', val)
this.currentData = this.TargetList[1]?.customerData
this.currentData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
case '聊城':
this.$store.dispatch('setCity', val)
this.currentData = this.TargetList[2]?.customerData
this.currentData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
deep: true,
immediate: true
created() {
this.$bus.$on('selecte', e => (this.checkeData = e))
this.city = this.$store.state.app.city
this.departureData = this.$route.query.departureData
// this.orginData.forEach(item => item.customerData.forEach(item1 => (item1.status = '未去')))
// this.cloneData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
// this.currentData = _.cloneDeep(this.orginData[this.index])
// this.currentData.batch = '第一批'
// this.currentData.customerData.shift()
// console.log('cloneData', this.cloneData)
// this.currentData.customerData.forEach((item, index) => (item.rowNo = index + 1))
// console.log(this.currentData.customerData)
// this.getDate()
destroyed() {
// 取消对bus事件的监听
// this.$bus.$off('selecte')
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......@@ -42,7 +43,13 @@ export default {
methods: {
handleChange(v) {
console.log('tab value:', v)
onClickLeft() {
onClickRight() {
......@@ -53,18 +53,29 @@ module.exports = defineConfig({
warnings: false,
errors: true
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
proxy: {
'/session': {
target: '',
// ws:true,
changOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/session': ''
'/apis': {
target: '',
// ws:true,
changOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/apis': ''
// proxy: {
// //配置跨域
// '/api': {
// target: "https://test.xxx.com",
// // ws:true,
// changOrigin:true,
// pathRewrite:{
// '^/api':'/'
// }
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css: {
extract: IS_PROD, // 是否将组件中的 CSS 提取至一个独立的 CSS 文件中 (而不是动态注入到 JavaScript 中的 inline 代码)。
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